Castle - Make and Play Reviews

Castle - Make and Play Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-07

About: Make and play interactive cards on Castle. Use our small but powerful editor to
create digital cards that come alive with elements you can touch and control.

About Castle

What is Castle? Castle is an app that allows users to create and play interactive cards. These cards can be anything from toys, scenes, stories, tiny worlds, animations, or simple doodles. Users can combine cards into decks to create worlds to explore or tell branching, dynamic stories. The app also features a feed of new and popular cards made by other creators in the community, and users can follow their favorite creators and get notified when they release new cards.



- Create digital cards that come alive with elements you can touch and control

- Cards can be toys, scenes, stories, tiny worlds, animations, or simple doodles

- Combine cards into decks to create worlds to explore or tell branching, dynamic stories

- Browse a feed of new and popular cards made by other creators in the community

- Follow your favorite creators and get notified when they release new cards

- Build a unique profile showcasing cards you've created and played

- Simple yet robust drawing tool, which includes shapes, layers, and even frame animation

- Bring your drawing to life with motion, physics, behaviors, rules, and sound effects

- Some features may require in-app purchase, such as featuring extra cards you've played on your profile. Creating and sharing cards never requires in-app purchase.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 3,389 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Castle

- Easy to use for creating interactive art, games, and stories

- Great for experimenting with ideas and unique concepts

- Huge selection of custom mini-games to play on your phone

- Helpful community on the Discord server for support and questions

4580 Castle Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Great but one issue

I’ll start by saying Castle is great. I don’t have a computer so I’ve never been able to make a game, when I saw Castle on Tiktok I downloaded it almost immediately. I’ve been working on a choose your own adventure game for a couple months now and it’s almost finished :) However, I noticed you cannot put a description when you publish the game, and I would like to use it for updates/suggestions. Is there any way you can fix that? That’s pretty much my only complaint for this game.


Hdneihwfsvd rbtotkdbd r. Th fbs

There is a glitch where when you click play in your card it sends you to another card meaning you can’t even update your card or do anything in it I would like you to fix it and also I worked 1 week for that game so meaning it’s really frustrating please fix this or I will have to delete this app from my phone.


Amazing!! But…

Hey developers, is there are a way where you can add favorites so if you want to play another persons game at another time, you can. Also please make a way where people cannot directly copy/remix your game. Why not have an option where you can allow others to remix and another where they are not allowed. Besides these two issues, it is the best app on Castle Store rn.


Great creative tool and community

this app is a fantastic app for experimenting with ideas, making interactive art, games, and stories, and just playing with unique and interesting ideas in general. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to be able to create and share their own creations, or even anyone who wants to have a huge selection of custom mini-games to play on their phone!


Amazing! Maybe with a couple bugs…

Basic bugs which may occurred explained: bug 1: there is a bug where if you type something [it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing] it stops you from creating games, and also it removes all the sound in Castle , with that being said someone gonna have to fix this.


Cool little app!

Castle is a really cool concept and mostly works, the only real issue being that there aren’t too many people who have Castle , so there isn’t that much content. However, there still is enough of a community to where it isn’t completely dead.

Making games is super easy and self explanatory and there are a good amount of fun games made by the people who use it

One thing I would really like to see added is the ability to title / caption an uploaded deck to explain what it is. It’s kind of annoying having a large list of games but not knowing what any of them are supposed to be.

But yeah, great app, check it out! The more people on it creating content the better!


A few fixer uppers?

I got the game and it is AWEMAZING This is a great way to get creative and let your imagination glow greatly ✨❤️ if I had one issue I would really suggest adding an option for merging layers so it’s easy to make the animated characters, also maybe being able to shrink/in large with would also be way easier if we can merge layers lol other then that Castle is GREAT


It’s cool! One issue though

I’m not sure if this is just me but the application crashes whenever I press create new deck. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good app and has ton of potential. Again I’m not sure if it’s just me but if it isn’t just me, can the developers plz fix this issue ty if u do fix it. Again great app with a lot of potential just this one problem.


Fun mini games, great way to tinker around.

Im not very good at making my own game cards on this but other people are, and i love playing what people have created. Although im not good at making game cards its still super simple and easy to figure out. If you have any questions I’ve learned that if you join the discord server they’re happy to help!


Love it so much

I absolutely love Castle because it is so easy to make a game and you can make almost anything you can also play everyone’s games that they make and I like how if you like someone’s game and you want to make your own version you can remix it and change it how you like


A bit tricky to get going, but has given many hours of creative fun

bit tricky to get going, but has given many hours of creative fun

If you try it out, start with the drawing tools and the behavior tab! Those are really funny and you can do a lot without touching the “rules” which is more complex


Like nothing I’ve ever see

I’m not sure whether it’s more fun to play the games or make them! Being able to look inside how other people’s games are made and remix them into my own is incredible, and adds another level of enjoyment to playing the games in the gallery


Drawing tool is messed up

I updated Castle , and now when I draw it always moves the freehand line down and to the left, or when I try to fill in the edges of a circle it fills in the middle, and I have to click out side of the circle to fill in the edges. Can you try to fix this?


I love the game

I love the game but can you add a store option because it will be great to have a store option and the coins can be named this app cards you can buy like a lot of this app cards but in game purchases after you purchase the this app card you can purchase skins in decks


Good but 1 bug and 1 change

It’s really good and I like it but it has 1 bug, it randomly crashes/exits me out of Castle without me getting to save it. One change that I would like is an auto-save feature that would save when an asset is inserted/updated, other than that it’s not that bad of an app.🙂


A bit of an issue

There’s a LOT of the same things. Not too much creativity behind it either. Also, the search bar doesn’t close, so you only have access to the top options. ALSO, please make it so headphones don’t auto disconnect when you open Castle .


The app is great but the music needs fixing

Castle is great and I love it but when I try to add music in my games it takes so long. I have to wait long until it’s done processing. So could you fix it because it takes long


Please Read

Okay. So, what I’ve gathered is that this is by far the least appreciated free coding platform there is on Castle Store. The community is nice, and there are dozens of fun games to play. If the devs are reading this, thank you for making such an amazing platform, and thank you LOADS for making it free. Peace out :)


User Interface

It’s good but the UI is bad. Buttons that work half the time you tap them, joysticks that move towards your finger (seriously, please make them just not drift towards you) causing overall wonky movement… I get you might focus on the whole “make & play” aspect but please.


Hey devs, here’s a review

This is one of my favorite games of all time. It’s simply perfect in most ways. However there is a reason I’m writing this. What happened with image uploading? I drew some pixel art I want to use as sprites and tried to import it and it’s in turquoise and orange coloring. Great game, one flaw so far.


Awesome platform, with a few problems.

this app is incredible! It is free, and you don’t need to buy the currencies, while letting you create games for others to enjoy, like scratch and Roblox. And you can also express your creativity without an age gap (since you can add filters for sensitivity). However there are some problems and bugs. For problems, people of very young age are very limited. One example is that it is useless to make the child users only have tags and no captions. Also seriously, why disable adding text boxes? It feels like kids are just unwelcome to the platform with how many features they cannot do, which resorts to them faking their age on a new account to make actual, high quality games on the platform. And here are some bugs I have experienced: there are some points where when I check the comments or remixes of a deck, I cannot close it. Also, when I login, it shows a white screen (On one of my alternates). Also, I have full Wi-Fi, and it still says no connection.

With all this aside, this app is a great platform and I would love to recommend it to my friends on discord, who don’t even know programming. In fact, I have already! It’s obvious love was put into this, and I love that.


The app is very good but I have a suggestion

So I have been playing for a few weeks now and I really enjoy it! It’s like if scratch and TikTok made a collab or something! I have an idea that hopefully you will do in your next update. So you may know that TikTok has a way of saving videos to a section of your profile that is private so you can scroll through your saved videos and rewatch them. I feel like this app should have something like that where you save a deck so you can play them later. It seems stupid at first but I think that if you were to do that this app can be much better and a lot more people will download and play Castle . So with that I hope that someone from this app reads this and maybe makes a suggestion on my idea. So with that, thank you for reading and I love you app entirely.


Amazing app but some issues

I honestly love Castle and find it very enjoyable. But there are some issues that make it annoying to just have fun. My first issue is (this isn’t exactly the devs fault) that a lot of games on my home page are the exact same 4 games. It’s hard to find anything new and original. My next issue comes with creating games. I love putting effort into all of my cards, but the cards can barely handle the amount of items I put into it. I don’t even try to make that many, yet it still gets slower. My last issue comes with the drawing tool. I’ve had Castle for about a year and nothing has changed with the drawing tool. The line art is way to thick and is strictly rigid. They added the paint tool but it makes the art too pixel-y for the style I’m going for. Great app otherwise.


Great game, problems I heard?

This is a great place for people who have great ideas but little way to make them officially but I’m hearing that there are some problems from users that keep crashing but I haven’t noticed a thing, and note that I’m using an iPhone 11 and I’m in literally the middle of no where portal Texas, (also a little further from that, I just had to give a place marker, I also have Verizon so I get like 1 or 2 bars)
But other then being with loading problems since I’m no where there has been no problem out of the ordinary


another experience

really it’s fun to make games and get popular and stuff but my favorite part is posting decks and getting comments saying they love the game that makes you feel really really good and there is just almost every possibility of games some people are great and some people are bad at making games that probably won’t bother people because they will probably know that they are just starting with the game being so fun and MILLIONS of rules you can probably make every game remade in this it’s just “another experience”


I have a suggestion

You know that make a art for your blueprint thing place and in that place you can put a picture saved in your gallery and it will show up as art? Well do you also know know the animation thing to make a animation on your blueprint? If you know both I think you will maybe agree. I think when you put a video instead of a picture, it should turn the video into a animation. You might agree with me so the owner this app should add this in their next update. If I made any typo you can tell me I’m only 8😉


Music, File sound cannot hear bug

Okay On Iphone 6s i cannot hear the music/file sound for some reasons and i loved the game but not the reaction’s and on other device the file sound is deep, it gave me nightmares about the deep file sound, This is such a great game but heres what you have to fix: 1. deep file sounds 2. Donate button on snapshot above the “Collect” button 3. when tapped profile button it'll take to profile not inventory. That would be a great future, Please put it on the next update.


I LOVE THIS GAME but… there’s just one bug that I had today

I love this game, but something happened when I was using the text blueprint. Idk what happened but my keyboard started acting weird. Like it was going up and down and it was Almost impossible for me to type! If you’re reading this, pls fix this bug because I really need the typing thing for my decks. I appreciate for putting the hard work you Put to make this app! By PennyWithNoHat


Really fun and cool players!

I love the game a lot and the content creators are cool. I love all the new updates because it’s made the game a lot better. I’ve had this app since 2021 and it’s improved so much. I do have a question though. this app why can’t we import pictures with the normal colors? I think it would help many this app creators if the colors were normal. Also I have an idea for an update. Can you add more colors, or give us a color wheel? Other than those things Castle and games for awesome!


Don’t Try On Apple

this app is amazing… if you aren’t using Apple. Every time I try to open it, this app crashes. Again… and again… and again. On the bright side, if you are NOT abusing Apple, the performance is great! All you need is a bit Wi-fi.

In my mind, this app is not a game. It is a social media platform, like Facebook or Twitter. But, for the posts, you get nearly unlimited materials. No kidding. You can make a merging game on here.

So, to sum it up, have Wi-fi, a non Apple device, and live the coding dream.


Amazing game (but a problem)

This game is amazing and I truly glad I downloaded it but there is this main problem where when you try to drag stuff, you have to drag it a certain way and it’s sorta frustrating because when you try dragging the thing you want you tend to drag a different thing and mess everything up. But overall this game is amazing and I would highly suggest to download it


Really good game just one problem…

When I got the game it was super fun and I really just only played other people’s decks. But then I found out that we could make games so I started making games and I even made an alphabet lore one. But then when I was making another alphabet lore deck I had to go somewhere so I close Castle while I was making the game. But when I got back I opened this app but it literally closed Castle instantly and set it back to the home screen and I still can’t play Castle . This problem has been going on for two weeks now.



So, hear me out developers, I’ve been trying to get into Castle for HOURS. And yet I still reset all my data in this very iPad and it Still. Doesn’t. Work. I need a explanation, if I haven’t played Castle before, it would’ve been one star. I tried absolutely everything to stop it from kicking me out, But yet again, Nope, Nada, Zip, Zelch. No absolute way it’s gonna let me in now. Thanks to this stupid app I reset all my data. And yet I never played it on THIS device. I NEED A EXPLANATION DEVELOPERS! YA’LL PROBABLY GONNA IGNORE THIS!


Best Mobile Game Maker EVER!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Most mobile game makers ether run into the broblem of being very easy but to simple, or having very complex detail but to hard. this app has the perfect balance of keeping game making easy yet being able to make fun detailed and complex games. And not just mini canes, but full fledged games!
The only issue is they do not have enough tutorials and don’t fully explain all the functionality fully. Otherwise it’s great.


Needs to fix

Hey this app your game is absolutely amazing I love all the things you've been adding I love how you do events like the entity event I love all of thatits a good game. Anyways, this app can you please fix the bug where if you call someone it mutes it for the entire time it's super annoying and I have random people calling me and I have to close the entire app just to hear sound. But besides that it's a really good app I hope you fix the bug if not it's ok


Please fix this developers

I have been playing this app for a year or two and I love it but there’s a bug or something and it started last year in November or December and it wont let me play anymore decks it only lets me play 5 or 8 decks and when I try to search decks it doesn’t show anything and also in discover decks or whatever it’s called the decks don’t ever load so please fix this developers



this game is really good, but PLEASE remove or even just loosen the child restrictions, like why can they read comments but not write them? If they can read them let them write some! I feel reading comments is more dangerous than writing. Also the creation restrictions, I get some but not ones like “no blood” or “no fear” because, LOOK AT CHILDREN THESE DAYS, they love horror games like fnaf and poppy playtime! And in poppy playtime 1,2, and 3 there is blood!
So, please, if you see this, please loosen or even remove restrictions, they remove creativity. The restrictions brought this from a 4 or 5 star to only 2. If you do loosen them, I will raise the amount of stars, but for now, only 2.



Idk if it is my device, but for some reason there is no sound in any games. Even my games. They make noise in the creator, but when I post them the sound gets cut off, and in all the other games too, I don’t know how to fix it, or if it just my phone, I’ve been using this app for almost 2 years or something maybe just 1 and this never happened until recently


Really nice game but I have a few questions

Question 1:So I took my phone to the mall *it had my main account* and I frgt it in the car pocket and I didn’t know (this was yesterday)then today my dad went to the gym and took his car where my phone was in the pocket so I only have my alt account now on my iPad so can you maybe add a password you can only see when you use ur finger print or face because then I can only add stuff on my alt until my dad comes back Question 2:Can you add a feature where you can add friends and there’s a button where you can add your friend to make decks with you and it will go on both your accounts Question 3:when you can add a photo to where your drawing can you make it in the real color not just random bc I have to color them by memory thank you bye!!


It’s a great game but,

I love this app its been one of my favorite apps or social media? To post content on. Its amazing on the fact that you can share art and fun games with other people but I have some stuff that I have troubles with. When your in the drawing pop up there used to be a thing where when you would draw a line and let go it would pop up the menu for layers, if it’s intentional I just wanted to say it can get annoying, but since it didnt use to do that it might be an issue on my phone. this app is a great app over all it has some flaws but its a amazing app!


I LOVE THIS APP (a few problems though)

This is the best app I’ve ever had and you can do so many things on it you can play and create your own games and it’s practically endless THERES so many different games you can make or play, but there’s one problem, for LITTLE kids it’s very limited to what they can do. But overall best app ever would highly recommend


Very good concept and stuff but there’s 1 problem: The TODDLER INVASION

This was definitely thought through and a very polished app, but the remix feature needs to be turned off by default. Some random 3 year old can remix your deck, add a dancing chicken nugget, add stupid music, add a rainbow background, and get 100X likes than your deck that was a hyper realistic super Mario or something. All this effort down the drain. Thank god this is just a hypothetical scenario. But it happens a lot to other people. I only play because of its interesting game maker. Good app, bad community. (Also please add a color wheel the color is limiting)

Would be 5 stars if there wasn’t a toddler invasion that drove most people with sanity away. The community needs you, this app.


Is Castle Safe?

Yes. Castle - Make and Play is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,389 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Castle Is 34.4/100.

Is Castle Legit?

Yes. Castle - Make and Play is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,389 Castle - Make and Play User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Castle Is 42.2/100..

Is Castle - Make and Play not working?

Castle - Make and Play works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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