Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games Reviews

Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-22

About: Explore island, build a farm, harvest crops and craft new recipes in Bermuda
Adventures! Imagine that a big family gets together to celebrate their birthday
in a paradise tropical resort! But suddenly something went wrong, a plane lost
control and made an emergency landing on a desert island and family members were
scattered in all directions. Maybe you shouldn't have built a route through the
Bermuda Triangle? Now they must .

About Bermuda Adventures

Imagine that a big family gets together to celebrate their birthday in a paradise tropical resort! But suddenly something went wrong, a plane lost control and made an emergency landing on a desert island and family members were scattered in all directions.

Maybe you shouldn't have built a route through the Bermuda Triangle? Now they must not only learn to live on a tropical paradise island, but also find all the relatives lost during landing.

Build a cozy villa and farm, extract resources and produce everything you need for exciting expeditions quests, construction and trading with other inhabitants of the Bermuda Triangle.

Are you ready to become a farmer and city manager to build your dream? Explore the Bermuda Triangle with Mom Jenny, Dad Steve and Daughter Sandy in this farming simulator game.

Set up your family ranch, raise animals, harvest crops, produce food for your family and trade with your neighbours.

Help a family arrange their everyday life, teach them how to grow plants and get food.

Be amazed with them at the mysterious secrets and unusual finds that the Bermuda Triangle hides.

Solve their family issues and don't let them quarrel over trifles.

Watch how production grows and new characters appear on the island.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 49,380 combined software reviews.

1140 Bermuda Adventures Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Too Many Glitches!

This game is really fun, but it’s been almost unplayable for the past week. I’m used to glitches such as BermudaAdventures frequently crashing or getting stuck on the loading screen, but this past week all the energy orbs, free gems, and free speed ups that you can get by watching ads have completely disappeared. It takes hours for energy to re-generate and a whole day to get enough resources to make certain items. This is making it impossible to make any progress in the game or win any of the competitions to earn prizes unless you’re a paying player. I was a paying player but after continuous glitches this game isn’t even worth it anymore. I don’t think I’ve every had a game with so many problems. This is very disappointing because I loved the game.

EDIT: I feel as though I have to edit this after receiving the developers unhelpful response. At first, the absence of ads was a known problem that they said they were trying to fix and now it was intentional in order to “dive into the gameplay”? How can I “dive into the gameplay” when I’ve exhausted all energy resources on all islands and can only chop down a tree or two every few hours? Sure, I can make food for energy but that also takes hours to gather resources for to make it. This game is fun but the development is by far the worst I’ve seen. Time to delete it.


No longer fun

This used to be fun. It’s no longer that way. All the items needed to complete tasks require WAY too much energy. You can literally only break or cut down like 2 things and there goes all your energy. Almost every food item requires onions, however, anytime the item needed to receive an onion is cut, NO onion is given. We are wasting between 8-12 energy to claim ONE onion, which in return only cooks corn on the cob for ten measly energy. The special expeditions are not given enough time to complete, require WAY too much energy to cut a stone, tree etc. Why do we need to repair 8 ruins of a park, each piece needed 2-4 marble stones and the marble itself cost 48 energy, only to receive, what, four pieces of marble to make ONE square? It literally takes over a day to complete ONE task before you’re allowed to move on. Every other game allows players to send each other something. Free energy maybe? Maybe instead of receiving useless items from the board we earn minutes of free energy? Other games offer 15 minutes of unlimited lives? Why not y’all? Shorten the revival time for energy to make it faster, decrease the amount of energy required and make the dang tasks a little more reasonable. We want friends. We want to send our friends energy or stone or bricks etc. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!! Y’all’s adventure game is a joke.



I really enjoy this game and so far it has been a blast. However a couple things worth noting that I think could use adjustment for optimal gameplay is energy capacity and the dynamite placement/recognition. Ever since the beginning of the game I have been able to do so much because I go so far beyond my energy bank's capacity...and now that I'm out of the introduction phase I can only remove like one big thing and then have to log off because I can't do anything else. I get you guys want money but come on, it's a bit ridiculous here. So I used my gems to get dynamite to try and clear two really big stones that cost a LOT of energy to mine and the game will not allow me to place it near both easily, and on top of that it won't select both stones in any of the allowed places, which is EXTREMELY frustrating. I feel this is something that needs urgent fixing because dynamite costs gems which costs $$, and therefore it should work as intended. I think this could be solved by increasing the dynamite's radius. I really would like to continue enjoying this game so please take this into consideration and make necessary adjustments please.


The issue was fixed,

I am no longer experiencing this issue with the winter season event, thank you for your speedy response and honest concerns I appreciate it.

On to other things, I see a lot of people complaining about the events and energy and all these other things. I do not have that problem. I think all of those aspects are on point. There are many ways to gain energy from gaspars air shop, to the family dinner table, the milestone gifts 🎁 in the events… the surprise brown briefcases 💼 (at ANY LOCATION ) that provide tools and energy. Certain decorations in event or travel spots. The seashells on the ground. And more! If you know how to play the game truly… you would have no energy or boredom problems. IMO (in my opinion)…

However… the only problem I am receiving is when my inventory is full and items drop to ground. Sometimes they drop behind decorations that are unmovable like Gaspars air shop and the order board. Can you make some way for us to collect all those items? Or maybe make gaspars air shop and the order board moveable?


A lot like family Island only modern day

I’ve been playing a couple of days and it’s easier to play then family island. You don’t have to work so hard to complete obstacles like a broken bridge or steps. I’m only level 11 and i already have 72 exp which is about what i have on FI at level 27. I already have a chicken, sheep and pig. One thing that the Dev. Need brought to their attention is on the IOS version the second version pencil doesn’t work, I discovered that a generic pencil works but would prefer using the pencil. That’s the only bug I’ve found so far. Otherwise this is a pretty cool game. Thank you for no match 3. Super game killer.


Boring - just endless tasks

Unlike games like Atlantis, Klondike & Family Farm Adventure, Bermuda is just endless tasks (often w nowhere near enough time to finish them even if you have enough energy because the creating of items required takes too long). Add to this the fact that you can’t access everything that’s visible makes this game very frustrating. For example, on monkey island I can’t go thru the gate despite everything being cleared. It keeps saying it’s not available. There is no obvious reason WHY & so the task of completing the island eludes me. Yet they gave me a frog island w only one DAY plus a few hours to finish it. They start you out at a river crossing yet there is no way to cross because nothing is accessible, even items that are not covered by the “fog.” I had to zoom out so I could see the whole island to see where the father was & that was where I needed to start. Yet when I first arrived on frog island, I was the daughter at the river. Very confusing & not well laid out.

I’ve been playing this kind of game since before Facebook’s FarmVille. This is one of the worst. And the crude artwork doesn’t help.

Deleted. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Worst since update

This used to be my favorite game. When I first started playing there were no issues that I could tell. Updated, ad rewards only worked randomly and BermudaAdventures randomly crashed, not too bad though. Next update, no ad rewards worked, daily crashes and missing items I already collected or produced. Updated again thinking it would fix that and I haven’t been able to open it since, just freezes at loading page.

The developers website took down support for that game on their site too. I saw a response with shut down phone, reset wifi and wait 5 mins. Nope!!! Not even after a phone update. I did my hair and forgot about it. Was frozen at 30% for about an hour.

Saw another response about hoping to fix it in the next update. Um, just wondering how long that will take? Also not sure how the next update could get any worse but every one I’ve done since starting the game has been worse than the last. I hope they get it together cuz it’s one of the best adventure games i’ve come across if not for the above issues.



First time writing a review and I wanted it to be a good one. Will start with loving the game. It’s relaxing and the time on the tasks given is very good. The energy, it’s ok. But it killed it for me that on my second day of playing I got the “unreachable” everyone is talking about and the place is outgrowing with stuff, plus I can’t advance on my tasks. On one of the islands that we are having for a limited time, after spending energy picking up what I needed, it was nowhere to be found on my items! And the cherry on top is that I can’t find the Facebook page to be able to talk to “Support” about it. It was there yesterday, it isn’t today. This “unreachable” issue for what I can see it’s been there for a minute and you guys are waiting to fix it by update time??? You have something good here, don’t get lazy now.
After you releasing the update. My game still hasn’t changed. I can’t do anything in my main island. I do appreciate your contacting me. I do love the game, I want to keep playing. But the update didn’t work.


Here We Go

It’s a fun and attractive game. But like other games like it, it costs too much to advance the story once you reach a certain level. All of a sudden items required to make other items increases. Your energy cap only increases if you can upgrade a building and upgrading requires more and more objects that are time-consuming to produce unless you pay $$. Of course, of course you can move the story along more quickly if you pay $$ to play. And it’s fair; I get it—you put in the work to earn profit. Nothing unsavory there. But if the real $$ I spend buys gems to exchange for energy that gets depleted quicker and quicker because the energy requirements to do things keep rising, then like the games that have gone before I get bored and bitter enough to give up and uninstall. I’d love to see more of the amazing scenery and enjoy more of this story in the upper levels but again I see where the rising cost is heading and it’s too steep for me. All the best.


Game is just a money grab now

When I first started this game I loved it because I could actually work on building up my island and could also play the events with enough time to actually finish them. Going from having six days to complete an event to having less than three has been very disappointing and now it’s even worse because the next event starts before the first event even finishes. That basically means you have to debate which one you want to finish because less than three days doesn’t give you enough time to finish the event as it is. I’m extremely disappointed because I left another game for this one specifically because of that fact. I was spending money on this game to help support them because I felt like I was at least getting my moneys worth when buying energy. Now I won’t waste my money because buying 1800 energy gets me pretty much nothing. So at the end of the day I’m back to looking for a game to support that is actually thinking about its customers and not just looking to be millionaires.


If ONLY!!!

This game would be so amazing if ONE task didn’t take all your energy! Leveling takes FOREVER because you have to use all your energy in one move so it takes a long time to complete ANYTHING! Also, prepare to challenge yourself in not buying all the extra stuff. Constant pop ups during play for things or packages to buy. Game is getting better in its speed as far as loading though so 👍🏼. Your main game page is all you will ever see despite it LOOKING like there are more places for you to explore. It always says “not available”. You will have trees and rocks etc that you WANT to utilize and NEED but…. Nope! Not available! YOU GET 75 total energy but, it takes 100+ to remove a rock…. So yea, takes a long, long LONG time to get anything done. If you like to BUY more energy then you could move much quicker through the game. Graphics are good and ideas are there….. just a slow moving game. 4/10.


Like but impossible

I don’t normally write reviews but I feel I need to on this game. I can’t lie. I love this game and was even ready to spend a little money but for Pete’s sake, the energy is impossible to get built up enough to complete very many tasks. I like to play games longer then 15 minutes at a time. I have had this game a week and I get a task and get rolling and then the energy is gone way to fast and I have to wait a couple hours or even a day before I can do anything again. What happened to good ole game playing where you play for hours on end without 10,000 pop ups asking you to spend money every time you cut down a tree and running out of energy before you complete one task. I am sorry but I love the concept of this game but it just isn’t fun when your done before you start.

The pop up windows offering gems or energy for discounted prices is ridiculous. Cut down a tree and have to deal with 3 pop windows asking you to buy something. Greed! That’s all it feels like.


Tired of in game pop up’s

I thought this was fun at first. But with a constant walk thru of the regatta and daily/weekly events.. seriously, so me how it works once or let me click if I don’t understand. Then the constant pop up buy me in game purchases. Finally was the make 4 of these that had nothing to do with any story and I had at least 15 of the same item in my storage already…just why! …It became so annoying with in game purchases pop up’s, how to play walk thru ( that you can’t bypass) and ridiculous craft goals to meet it’s not even worth playing anymore. Deleting after making it to ship island and completing multiple weekly mini islands.
If you like constant reminders on how everything works and creat challenges that have nothing to do with your progress (but take resources from your progress) this is for you! Me I’ve had enough with this latest regatta and bunny island. Best to you if you choose this adventure!



I really like this game and will change my review and rating once the glitches I’ve been experiencing today are fixed. Every single time I leave the game and come back, my energy bar hasn’t been filling. At all. Also, anything I have going on in my workshops are at a much higher time before finishing than before I left. As a matter of fact, they are at a much higher time than it would be if I just started making something. For example: vegetable mix takes 9 minutes to make. When I left and came back it said it wouldn’t be finished for over an hour. As long as I stay in the game, all of them behind that one are correct, it’s just a matter of getting through that one! They fixed my game once today, but then I left, came back, and it was all messed up again. Please fix this because I really do enjoy this game. I would hate to delete it because of something this silly! Thanks!


Pay for play at it’s worse

First, let me say the game is beautiful. The graphics are fantastic and the story thread is good enough. It’s truly fun.


It’s EXTREMELY expensive and I don’t mean just real dollars. I’m talking game bucks/diamonds and resources! You don’t get a free drop of energy unless you pay for it. And it doesn’t last. You have to keep paying per season. I haven’t figured out what they call a season yet, but it doesn’t go a long with any calendar. The energy reloads as you use it, but of course not that quickly. It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t use so much. You can blow through 200 energy in 10 minutes. Yes, there are free drops of energy, but they only get you so far. You can make food, but it doesn’t go far either. Three ears of corn (plus other res) nets you 1 grilled corn for 10 energy. Must be that new math because I don’t know how 3 gets you 1. You think using 100 energy to chop down a big tree will net a lot of wood. You’re lucky if you get 5. In a side quest to get olives off a tree you need marble (!), tree bark, and algae - no not 1 each. You get 1 olive off the tree and you need 4. I blew through about 100 energy on the marble alone. My point is that unless you buy a pack of 1000 energy every day or 2, you’ll get no where. It’s very frustrating.

Fun game but frustratingly expensive. Not worth the time and effort. I don’t recommend.


New update

I am very disappointed right now. We are three hours away from the event to be over and you guys completely changed every thing I finished. There’s a gate in this event with a lot of points behind it. I had 10 keys to get. Finished them all. I left one behind but was going to grab it once I signed back in because I didn’t have enough to get the quarts to finish it off so I waited. I had purchased an extra glove because I already had one. You were only asking for two gloves. I come back to the game, all the keys that I had purchased disappeared and now you are only asking for three when there was 10 that I already had. Now you’re asking for three gloves as if I had none. The only thing I had left to get was the quartz to open the gate. I don’t understand? You thought I wouldn’t remember? Please fix it back before the event ends.



As in, anomalies. Stuff requested - shown along the left side - doesn’t register correctly. For example, get 9 coal. Since the request was added to the list, I’m stuck at 6/9 except that I wasted who knows how much energy acquiring 51 coal, which shows correctly in the backpack. Similarly, the list wants me to make 4 drills. So I make 4 drills, but it only shows 2 in the list, even though 4 drills show in the scout headquarters and the backpack. I stopped making stuff until it’s asked for, because it “doesn’t count” if you do it before it’s needed. Bad enough that one can only play for limited time - I’m told that’s done on purpose to get people “addicted” to the game. You still can’t play for extended periods of time. Which is probably why I’m actively playing multiple games at once, very frustrated with all of them. Just fix the obvious bugs, please.


Rarely ever loads, too difficult to level up.

This game can rarely finish loading. It stops at 30% and says it’s still loading but I’ve waited and waited… and waited… several times and it never does load. I close it and try again a few minutes later with no luck! I’ve tried deleting other apps to free up space, even though I’ve got space available, and still, doesn’t work! SO FRUSTRATING! I enjoy the game the very few times it has loaded, even tho it’s harder than heck to advance since they don’t give you much energy, and the energy you do get from cooking, etc is so little… doesn’t help that the items you use energy on give you back very little! Ugh! I wish they would fix these two issues bc I’d play a lot more and probably actually spend a few $$ on the game… if I could actually get it to load. ***oh, and customer service isn’t very friendly and takes forever to respond, if they even bother to!***


Money Pit

This game started out as so much fun! As you continue your journey the task continue to get longer with endless items needed to complete one flower, glass, shovel etc. You can use up to 500 points in energy just to make 1 in order to make something else you have to wait 10mins for completion. I got sucked into all the Gem & Energy adds that last about 2 seconds in this game! I’m done! I will finish my last mission and moving on from this foolishness! In addition adds that gave you extra energy or gems completely stopped!! Not to mention I came in first in a competition days later I never received my prize. Had to reach out to support who gave me 500 points in Energy of the 700 earned. (And yes I provided a screenshot of my winnings) I had to reach out again to ask for the additional 200 points. I spend lots of energy on onions I never get. Upgraded my house that NEVER CHANGED and still waiting on a response. Disappointed!


The game was enjoyable until :

They want a ridiculous amount of energy to complete collect items and a ridiculous amount of items to complete things or upgrade
You get 4 animals that need to be fed but only get 2 water every hour who has time to go on every hour to collect water to make feed and you only can make 2 feed each time you collect water and you need water to make items in the grill for energy and you need to feed the pig for bacon which takes feed which takes water just about everything in the grill is going to need something from a animal which again takes feed which requires water . I think your getting the point
I was having fun but I’ve made it to level 23 and I’m about to quit .It takes way too much energy and water to do anything
I don’t pay to play


Money Pit!

I’ve been playing for a long while now. I cannot even add up all the money I’ve spent (dumb of me, I know). My biggest problem is that when I first started they gave you the option to watch a few ads to help with energy and diamonds, then that option went away. A few weeks ago it came back and I actually liked being able to watch a few ads for some energy or diamonds. I understand that in-app purchases are optional but with no other way to get energy or diamonds I wind up buying just to finish a quest. This game has gotten so greedy, most games give a few freebies here and there as an incentive, not this company. They even limit the amount of chests they set out so that you can’t even use the keys you get from quests completed. The items that come out of the chests are things that you sometimes need to finish a quest and because there are no chests to open up, you’re stuck. Get it together!


Input versus Output

Game is frustrating. Designed to do EXACTLY what they all are for, to get anywhere you have to buy extra energy or supplies. Do the math yourself (actual task), Level 28 player, 84 energy: to build a stairway will require 30 pieces of ore, 30 logs, and 40 stones. Takes 24 energy for 3 pieces of ore, 32 energy to receive 8 logs, and another 32 energy for 8 stones. You will need 240 energy for the ore, 128 energy for logs, and 160 energy for the stones, so to complete this task you will need 528 energy. Energy replenishes at 1 every 2 minutes. Don’t worry though, there are “hidden” caches of extra energy and jewels along the way! All you need to do to get to those caches is unlock boxes using the keys you get from a trader by providing produced goods, which require supplies, that require energy to get. (See the circle) DONT FRET! At the beginning of each task the game will give you a chance to purchase additional energy and supplies.
As previous reviews have pointed out the same dilemma, the developers so graciously suggested planning and choosing tasks to complete. Choose between experiencing the whole game (minigames and storyline) or the storyline, or the minigames.
(Approximate) Math to complete stairway, without purchasing: 15 hours of wait time, 2 minutes of playtime!



There is absolutely nothing in this game that remotely resembles the advertisement I saw. I wanted to run around and collect eggs on a conveyor belt and load them in trucks… There's one little chicken that runs around you can feed two or three times a day.
I played it for a bit to see if something else would pop up but it has not. You have to travel from island to island and you might find that you need an item that is only available on your home island so you have to go back there to collect one thing and then return back to complete the task. This happens a lot. They do offer quite a few packages and bushes laying around with free energy in them which is nice. However, when you click on something, it doesn't tell you what you're going to get if you spend your energy to chop it down so you can waste some energy doing this. There are a lot of the events like a snowman building one you will never be able to complete in time without buying a fair amount of energy. Yes, I said snowmen... in the Bermuda islands…I'm poking around here for a bit but I will most likely delete BermudaAdventures. The deception with the advertisement doesn't make me want to spend any of my entertainment money in this game.


Very glitchy. No good support. No fun.

I just started playing this game and spent money for energy and gems. The game info left some important things out and the support wasn’t easy to figure out either. I sent my message just after 5 pm and they answered at 4 am when I was sleeping and ended contact. I lost game time and prizes because of that. Then I hit a glitch after I’d bought more energy and diamonds. I contacted them again and again had to wait hours of game time and lost progress in timed “adventures” which caused me to lose more progress and prizes. I asked for game rewards or my money back. They gave me 3 matchbox things only. No energy or diamonds and certainly not a refund. Now the game has glitched again, I’m stuck on Volcano island and I can’t do anything, not even send them a message. This game would be fun if it worked. I have deleted the game, what else is there to do. Wish I had read the reviews first and didn’t spend money for nothing.


Fun, at first…

I liked the game at first because it had promise. I was able to get the lemur and got his energy return level up pretty good, but then the designer messed with the game and dropped his energy return all the way down to eleven! They took away all his outfits too. Then I noticed that they kept playing the same temporary islands over again which made it boring. Then they decided to force the player into watching ads which sometimes dragged you off the game to the website of the ad! But the worst aspect of the game are the pop ups! Constantly having to turn one off. Every time you make an action there goes another pop up! Irritating as all get out. Then they are always forcing you into a tutorial. Treating us like an idiot. I certainly don’t need a tutorial like a 4 year old does. Complaining falls on deaf ears and frankly I think they lost their coder(s). So bye bye- I’ll find something else to waste my time😁

Is Bermuda Adventures Safe?

Yes. Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 49,380 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bermuda Adventures Is 36.7/100.

Is Bermuda Adventures Legit?

Yes. Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 49,380 Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bermuda Adventures Is 51.3/100..

Is Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games not working?

Bermuda Adventures: Farm Games works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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