🏷️ About:
Modern Battle Tanks spearhead the assault, Attack Subs prowl the oceans for lone Carriers, Ace Pilots dominate the skies with Stealth Fighters… while your hand reaches for the Nuclear Launch Button. In Conflict of Nations: World War 3 you control the course of history on a global scale!
Take control of one of the mightiest nations of the world and face the looming threat of World War 3.
Spend money for the gold and security counsel and you basically win the game. Every person who “wins” dos so by spending money. It’s in the developers best interest to try and force feed you “deals” for buying their in-game currencies and resources. This entire game is a huge money-sinking scam, and the invested players are shelling out hundreds of dollars, going straight to the developers, who, at times, actively make the game worse. They accept opinions and feedback, but only as a check-valve for the developers to make them seem like they care about the player base. Anyone who’s been on the forums, spoken to each other in-game, or has played for at least a month knows that the developers are only interested in getting you hooked on a multi-week long game so that it’s more likely you’ll spend money. Super time consuming game, so if you want to have a life you will have to buy the security counsel subscription, otherwise every time you want to do something you’ll have to log back into the game every few hours. People take this game incredibly serious as well. You have player who are wanting you to spend money/inordinate amounts of time off the game and “checking in” to discord servers and other such social media. It’s not a game you want to play unless you’re nearly devoting your life to it. The Apple Store is not a conductive medium for me to convey the true nature of this game. I don’t recommend you download and become interested in this game.
This is a pay to play game
by Bobby St. Randy
These devs are money grubbing losers. It cost 750 gold to heal one unit. 1000 gold is .99 cents. What a racket, and EVERYTHING is uber expensive in this game, I used to justify the purchases but now I'm just highly offended. Don’t let these jerks steal your money with small and expensive micro transactions. It’s a complete and utter waste and of course nothing you buy goes towards making you better in the long run, Its only temporary just to have some 13 year old kid bomb your capitol and lose every single building. I honestly hate this game. This game is bad once you play it enough, I wouldn’t even recommend it for prison inmates to occupy time lol My suggestion for these inept devs is to lower the price of everything because eventually we’ll get burned and come back here to write an angry review. I also paid to be a council member lol What an absolute joke and waste of money, I want to file a lawsuit against these devs for false advertisement & I have been strongly considering it, The council member status truly doss nothing for you, It’s so frustrating, Imagine being tactical and some neck beard comes behind you and ruins you because his mother gave him 20 dollars for Gold. I highly suggest deleting ConflictofNations and run away, Don’t spend as much money as me, I regret it immensely.
Gold Issue
by Seebz19
I was someone who spent too much on gold and found myself doing it because I’d spend days, weeks, months setting up a defense or attack and being thrown off. So I decided to come back and play with a council subscription because I felt the developers deserve to make money. But I find the gameplay is fun but there are too many games where a wildcard gold spender ruins my effort and now I see the other side. They need to fix the structure of gold use or allow council members access to games where gold isn’t allowed if we pay for a subscription. I recently spent weeks building up a small nation and focused on destroyers and finally caught a large nation off guard only to see 5 cruisers instant spawn and take me out because they spent $100 on gold and were upset I caught them off guard. I spent weeks of my life to essentially be beaten by someone with money. I’d happily pay 300 of year to avoid crap like that. I lost sleep over this game and for that to happen, you need a better structure where skill (not money) can get you out of it. I wouldn’t be as upset if they player beat me outright but you guys only seem to care about gold spenders which I used to be and tried not to but still get screwed
Don’t play if you have friends
by 10JCman10
Great game, I played it and loved it however o recently got banned due to the anti-cheat system banning me for not cheating. I downloaded this game and loved from the beginning. I liked it so much I invited my friend to join and we played together for weeks. Then one day we both received a message saying that the anti-cheat system detected us using the same wifi. Since then we had been careful not to use the same wifi when we play. However just the other day my friend visited me. Unknown to me he logged in and when I did I got the anti-cheat message. Okay no big deal I’ll wait till he leaves. He leaves and I get the message again. That’s my second warning. I put my phone down and I waited a few days. I tried logging in again at my own house and I got banned for my third warning. Because my friend visited me I was no longer allowed to join the game from my own house. The only way I can get my account back is if I decide to pay 5 bucks a month for premium so I can get around the anti-cheat. I have lost my account that I have spent hours on I was in the middle of a game on its 25th day and it all means nothing now. If I could get a refund on the time I’ve spent on this game. I wouldn’t hesitate.
Real money decides almost everything in this game. It’s frightening. The game has major weaknesses in the initial opening stages of matches, severe resource constraints, no supply connections, and various other areas pressuring spending that are guaranteed to annoy. If you get beyond that the game that follows is very easy: Majorly unrealistic suicidal conquering, minor actual strategy. Be prepared for basement dwellers coming out in this game. The single effect that money plays is unparalleled, at times even alliances will be determined by how much you’re willing to spend. Have photo proof. There’s no way to even the playing field if you don’t spend, but to match spending for a game that may last 2 weeks to a month if you win. With money converted to gold, units can be created instantly, research done instantly, bases built instantly, all that would take double digit hours or days to complete. Again can’t be offset other than spending. 12$ can move anyone at least a week ahead within 2 days. Spend or don’t play, the free to play is a scam. For all the amazing intricacies the developers have built out, the scamming greed shows immensely. 1st place prize at the end of a match amounts to roughly $0.72. That’s truly is the game in a nutshell and they have no intention of changing the nature of anything above. They believe this is good business practice or allowable.
Players or server is stealing money
by Choolie Diesel
I’ve played this game for a few months and it was definitely strategic with a good concept. I’ve invested about $100 to really get some of the extra features and stuff. I’ve loss some and win some and the game seemed far. Things were fine until I started playing against this one set of players. The interaction with them caused my game to freeze for over six hours. Upon finally being able to log in, all of my defenses were trashed. Losing is fine but for the game to crash during an attack and open up right after most of the damage is signs of cheating. The players broke this game to their own benefit. The game creators have ignored all of my request. I don’t recommend everyone. Don’t waste your time or money on this.
I suggest the developer review the chats and forums. You don’t have to worry about my negative comments anymore. I’m not trying to trash or down play things. Multiple people are saying the same thing I was saying. We all exchanged the same screenshots playing what we believe are the same group of people. Instead of arguing with me about what I am saying is true, research your game. Its the internet. You should know by now that nothing is incorruptible. I have deleted the game, so don’t worry about appeasing me. Just fix this issue for those that are sticking around for you. Not right to spend money on a game and have cheaters going on.
Almost had me hooked
by TheDaleMan
I saw many ads for this game and downloaded it. I love the slow, real-time style of this game. It’s basically a game of Risk that I can take everywhere with me. Everything about this game is fun, except when you have a player that pays to win. I could be making significant progress for a month and then a player will come by, with a fully upgraded force, and wipe me out. This takes the fun away from the game, and I will not be returning to the game for the time being. I heard that players who pay to win are rare, but after experiencing this in the first game, it just seems like a waste of time. I would honestly pay $10 per game to be on a server that doesn’t allow players to use gold, just so I can ensure it’s an even playing field, and to ensure a whole month doesn’t go down the drain.
Now, I know that developers have to make money off of the game, and I’ve read several developer responses in various forums that address the issue. I fully understand that and I feel that the developers should be rewarded for creating such a fun game. However, there has to be a better option than giving paying players “god mode”. All in all, developers, thanks for the experience. I know this is a common complaint and I’d hate to make you read yet another one.
Could be fun *update
by Allen 71
I started playing and was almost immediately attacked by two other states. I built and researched but was still struggling to stay ahead. I bought two gold packages for about $40 and used the gold to research and rapid build to gain an edge, which I did. The gold lasted me about ten minutes because of the extreme cost of everything. I took over several cities of the nations attacking me, which should have seriously hampered their development due to loss of resources....nope, now they still are able to produce units faster than me AND their recon units are able to destroy my tank battalions with advanced infantry support. Feels like they are trying to get me to invest more cash to “stay ahead” instead they got all they are getting from me, I’m out. Make it fair and it will be fun.
*update After developer response. I appreciate that you responded, at least it shows you are listening. It’s not about stiff competition, I don’t mind that at all, I do mind that two separate AI players are still producing advanced units (more advanced than I can produce) faster than I can produce lower level units, even after I have crippled their production by taking cities (adding to my own production) AND purchasing additional resources that an AI player should not have access to. That is an unfair advantage and is a blatant attempt to make players spend more. If you want a better review either make the purchases go farther or even the field.
Ive played the game for about a year. This at least annoys me
by The_savitar
I singned out of ConflictofNations to sign back in because i had a bad gateway commotion. Upon signing back in i had lost all of my progress. Including but not limited to my levels, and the games i was in, however i kept the user. I would have accepted this though and had found a newly started game to join. But when i joined keeping in mind the fact that i had only started 1 new game yesterday prior to signing out, it said i had joined to many. So i lost my level, my current games (which where going well) and stats (how many places i had taken/ lost etc). And on top of this proceeded to not be able to join a freshly started game (with no ranking requirements so that was not the reason) and at least for all of this get a nation that i wanted. I might not be playing this game again because of this, and sorry for any spelling mistakes i might have made along the way but i am clearly not the happiest with the game and situation i am in at the moment, i did try and go hack and correct them though. And for any who are wondering no, there is mot a warning in the game about this being a thing that might occur, so no i was not aware this would happen as i have a gmail tied to it. If this can happen there should he a warning label CLEARLY added.
I’ve posted a 5 star review here previously but after some of the updates I’m lowering it. Right now, the servers are absolute trash. I routinely have to reload the application because prompts and commands aren’t working 30-60 seconds after loading most games. Rogue is absolutely ridiculous. The entire point of this game is world domination, but if you’re at war with too many nations for too long you’re penalized by rogue nations taking over cities where morale is low, and the lowering of morale is almost entirely uncontrollable unless you’re willing to spend $20 per game which I’m not. Gold costs are exponentially too high. To get any actual benefit for premium features you really, really do have to spend at a minimum $20 to make any sort of impact and if you don’t, you’re heavily penalized. The game advertises as free and even if you pay for the monthly membership, which I do, if someone else is in the game is dropping actual money there’s no way to compete if you’re not putting out those kind of numbers. It’s the most severe case of pay to win I’ve ever seen, and by far the most expensive.
by Imgone2.0
For the most part I give the game high marks. It combines the game stylus of Risk with a game like good game empires. It is similar to Setters of Catan with the cities and knights expansion. however. There is one thing this game lacks. The ability to surrender provinces and cities. After a little digging I found this feature was shut down cause of “abusive actions” to this feature. Such an excuse is unacceptable for a true war game. If players were heavily using this game it means they understood that strait war is Not the only answer to expanding domaine but back room deals and subterfuge is just as important as to countries dueling it out. And what are we supposed to do when to countries in one coalition are attacking the same country? When the war is over and it is agreed that only one of the coalition members should keep all the land is the other supposed to leave the coalition so the first guy can capture the land in a needless war? This is a big downgrade from true strategy gaming. Also the ability to share rss between Allie’s is nonexistent as wells. In short the whole purpose of coalitions or alliances is made mute by the lack of alliance support and help. So if you are playing as a solo player you will do fine. But if you like fighting with friends or comrades then this isn’t the game for you.
Some ideas
by GamingResan
An idea I have is making an app where you can change the name, flag, number of cities, number of nations, playable and bot, of countries, and even make a name for the map. You can add or delete cities and possibly nations in it. Another thing I think should be done is removing the top 2 or 3 most expensive options to buy gold to discourage people from pay to win. Another thing that is just for units is whenever they conquer territory, it can go to another nation. For it to work, there must be two retirements that are fulfilled 1. They must not be conquered. 2. They must be playable, then you can pick the nation. There will be a notification sent to you if they pick you. The next thing is adding surrender, victory, and peace treaties. When two nations are fighting, one can send a trade with victory and surrender, when one is picked it automatically selects the other. If they accept, negotiations begin, they get a negotiation chat for negotiations, once all the parties have agreed to a treaty, they will press a button that says “treaty completed”, then it will be published as an article, territorial changes, military changes etc… will be made. Thank you for reading this and have a good day (or night).
Good but bugs and time consuming
by Spinopark
The game is fun and “realistic” but there is a couple annoying things about the game I want people to know. First, the game takes way to long, I’m in a game that’s 50+ days long and I’m not even close to the winning points. I know there is 4X games but those fill up quickly and not fun to play in minor nations. It’s far better in Call of War WW2 and honestly, I could probably complete a full 2 games solo on that game before I finish 1 game of coalition victory in this game. The second part is how there is a bug where when you place any troops, reconnaissance or traveling in the ocean (Pacific Ocean at least), the bottom part of the map doesn’t render properly and hides your troops, making it impossible to move after being stuck there. The last part is how much harder it is to use gold. Almost everything in the game that cost gold is overly priced for its minor actions and there is no options to get gold other than winning which is very difficult. There are other minor bugs like spies not properly showing other player’s researched units and such but that’s far less inconvenient compared to the second part. A new taste compared to Call of War WW2 but I would honestly play Call of War WW2 instead of this game.
Good but needs a slight revamp
by VisionCraft
Okay this game is awesome! The way how in order things are. Pay to win is almost non existent. 2 problems however. Not very realistic with the speed of everything. Not sure how tanks and jets have a chance of being outrun by a few minor infantry. Speaking about speed. This is a HUGE problem. I like war games that are quick. Maybe an hour. Those games are fun. Games where you have to wake up tomorrow and see you lost? I don’t like those games. When you’re at war with a player, and they don’t have equal sleep they will take you out while you’re asleep. It also gets boring fast. Who would’ve known! Staring at a screen watching sloth-like troopers move to their destination. I get it, the game needs realism. Well I suggest having free servers to make. You can change what the countries flags are, their land, their power, etc etc. You can change a few settings! Like fiddle with the time. You can change the time a day goes. Like a day passes every second. It would make a huge difference for people who want change fast. It also changes the speed of the troops. I know the building part wouldn’t work too well. You could fiddle with building speed, troops speed, or any other speeds. You can make the A.I smarter or dumber! I think this is a great suggestion for people who want a quick game! Also this fiddles into this being a sandbox game. People (like me) will find making new scenarios fun! (Like the napoleonic wars, WW2, WW1, The Cold War, and even more!)
This game is a great game and doesn’t require you to be on the game forever. If anything all you have to do is get on the game once a day. I also love how it is a slow paced game with strategy. If you want a game you can get on every so often kinda like Clash of clans then this is the game for you.
Burt I have 2 suggestions like the title suggests. I wish that the game had a filter who can filter all games with slots and see if they have a country you want to play. For example, I always want to be Russia, china or the U.S. but it is always taken. Something else I want to happen, is the ability to make custom games. If you were able to make custom games you would able to play against friends in, still, long paced game. Imagine having a bunch of friends pick the best countries and go against each other over the next couple weeks. I hope the developers consider these suggestions and, hopefully, add at least one of them.
Best Game I’ve played in a long while
by FantumHawk
This is a great game! It is not a short game (they do have 4x speed games, but I didn’t play any of them). You also have to learn the game really fast and mostly on your own. There isn’t a tutorial, at least one that I can remember. There is a group chat specifically for help in the game. Other than the loooooooooong time that it takes to play a single map the only other thing I didn’t like was that one of the items in the game that you need to build bases/buildings and produce troops is severely disproportionately needed compared to other resources. So towards the end of the game you may have zero of one that one resource but have fifty thousand of all the rest of the resources… Another great thing about the game is you don’t have to pay to win! I did watch a lot of ads for gold, but never bought any and one the game easily… By easily, I mean I had a rocking strategy… I just noticed I used one instead of won. Yes, I could have gone back and fixed it, but sometimes you just got to let things go so people can go “HA! Dude wrote one instead of won. What an idiot!” And then wonder if they felt like an idiot after they realized the writer left it on purpose and that everything after that was just a waste of their time… GREAT GAME!!!
Good game, but bugs make it very difficult sometimes
by Lol4466
The game itself is AMAZING. I love the strategy and the units and everything about the game. However, some bugs make it not as enjoyable. Every time I go to the research tab and click a thing I want to research or read about, the game crashes and resets. I go back to try again, same thing. Refresh ConflictofNations and try again, sometimes it works others it just crashes again. It is very frustrating. Another thing is my friend and I play together, and each time he sells supplies to me (through the market), by the time I refresh the game and go back to the market (which is less than 30 seconds since the order was out), the supply order is gone. Maybe someone got to it first, but it happens every single time all day. Maybe it’s a bug or a bot country, but it’s frustrating because we can’t trade or sell. Overall good game, but these bugs make it very difficult to enjoy the game like I usually do. I’ve been playing for about 2-3 years and never dealt with these things.
This game is good, but not great
by Heres-Johnny
This game is kinda fun to me, but it’s also annoying! When you go to join a normal game, it’s WAY too slow! Even the rush ability doesn’t do anything, it just lowers your troops’ health. If you try to join the (4X Speed) games for most of the day, they are almost all full! WHY DO THAT MANY PEOPLE PLAY THE (4X Speed) LEVELS! I mean, yeah, it is the speed I am looking forward to, but there are some bad things about it. I usually play the game for about a few hours until I have to go sleep. Sometimes, I wake up in the morning, and I check my (4X Speed) games, and my country is completely busted! Somehow 10 other tiny midgets eliminate most of their neighboring countries, which sometimes includes me! Then they have like 120+ points and a crazy amount of cities and provinces. This game is so unfair. In the normal games, I’m just plagued with my troops moving so slow! In the (4X Speed) games, you can expand faster, but so can your neighbors, which leads to all sorts of trouble.
Single player, and custom matches
by RayHuro
This game is really fun as a multiplayer game, but I would very much enjoy a single player campaign where you can pause, or save the game. Having the option to choose which country, and perhaps using some sort of AI to personify the other countries you play as. A custom mode available for players would also be a game changer, allowing players to set parameters on how many people are allowed to be in the game or in a coalition, being able to turn on certain game modes like the “Z” zombie mode, or set how many nukes people can start off with. Give players the choice over which map they want to play on within the settings of the custom match.
Some of what I spoke about here is already part of the game, I understand there may be issues of game balance, and further resources being allocated to game but regardless of that the developers have the opportunity to make what is a amazing game, into a timeless one, one without comparison and played for decades to come.
I’m on iPad and this is the game I always wished existed. I’m gonna keep this short, the only thing I wish they would add is the ability to purchase land from other people because for example I’m playing as Poland and I have this cool Eastern Europe empire but kongingsberg is right in the middle of my country and considering it has no value for Russia I would not be surprised if they sold it to me for like 8,000, if this feature was in it would be pretty fun and side note about it, we would have much cleaner borders instead of it being “oh whoops I took land, oh well your my ally so I guess I own land in the middle of your country now” anyway I have written too much, great game and I hope this gets added but hey it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t. keep doing good developers. Oh and also I forgot please make it so when you beat a country there name disappears and your name gets larger, I think that would look nice. And being able to form nations would go hand and hand with that which would be cool, but these are just ideas not complaints.
Game of My Dreams
by Suren360
This is literally the game I have always been wishing exists. I always wanted a game where you do conquest on a map with real battles and troops. Now let me address some complaints. First of all, the game is NOT PAY TO WIN. Sure! It’s easier with gold. But most of the complaining people aren’t willing to put enough time or effort into the game. I’ve defeated many nations that were obviously using gold, and I haven’t used a single cent on the game. You need skill to play the game properly; knowing where to attack, where to station troops, etc. Secondly, please stop complaining about the time it takes to be successful. It would be a fun experiment to add a very fast mode, and I ask the developers to do that, but if the whole game was like that it would be over very fast and it would eventually get boring. So please people, the developers are doing their best and don’t want to have to deal with you whining. I’m still on my second game and on my first one I’m the most powerful nation, NO GOLD BOUGHT. Thank you very much to the developers, keep up the good work!
Not sure about this game anymore
by Thebull8296
Ok so I have been playing this game for almost a year now. And at first I really liked it. Then it became addicting and eventually I have found that it just causes to much stress. You get hooked on trying to make the world yours. It was so fun cause it is challenging but now I am beginning to think that this game is a big scam. There is no dynamic on how Rogue State conquers land. It just takes and takes and takes. Especially if you are doing good in the game and take a bunch of cities I thought you had to build underground bunkers to increase morale but it has gotten to the point that my occupied cities go to Rogue State and even my annexed cities go to rogue state. It has gotten out of hand in many games where Rogue state cannot be stopped. I went from 1500VP to 1010VP in a matter of a day real time. And mind you I have been more than active on the game. Do not… and I repeat do not spend money on this game once downloaded. I know the urge is there to buy gold but it is a huge waste of money.
Might as whell
by Flare Manzo
I am sadly a military expert i have defeated everone crossing my path probably the best player to ever play this game also spent a bit over $400 usd i guess i might as whell try saving the game for us high win players that dont have time to play ima laugh if my comment goes unoticed since i doubt anyone has said what im about to say but this game needs hour long matches cuz us grownups have jobs and natters in real life to attend to its up to u guys if u want to work on this mode only u guys know how many people dont play enough ruining the experience for everyone yall developers might as whell test this game mode and see how popular it is who knows it might make this game the next fortnite or gta 5 making more money than any other video game yall still have time to do it cuz no one has yet but i guarantee u it will be worth the time making 1hour long matches all u gotta do is speed up building infastructure speed to almost near instant and i guess u would have to speed up troop movement drastically good luck and god bless i don’t know if ill ever get to play again cuz i just got alot more hours at work and wont have time to play anytime soon but i will always remember the fun i had beating everyone with the starts i came up with by my self
Great game, Just a few suggestions
by Everest12342
Started playing ConWW3 back in july of last year, quite a great game tbh, learnt a lot during playing. Before playing con i knew probably half the countries in the world, now i know 96%, It not only helps you learn geography but also helps you learn war skills, You can play World war 3 or you can play Cold war, futuristic, Zombies, or Certain areas of the world like middle east and Europe. There’s a ton of troops and military to use and research really making every session up to your own decisions and surroundings. 4x speed is good if you wanna have action, Although i do find 4x to be too quick and makes you have to check the game too much, while Regular can be too slow, but is more casual. A suggestion i have is to add 2x speed, so people can play casually but not have to wait forever for action. Otherwise this game is great, Maybe another suggestion is to add formables like on Hearts of iron 4 and Rise of nations (roblox game) And be able to Trade recourses and manpower/troops with other nations easier. Other than that, 5 star game, taught me a lot, Would recommend to anyone new to war games and anyone who played other ones.
Been playing for years now. The growth of the game and it’s features get better and better. I’ve played with and without the security council package. Well worth the investment. The strategy that you have to develop is completely your own and every situation calls for diplomacy and aggression. Some are defensive and the drawbacks and troop advantages balance nicely. There’s always a way to outperform and outmaneuver larger threats. Just know that economy and military are both important in the late game. Some nations that are the smallest tend to have the advantage of lying low and the larger countries have a good economic start but tend to enter wars much faster. Every playable nation is perfectly capable of winning and some have unexpected advantages. My favorite country is Austria due to its landlocked territory giving you less naval worries but you are surrounded by larger threats that see your nation as easy. It’s not exactly a quick game so always be thinking ahead and don’t just rush in without planning. The nature of the game is completely up to human emotions and you can have everything stacked against you and still come out on top. Be smart and this game is for you.
A welcome surprise
by FruitNinjaGaiden
Honestly, I expect this to be just another bottom of the barrel iPhone App Store game. I’ve been pleasantly surprised, however. This game takes global conflict to the next level. They’re well-researched in the different domains of warfare, allowing you to create armies comprised of various infantry unit types, different armor (light, heavy, amphibious, etc.), different aircraft such as fighters, bombers, and drones, a massive navy including aircraft carriers and submarines, the list goes on. This game is everything I hoped it would be and I have a lot of fun with their various scenarios ranging from regional conflicts in the USA, Africa, Japan, or the Middle East; all the way to global conflict across the entire world. They offer games that are real-time, or 4x speed and I think both are equally as enjoyable and tailored to the game experience you seek. Bottom line, as long as the devs continue to show interest in keeping this game focused on real-life, real-time strategy without pressuring you to buy things with real money to get the edge up (which you can do but it’s not make or break), then I’ll continue to support and play this game happily.
A really good game but I could use some changes
by Ryan Traister
The game is really fun and enjoying but there is some problems 1 I wish you an add Oil rigs and underwater minefield that would make naval warfare more important and you can also land on beaches without ports or other stuff like if the beach is suitable you can land without taking damage but if the beach is unsuitable when do you land you’ll take damage from it2 I wish you can customize your soldiers like you can choose what weapons they like a aK47 or M16 and you can choose what body armor they have and helmets it would be really cool if you add this feature3 I wish You can trade with people like trade 10 pieces of electronics for one supply it would be really cool if you add this feature and you can trade stuff for free so you can give stuff to your teammates 4 I wish you can build towns or cities and I wish you can do more with the towns they function as a same property of land I wish you can do more to dumb and I wish you can spread Papa Ganda so you’re population would be happier when I was Vietnam I couldn’t take these islands because they didn’t have a port every country has to start with a Port. really good game I wish you can do more with this game
The best Grand Strategy on Mobile
by Soldiers Ground
Everything amazing and lacking about this game has pretty much already been said, but I would like to request some type of Army system to help keep track of the amount of troops you have, where they are, and to combine units into a group for better and easier troop selection. Rather than having to always choose individual. I think it’ll be cool and helpful to have a system like that for the game. It’s a pain to always have to find and select multiple units, especially when you have so many. Oh and also to rename them like the system in HOI4. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I do hope and wish it will come someday in a future update.
-UPDATE Thank you to the developers for the response. I’m very happy to hear it’s on the list as potentials. The fact that it’s thought of already makes me happy regardless. Btw love your Article system in the game. It’s fun to look at and read, and I always make funny yet realistic articles for everyone to have fun and read.
Great game, a few suggestions, one complaint
by Unknown224679
I got this game a few months ago and have loved it since. Playing with friends is always fun and playing against is even better. Although this game does take a bit of commitment to fully play as games go on for a while, it still is very entertaining and fun to play out. The only complaint I have is recently, the market has been a bit buggy when buying and selling to teammates (sometimes the money you spend or the supplies you post are taken but you don’t receive the item or the request doesn’t pop up) This bug has only happened a few times but if it persists, I might lower this review to a 4 star. My suggestion is to add more X4 to gamemodes (such as battleground USA and others) and possibly also adding a X8 speed for people looking for very fast paced, intense game. Overall, a great game and although some people try to P2W, you can easily defeat them as long as they don’t burn an absurd amount of money on it. (BTW, I think gold should be easier to get as you can spend a month to win a game and you get like 1.7k gold from 1st place which gets you like one insta research. Just some suggestions that I wish you would review but other than that, great game and I 100% suggest you should get this game!
Thank you for all your new updates I’ve been playing most of them but I would really like if you guys would fix the search bar cause when I type battleground USA it doesn’t pop up and when I type WW3 4X speed it has to be all capitals and it’s harder to type I like the game but there is also another problem all the games sometimes don’t pop up in the search bar and it’s so annoying cause I’m trying to find a game but I have to join one that is almost full and I would like you guys to make a new game faster what I mean is that I wait in the search bar so when a new game is available I join and the speed of all the other games are so slow and I also would like you to fix another problem when I am the first one that joins a game I always end up seeing the map and the country’s are different colors and it doesn’t let me choose a country but this game is fun I’m so addicted to it and I just want to thank all of you who play the game but please fix everything I say and when I try to join a new game it always says undefined so what’s up with that please fix it before I can’t play new games anymore
3 ideas
by Roman8675309
I love it so much, but there are some ideas I have. I really want there to be trades like pay for land pay money to get rare materials. I also wish that there were presidents and governors. governors would be in the Civil War mode. and the president would be in the country mode. in Civil War mode, Governors will be in the capital of the state. President would be in the capital of the country. In country mode before playing, you’d have to pick a president for your country. For example if I played as the USA I would have to pick Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Obama, Robert F Kennedy, or you could pick custom president. Each president has a special ability for their ideology because of their ideology. if you pick custom president, you can pick any type of ideology you want. For example, you can be Republican Democratic communism you know you know the rest. The last idea a part of the seasons research. It is called assassins. They are good at assassinating, governors and president. if a president dies, you will have to pick a new one same with governors. to increase the moral of people you need to make a speech with the president or the governor. they will last two hours or 30 minutes. if people like the speech, the moral will be increased if they don’t, the moral will be decreased. That’s all my ideas.
Pretty good
by Dantm What
So far this is pretty good, at first it seemed a little confusing but you could get used to it. In my opinion I think that Call of War ww2 was the least confusing out of the games but this one is actually really cool since it’s more modern and not ww2 units.
Ok new thing after playing the game for 3 days, please make it so that it shows the borders between allies (or at least make their color differently) because it literally almost started a war and still might have, cause my coalition and another one had an agreement that we would stop one of their members from invading one of ours, and then it looked like they were invading our land but it was just that the borders were invisible. So yeah. Also you already know about this but you need to try and fix lag cause it takes like 3 seconds to load diplomacy when you click it, so I always accidentally click it again and then it just gets out of diplomacy when it loads.
Best Modern RTS
by Timbo366
So I can’t believe that last few yrs I didn’t know about this game…I even had it downloaded in one of my née game finding craze but for some reason deleted it before trying it because I figured it was just another fake advertisement mobile game. As someone who hates turn base and loves RTS Modern games this is the perfect game. The fact that it’s based off real world topography and allows you to play almost every country blows my mind. The biggest things I love is the verstiltilty to play however I want, common sense things like being able to use allied base or airfield, deployables (like cruise or ballistic missiles in subs and ships) and unique units like airborne for rapid deployment is what makes this game amazing. Does it have a few minor bugs…yes. But throughout my 15yrs of playing games I’ve never found something that suited me more. Think Risk but with all the amazing details that would take to long to implement on a board game.
Hello. There is a bug in game I'd #8265381. I play by Iran. I can't move my artillery battalion. Can you help me with it?? 2 artillery battalion. Can you move it to the center of province??
Is Conflict of Nations Safe? 🤗🙏
Yes. Conflict of Nations: WW3 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 56,748 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Conflict of Nations Is 65.6/100.
Is Conflict of Nations Legit? 💯
Yes. Conflict of Nations: WW3 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 56,748 Conflict of Nations: WW3 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Conflict of Nations Is 87.9/100..
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Modern Battle Tanks spearhead the assault, Attack Subs prowl the oceans for lone Carriers, Ace Pilots dominate the skies with Stealth Fighters… while your hand reaches for the Nuclear Launch Button.
Intelligent alliances or ruthless expansion, stealth warfare or nuclear devastation? The choice is yours: The nation’s military power is awaiting your command - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For fans of realistic grand-strategy games, Conflict of Nations offers a gigantic playing field, a multitude of military units, and infinite paths to success.
Take control of one of the mightiest nations of the world and face the looming threat of World War 3.
Jump into a match, plan your strategy, and lead your troops to victory in the days and weeks ahead.
Research devastating weapons of mass destruction and become the dominating superpower on the planet.
Conflict of Nations: World War 3 is free to download and play.
Conquer resources, forge alliances and strengthen your economy.
Rank up and claim your place among the best players in this addicting WW3 game.
Some game items can also be purchased for real money.