I’ve played this game a decent amount and I must say the foundation is incredible, best graphics I’ve ever seen in a video game, intuitive controls, great vehicle physics, easy, not over complicated menus. But it seems a little bare bones. I have some fun recommendations I’d like to see added if the game is still in development.
A speedometer, should be easy to add just a nice little touch.
Different camera angles, the current one is fine but maybe adding the standard racing game camera angles would be cool, like a good cam, roof cam, chase close, chase far, all that good stuff.
More performance mods, currently it’s just packages, but I’d like A style similar to forza if that’s possible in a mobile game, it doesn’t have to be as in depth but just some simple engine, transmission, and exhaust upgrades would be cool
Less grindy, as is, this game is way too grindy in my opinion, it takes multiple hours to get off the starter car or even just to upgrade it, this is my only real actual complaint with the game.
There’s always more to add in a game like this and I really hope the developers stick with it because it could be absolutely incredible in the future!