Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang Reviews

Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-19

About: .

About Drug Mafia

Wanna be a drug lord.  Wanna challenge the Mafia . - Survive among gangsters and thieves - Build your reputation with suppliers - Secure orders from clients across whole town - Buy bars and hotels and expand your empire - Hire people, do partnerships and never uncover your secrets - Avoid cops and don't ever bring them to your apartment - Bribe cops and avoid going to jail - Grow your empire and become drug lord.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 22,116 combined software reviews.

740 Drug Mafia Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Potential to be great

I saw gameplay of the PC version , and instantly tried to download the game. Was not out yet so I preordered and waited for the drop. Slightly disappointed honestly for the simple fact.. it gets boring. I understand the game just released , but there is absolutely no use for the phone. The one time I got chased by police (you’re supposed to be safe in your home with a closed door) well the officer glitched straight through the door lol, you can not set your own prices or buy more storage for the drugs. My jump button was there and then disappeared and never came back lol. 90% of walls can’t be jumped over or backpack be thrown. The largest backpack consist of 500 items and I find myself going to the plug/connect after almost every run. I buy 100grams of everything at a time and let it stock up but somehow whenever I try to sell they tell me I need to go buy more when I already have an abundance. You get one storage container (dresser drawer) and you run out of space pretty quickly in that as well. The bar payed out $600 but less then $200 went into my account (I’m glad I’m not hurt for cash) and has absolutely no purpose.
I know in future updates they’ll add more things such as task’s , and possibly missions. But after playing the game for 48 hours I kinda feel like I’m over it. Downloaded the PC version to get the full experience because this was like buying an ice cream cone and then dropping it after the first lick. Good teaser.


Graphics and controls + Pay to play-ish

This game is downright fun but tedious after a few hours of grinding it. I had no problem buying and selling to clients but after a while like I’m previous reviews the game needs major map updates and better optics. From graphics to gameplay it just needs to be developed more in detail. This game has a lot of potential if you’re into hustling but it does get repetitive and missions are almost impossible to gain access to if you aren’t spending money on an undeveloped game. Let’s just tel the truth here. If the developers do their part then us as players/content creators can continue to “build our empire” without having to continuously travel long distances every sell we make. Once you acquire pills it does make it more interesting but it’s a catch to every sell. The more you unlock the expensive it gets and there’s more math based upon ( Quantity ). Other than that this game is amazing and I would love to see future development from its creators within a few months. Even if you don’t add map changes at least a jump button to hop brick walls to on dumpsters to get over those walls. Eventually a multiplayer mode where we can exchange resources and build (gangs) clans is where I see this game going in the near future.


Starts out fun gets repetitive quick!

The game starts out interesting and shows a lot of potential, however quickly after it becomes a very repetitive and tedious grind, mostly due to the poor map lay out and bad controls. When you’re out and about trying to deliver you drugs to your clients it can be very tedious to find them. Sometimes you walk long streets thinking that you’re heading the right direction just to find a dead end and realizing that your client is standing on the other side of a wall having you to walk all the way around to get to them. This can be VERY annoying!

A little later in the game you can buy bikes that are supposed to make your runs faster and but unfortunately the bikes have terrible controls and are also a chore to drive.

Overall Putting all the negatives aside, this game is actually a good idea and shows a lot of promise if the developers polish the game and fix the issues. I think removing some of the walls in the game making it easier to navigate the map and fixing the controls (specially the bikes) can go a long way in to making the experience better. Adding extra story missions, customization options and maybe a strip club wouldn’t hurt the game either. Until then 3 stars from me!


Just sad and a shame

Where do I even start. This is a phenomenal game if you measure it on potential.
That said, it glitches out NONSTOP. Also, the controls are a pain and sometimes the character just runs in the wrong direction.
The layout is awful and has too many dead ends. Would be nice if there was an arrow trail to all the people you sell to.
I bought money on this game and something happened where I had to redownload it and ALLLLLLLL my progress was GONE!
Ohhhh, and I had to start over a THIRD time because I bought the laptop too soon so it wouldn’t let me progress past the hideout mission. It says I have to buy what I already bought and there’s NO way to unbuy and rebuy. And last but not least, I just completed the mission again with the fingerprints in the beginning and it somehow UNDID my mission and took all my gems away. I wanted to enjoy this game and it would of easily been my fav. But at this point there’s no return. It’s a waste of time. I’d have to redo it AGAIN and I’m not doing that. And I’ve already spend money in the beginning that is forever gone. It’s crazy that the creator would let this happen or pretend to be oblivious and I hope you’re reading this.


Great game but could use more! Keep it up

It’s an awesome game that you can’t really get anywhere else, it’s so much fun but I feel like there are some key problems. First being they’re is no simple way to get gems besides ads and buying them, maybe being able to get a quick 1500$ by robbing a bank or 200 gems from a jewelry store, not only does this simplify things but it expands on incentive and gameplay. Property should not be bought with gems since it’s unrealistic and uninteresting, it should cost a lot of money but maybe you can sell gems to get a similar amount of money. I’d definitely like to see the dark web get expanded on, maybe it could be expanded from just drugs to explosives and illegal weapons&equiptment, like an edgier version of the online shopping homepage on the GTA5 phone. As for property being able to buy an arcade or restaurant to not only get more profit but hide your illegal activities would really make the investment in the game all that much worth it. Overall great game!


Keeps Surpassing My Expectations!!

So I pre owned this game knowing exactly what I was getting into, for those of you who don’t know and are scrolling through the reviews wondering if it’s worth the time. Long story short it’s not your average mobile drug dealer simulator. If you prioritize gameplay over graphics, looking for a time killer that can hold your interest, or just something new and original this is your game for the taking. I know, you’re probably thinking how can this be original when it’s a copy of DDSim, and to be completely honest there are many elements in this game that are very different from DDSim. And see, I could spoil it by telling you what you’re missing out on, and even though I’m not being sponsored by the company who works for the game, I am a big supporter of it and wish to see it blossom with great fruition. So hop on yourself are tell me I’m wrong or be apart of the fun.


ChemLab???? 🙄

This game is a lot of fun and I find myself playing it everyday for a couple hours a day. However, I own every building, back packs, weapons, and bikes and I have 18,150 RP and a bit over half a mil in game currency. I bought the chem lab about a week and a half ago and I’m still not able to use it. Every time I go into the lab it says they are still working on the stuff. I even went to the other district and completed both missions and I’m still not able to access my chem lab and there are no other missions to do so at this point I’m just doing the one thing I can do and still no chem lab. I even paid real money for this game, so it’s disappointing I can’t use the chem lab and there are no other missions to do. Is there anyway I can get some help on how to access the chem lab? Also, we need more stuff to do add more buildings to buy, more missions, more cities!! Especially since I paid $10 in real currency for this game!!!!


This game literally rocks and I have some ideas for it.

Like I said this is one of the best games out there if you are looking for a overall interesting time killer! How ever I have some ideas for it but still you have to try it guys. Like maybe there should be npc’s to deliver drugs for you. More properties like weed farm and general store and gas station and a restaurant. More dark web details like weapons and maybe if you want to get realistic add a way to buy passwords and credit card numbers fake ones of course! Last thing it is one bug. When the cops see me with a gun they arrested me but when they see gangsters with guns they just walk past. But overall great game come on guys quit missing out on the fun and download it!


Great game but getting boring…

Please take the time to read this I think in order to do missions we should pay less gems or use cash we earn maybe? I want the meth lab so bad and I’ve got 50 gems it’s going to take me forever.. The hideout at the beginning needs a storage as well. Add cars? Also allow us to set a waypoint on the map sometimes I’m just on the other side of the fence. Also maybe 3rd person option and please make this controller compatible I’m only able to walk not open doors or anything. Please also make more missions or mini missions to make money and a rank title.. look if I had the knowledge on making video game apps I would but there’s my suggestions. I really want to put my guns to use it’s fun getting into shoot outs. Also fix the glitch where as you go things look blank until you closer. Fix the graphics as well I’m willing to buy an updated version similar to pc version. PLEASE READ


Helping develop

I love this game. I’ve been playing for 3 days now and honestly I’m hook, from selling to buying it’s a nice experience, this game has a lot of potential and would generate way more players to it if certain things are fixed and worked on. More bags should be added 900 space is kind of limited because clients are ordering large amount of products, there should be a jump button to get over walls because half of the times I find my self going in circles or being lost, quest are hard to get it’s either watching videos for a period of time or little to nth experience level gained. Better graphics and texture, ads are annoying try limiting the amount of pop up ads, would rather the developers run ads after purchasing from the plug. But the game will be a success because it’s a nice experience, I’ll give the ratings a 4 stars because I like it and would love to see more updates and story and side missions added.


Horrible controls

This has got to be the most frustrating game I have ever gotten. The controls are glitchy and atrocious. You have a pretend joystick that you are supposed to use to walk around. However, you have to aim just right to do anything. You can’t adjust the camera so you spend your time trying not to walk into walls and adjusting yourself using the joystick repeatedly to get the hand icon exactly where you need it to be. If you don’t, you can’t proceed because you can’t click on anything! I spent several minutes using the laptop and getting out of the apartment door. Once, I got out of the apartment door, I had to walk backwards down the stairs & it was nauseating. Then you are supposed to meet your dealer. I spent another few minutes trying to angle myself so I could turn on the street. Instead, I just kept bumping into walls, going backwards, re-angling and trying the entire process again. I gave up, complete waste of time. If you want a game that has shoddy controls, tons of glitches and nothing but frustration, this game is for you! I like none of those things so I have promptly uninstalled.


It could be better.

Very glitchy. The controls aren't that hard to manage, very decent is the only good thing I suppose. When opening your "storage" in your room it gets stuck on that screen and you can't exit out of that unless you restart the whole game.. Happens multiple times. No way can you out run the police, they catch you everytime and you have to pay them. Often a "customer" will text you what you want and you can respond to either deal to them or not.. Once you get there they ask for more than what they mentioned, becauee of the capacity of the bookbags they offer (I have the biggest one you can get) you can only carry a certain amount of drugs on you. Therefor causing you to lose XP and no money, declining the offer..it'll happen over and over again. How are you suppose to level up on anything? Smh. Also I've noticed some customers wearing a Bullsworth Academy uniform.. That was kinda cool? Idk if this relates to the game "Bully". But I hope you can make the game play better.


Trash after update…

I downloaded this game about a year ago, I had actually really enjoyed it more then ever. It was the game I played everyday for about a week until it got a lil boring. I then played about a week later and unlocked everything. By then I was done with game and left it alone for about 5-7 months. I come back and it’s nothing like it was. Their is SO SO many ads. WAY MORE then when I last played. U buy something? add. You hit up the dude to buy stuff. add. You exit out of that screen. add. It’s like this game just cared more about money now. The game itself has turned very choppy and very laggy. you can’t look all the way down like you used to. The game looks great but it plays so terrible. I actually had to delete the game because it was unplayable. I thought with updates you guys are supposed to get better? Also the motorcycles as the rides have gotten so hard to drive through cracks or houses you were able to before. now you get stuck. did the bike get fatter?


Unique, funny, and a good time killer.

I saw this game a long time ago and thought it was funny, I play alot of iOS games to kill time and this is by far one of the most interesting and unique games I have played on iOS. It offers just about everything and it is very short depending on how quickly you complete games. Or you can choose to play it slow every. The creator of this game thought of the players and did not give in to greed. When I get a gift card or spare cash on my apple account I usually buy a nice little game just to have and this game has its glitches and is a little on the funny side but in my opinion worth every cent they are charging they put alot of effort and work into this game and you can tell. To the developers and creators keep creating, you have a talent


Great game so far

Hello,I played this game. Although I don’t like to review games, this one is an exception. It’s great. The mechanics are good, the whole “buying and selling your drugs” thing is great. It’s a good concept executed right. I did not beat the game, but I enjoy playing it still. BUT that does not mean it is free from all things.

When walking BY cops, they immediately start running after you, not even brushing past them. You get in their line of sight, and they immediately start chasing you. A little unrealistic, but granted, it is a game.

Second, could you add a little more features? Yes, I haven’t fully completed the game, but with the looks of it, there is just a bar, a hideout, and other buildings. It doesn’t seem like it has a lot of content.

Finally, it would be nice if you added a little robbery aspect instead of just stealing documents. I loved the last game, I beat it, but it would be nice if you included some of those aspects into this game. Home break-ins, maybe robbing cartels, etc.

But, all in all, this is a GREAT game and I look forward to finishing it.

I will update my review once I finish the game.


it’s enjoyable

it’s a good game I like it so far I’ve been playing it for a little bit and the only things that could be changed or made better are the controls the no wing control likes to bug out sometimes and not let me move the graphics could be a little better, there should be a toggle to aim when useing a gun instead of it just being pointed if pulled out, you should add a night and day cycle even if they just lasted for 10-15 minutes I think it would make the game more engaging with that you could add the possibility of getting robbed if your unarmed just some things I’d like to see I’m enjoying the game although the controls get glitchy I also believe if the cops were more alert


Hello devs

This game has unlimited potential, I only see a few things I would like you guys to add.. 1. Can you guys please make it where we can jump higher or climb fences ? 2. Could you make it where we can rob people and dealers and maybe take there stash? 3. Could you add trap houses and stuff that you can hire crew members to sell for you? Again these are only suggestions I’m excited to see what you guys have in store for this game 😀 also one thing that makes me really mad is you can’t see your house in the map and I wish you could zoom the map out


Not cool,

So I spent all night till morning playing this game, when money wasn’t the problem the diamonds was, I couldn’t progress in the game without purchasing diamonds, but it gives you the option watch an ad for 2 diamonds, every time I get to 50+ gems the game somehow glitches, for instance I click on 50,000$ cash for 400 gems, I clearly don’t have 400 gems so it gives me the option to buy or watch a add for 2 gems, every time I get to 50 plus gems that 400 gem purchase somehow glitches and allows me to give my gems away for a fraction of the cash , I am highly upset and until I’m reimbursed or credited DrugMafia has proven to just be a pay to play , I’ll change my review if they can make this right, heat concept but so far I believe this is a for sure pay to play and it would be a waists of your 5 hours just to realize you need to pay to play.


More backpack space

You get to point where you have more clients then you do drugs and the cap do your backpack space is only 999 after you buy the biggest bag you can have. You also can’t play any of the missions without diamonds which makes it really hard to profess seeing that you have to buy the diamonds. If you guys want to make money off of this improve it and add stuff that would actually be worth using real money for like an in game item or more drugs there’s no reason to lock the missions with 100’s of diamonds that you have to buy.

Long story short make more backpacks or just move the sizing down and add like duffel bags or something please.


A decent work in progress

There are some features like the bar and the hideout that don’t seem to be purchasable, which makes it seem like you’re chasing an arbitrary goal. There’s also a lot of repetition in this game, which can make things dull after a bit. The movement controls are also a pain to work with, which makes it hard to play. Also, a higher cap on storage would be nice, as the current 700 makes it hard to stock up on stuff meaning you gotta keep going back to the dealers over and over and spend a small portion of your money to buy more product. I also can’t even jump, which makes movement kinda dull as it’s all on one plane.
Fun concept though and not a bad way of playing it out.

Is Drug Mafia Safe?

Yes. Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 22,116 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Drug Mafia Is 50.5/100.

Is Drug Mafia Legit?

Yes. Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 22,116 Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Drug Mafia Is 67.8/100..

Is Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang not working?

Drug Mafia - Grand Weed Gang works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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