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Published by on 2024-02-09

friends swipe. you match.

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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at BlindMate GmbH, developers of blindmate.

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Contact e-Mail: [email protected]

19.05% Contact Match

Developer: claritylabs

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit blindmate Website

About this app

You don’t have to – because your friends find matches for you. And your profile?  Sign up as a matchmaker, answer questions about your friends, suggest matches for them, and play cupid.  We are four friends and want to build a good and honest dating app.  Trust your friends – they know you and are guaranteed to find suitable matches for you.  You upload photos and some information, and then your friends describe you by answering questions about you.  And the more friends join in, the more likable your profile becomes.  Since it is important to us to build a good alternative to previous dating apps, we currently also refrain from advertising and premium features.  If you have any questions or just want to chat with us, you can reach us at [huhu@this app. de](mailto:huhu@this app. de) or in blindmate in the support chat.  This will probably change at some point, e. g. , when the server costs become too expensive, we have to fight hackers and bots or discover our love for caviar and luxury yachts.  Your own profile is only visible to your friends.  Now imagine you’re sitting on the couch with your best friend, and you swipe for each other. Much better!  You are in a relationship but would like to help your single friends?  You won’t be shown to anyone else in blindmate and don’t even need a photo.  Your friends are guaranteed to come up with something better!  In this way, a profile is created in which your character appears the way it is: friendly and authentic. You’re taken?  this app is the dating app where you don’t swipe for yourself. 

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