The in app purchases for this game start at five bucks and ends at EIGHTY. Yes eighty dollars, for a character skin, no ads, a coin multiplier, and an in game upgrade.
Even five dollars for a game I got less than two hours out of before I beat it is absolutely ridiculous. Eighty is outright robbery. They’re definitely preying on kids and hoping they’ll pay for it before the parents know what’s going on.
Even with ads, without a multiplier, and without the upgrade, the game is finished in less than two hours. Then the game auto resets to level one, you keep all your upgrades, but somehow that doesn’t seem to matter. Even with all my skills upgraded to level 100 plus, I’m hitting my character down the stairs like I was when I was still at level 0 in all skills. I should be yeeting them into oblivion.
Also devs, fix the lava level. Nine times out of ten my character’s limbs would get stuck in the ground when I hit the first platform, effectively stopping my in my tracks. This level took me the longest by far and it was a game issue, not a skill issue.