Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA Reviews

Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-05

About: Start your own personal journey in the Hades Galaxy, or continue guiding the
Empire you started in Hades' Star. DARK NEBULA is the next evolution of the
Hades galaxy.

About Hades Star

All new players start in their own Yellow Star system and over time expand to discover and colonize more planets, set mining patterns, establish trade routes and neutralize the mysterious alien ships found throughout the Hades galaxy.

The goal in the Red Star is to co-operate with any other players that have ships in that star system, defeat the NPC ships, retrieve Artifacts from the Red Star planets, and jump back before the Supernova.

A White Star sees 20 players from two Corporations battle in the same star system for Relics, a resource that can be retrieved to upgrade the Corporation and give each member additional benefits.

As the owner of a Yellow Star system, you have complete control over what other players have access to it.

By establishing diplomatic relations, you can allow any other player to send ships to your system, and dictate your own terms for mining, trade or military cooperation.

Very early in the game, every player will build a Red Star Scanner, a station that allows them to jump ships to detected Red Stars.

The 5 participating players combat each other, using their ship's modules and other NPC ships to destroy the other player Battleships and be the last one alive.

As the most stable star type, the Yellow Star offers a perfect setting to establish your permanent presence and plan your Empire's long term economy.

Start your own personal journey in the Hades Galaxy, or continue guiding the Empire you started in Hades' Star.

The Time Machine can be used to plan future moves, communicate them to other Corporation members, and see potential outcomes of future combat.

Artifacts can be researched in the home star and will yield necessary resources for trade, mining and combat advancements.

Blue Stars are short lived combat arenas that only last for a few minutes, during which the entire system is collapsing on itself.

Each player can only send a single Battleship to the Blue Star.

Besides helping each other, Corporations can also scan for White Stars.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 140 combined software reviews.

233 Hades Star Reviews

3.4 out of 5


Just a cash grab rebrand

This is just a rebranding of the original hades’ star. Players from original hades’ star can just migrate their accounts to this version which makes Blue Star matches impossible for new or returning players to rank for rewards. Blue Star and White Star Matchmaking systems are broken. Obviously this version is just an attempt to bait new and returning players into spending money to catch up with players who’ve been playing the original Hades’ Star for years… that’s a mighty big paywall to climb! Delete-don’t fall for it!


Significantly worse than original Hades Star game

Unfortunately, this update made changes to Hades’ Star that have negative impact on casual gameplay. The pace of the game has been changed in ways that make it in enjoyable to play. The casual gameplay of the original Hades Star is way made that game such a gem. Also, there are major performance issues with this version (very noticeable since devices heat up and drain battery).

I’ll miss but have good memories of the original hades star game.


Ruined the game

This was a pretty fun game until they decided to set you back about 1 million years with the new version. I am a level four battleship and my upgrade is still 1.3 million but they reduced my cap by 60% from roughly 1m to 400k
I will have to upgrade my planets like 10 times just to get my level five battleship.
Also, I am constantly dying in battle with worthless shields and worthless modules. They do nothing but barely make a scratch.


you killed the game

this game used to be awesome. lots of fun to piggy back with secondary accounts. not any more the devs, if you can call them that murrdered this game in its sleep in cold blood. we where promised great things for over a year in this new and the original relase date got pushed back a year. but it seems all they did was take the good stuff away and tob players of months and years of progress. they made this game totaly unplayable. RIP hades star. how you have fallen.


Appreciated upgrade

It’s a joy playing this, even with KB of data it’ll work.
The web of possibilities that can happen in game makes it always a different play through.
Do keep adding to this fun game developers :)


Ruined the game

Going to stick with original… is a total different game with the new dynamics…
-no teleport for cargo ships
-red life extender cost artifacts to junk… and of course, you have to get the arts first…
-SO many bad… LOVE the original… sad face… waited months for an update… NOT a game ender


Best game ever / first review ever

Yes its the best game but there can be some bugs that need fixing


Overhyped, under-delivered

I was looking forward to Dark Nebula when it was first announced, but after over a year and a half of development, most truly new features have been cut from this “update” to the OG Hades Star.

“New” content has primarily been through skins you can purchase for planets, re-work of existing modules, and a small number of truly new modules.

Unfortunately, major redesigns to the whole economy system of the whole game as well as mechanics of the two main Star types (Red and White) have rendered the entire game quite boring compared to the original HS.

Red stars are too short to give any sense of accomplishment, and even the “regular” mode imposes heavy penalties for even the smallest mistake or miscalculation.

White stars are entirely too slow and result in players becoming bored and disengaged, not to mention a host of module updates that seem designed to remove benefits for coordination with your teammates.

Blue stars no longer have any need for skill since all risks have been removed. This seems to be a workaround for actually fixing the matchmaking issues that plagued the original game. I suppose I can’t complain too much about being matched with someone 2x my level if there’s no consequence for losing to them?

Yellow star economics have seen a massive overhaul. There no longer exists any benefit for actually taking the time to think about what you do here, with a system favoring just mashing the same set of buttons repeatedly and walking away. Perhaps the changes wouldn’t be as egregious, except all players were moved over from the prior Hades Star game at roughly their current levels. Changes have been made to try to rebalance the initial transfer over, but the initial transfer seemed poorly thought out in terms of the impact on players with some players having essentially 1+ years of progress erased. This has mostly been rectified, but the goodwill impact on the player base CANNOT be understated.

Quantum stars: originally promised, eventually not delivered.

I’ve played the original Hades Star for years, however I don’t currently see a path to not deleting HadesStar and moving on. Holding out hope for the moment, but every day I see more friends who I’ve played with for years quit the game forever.


Ruined the game!

This was a fun game but it is trash now. Do not bother playing.



First review les gooooo








Game is dead/dying

Developer made a lot of changes and completely ignored the player base. Claimed to “rebalance the game” to avoid Uber setups, but there are still Uber setups, the mods just changed. The game is totally and unequivocally tied to hydrogens as a new player you won’t notice, but as you advance, you’ll see that you either run red stars for blueprints or you do shipments, but you can’t do both easily. I used to be able to do public red star 8s, 9s and 10s pretty much anytime and get into private 11s daily, but private 11s are rare since tons of people left.Additionally the developer created a new game where you can log in for 15 minutes and be done for the day…so that’s far less time to coordinate red stars. Basically people aren’t staying logged in and since they aren’t logged in as long, not many people to coordinate running a red star. People log in and leave. To get a full public red star for artifacts you pretty much need to hit prime time, otherwise you are running solo and might not get any arts or just a few. If you do get a full public red star (4 players) most of them are selfish and don’t coordinate protection of transports, the good news under DN is you don’t have to pay for lost transports, the bad news is you wasted hydro and get 0 artifacts. The learning curve for team efforts is far too long, especially since some players don’t care if you lose a transport and those artifacts. Sure you can jump the transport back in, but you lost 2-4 minutes of the 10 minutes you had and hydro costs increase to job ships back in…so more hydro expensive.

Bls are pretty easy, especially since lots of players left. Corporations are dying, I used be log in and see 50+, 100+ messages from the corporation I was in, now I’m lucky to see 10 messages and most of them refer to players leaving or commenting on how unplayably fast the play is or how unplayable red or dark red stars are since dark nebula.

The developer loved to tell legacy players that their opinions were not valuable and ignored their input. Well my input and opinion is “Uninstall”, maybe the developers will have better lucky with this, than with Battleship Apollo (Flopollo).


Go elsewhere

The dark nebula update made this game go from a 10/10 to a 1/10. The graphics seem retro to a quasi 16bit hybrid between an Atari 2600 and a 1st gen Nintendo then again the game and the play is so screwy that it is easier in some respects like it’s using cheat codes but way more demanding in others. I appreciate the auto upgrade for the planets (thank you) but hate that all the other changes, and a lot of my previous achievements are now downgraded. It took year or more to get to some of these levels and now those achievements are mostly gone. They say the play will be better but it isn’t. It feels like it is now set up to make you pay if you want to have an decent game. It used to be a fun and relaxing game, now it’s a demanding spouse that wants unachievable levels of attention. There are better things out there I’m sure. Go find them!!!


Longtime player excited again

Being a longtime player I was skeptical but kept an open mind about the massive overhaul Hades Star was going through. It’s taken a little time but I’m happy with the changes and it’s got me excited to play the game again.

The dev has already made updates and tweaks since the release of Dark Nebula. These were largely from user input. The dev is still active in making this a great game.


Terrible update - Don’t waste your time playing

I would say I’m a semi veteran player I’ve played on and off for the last 5 years or so. I log into the account and saw they did several massive updates and the game is no longer the game I enjoyed and loved. They removed modules and added new ones, they changed the graphics. Personal based on the recent updates I will be deleting this game off of my phone and will never go back. If I could I would give this ZERO stars.


Love the new version

I liked the old version too, but I also enjoy this one. It is fun and fast. Sure it has some kinks to iron out but I am having fun and I feel it is much much more friendly towards casual players than the old one was.


Sad update

As a veteran player, I have witnessed two “updates.” Each update significantly altered the game to make it play as the developers want you to play. I find this approach to updates stifling and is a poor way to attempt improvements. I play this game far less often since the latest update. Not as fun as the original version (way back). This version is a huge disappointment.


Nice balance after update

Just takes a bit of time to get used to, but overall solid


Game not fun anymore

I played Hades’ Star for about a year before it turned into dark nebula. I gave it a go. I really tried. It’s just not fun anymore. Our once very active corp is now a ghost town. I just check in now and then to say hi but it’s getting too depressing. Used be so much fun.


Disappointing update

The developers have succeeded to ruin the original game with the recent dark nebula update. After 6 years of playing i have uninstalled it.


Terrible update

I played the original game almost daily for years. The new update is absolutely terrible and ruins any ability to play the game as it was.


Wish I could rate 0

Horrible devs, can’t admit mistakes. Do not want loyal players, it is all about getting more micro transactions to pay to win for them.



Mindless. You just click things.


The updates killed the game

I was a veteran player. While I love the ideas in the update the changes were just to drastic. It completely changed the game for the worse. As a result guilds are dying off as players leave. The game went from a fun pve / PvP to a direct PvP and pay to win. I get the need to make money and support the game but these changes were to drastic to keep an existing base.

Shame, it was a fun game, but now it’s gone and even if you changed things drastically you won’t get players back.



This is what happens when chinese, and I write with lower case purposefully, take over of something that was good. Most players know that these changes are bad. They turned into a crap game and there is no sense in elaborate more . You know what I’m talking about .


Requested changes

1. Update the game so the text when you click on transports shows the % of artifacts, so players can see in stride during red stars which artifacts have been boosted.
2. also change the UI to show which have been boosted (glowing color instead of flat color for those artifacts which have been boosted? Something like that)
3. Artifact salvage value. Because red stars are no longer able to be done infinitely (hydro farming isn’t a thing anymore) make artifacts worth more to salvage. This gives players the choice of using hydro for more red stars, using it to transpo trades between planets, or literally spending it within seconds to empty planets with trade relay.
4. Update transpo trade boosts to actually be usable- at RS8 level, transpo trade boosts are NOT worth it, as trade relay eclipses their use completely. Make it a trade-off, more work to conduct the trade routes and use the boosts, but more reward for that work. Trade relay gives decent boost but it should be for casual gamer not wanting to take the time to trade


Don’t Believe The Review Bombing

I’ve been playing Hades since its inception, and put many hours into the original game. Took a break, and picked it up again with Dark Nebula. The game is still very much a work of art in a sea of mobile cash grab games, poorly thought out mechanics, and developers who do not have a long term vision. Dark Nebula makes the game more approachable, and enticing for newer players. Veterans of the game may need to relearn, or change their investment of time - but the game is not broken. It’s changing. I think it’s amazing what this small team puts into the game, and I am hoping to see more regular updates and events - my only complaint, and it’s not even really a complaint this early, but I just want to play more hours, and right now it’s very capped on how much you can do in a day. Keep up the awesome work, and looking forward to years of longevity for the Hades universe.


Find players who enjoy the game

My honest opinion yes maybe before the update it was better because you could have multiple different accounts and really level up fast, now you may have to pay to do that.. but just play the game, find an active corp other players will help you level faster, its all about teamwork and trading/gifting arts now. This is not a fast pace game it shouldn’t be.. as you play through the red star levels you learn more and also unlock more, then you use that to defeat enemy players in white stars/ blue stars, slowly building your galactic empire. Which would take years.. its better than completing a game within a day and being like alright whats next..** I do believe we need a TEAM BLS MATCH 2v2, or 3v3, but multiple teams make the blue star a tiny bit bigger, I think the player base would then increase slightly more **


Don’t really understand why?

So we are three weeks into this major update. I will be amazed if I make it another three weeks. I have played this game for years. Please, please reinstall the old game and give people a choice. I believe I understand the reason for the update was because the developers wanted the game played a certain way. It is your game and your choice, but again, if I can’t find something redeeming, I will quit a game that I have played for years and was perfectly great with. I know the developers have worked very hard at this, so I gave you two stars.


I just want to counteract the review bombing

Realistically, I think this game is a 4/5, I can’t help but feel like there’s a little bit of cash grabbing going on, but there are so many whiners leaving one star reviews. Hades’ Star is a very fun game that is still quite free to play friendly. I don’t open HadesStar too terribly often, I’m progressing relatively slowly I think, and I’m having a good time.


Ignore the haters

The game has gotten so good.
No ads. No need to pay a penny.
It’s a slow progression that leads into the best gameplay of any civilization builder I’ve ever played. It’s expansive, interactive. The modules make your ships customizable without feeling forced into playing the same way every time. You can swap modules out at any point and try something new.

Give it a shot, you won’t regret it.


Still fun

Everyone keeps saying the updates ruined the game, but I disagree. Red stars are more interesting now and the whole game both looks and performs more smoothly than before. Enjoying it immensely.
Guessing the complainers are mostly long term level grinders that don’t like the game mechanics changing their big numbers to be smaller.


New update ruined the game

Been playing this game for four years. I won’t go into specifics because there are to many but he completely ruined what was a well balanced game. I think others are correct in saying it’s a cash grab. Even with my economy I worked on for years and battle tech that was perfectly suited to red stars level 10 I now don’t have a chance.

Blue stars the best thing now is teleport and leap with emp and dart. Emp no longer effects your own ship. One of the stupidest things ever taking a perfectly balanced tech and making it one sided.


A Bit of a Suprise

Honestly, it’s surprising that they have to created a new app to keep supporting this game. I’m guessing this is because they reached some kind of limit with updating the game that the original app couldn’t hold up anymore? Either way, this is still a fun game and I highly recommend playing it if you’re in the mood for a relaxing “space-colonizing” game



I’ve been playing this game on and off for 5 years and have been back since the dark nebula update and loving every second.

Is Hades Star Safe?

Yes. Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 140 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Hades Star Is 63.9/100.

Is Hades Star Legit?

Yes. Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 140 Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Hades Star Is 80.6/100..

Is Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA not working?

Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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