Sky Warriors: Airplane Games Reviews

Sky Warriors: Airplane Games Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-30

About: Join the Sky Warriors today and become an ace pilot! Experience the thrill of
realistic aerial battles and engaging enemies in adrenaline-packed 3D
dogfights! Real PvP Multiplayer! Enter a squadron and play online with your
friends against real players around the world. Modern and realistic fighter
planes! Fly the best and most advanced war machines in the world, with
jet-powered aircraft from several countries! Download th.

About Sky Warriors

Real PvP Multiplayer! Enter a squadron and play online with your friends against real players around the world.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 46,402 combined software reviews.

1660 Sky Warriors Reviews

4.7 out of 5



This game is insanely fun. At first. But like Wild Life’s other games, match making is appallingly bad once you upgrade to a certain level, and are certainly not based on anything remotely close to competitive fun. Enjoy getting annihilated by players 15 levels above you, match after match. Then, once in maybe 12 matches, you annihilate other players, which is also not that fun. Actual game play like maneuvering, getting lock on, and firing guns and missiles behave completely at random. Opponents can dodge incoming tracking missiles easily. I couldn’t dodge a basic missile doing the exact same maneuver. It’s super fun missing a hard lock target or getting blown up without a chance to lock on even when flying head on at another player with a lesser aircraft and rank. It’s pathetic. Even if you pay to play, winning won’t last long. Game disconnects sometimes if you are racking up kills, which is not often. Never when you are getting railed. And the devs are too busy policing name violations to actually fix the game or build out new planes and modes. Earning most daily rewards involve impossible tasks unless you spend real money: “get 10 kills with a strong missile” and “upgrade a plane”…which costs more missiles, coin, or diamonds than you’ll get in a month of playing. Super sweet! The planes go whoosh. Graphics and skins are good, effects are cool!


Great game, but there are some bugs

Sky warriors is a great game with many fighter planes to choose from but bugs are still present and they are really annoying. The main bugs is that sometimes whenever you upgrade, it closes the game and reloads it except it still takes your coins (basically stealing your coins for no benefit). A good idea for the game would be to change skirmish into a real skirmish by removing objectives from the mode, also when playing skirmish I often get players that are way above my league and are very annoying. Ex: I am playing skirmish with my friend and we are having a great time, but we load into a match and we get this guy that is way above our league and claps us in less than 3 minutes, causing us to be infuriated and stop playing. Another recommendation would be to increase the fuel or remove it all together, it’s very annoying when you are having a good time playing until you realize that you are out of fuel and have to wait an hour for it to fully recharge. P.S. - Please make skill based matchmaking a thing, I’m getting matched with tier four jets whilst I’m only tier one.


Find a different game

For all you that have this game more than 1 star, I call you all liars. First of all, the devs are flat out greedy. The prices in this game are laughable. If you want to spend $100 on some garbage items that will just be wasted due to glitches and horrible gameplay, then by all means, be that dummy. Second, the time it takes to get anything done is insane. I am for a challenge, but come on. It costs over $2million coins to get .02 points towards an upgrade while REDUCING points in other areas, and then takes 3 days?? absolute stupidity. What were they smoking when they came up with this??? I want some. Next; the glitching/disconnects. All I will say here is good luck. You’ll see them constantly, you’ll be robbed of fuel and resources. Not a thing you can do about it. The last thing I’ll bring up (even tho I could go on) is the in game chat. By far the worst part of the game. Nothing but trolls, recruiting ads, and if you say hello to someone, watch out because the incredibly dumb people at Wild Life will ban your ability to chat.

The game has much potential, but the greedy devs have their heads too far up their own backsides to see or listen to the people that play the game.

And get rid of the stupid volcano map….


Not fun after 2 days

Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love this game, but it has some major problems. First of all it takes forever to earn enough coins to upgrade your plane and even then it barely makes a difference, so you have to grind for hours to just to upgrade something several times to the point where it’s not worth playing. Secondly the skill gap. I’ve been playing for a few days and I deleted my previous account because I was still stuck on a tier 1 jet while facing people with tier 3 jets and I can’t even get close to winning a game anymore. Third, when you play a game you earn about 1.2k gold which is barley enough to upgrade anything proficiency. I would love and I mean love to have a coin based system where you earn 1k coins then the rest is how you did that match like an extra 200 coins per kill. Again I absolutely love this game but it does have some major issues that make it boring, raging and not even worth playing anymore sometimes. I just wish some games didn’t have such a big problem with the skill based matchmaking.


Latest update made the game worse

I never write reviews, but the most recent update has me fired up. I’ve been playing for 9 months and I’ve had a blast. I joined a great squadron and we’ve been working hard to move up the ladder. Then the update came. First, I took an inexplicable demotion, and it will take weeks to recover the rank I lost. Second, increased cost (diamonds) for specialty missiles. Finally, the much ballyhooed Tier 7 jets. Jets that are virtually unattainable unless you want to pay real money. Now we know the real reason for all the changes…money, money, money. These greedy developers weren’t satisfied with a hit game that probably brings in piles of cash. They needed mountains of cash. The battles are horribly mismatched now. You can’t even get a shot off before higher level players hammer you with their store bought jets and missiles and enhancements. It’s like the Dream Team vs. Angola in the 1992 Olympics. Like so many other games, Sky Warriors has become a “pay for success” app. There’s nothing fun about it anymore. Congratulations to the capitalists at Wildlife.


Incredible! But could use a few things

First off, I don’t want to come across as saying that this game is bad. That is not what I mean to say. This game is incredible. It’s very fun and I have been playing for months and have yet to get bored. With that said, there are things that could be added. For starters, the different planes have different numbers of missile hardpoints, so rather than having all planes launch two missiles, have them launch however many they carry (you could adjust the cooldown time from there to make it fair). Another is the fact that not all the planes have gatling guns/mini guns, and if they do, some shoot faster than others. However, they still all shoot Gatling guns, so I would change that too. Lastly is the lack of planes. I understand that you are constantly updating and bringing planes in, but I have yet to see a a Northrop Grumman jet (like the A-10) and manny of the famous Lockheed Martin planes, like the f-22. Besides this, your game is great and keep up the good work!


Sky warriors devs won’t fix

For starters they charge way too much for very little many of us have been playing the game for months and I’ve unlocked tier 6,7, and 8 aircraft. And they don’t even have them available yet haven’t for four months missiles will say that you have a lock and they’ll fly straight not even close to your target you will fly through aircraft you die but the enemy doesn’t missiles will fly straight through a jet that’s hovering and you don’t get the kill disconnects in the game and they blame your Internet not their server decals won’t stay on. you will suddenly die and I won’t tell you what happened they don’t count all your kills sometimes on tight turns the screen will flutter really fast the game is very glitchy people can lock onto you a lot further away than you can lock onto them and they’re in a lesser aircraft with less upgrades on it You will load a mission start to play and then get disconnected and it’ll use two bars of your feel that you paid 12 diamonds for people will drop chaffs so you can’t lock on them and they can kill you way too many problems I advise don’t play the game it’s not worth it


Developers with God complexes

This game has so much potential, but is a stressful mess for anyone who invests in it. I’ve been playing it for over 8 months and many of the same problems players complained about then are still here. Like disconnects and glitches. Missiles that don’t stay locked on. And worst of all, players getting banned from chat.. even permanently banned.. with no explanation why. So you could get a “warning” and not know what you did and then later open your game to a permanent ban. No chance to put anything in context. Did you say something that in another culture or language could be read the wrong way? BANNED. Did you ask someone where they’re from? BANNED. Did you speak out about a complaint you had with the developers? BANNED. Did you shoot someone too many times and it hurt their feelings? That person will find something to report you for when taken out of context and then… BANNED!!! And after spending hundreds of dollars and investing countless time and effort helping other players. You may as well throw your money in a fire.


Kinda dumb

Really cool concept, i just wish it actually worked. Lock onto the wrong thing? Sorry bud, you cant re aim until you do a full 360° turn and remove all targets from your screen before you can (maybe) lock the target you want. Do you want to fly low to avoid detection, or make a tight turn inside the walls of a canyon? Well be careful, because what you see isnt the border, the border is ACTUALLY like 400 in game feet above any visible surface. Sooooo you will explode of you get even relatively close to literally anything besides another plane… speaking of which, what happens if you run into another plane? Oh, youd think both would die, but no, not this game. You die, and whoever you just kamikazied can continue about their day, literally scot free. I liked this game as i first played it, but i now regret the 5 bucks i spent in game. Oh yeah, in app purchases are kinda pushy too, after every battle, the game is like “pwease buy dis it onwy 4.99” “Oh wook, 1.99 for 75 gems, owo good deal you should buy” and its juuuust a little annoying.


They STEAL your diamonds!

Don’t buy diamonds. I’ve bought their diamonds 3 times in the last 2 days, and I realized in the last 12 hours that they slowly take away your diamonds every time you play!!!! Go check for yourself. I kept on track in the last 12 hours, and they took away almost 120 diamonds!!!!!!!!! CROOKS!!! Second, it takes millions to upgrade your plane. I figured it will take some money, so I saved up from tier 1 to tier 3 plane with over 500,000 and they charge you thousands for small increments (like 0.3) to up your skill. So, more money to be spent. And when you spend/buy diamonds, somehow prices “magically” increases. Third, the matchmaking is atrocious! I’m a decent player, but they will match you with complete noobs (both as your partners) and the rest of the opposing teams are essentially professionals and literally 2/3 of them goes after me only. So I’m not even sure if you are playing other people, but rather than bots. Fun after a few days, but then you will get hit with reality that this game is crooked.


Must read!

At first the game is kinda fun but as it progress overtime it gets repetitive and boring, upgrading your aircrafts over time gets hard, obtaining new ones and good ones is hard, and skill based matchmaking does not exist I legit once matched with a tier 5 aircraft as a tier two and kept getting annihilated, locking onto other planes is messed up and the rockets are hard to hit people are always dodging rockets but when I use the same maneuver as them I die like what? Game is also sort of buggy and again repetitive, the game needs new updates, new game modes, new aircrafts cheaper and easier to obtain ones not some spend your life savings to get a good aircraft ones, and the fact that there’s only 3 game modes makes it so competitive and gets mad boring overtime, just add new game modes and fix the current bugs please, it’ll make the game so much better and further up the experience


Sky warriors

Game is a absolute blast but something has to be done with match making people have been complaint about it for a while now. Veterans of this game that achieve really high rank may at some point want to go back and fly their older jets. That is something that is almost impossible at this point in the game. Matchmaking is based off rank and it should not be. It should be based off tier of the jet you are flying. I have been in plenty of matches in my tier 5 jet f18 flying with a tier 3 jet f14 matched up against all tier 7 jets with 5k firepower that is total bull crap and I don’t know how you haven’t seen that since the release of tier 7 jets. 5k firepower against a jet with less then 1k armor. Please work on the matchmaking system.


Incredible Game!

The new update, Stellar Shadow made the game a lot more fair for both new players and older players. It balances matchmaking by bringing players to similar levels, and balancing all the ships out by giving them their own weaknesses and advantages as opposed to one plane being better than the rest.
It finally doesn’t bring negative upgrades and increased the chances for rare drops, even balancing out missiles so that new players stand a chance against pay-to-win players.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t has it’s flaws. The Tier 7’s, (Last and Strongest Tier), although being fairly priced at 7K diamonds, are incredibly more powerful than their Tier 5 and Tier 6 counterparts, absolutely smoking them, no matter the decal or augment that is used.
This is by far the biggest problem in the entire game, and the Tier 7’s need to be nerfed for the players that don’t pay-to-win.

Overall, it’s an amazing game that I love to play, and especially when you get into a squadron like RED or 501, it can be a great experience, but there are still some problems to be fixed and resolved.
Thank you, and have a great day.


Good but

You need to remove the feature that takes away diamonds from you every Time you lose a battle And your team has to get the F-22 raptor in the game because one of the screenshots show the F-22 raptor in the game but it is not really in the game and you need to add balanced teams like once I just started like after one day of getting the game I got faced up against a tier 2 team with my F-4 fantom and you need to make it so that the cargo planes have some kind of defense instead of the players that are defending. But overall the game is great except for little things that mentioned. You don’t have to add the F-22 raptor I’m just saying that you guys shouldn’t click bait because a bunch of people download the game because of the F-22 raptor and for more advanced planes so please remove that screenshot of the F-22 raptor.


Great graphics, nothing underneath

Remember the time when that incredibly beautiful person caught your eye; feeling your heart stop when they smiled back; the one who seemed in that moment to be everything you’d hoped for… but in just five minutes of conversation proved to be an irredeemably terrible person, and got steadily more intolerable from there?

Maybe that’s not a memory, just a scene from a movie. Regardless, this is SkyWarriors game equivalent. Gorgeous artwork to look at, with unplayably flawed mechanics. All they need is a team of competent engineers & ui designers to build operational interactive software for the excellent graphics to decorate, and it’d be an actual game. Unfortunately, over a year beyond its release, there is still no visible progress in that regard.

Yet apparently enough wealthy dummies are dropping money to keep it profitable without requiring added frills like basic functionality. Thanks, dummies.


Pretty dang good game

This game is great. The controls are extremely easy to learn, and it’s pretty easy to progress. Another aspect that’s great is that the most that pay to wins can do is buy better missiles that you, and if you have a decent amount of skill, then you can outmaneuver pretty much anything. Another thing that I love is the community. The people on the chat and people in the clans are so nice and will not hesitate to chat and give advice. Something else that I think separates this game from games like war robots is the fact that everything and everyone is FAST. Instead of tanky robots moving around at less than a crawl, you zoom around and take multiple attack runs. Amazing game.


Amazing game, but some glitches need to be fixed.

I love this game, there’s just a lot of glitches. When I try to move my plane, it sticks and doesn’t move. It does that for awhile but it goes away at some point. But that causes me to die and lose points. My missiles sometimes don’t do any damage to other aircrafts or the cargo planes! But other than that, love it. And are there going to be more planes added? I would love to see some new planes. Also, I have noticed that pilots would just spam tracking missiles to kill me and they usually win the game because of that. I don’t think that’s fair. Can you guys somehow make pilots use only two of a specific special missile until they shoot a different type of special missile? I think that’ll help. Thanks.



I saw this game as on ad in another game and watched the preview. I hit the download button and went to read the reviews, but there were none to read, although there were 6 5 star reviews. I downloaded it to give it the benefit of the doubt, and oh my.. definitely not disappointed. reminds me of the good ol days playing ace combat. I like the option to create squadrons and have other live players join as well as play against other real people online. just downloaded it and have played about 30 minutes so far, but it's amazing so far. there's in game purchases, but they don't shove them down your throat and I haven't seen an ad yet. worth the download!!


So good

So first this game has great graphics and a pretty good soundtrack to play to, but I think the best part is that it has a huge amount of content and millions of people who are enjoying the experience of flying at supersonic speeds while in a dog fight. I really hope this game will be on more platforms like : PC, steam and different consoles like X-box series x and PS-5and maybe future game consoles. This game has a lot of potential but I hope the developers will use it for good cause this game is awesome.I wish this game was like war thunder or something but it is a absolute awesome game and extremely fun to play and explore as you cruise at super sonic speeds.

If you play I am (SNB) unknownuser and I fly a harrier.


Great game! Worth checking out!

Really a big fan of this game for several reasons. One being it’s extremely addicting to play!! It’s easy to grasp the basic concepts and it’s competitive and leaves you with tons to learn. I have met really friendly and helpful people who play too through the game and continue to challenge myself to continue to get better and better. Graphics are really awesome and in reality of such a busy server the game really doesn’t have too many lag issues and every update brings really cool upgrades to both graphics and game play. Would highly recommend!



So I’ve been playing this game for awhile now and…IT ROCKS! The planes that you can choose from are all sweet! Something I very much like is the fact that even though you get more and more variety… the jet you start out with is very much just as dangerous as the last one you get. Pay to play of course however , this game is done right. Suggestion= maybe when the free stuff is up mix it up with something that might cost otherwise as to entice the player to want to buy packages. If you deck your plane out with a paint job and a couple of emblems and load it down with nothing but top shelf hardware…yeah your gonna have an advantage but the game itself is balanced and fun. See you in the sky, I’m giving out free flight lessons! Lol


Good and bad

It’s a great game till u start ranking up and if u don’t spend money then u are not going very far ,ok I don’t mind spending money on apps that I like but here’s the problem on SkyWarriors I want too buy the new plain t8 cash price not diamonds that will b like 1 thousand dollars with probably only half upgrading so I hope developers can change the way the game has changed when they did these “ updates “ that matches are very very unfair they set u up if u are in t4 or t5 they set u up with t6 or t7 think it’s too get u mad of so many losses u would want too get a upgraded jet the problem with that is that lots of people just get mad and delete SkyWarriors cuz it’s not fun anymore just get u frustrated so developers take a look at that and if u can put sales cash prices for the new jets I bet lot people will buy including me I have 4 acts on SkyWarriors and in one I have t6 I’m hardly playing now because just checking if u guys gonna gave for sale t8 just like I bought t6 so I guess it’s up too u guys or just soon will delete app too because not playing or spending money like before till the put the t8 on cash price


Cost and rewards

Love playing this game and I’ve spent a lot of money playing with that being said you guys need to lower the prices trust me when I say this a lot more players come and stay l know a lot of guys that have left because of this it gets expensive….example 48 hr war it takes a lot of resources-fuel missles and whatever else you need to try and win and in return nothing compared to the money We spend on diamonds…..going thru around 3000 diamonds a war to get back 50 to 150 ….y’all can do something about that…l give the game 5 stars even though it freezes time to time during gameplay but as far as rewards and prices for
everything 0 stars


Unfortunately game match is terrible

I have full upgraded tier5 F18 fighter and it is impossible to play all the time vs tier7 fighters. They have twice powerful gun 3 times more health and double speed vs tier5. Game become impossible to play. There is smaller gap between tier3 and tier5 over the tier5 and tier7. Don’t bother to play because it is impossible to play with most powerful tier5 fighter F18 vs all tear7 setup. They can be total bots in tier7 and you cannot do anything against them. Shame for game. Same thing after update in January 2024. You play with 5 tier planes vs 8tier planes. You have 1500 power they have 6500 power. Just to be clear you have to play 200 games to improve your plane from 1500 to 1520 and all that games you played vs 6500 powered planes. It is impossible. They are improving rapidly and you are like sitting duck for them. You must hit them 10-12 times and they crash you with one rocket. And to hit 10 times those kind of planes with that capabilities it is almost impossible. Match making is very bad for lower tier airplane

Is Sky Warriors Safe?

Yes. Sky Warriors: Airplane Games is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 46,402 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Sky Warriors Is 61.6/100.

Is Sky Warriors Legit?

Yes. Sky Warriors: Airplane Games is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 46,402 Sky Warriors: Airplane Games User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Sky Warriors Is 76.7/100..

Is Sky Warriors: Airplane Games not working?

Sky Warriors: Airplane Games works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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