Glycemic Index & Load Tracker Reviews

Glycemic Index & Load Tracker Reviews

Published by on 2023-09-26

About: Introducing the ultimate glycemic index app for those looking to maintain a
healthy lifestyle! The app features a comprehensive glycemic index & load chart,
making it easier for you to understand the impact of the foods you eat on your
blood sugar levels. With a glance, you'll be able to see which foods are low-GI
and high-GI, allowing you to make informed choices.

About Glycemic Index Load Tracker

Blood Sugar Control: Eating foods with a low glycemic index can help to keep blood sugar levels stable and reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Introducing the ultimate glycemic index app for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle! The app features a comprehensive glycemic index & load chart, making it easier for you to understand the impact of the foods you eat on your blood sugar levels.

Weight Loss: Eating foods with a low glycemic index can help to reduce hunger and cravings, leading to weight loss.

With a glance, you'll be able to see which foods are low-GI and high-GI, allowing you to make informed choices.

Improved Energy Levels: Eating foods with a low glycemic index can help to provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Reduced Risk of Heart Disease: Eating foods with a low glycemic index can help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Improved Digestion: Eating foods with a low glycemic index can help to improve digestion and reduce the risk of digestive issues.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 255 combined software reviews.

1329 Glycemic Index Load Tracker Reviews

4.1 out of 5



The foods have major errors in calories fat and carbs so it’s impossible to tell is glycemic index is correct. It tries to force you to pay for upgrade immed which is confusing. Wide list of foods but inaccuracies are inexcusable.


Instant Delete

GlycemicIndexLoadTracker might be good, but the developer decided to add a confusing and predatory screen after you open it for the first time. Without even letting you take a look at GlycemicIndexLoadTracker first, they present a page comparing the “free” version with the paid version. There is a huge green “Continue” button across the bottom. But if you click it it will try to get you to authorize the purchase of the paid version. And the “close” buttons are very faint little “x”s that are barely visible on the background. Unless you make an effort to find them, you would think your only option is to hit continue. This is social engineering at its worst. “Click continue! No, don’t think about it! You don’t need to think about it! Just click here!!” How many people don’t realize it and just double click apple’s “install” button after they click the bug friendly green button? The devs have not even shown us what GlycemicIndexLoadTracker looks like. It could install and just be a single page that says “sucker!” So yeah. Instant delete. Could be the best app on the planet but I’ll never know. Because I never reward tricky practices designed to confuse folks who aren’t paying close attention. Shame on this developer and I’d like to say shame on Apple for allowing this. But it isn’t Apple’s job to protect us from predatory vendors and our own tendency to click click through all the “continues” that every app throws at us.


Had to pay before finding out it sucked

GlycemicIndexLoadTracker is missing some very important items considering you have to pay for it and then couldn’t figure that out until after it was paid for it does not hold your filters in the recipe filters and it doesn’t have a low carb filter on the recipes which is important for diabetics.
I want my money back!


Hard to use

I'll go straight to 2 major items.
After you upgrade the GL is only within a selected food item.
These need to be alongside the GI number in the main view. Otherwise too cumbersome to compare.
Charting GI & GL needs some ease of use re-engineering.



As another review mentioned, it is bery easy to accidentally upgrade without meaning to. Don't even download GlycemicIndexLoadTracker and if you're downloading now, delete without opening.



I am having a hard time getting info and charting it. Don’t like GlycemicIndexLoadTracker at all! Asked for help, posted. No answer. Would love money back. Not using it.



Not posting my comments???


Bad app

Do not waste your money.


Need help but getting nowhere

I am trying to reach out for help. The email using the “support” email provided not working as my email keeps bouncing back. I shared on day 1 thru feedback GlycemicIndexLoadTracker was not what I hoped and I wanted to ask that my $14.99 be refunded and got no reply. Have tried twice to forward the same email to “support” and they keep bouncing back undeliverable. Please reach out to help.



Needs to allow users to view app without shoving price up front right away. Made me nervous not to see any features prior to a payment.


How do I get my money back

It says free and once I press continue I got charged.


Not useful. I would stay away

I thought this was a great idea to combine with my other apps yet I am incredibly disappointed. The god data base is incredibly limited, it is not intuitive, and it does not seem to interface with other health apps. Why do I need to enter my weight v just getting it from apple health?

Finally, I feel a bit ripped off. The in app purchase for the + was ) $17 yet I just saw the price at $11?

Bottom line: great idea but the execution is so bad it is virtually unusable.



It would be easier if the portion had other measurements such as numbers(strawberries) pounds, ounces, liters,etc…


Not able to use this on more than one device without repurchasing

I downloaded on IPad and purchased it. Later, when wanting to use it on IPhone I could not open full app unless I purchased it again. Not fair. Most of my use of app would be on my iPhone. I feel robbed.


Not worth it

I tried using GlycemicIndexLoadTracker. Database isn’t great and when trying to add to the daily journal it automatically enters values for 100g of the food. I didn’t have 100g so I’d have to research the values (GL, calories, net carbs, protein etc) myself and add manually. I don’t need to pay for an app to do that. Sorry I wasted my money


Wish I had not purchased this

I am trying to track glucose and the first thing I looked up was an Apple because I was about to eat one. Plain red apple. It was not in GlycemicIndexLoadTracker . Many exotic items were, but no red apple. Green, yes (and apple sauce, etc), but I know green are lower GI than red. Very disappointing. If it fails on such a basic level, not worth what I paid.


Not worth the money!

Very limited content and means to track food. Only allows you to track in grams, not ounces.


Doesn’t work

I couldn’t continue in GlycemicIndexLoadTracker without paying for ”plus features”. I then opted to pay to unlock “Plus Features” and I am stuck in a loop asking me to pay again. Extremely frustrating!


Waste of money

So far I haven’t found ANYTHING— just had to Google them. I’ve tried several foods, including almonds and pistachios. These are common snacks. Why aren’t they there?????
Thx for nothing. Return my money if you can. (Probably not, huh?).


Not what I thought

This tracker is horrible. Not what I thought it would be able to do. I wasted $17 to upgrade to premium features that a big come on. Do not fall for it!


Food database is poor

Type in apple and you’ll get info for applesauce and apple juice. Type in tomato and you get tomato juice.
If you are looking for low GI or GL foods, such as fresh foods not processed, this isn’t for you.


Terrible…seriously unhelpful.

$15 for an app that doesn’t even have simple normal foods listed. Never been more disappointed in a purchase ever.



Don’t waste your money. Database is so limited it’s useless.


Good start

Needs more options for serving sizes and the number of servings. Currently limited to predetermined serving size and number of servings is limited to one, so you have to enter an item multiple times. Example: more than one egg you have to re-enter for each egg you ate.


Awkward to use

You must enter amounts eaten in grams. For a person in the US this is awkward and difficult. Makes tracking cumbersome - need to weigh everything on a scale that registers grams. Doubt I will use it much unless I invest a bunch of time in weighing portions I typically eat.


Not what I expected

GlycemicIndexLoadTracker was not what I expected and after being charged over $20 for it and not being satisfied there’s no way to contact someone for a refund or and my subscription!


Horrible app! Don’t waste your money

Library is useless. MyFitnessPal is an example of a good library. If I could, I’d get my money back


No free trail, expensive

And very limited food that you can search
Disappointed waist of $20


Too few features in free version.

I was definitely considering upgrading if I found GlycemicIndexLoadTracker useful but when I went to try it it would not show me the glycemic load without a purchase & I consider the Glycemic Index without the glycemic load to be useless so I am just deleting to try other app that will at least be functional enough for me to try them out.


Needs a feed scanner.

Asked for refund after paying for upgraded feature since there is no food scanner. No response from company. Not happy with GlycemicIndexLoadTracker at all.


Helpful, but not easy

I’m using GlycemicIndexLoadTracker in conjunction with another logging app, so the glycemic index and load are helpful in making choices. As far as a recording app, being unable to modify amounts - a app portion is 100g, but the actual portion is 158g, or 1cup. I can’t even multiply the 100g to log 200g ( any other amount). I do the necessary math for myself, but can’t record it. It does help in providing information ( and practicing math)



No data for glycemic load available unless you purchase the upgrade.


Not perfect but bat bad either

I’ve been using GlycemicIndexLoadTracker for a few weeks now and it is a pretty convenient way to keep a record of what my stats are on a day to day basis. The food database is pretty good for getting a general idea of what foods are ok and what are not.

GlycemicIndexLoadTracker is pretty easy to use but it would help if users could tailor the food stats in something other than 100 gram increments. It would also be good to offer ounces as a measure for those of us in the US.

Overall, I think it’s worth the money. It’s not going to be super accurate given the variety of foods out there and the variety of portion sizes available. That’s just the reality of life I think. You can add foods to the database using the my foods option which helps a bit in this respect. It’s helpful to me but must be used in conjunction with other data sources to give a user a clear understanding of GI/GL. For a quick way to figure out if a food is good or not, it works well.



I am trying to cancel my subscription to GlycemicIndexLoadTracker. GlycemicIndexLoadTracker is fine, but it duplicates what I have, and another diabetes application. I’ve looked everywhere for the ability to cancel. I did not purchase this through Apple, so the subscription is not listed on my iPhone. Help!


Not Convient

I typed in Ranch and got nothing. It doesn’t specify enough to help with GI.



Not much information. Sorry I paid for it


Love it!

So far, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Only wish you had the ability to scan food barcodes - but not sure that would give you the GI or GL since most scanners are for calories, etc.


Not worth paying for premium

GlycemicIndexLoadTracker was really disappointing. I paid for the premium version because I thought it would be worth it but it’s not.


Very Nice App

This Application is very helpful to find the information about GI and GL.


Great app for new diabetics

Love being able to look up what the glycemic “numbers” are for foods. It’s definitely a useful tool!


Waiting for updates

It is a really good concept with the glycemic index and glycemic loads and I do refer to this fairly often. But like the other person said, it needs additional foods. Example apples, and the variety of different apples would sure be nice to know where they stand, I truly am looking forward to future updates with that regard.



The number of items is pretty limited and when you add your own, they can neither be edited or deleted so if you make an error it’s permanent.


Tiny database- no refund

Not worth the money. Database is limited and price is too high for what you get


Seems Worthless

I have just started with GlycemicIndexLoadTracker and, possibly mistakenly, assumed that I would be able to use it the same as I use “My Fitness Pal”. I have tried to search for a food and tried to add a food and each time GlycemicIndexLoadTracker returned “nothing found”.
At this point I feel that I have wasted my money and will not be using GlycemicIndexLoadTracker anymore.


Just what I needed

So far GlycemicIndexLoadTracker is just what I needed. Having both the glycemic index & the glycemic load works for me.

Is there anyway I can change the time set-up from 24 hour tme to 12 hour time?

Thanks so much for your app…great job!



I downloaded GlycemicIndexLoadTracker, and stupidly bought it before I tested it first. I would like a refund for the purchase price, please. GlycemicIndexLoadTracker is no good.



Doesn’t list many foods. Not worth $17



I’d love to jump in and use GlycemicIndexLoadTracker but basic foods are missing. If I have to load common foods (like blueberries) I could just make my own list/app. Also, I’d like to use Imperial measurements. Even though I’ve chosen this option I am still required to input foods in metric measurements. And I can find no ‘help’ file to assist me. I’m frustrated with the amount of money I spent on GlycemicIndexLoadTracker.


Not that helpful

GlycemicIndexLoadTracker has a very small database and is hard to log food. I


Pretty good

I wish there were more foods in the database but for what is there it’s helpful.


Cannot be trusted

I cannot believe I paid for GlycemicIndexLoadTracker. I’ve found so many errors that I cannot use it anymore because it cannot be trusted. If I relied on this it could truly harm my diabetic family member. Also way too much junk food listed while real foods are left out, but when the numbers are wrong anyway it doesn’t matter. EXAMPLE — potatoes rate very high but potato salad is ok and showing GI and GL as both low/green. Wrong! So disappointed and wasted $25.


Really limited database

Save your money and just Google load and index of your foods- the apps database is very limited.


Can’t change measurement system

Can’t change from metric to imperial.


Great app!

One of the best apps I have used. All the functions work. There are a number of different ways to sort lists in addition to search. I especially like the ability to change portion size to get GL rather than just 100gm like most lists out there. Thank you for not making me purchase a monthly subscription! I purchased the premium to be able to use all the features, but it is usable in free version if all you need is GI number value and you can still see the color for GL indicating high, medium, or low.


Tricked into paying

I feel like I was duped. GlycemicIndexLoadTracker sounded perfect til I had to pay first before accessing. I signed up and paid and then entered GlycemicIndexLoadTracker . It was immediately clear that this was not as expected or promoted. There is no contact information and I cannot find a way to get a refund.


Can’t put on my phone without repurchasing!

I bought this on my iPad, and when I opened it on my phone, it wanted me to pay again. Also, I find it has fewer foods than I am accustomed to on food lists.

Is Glycemic Index Load Tracker Safe?

Yes. Glycemic Index & Load Tracker is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 255 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.1/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Glycemic Index Load Tracker Is 38.7/100.

Is Glycemic Index Load Tracker Legit?

Yes. Glycemic Index & Load Tracker is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 255 Glycemic Index & Load Tracker User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Glycemic Index Load Tracker Is 55.6/100..

Is Glycemic Index & Load Tracker not working?

Glycemic Index & Load Tracker works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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