Published by on 2022-08-07

About: CHACROANALIZ is the first mobile application based on chakra numerology method,
designed to make calculation process easy and aesthetically pleasing. The main
advantages of the app are: ACCURACY Hundreds of calculations have been made to
ensure the accuracy of this application.


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CHACROANALIZ is the first mobile application based on chakra numerology method, designed to make calculation process easy and aesthetically pleasing.

Also, the data of the calculation can be shared with clients and friends, using downloaded instant messengers.

Hundreds of calculations have been made to ensure the accuracy of this application.

The application allows you to do both, individual and compatibility calculation.

Referring to the app presentation, numerologist can easily explain the meaning of the displayed information to a client.

These calculations can be saved in the app archive.

The graphics of the app are simple, and the performance is intuitive.

  Customer Service/Support
Dmytro Kukharenko