MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games Reviews

MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-25

About: Classic Solitaire meets MONOPOLY in this new FREE mash-up brought to you by
Hasbro and the original creators of Solitaire! Now is your chance to play these
two classic games for FREE and become a MONOPOLY millionaire. Easy to play but
impossible to put down, MONOPOLY Solitaire is a relaxing card game with an
exciting board game twist.

About MONOPOLY Solitaire

Play free classic solitaire and the MONOPOLY board game in a way you’ve never experienced before and build your MONOPOLY empire! Enjoy one of the most iconic board games from Hasbro coupled with the most popular classic solitaire card game from MobilityWare.

With over 250 million MONOPOLY games sold and 290 million Solitaire downloads worldwide this FREE game offers mobile gamers a unique gameplay experience, combining the challenge of the best classic solitaire with the timeless fun of MONOPOLY.

In MONOPOLY Solitaire, completing deals of solitaire earns dice rolls and MONOPOLY board game points to send players off on the chase for fortune.

MONOPOLY name and character, as well as each of the distinctive classic elements of the board, cards and the playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro for its property trading game and game equipment used with permission.

Easy to play but impossible to put down, MONOPOLY Solitaire is a relaxing card game with an exciting board game twist.

Classic Solitaire meets MONOPOLY in this new FREE mash-up brought to you by Hasbro and the original creators of Solitaire! Now is your chance to play these two classic games for FREE and become a MONOPOLY millionaire.

-COLLECT PROPERTIES, buy HOUSES and HOTELS and EARN RENT to win the game! Just like the classic MONOPOLY game you remember.

-Enjoy all your favourites from the classic MONOPOLY GAME BOARD, but be careful.

The MONOPOLY name and logo, the distinctive design of the game board, the four corner squares, the MR.

Progress through the game and avoid jail to unlock your favourite tokens from the actual MONOPOLY board game.

Earn MONOPOLY Points and roll the dice as you play each solitaire hand.

You’ll use your hard-earned cash from playing your best solitaire game! Puzzle your way through each solitaire challenge to earn more rolls and get ahead of your opponents.

MobilityWare and Hasbro have teamed and created MONOPOLY Solitaire.

-EARN MONOPOLY POINTS and MONOPOLY moves by completing solitaire deals.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 74,058 combined software reviews.

1340 MONOPOLY Solitaire Reviews

4.7 out of 5



Getting put in “jail” 3 times in a row in 1 deal - several times a day is a bit much, don’t you think? Random? I think not. Update: 5 times in jail in one game of 3 deals. Either by card, board space, or rolling doubles 3 times. Doubles come up an AWEFUL LOT! Wish I could take these dice to the casino! Meanwhile, even though I win most every game, it gets tedious to spend lots of time each game just working to get out of jail. Other than that, I must love the game because it takes 42% of my battery life, or more, each day. Wishing for more random plays. And btw, why don’t the bots go to jail? I’ve seen them on that board space, but they’re just visiting.

Update: The new fixes seem to keep my jail time to a minimum. It got ridiculous there for a while. The new game options are a nice break from the norm. I don’t like the extra coins card that pops up on your “win line” as you’re waiting for the next new token to pop up when hitting a new level. I either have to click on the token, or just hit Continue. Either way, the new token screen, asking you if you want to set it as yours or just showing you a new challenger, is gone. Then, I have to go into my collection & figure out which one I just got, when a lot of them still say new. The images are too small to make out some details, and the images aren’t named. Other than the token issue, pretty pleased with the new game plays.


I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

It’s not the worst game, but it’s hardly a winner. I’ve spent multiple games only landing on the community/chance space and going to jail or continuously rolling doubles and going to jail. I’ve also had experiences of getting out of jail only to, you guessed it, go back to jail several times in a row. Hard to win when you don’t even land on properties. I would say plan on going to jail at least once a game if not multiple times. To get out of jail takes rolls, if you have any left. I’m not sure what the rule of thumb is for it as I’ve had it take 2 rolls, 1 roll and another time it just locked up my remaining rolls.

There is only one game mode. Would be nice to be able to play past 10,000pts. 10,000 goes fast especially if you own all 4 train stations. The “Free Parking” space is literally worthless. Nothing ever happens when you land on it.

Lately, the game has been extra glitchy (more than normal) and either crashes or freezes my phone. Not really worth the hassle anymore. The game definitely needs some work. 👎🏼



People stop playing games like this not because it’s not fun and addicting but because they get burned out on ads that 1) are hard to close and 2) are repetitive. This game is a blast, and for the most part, it feels rewarding to watch ads by choice because you get significant coins in return.

I LOVE the animations and sound effects, and I love the combo of solitaire and monopoly. That’s very cool.

What will burn me out as it has for many other games that, like this one, are well designed and genuinely fun and challenging, is that Every. Time. I finish. A game. There’s an ad. Most won’t close without a struggle. With some games, you can get the ad to close by restarting the game, but not this one. It just reopens with another ad that won’t close.

There’s NO excuse for ads that won’t close. No excuse. People will enjoy the game for a while, maybe even months, but then they’ll get burned out and look for something new. If you want player loyalty, and if you want to make more money from ads, choose ads that will close easily (why for the love of God can’t they close themselves?!) and that offer a tangible reward. Why can’t there be more variety? Sometimes I feel like if I have to watch one more stupid King in Jeopardy ad, I’m going to explode. There is zero chance that I will download a game when I can’t close the ad for it!


Everything you’d expect it to be, except for lack of content

I don’t write reviews. Ever. But I’ve loved monopoly since before I even started kindergarten, and solitaire has been a long time favorite of mine since middle school (thanks to every time the wifi would cut out at home and my computer addicted little self would play solitaire).

This game is exactly how it seems. You play solitaire, build up coins to buy property, but the biggest difference is the fact that the game consists of literally just getting coins and buying property or taking it from others. Extremely rudimentary.

The lack of content is realistically my biggest complaint. There is only one game mode. As you build up exp you unlock opponents and little characters for yourself but there isn’t any online play, and there are no options as far as being able to edit game settings. It’s literally the same thing every single time, and if you aren’t a decently big fan of either solitaire or monopoly this may not be the game for you because I can see and have experienced how easy it is to get bored with this game.

I keep coming back, yes, but that’s because I love both games. I get bored in the moment but the amount of fun I have playing this game in and of itself is worth coming back even if I just needed a day long break or something.


Not the Real Game Rules

This game is fun to play, but sadly, the solitaire is not a random deal, the number of deals is limited, and when you get the same deal two or three times in a row, it’s tedious.

The change in the game rules is more of an issue. When you buy a property, you get coins every time you land on it, but your opponents do not pay when they land on it. What is the point of buying the property? The only income-producing properties are the utilities, and if I’ve been paid when someone landed on my electric company or water works, I am unaware of it — no notification that I have seen.

The game generally ends after the third or fourth solitaire game, making it very short. Very few hotels are built, because the game is over too soon. It’s very easy to win, which also becomes tedious after a while. I enjoyed it quite a bit to begin with, until I figured out the game strategy and learned all the solitaire deals, both of which cut in to my overall enjoyment.



To say this game is addicting is an understatement!! I stumbled across this game yesterday and have not been able to put it down since!! I am already on level 25…that should tell you something. I got my entire family addicted to this game now too! The only thing I’d say that would make this game better is if we could find a way to play online against friends or family. Otherwise, the game is phenomenal with the graphics to the sound effects and the ease of playing.

Highly addicting and extremely fun and is absolutely free!!!



This game is fun. But I have never played a game that freezes up more than this one. After just about every ad, the game freezes. You have to go out and come back in. At first I thought it was my iPad and brought it to be checked. There was nothing wrong. No other apps do this. Not to mention if I have 8 or 9 dice toss I end up in jail or luxury tax or income. If not those it’s chance or community chest. It’s soo annoying and makes you want to quit. I feel like it’s to make you watch more videos which is where they earn their money. People aren’t stupid! You say you want to fix this to others with the same complaints! Why not just fix it? Update:started counting and they are not always accurate on count when you move forward. And when they aren’t it’s always to chance, community chest, go to jail, luxury tax or income tax. And their count is not always accurate to get to these things….


Game Crashed - Lost All Progress

I play games with ads all the time. I could do without it but (shrug) I don’t like paying for games during the “trial run”. With games I actually enjoy and think are done well, I will “buy in” and throw $1-$5 at it reasoning they made a game that was solid and they earned their money from me.

I think I was in my 3rd or 4th game of Monopoly Solitaire and I just killed the first hand. Had the whole deck sorted in under 2 min. The ad came on, as expected, and it hard crashed the game. Among all the ad-powered games I’ve played, I can’t say I’ve ever seen one crash because of the ads. And if your game is going to be that… flimsy… maybe you should have a recovery feature built into your game where I can return to my progress when it inevitably fails. I’m not going to subject myself to playing 5-6 hands, almost win, then have the game crash and lose all progress. Solitaire and Monopoly together was a little strange anyway.


God. I really wanna like this game.

Okay, so I was so excited when I came across this game, but I’ve had enough. The graphics and animations are great, the the other problems are way too much.

The constant exposure to ads that have no volume controls make ads a major noise nuisance. Not the mention that most of them turn of my music.

When you are playing the board game, you only have on average nine rolls. It makes is SO RIDICULOUS to have roll after roll in community chest, chance, taxation spots, and going to jail. In one set of rolls, I went to jail seven times! It makes it difficult to plays the game without extreme anger and frustration.

While you are focusing in the solitaire parent, the other players are playing the game without you. When you finally make it back to the board game, your properties have been bought out from underneath you, leaving you to have start buying again. I recognize that is part of th game, but let me have a chance to play with the other players.

You always start the game as the last player. Rarely were utilities or railroads available in the first round for you. Again, you feel cheated from the very beginning.

I have played hundreds of rounds, and while I really want to love it, there are just too many obstacles. You feel cheated. Shame on you Hasbro.


Still had glitches

Games is fun. Needs a faster and quicker play. I found in the middle of the animation that if I keep tapping, I somehow lose control of certain functions in the play field like moving cards or undoing a play. The play field just stays non-playable (dimmed). I toggled off music and sound and it works fine while using MONOPOLYSolitaire . However, when I restart MONOPOLYSolitaire , I can hear faint music in the background. I go into setting to toggle on and off the music just to get rid of it. During play I notice I land in jail A LOT as in 3 times in a row. And how does the random generator formula work? There is NO possible way I can roll 5 doubles in one single game. 3 times to get into jail and two more times afterwards. And there is NO possible way that I can land on both taxes each time I pass them. Still fun enough to play, though.


Fun But Confusing…

When I finally found the Rules/Gameplay, it was VERY VAGUE… i still dont understand the gameplay..!! You are offered the Option of “TAKING” any “UnLocked” Property even if itsalready owned & has houses…?? Rules Don't fully explain HOW you get it Locked
OR How/Why you can Pay$ to JUST TAKE another’s Property?
does it explain how/if you can Prevent your property being taken?
The gameplay is backwards from real game… i get payed for passing/landing on my own properties… BUT im UnSure if im getting paid by other computer players when they land on mine But Dont take it…???

You dont really know what other players are doing as they go around board unless you catch the few quick banners as they pop up….
Seems to me if they are going to so Drastically Change/Alter monopoly’s rules they would explain fully in rules OR just Make it a Different Game & skip paying for use of company gamename..

The only thingthat makesit monopoly is the theme/grafixs.
Theres no real incentive to keep moving forward in the game except Earning a new game piece like shoe car cat & gaining a higher level w points, which doesnt really give you any dif experience or advantages in game play..!?!?


Too loaded with bots/bored!

Just way too repetitive and bored. I’m on level 30 and still trying to figure out what’s the collection business all about. I went to the help section to try and find out but that was a waste of time absolutely nothing there. I decided to use chat and oh my goodness another dead end. I was being asked my name and email address just to get an answer which I found to be way too intrusive for just asking a question! 😡🙄 No thank you instead I’m deleting as it’s way too bored for me anyway. The five star ratings is very questionable I found nothing entertaining other than it’s so bored you basically win majority of games you play for peanuts that take you forever to build (if ever) while it only take seconds to disappear as if you’re wasting your time trying to play.


Good idea, needs work.

Overall, I like the idea. I think it’s fun, and although it’s not played like classic monopoly, it works really well for what it is. So it’s a good idea and a fun game. However, there are a couple issues, which is why I’m giving it 4 stars instead of 5.

First off, you can only play deal 1. I have another solitaire app from mobilityware, and it lets you play deal 3 as well, and you can adjust that in the settings. That app also lets you turn off automatic hints in the settings, while the monopoly one doesn’t. So I’d add settings like that to the solitaire aspect of this game.

There are also some bugs when you finish a game that need to be fixed. If you finish a game and then close MONOPOLYSolitaire , when you get back on it will say you still need to finish the game you already finished. And sometimes there’s overlap with roles and cards from one game to the next. So those are all just bugs that cause problems.

Again, overall, I really like the game. But if you guys make those changes and fixes it could be a 5 star app.


Fun but Flawed

Would be an amazing game if they worked out a few kinks! At level 115, I only needed 94,000 to get to level 116, it goes up about 1K every level. However, at level 116 it’s requiring now 1,264,000 to get to level 117! Why the huge jump??? Also, you used to be able to get various amounts in winning. One time I actually got 69,599 in a single game! And 20-30K wasn’t too hard. But now your lucky to get over 15k in a single game. It does appear they fixed the fact that it wouldn’t count the right amount of spaces to move around the board, so that’s a plus. It’s a fun game, but if it stays like this….I’m out. Oh, one last thing….it would be nice to have an option to purchase no ads like $2.99 or something!


Ok Concept

The concept of this game is great but the execution is not. First off the game is genuinely fun but needs a lot of improvement!
1. Ads. The ads interfere with the game play! I don't mind ads but when I spend 10 seconds looking at it and the bots get to keep playing that is not ok!
2. More game options. You play one kind of game over and over and over again! You really aren't working towards anything but little character pieces to use and I have had the same deal 10 times
3. More setting options. I want to be able to change the difficulty of the bots. Make it a 3 instead of 1. Maybe add mew boards or even challenges anything to break up the boredom.
4. After level 10 prepare to lose constantly to the bots its like they are popeye and ate a can of spinach. No matter what I do 9/10 times I lose and sometimes you don't even have a chance they win instantly!
5. Lastly at least 3 times a game I get sent to jail! Somehow the “randomized” dice always put me in jail! What is with this! If you are still playing cards you have to put 4 cards up to get out and if you finished you lose a roll!
Over all, the game can be fun but not for long!


Is it really necessary to click 3 times to close an add?

This nuisance significantly brings down the value of the game. It’s annoying enough to have the auto ads, but then you click to skip and are taken to another ad screen where you have to wait five seconds to close the ad, and THEN you’re taken to a third add screen where again, you have to wait to close the ad after you’ve already clicked to close it. It’s obnoxiously tedious. It was bad enough with two layers of ad screen, but three for the same app? Really?
Also disappointed in the 10k point cap - I assumed this was just for the tutorial, but every round stops at 10k points? That is going to get boring SO fast. You can’t play a full game at all.
Overall a good idea, poorly executed.


Love it but…

I am forever a die hard solitaire fan. Combined with monopoly and Muah chefs kiss, however and this is the only reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5… please give me the ability to finish my game, and let the top score win. Also I would and I’m sure there are plenty of others who would as well pay to go ad free. Get rid of those annoyances and this would be a fantastic wonderful 5 star worthy game. I mean it’s still a pretty great game but please please give me the ability to finish my hand and get rid of the ads I get that they make it free for everyone to use but I will pay to not have ads! Take my money so I don’t have to see ads lol!



Fun game and time waster. Ads are typically between each round which I think is completely fine for forced ads. A problem I have faced on multiple occasions is random forced ads during rounds. Yesterday I had an ad interrupt an in between round ad. I didn’t think that was possible, but it is. The Devs need to fix this issue, because the only way to stop the random forced ads is uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. The problem with that is ALL of your progress getting different skins for your token are gone. I had about 10 hours of work gone all because of the advertisement bug.

Long story short fun game with occasional serious bugs.


Interesting but limited

An interesting mashup concept with great potential but at the end of the day, there isn’t much here. If you win your first game by reaching the 10,000 point goal, then congratulations you have seen the entire game. While you can unlock purely cosmetic tokens with continued play, nothing else changes. It is a testament to the potential here that I have stuck with the game into the early teens of player level, but I just don’t see myself coming back much now until a major update.

With some minor additions/variations (such as varying goals, occasional round limits, token-specific powers, and some draw three), I think this could be a great game. But for now, it is mediocre.


Great game.

It’s a great game. But after awhile it’s tedious and looses its luster. If there could be increased difficulty or even different modes where the max is more than 10k to win. And love the free to play game. But have an option that we could pay to remove adds. And also solitaire is great alone. Hence the name. But by adding a twist of monopoly to it. It could very well be fun to play with live players instead of just the computer. Anyway just thoughts of things that would severely increase in my opinion the overall longevity of the game and possibly even draw in more players.



I thought I could make it through and really have fun with this game but it’s just not stopping the ads come on you sit playing other games more than you get to play this game so I’m so sorry I think I’m gonna have to give it up. I’m looking for a regular monopoly game because I would rather pay money 10 bucks a month and not have it. At any rate, it’s become too frustrating and I just can’t even play enough for the game instead I have to play other games that I already own a lot of them. Anyway, I hope everybody has a great time I could be back, but I doubt it. I can never get back to the game right now because I’m stuck on an ad
That is on consistently . Seems like one add closes in a decent amount of time. They should give these ads one minute and get them out of there instead I’ve been playing for five minutes or another day. It’s just sad I’m very disappointed.


Deceitful and just unscrupulous

I have no clue how the game plays so I won’t lie what I do know is the commercial for this game constantly pops up on another game I play we’ve all had trouble before trying to close out a commercial, but this one cannot be closed out no matter how perfect you hit it how many times you had it how many times you rotate your screen you just cannot get out of this commercial. To make matters worse every time this commercial comes up it messes up the rewards because you can never close it out. I play CSR in which you receive bigger rewards for longer chains of commercials so the first commercial gives you one gas two in a row gives you three so on so forth, but when the monopoly commercial comes up, I lose the entire streak. I’ve contacted csr2 customer service about it and hopefully they fix it. But either way I know monopoly is doing this deliberately. And the commercial does not only come up on that one game at does it with several games with the same problem not being able to close it out. I only download it so that it would stop popping up. So for their deceitful practices pretty much forcing me to download I will never open this game.



I love that this game is not money hungry and I don’t mind a quick ad between hands. It loses a star because I don’t care for the being able to steal from each other. Also the game has glitched several times and I wasn’t able to roll, thankfully it did allow me to roll once I completed the hand and then usually the next hand was fine. I do wish there was a rules section where you could change some of the rules like not allowing stealing.

Update: they have added game modes and one of them allows you to select when the game ends either at 10,000, 15,000, or 20,000. The other one is whoever has the highest amount at the end of four deals wins. I very much appreciate this. I am still not thrilled with the stealing.


Developers! Stop with the jail time on easy mode!

Guys, c’mon. Getting sent to jail so often is not cool. Maybe on hard mode but on easy? Don’t you think easy mode should just give a player the satisfaction of winning? If I want a challenge, I’ll change the setting. But I don’t want a challenge nor do I want frustration when I’m playing a game like this. If it isn’t getting sent to jail, then it’s landing on the tax spots every time. Again, easy mode. If it’s not the taxation every rotation, then it’s the crazy speed by which the AI players are playing. Before I even go around the board once, all the other players have made enough rounds to put multiple houses on properties? Or collect all the railroads? Again, EASY MODE! just make it a softball home run for players. Give me all the stupid ads you want. I don’t care. But don’t make me out to be a jerk with this undeniable manipulation of the dice rolls. On easy mode. On easy mode I just want to giggle and kill a little time. I suspect it’s the sadist in certain programmers. They know what they’re doing. But I’m done with this game.


Surprisingly buggy

This is an enjoyable Solitaire game, but also surprisingly buggy. If you accidentally tap on a card while in the middle of a roll, it locks out parts of the screen so you can still sort cards from the deck, but you can’t roll or undo. The ads…they are plentiful and if one doesn’t start like it’s supposed to and doesn’t load a timer, the whole thing stops. You can still get the little card to download the game it’s advertising, but you can’t exit the ad to get back to the game. Both of these issues lead to a force quit of MONOPOLYSolitaire . Then, there’s the frame rate…weirdly, the frame rate for the roll and move animations will drastically drop to what looks like 12fps, but the Monopoly money and coin animations are fine. It works itself out after a deal, restarts generally don’t fix it. No other app on my phone has that issue. These aren’t deal breakers (haha) yet, I’m still playing and I hope the devs are working on fixes in the background. *edited to add* I can’t get past the ad black screen issue. Force quit doesn’t help. This is a deal breaker because I can’t even play.


mediocre but fun enough

it’s solitaire with the most bare bones version of monopoly tossed on top. you complete challenges that are mostly up to RNG in order to get skins for tokens. it’s fun enough if you’re looking for solitaire but want just a tiny bit of spice. the biggest con is the near constant ads, all of which must be interacted with several times to dismiss. they play after every deal, you can cheat mid-game by watching ads, and watch ads after the game for bonuses. the in game store is an expensive joke. leveling only exists to pressure you into watching more ads for extra experience or spend money on diamonds to buy a special token; there’s honestly no reason for diamonds to exist other than premium currency being a mobile game staple. the monopoly part of the game is mostly a thin coat of paint, but if you like doing multiple hands of solitaire in a row and like the monopoly theme, you’ll like this game.


On going support issues with zero response

Let me make this clear, this USED to be my favorite game.. it is EXTREMELY AD HEAVY which makes it a tad bit nauseating, but a pretty good game overall.. It combines classic solitaire with the classic board game game. Great graphics, extremely good gameplay. My suggestions for the game, if you have all three properties, no one should be able to steal the, just like the the utilities. Same for the railroads. You are paying for such a high end price to acuire each one of them, they should not be able to be taken away.

There are times that when you land on a property that you are not able to but but it… i simply can not understand why.. i have the money l. My turn.. why not?? Whe should always be given the option to buy,

This is our time Loves.. hold your chins up to the sun and to Gid, and let’s take back what we all know what has always been our peoples! May peace be with us all!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I’m about to delete this game

I really loved playing this game but for over 2 weeks I have not been able to play it. It opens up and stays stuck on the mobility ware screen. I’ve updated my phone and reset a few times and nothing. I’ve gotten really far in this game. I never really used a profile so now I have to uninstall which will probably set me back to the beginning. Very frustrated. Hopefully in the future there will be a better way to fix bug fixes without it affecting the accessibility of the game. I doubt I will reinstall because I don’t want to start back from the beginning.


Mixed feelings

Not certain how I feel about this game. At first it was an enjoyable time killer; I hadn’t lost a single game and each deal generally had multiple solutions and was fairly forgiving. After unlocking most of the skins on the car, the game difficulty ramped up drastically for seemingly no reason. Prior to unlocking the magma skin, I was completing the game in two to three deals. Once unlocked, I would struggle to complete any deck and most deals all the sudden only have one way to be solved; you have to be perfect. I did not change difficulty at any point. This does not even go into how frequently I land on Chance and Community Chest all the sudden. Really seems like a lot of times it’s setup so the solution to the properties a lot of the times is to watch ads, which I am not doing.

We’ll see how often this happens before I decide to uninstall the game.



1) If you’re looking for a game of Monopoly, this is not it. Once you buy a property, the robo players can steal it, regardless of how many houses you have on it. Even if you own a color set, the properties can be taken. After 4 houses, if you’re lucky enough to land on that 4-house property before your opponents, you can buy a hotel, at which point the property can no longer be taken. However, if they beat you to it, they can buy the hotel and gain permanent possession.

2) The movements of the token do not always match the dice count. Often, the error in the count does not favor the player. This has been reported in the past, yet the count still goes wrong.

3) The dice rolls most often strategically work against the player, I.e. rolling numbers that place the player between two properties with 4 houses; landing the player over and over again on non-property spaces like Chance, Taxes, Community Chest, and very often Jail. Meanwhile, the robo players are moving around the board stealing property.

4) You cannot see the entire board and you cannot see if a player already owns most of a set.

This is the most convoluted way of combining a card game with a famous and much loved board game. Still….I keep playing it hoping the programmers will make necessary adjustments. Soon I’m going to give it up.


A fun game but issues with ads

The ads are killing this game for me. There is an ad before every deal and you have to sit through them. I’d rather pay for a premium version without those ads. There are also ads that you can watch if you don’t have enough currency to buy a property. I didn’t mind these ads at first. That’s because at first, they were giving me the promised currency after watching the ad. Now, I watch the ad all the way through and it acts like I didn’t watch it. I try to watch the ad again, but when I click the button, nothing happens. When I give up and say “pass”, it pops up asking me if I’m sure I don’t want to watch the ad. It doesn’t let me rewatch it from that screen, either. Then it simply goes on to my next roll. This is very frustrating and I’m considering dropping this game.


Not impressed with customer support / revised review

When purchasing the music icons, I noticed the piano game price wouldn’t show up on the board instead it would be another musical game piece. I sent screenshots to support and after no resolution I was forced to delete the game losing all those pieces along with the spring collection I had acquired. Not to forget that all the customizations for each game piece was lost and I was back to square one. Even though I sent multiple screenshots, all they could say really is that it’s unfortunate and hopefully it won’t happen in the future with updates to the game. No offer to replace my diamonds spent was made. Seriously, I lost at least 8-9 thousand. What a waste of time and a small amount of cash that I spent. I personally would suggest you think twice before spending real cash on this game.

Since sending this review, I was surprised to see a better outcome. I discovered that my diamonds were replaced and I was able to recover much of the game pieces I had previously acquired except for the spring collection. I am hoping that in the near future support will develop a way for a player’s game to be saved in the event updates were to cause problems such as corruption where a player would have to delete the game and reinstall yet not lose any progress or game pieces.


What’s going on?

The farther I get in the game the more it glitches. First off, the past three times I’ve leveled up I was supposed to get a new game piece. Instead it quickly flashed the dog and that was it. So I definitely feel cheated. The second thing is lost progress. Which seems to be trend with this game. I had finished all the quests for the turtle. When I went back to it, I had been set back two quests.
Lastly, this is not a glitch but a disappointment. When you finished the daily challenges you received 100 diamonds. It’s been bumped down to 10. Which is ridiculous to me. I got my hopes up one day when it was changed to 50 diamonds and then one of the challenges was worth 10. I thought the you guys compromised. Nope, back down to 10 the next day. It’s been that way since. About a week and a half now. I don’t play the game as much as I used to because of this. I definitely don’t bother finishing the challenges anymore.
I loved this game at first. Not so much anymore.


It was fun in the beginning

I have been playing for awhile, level 166. Unfortunately I am frustrated of the glitches enough to quit playing. Just isn’t worth my time anymore. The World Tour was a fun idea, but, every game I played had the same “opponents” and the location each day was Germany, not so much of a world tour. I kept up to date with the updates and the world tour option disappeared completely. The game keeps telling me I have new tokens but I don’t see them. The ads are increasingly annoying, I get why they are there but they have become more of a hassle. Instead of an “x” to close it, there might be “done” which you think would close it but nope, then an “x” appears so you click that, then sometimes after that it repeats the ad for another 10 seconds. I don’t know. It’s not fun sitting around watching ads that won’t even close. It’s a game in itself trying to figure out how to close them sometimes.

Also I have a suggestion regarding the ads (of course) one watches to collect the diamonds. What is the point of waiting a day or more to watch multiple ads? Just offer 20 diamonds for watching one ad every 24 hours. That’s what most other games do with their in game currency or whatever.

I did have fun playing and collecting the tokens, but it seems this game got more “complicated” with the updates as time went on. Sometimes simple is better.


I love this game. But it crashes every single time I play it.

I play this game everyday. It used to function pretty well but the last few months it has crashed every single time I’ve tried to play it. I’ve made sure to keep it updated and my tabs all closed. Trying everything on my end to keep this game going. Half of the time I watch reward ads for more coins to buy a property, it crashes and erases the progress I made in the monopoly game and takes me back to a unfinished solitaire game, that I have already finished. Making completing a deal or game much longer than it should take and more frustrating. I really like this game. I love both games separately, so together it is pretty cool. Love the game pieces and how the functionality of the monopoly game is simple and fun.
I do recommend maybe being able to personalize the solitaire background and card faces. That would take it to the next level for me.


Too flashy for my taste

This is mildly entertaining. However, I find it too flashy, like walking into some sort of tourist trap or casino. I would prefer something simpler, like only solitaire by itself. For people who really enjoy monopoly, and would like to mix it in with a little solitaire, this is probably great. However, I find that playing monopoly in this format lacks the challenge and fun of playing it on a game board with friends. Playing monopoly on a board, live with friends, is fun and incorporates camaraderie. But with this game, I feel like the game is playing itself, and all I am doing is pressing a button. There is not much challenge. The competitors are the computer rather than your friends, so there’s really no feel of competition. Plus, if you need more money to purchase a property, it will let you watch an ad. That sort of thing doesn’t happen in Real monopoly. I do like the solitaire play, however. But so far I do not see any option where I can play only Solitaire; I am forced to play Monopoly while I play the solitaire. Regardless, it is a unique twist on both games to mix them together like this.


Fun game poor app design

This game is very addicting if you like solitaire and or monopoly. It’s super fun, however the bugs are very annoying. Also how to play the game and certain aspects of the game are TERRIBLY hard to understand because there is little instruction let alone explanation for most things. Like you just have to play and eventually figure it out.. Ads are annoying but that’s how they make their money so it’s whatever. The diamonds you earn by winning do not actually work. I win a game, earn 75 diamonds… and my total diamonds go to -75 and then back up to 0 so that I don’t actually receive them. And when I do, it’ll add up but then not be that same number later. So I can’t even use the diamond feature.

ALSO, the amount of times I go to jail is INSANE. One time I had 5 dice rolls and I went to jail EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. and lost the game because I didn’t earn enough in time even though I was almost there. Really really annoying.


Feels like bitcoin miner

I don’t know what y’all are up to, but this game feels way too unoptimized. The game is really not that complicated, it should not be causing my phone to heat up way to much to the point it starts to slow down. Not to mention killing my battery with it. Also, I started running into bugs wayyyyy to quickly, giving the impression that it isn’t very well polished. My game has soft locked multiple times have crashed for seemingly no reason, and multiple times around the same point. Also really weird, but when it crashes, it would send me back a bit, but some of the progress that was made before would be kept? Like the monopoly game and the solitaire game are completely separate save states, so it would save the monopoly game, crash, and then set back the solitaire while keeping monopoly save.

Anyway, for the game being as simple as it is, yet buggy and overheating my phone, it really feels like something else is happening in the background, like a bitcoin miner or something of the sort.


Great concept, not so great usability.

I was super excited when I first launched this game, as I love the idea of mixing Monopoly and solitaire. All the graphics have a classic game feel, which I actually enjoy. Unfortunately, the goals, earnings, and spending bank are too confusing. As I play, it is hard to tell what I have and what I need. in the saturated market of solitaire games, this one is only a few steps above many of the basic ones. But the worst is the ad delivery method. I don’t mind ads, because that is how games are kept free. However, forcing me to watch an ad and then tap to go to an App Store, making me back up in order to close out the ad is cumbersome and beyond confusing. Just as bad are the ads that if you tap while it is playing and spend time studying the landing page only to come back and be forced to watch the ad longer and tap out and back in close it, is a nightmare. I want to love this game, but the developers have a long way to go.

Is MONOPOLY Solitaire Safe?

Yes. MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 74,058 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for MONOPOLY Solitaire Is 60.0/100.

Is MONOPOLY Solitaire Legit?

Yes. MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 74,058 MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for MONOPOLY Solitaire Is 98.7/100..

Is MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games not working?

MONOPOLY Solitaire: Card Games works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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