Public Domain Movie is the status of a published work or invention upon which the copyright or patent has expired or which has not been patented or subject to copyright.
(+) Bookmark & Reminder - Bookmark and manage your favorite movies list, set reminder for movie do you want to watch it later.
All movies contained within the Retro Cinema application are public domain works as classified under creative commons.
If you would like to send your ideas on existing movies or new public domain movies to add, just let us know, but in the meantime lay back, relax, and enjoy.
(+) Secure Mode - Help you secure your favorite movie by use TouchID or FaceID, this feature is optional in Favorite Tab.
There are many movies that are now in the Public Domain, and therefore, you can enjoy them for free.
(+) High quality & Fast - Playing movie for you in seconds and always provide highest movie quality as we can.
(+) Official informations - We provide many movie informations, similar movie and recommend movie you may also like.
The movies are not DVD quality, but they are rare and priceless.
(+) Beautiful design - Simple, vintage, and customizable film archive, which fits in your pocket, all you need under your fingertip.
Also, some of these films are silent or the sound is not a high quality.
It may thus be freely used by the public.
Tell us what you think, we would love to hear from you.