Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game Reviews

Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-01

About: Play one of the best classic Dominos games on your mobile device! Dominoes at
your fingertips whenever you need a break! Our Dominoes app can simply be the
perfect, fun board game choice anytime, anywhere! Time to place the spinner and
become a master of Dominos - the classic All Fives, Block, or Draw
Domino! Install this free Dominoes app on your mobile or tablet and discover 3
modes to play the free dominos board game. That.

About Dominoes Classic Dominos Game

Tactics, strategy, simplicity, interaction - this online board game has it all, and NewPub's Dominoes offers you the complete gameplay experience through a clean & clear, intuitive interface design, online and offline game options and easy to change settings.

Start placing the spinner and your best tiles against our upgraded AI opponents, against real dominoes players from all over the world, or even play this online Dominos game with friends.

Install this free Dominoes app on your mobile or tablet and discover 3 modes to play the free dominos board game.

With millions of domino players worldwide, the classic board game of Dominos is one of the most popular and cherished 2-player board games in the world.

More than a free classic board game, Dominos is, in fact, one of the best mind games that test your strategic playing skills and exercise your memory.

- Draw Dominoes - It's so easy to play your tiles and doubles - simply match your domino tile with one of the 2 ends bones already on the board.

That's something so relaxing and fun about classic online games with friends or AI opponents - you can even send them emojis while you place your tiles on the board.

- Block Dominoes - "The block domino game" puts your mind at work – beware – if you can’t figure out your next domino move, you will have to skip your turn.

You can play all these variants with the help of a user-friendly interface that allows you to play one-handed, plus you'll get all the tools you need to learn this 2 players board game quite fast.

Install the best Dominoes app today and get ready for relaxing times with fun board games for free.

- Dominoes All Fives - All Fives is the free domino game variant perfect for relaxation.

DOMINOES WITH FRIENDS! What can be more fun and exciting than playing dominoes games with friends? Our Dominoes app makes this easy: just enter the Lobby and invite your friends to a challenging domino round.

Count the number of pips on the tiles or bones at each end of your dominos board.

If it's a multiple of five, you score points.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 28,450 combined software reviews.

1620 Dominoes Classic Dominos Game Reviews

4.6 out of 5


The ADs are beyond ridiculous

I had deleted DominoesClassicDominosGame and went back to it because I liked it better than the other apps. I am going to have to delete it again. How this game has over 4 stars is beyond me. The ads are out of control! Not only are they constant - AFTER EVERY SINGLE TURN - they are eye-rolling STOOPID, cringe-worthy and unbearable. In one the voice asks how much did you get paid? And the person has a handful of fake bills and says I won $2 thousand something. 🙄🙄 and that’s not even the worse of them. They’re horrid. The ads also lock up and I can’t hit X to get back to my game. If I mess with it long enough I’ve already lost the partner I was playing with and they’re replaced by the computer. Most of the time I can’t get back to my game so I have to close the game out and restart it. I am done.


Glitches and crashes mid game

It’s really fun and I love the UI, but when you’re playing a tournament, sometimes it’ll crash mid game and then you can’t continue playing your opponent you then have to play the computer. Sometimes, you’ll go to start a round and the board will stay blank until you have to restart DominoesClassicDominosGame . Then same thing happens where you’re no longer playing your opponent, but the computer. This is really frustrating because it also messes up your scores with the tournament. This most recent time it happened, I restarted DominoesClassicDominosGame and the board still won’t load.


Delete the app

It is very annoying it freezes up constantly it’s not worth it find another app!! I emailed support and then they told me to purchase to remove the ads and that would probably fix it it’s a scam!! And to remove the ads it’s like 70 or $80 no thank you!! See they had one app and it was fine and then a little thing came up and said download our new app so we download the new app and then it’s working fine and then all the sudden you have these difficult problems and then support tells you to purchase to remove the ads I think it’s hilarious and I have the email to prove it!! So I’m on the hunt for a new dominoes game see ya! 🤘🏻


Deleting Over Stupid Ad

Initially enjoyed this game, but there is an ad that requires you to click a tiny X to close, but more often takes you to another site to read content I have no interest in reading (ironically with the caption “You might also like this…). This stupid ad has caused me to quit so many games due to being unable to escape the loop, that I am over this stupid app. Dominoes is supposed to be fun, DominoesClassicDominosGame is just annoying and ultimately frustrated.



“Consistently freezes after ads”

Followup based on developers response not addressing DominoesClassicDominosGame freezing: I read a number of reviews going back some time on this issue. You have not addressed this issue or even acknowledge it as a problem & suggest that I pay to not have ads. Therefore it’s obvious you know of it & hope enough people give up & pay. I will delete DominoesClassicDominosGame & look for others not created by the same developer.


Had to delete

Had to delete this game cause ads would freeze and I couldn’t finish my game, had to restart over and over



I teach about 500 elementary students a week. It is so fast paced ..enough to totally wear you out mentally, socially, and physically. This game helps me relax. It works well and I enjoy playing without any problems.


Super game

I had a lot of fun playing with people from all over the world, wish I could exchange ideas with some. Excellent 👍


Impatient people

These people who challenge you are so impatient. The take their time playing but expect u to play without thinking your next move. The always send the mean face or the devil face when it's my turn. I has one even call me names. So I won't be playing anymore. I thought this was a game of fun and challenge. I guess I was wrong.


Greed takes over

I don’t mind a few ads and I don’t mind paying for games I like. That being said my time is worth more than your silly ads that hijack any fun you could have had with this game. I won’t be paying for your game nor watching your ads. Too many other good ones out there.


Below Average

To many ads during your game play and you can’t close them out after they play without it forwarding you to the websites of the advertisements. The button strategically does not work to close the ad’s. I don’t like how it highlights the titles to use when in competition mode. Takes away from competitive strategy and quod game play.


This app is horrible the ads freeze the game everytime!!!!

I can never finish a game on this stupid app! Smh I start a game and have to reset it because stupid apps freeze the game every single time! The owner of DominoesClassicDominosGame needs to fix this ad freeze crap!!!! I can’t ever finish a game on here! Don’t download DominoesClassicDominosGame is a waste of space on your phone! DominoesClassicDominosGame is a scam can’t even play 1 whole game!!!!


New version

I absolutely hate the new version! I don’t need the corny music or to be told when it’s my turn! I have deleted the new version and guess I will have to find another domino game to play! I don’t appreciate being told I have to do the update in order to play. Guess I can go back to the old fashion way…using the block dominoes on a table top.



Love Playing Domino’s Rather Play Live Games Against Someone Tennis Shoes Tidy Nothing But The Body All Roll Into One, 3 Sister Sal Slap Them Bones , My 3 Sisters Rolling On The Floor, My Dime Not Your Time Lay Them Bones, Hit It Or Quit ,Top It Or Drop It That’s Enough Of My Bones Talking ♥️✋🏾✍🏾I Won



You need to put rules for playing for each game.


So unhappy!!

I loved your previous version. The dominoes were much more realistic. Easy to play, easy to follow. This new version is just like the other domino games I deleted. If you love your new version so much how about adding it and leaving the previous version on for those of us who want realistic dominoes and skip all the flashy color stuff.


Beat game around

I love this game. It is great when you are having to wait for something. Unfortunately it is a bit habit forming. 😃😃😃😃😃


Was great

It was a great way to pass the time the ads were not bad but as of recently you can’t get out of the ads. You have to push the X several times to get back to game. I push close add twenty or more times each round so it’s no longer a realistic option to play this game. Bugs should be fixed not ignored.


Loved the game but too many glitches

This was my favorite go to game on my down time. But lately too many times in the middle of the game when one round ends and before the next one starts, the screen freezes and says “loading” and that’s it.
You cannot continue the game.
Just gets very frustrating.



Great game! But you spend more time watching ads than playing!!
Very annoying! Deleting DominoesClassicDominosGame !


I enjoy the Game BUT…..

I enjoy the gam but I think a few updates are needed:

1 - During game play the ads should be 5 seconds or less, its ok to have a 30 second ad after the end of a game.

2 - If a player lets the time run out prior to playing their turn more than 2 times in one game that player should forfeit the game.

3 - Sometimes at the end of the game the points awarded for domino are reduced I don’t know why that is but that should be fixed.

I hope the developers take my concerns seriously and make these changes as they would make they game more fun.


Ads are ridiculous

Great, fun game of dominoes with other people and bots, but cannot play it much anymore because there are ads that pop up after every round that don’t go away. There is one ad in particular for a solitaire game that never ends and can’t be Xed out, so it freezes and effectively ends the game. Get rid of it and I’ll be back.


Why the “ loading” screen freezes the game!

I have been playing this game for a few months and sometimes during a game , after and ad, a green screen shows up saying “ loading” . The problem is that at never “ loads” and I have to turn my phone off to get out of that screen , therefore losing the game. It seems to happen only when I am winning buy a large margin . Not a good game until they fix this problem.


Ridiculous game algorithm

Every time I’m winning the other player throws one die and gets like 50 points and wins the game.
Practically every single time. It’s actually happened to me a couple of times only when I was doing terrible but I don’t think it’s fair play. And when you end up with the same number whoever was hiding it gets the points?! So weird! Nobody should get it. Also, if you don’t play enough you get demoted! 😂


Invite friends feature link not working

My husband and I have attempted many times to play against each other and all the invite link does is send us to the download app page. I have not received a response to my email as to how it can be corrected.


Still hangs during ads…

Improved? Not!
Nothing more frustrating than getting into a good game and then having the ads hang and you lose the game.
Developers should try playing the game a while and testing the ads that open multiple windows.
The priority should be allowing the players to actually play a game to the end, not just get as many ads in as possible.
I’ll try again next year…


Filled with ADs

I totally understand that running ADs allows the game to continue to be offered for free but the frequency of ADs in this game is noxious. There’s an AD after EVERY round which means it takes forever to finish a game. The constant interruption definitely doesn’t influence me to try the games in the ADs….only influences me to delete this game.


So many adds

After every round I played I had to watch a add I played a 8 minutes game watched 7 adds in that one game absolutely insane uninstalling this for sure and the developer responses on these reviews are stupid it’s obvious they are not reading the review and just send out automated messages one guy gave the game 5 stars but in his review wrote he deleted the game due to the adds the “developer” reply was thanks for enjoying our game and keep on playing 🤦🏻‍♂️ he’s not gonna keep on playing cause your app it cluttered with adds to bad to cause the gameplay was pretty good



Why does the winning score multiplier drop down to 1 sometimes? Is there a situation that causes this? Very frustrating to win a game when I start with a multiplier of 3 then only get around 250 points.


Racist Ads

You seriously think it’s okay to show an ad with some old black man playing dominoes asking can you beat him? Not every old black man plays dominoes and sits around some fish market playing dominoes. Took the developer over a month to respond to review which should have been answered back in January before Black History Month. This long delay shows me how much they didn’t actually think about their racist ads.


Unrealistic and Arbitrary Gameplay

Game automatically PLAYS FOR YOU after a very brief period, often making a terrible play! This kills my enjoyment and reduces true skill, resulting in poor outcomes. As well, the algorithm is Terrible as you will OFTEN find yourself picking 8, 9, or 10 dominoes when down to last dominoe! That simply virtually NEVER happens in my real life Dominoes play. I am UNINSTALLING immediately and cannot possibly recommend getting DominoesClassicDominosGame!


You aren’t always playing with live people

My husband and I recently were both playing this same app and ended up with same player against us. Hmm. Got me to wondering from there. So I started trying to question certain players I keep getting over and over. Wondered why they were always on when I was. They never responded either. Now I know some ppl won’t respond. But most would if you ask them if they are computer generated or not. More than half or more of these so-called players on here are fake!!! Computer generated. You are just playing against the computer. That took the fun and competitiveness out of the game to me. Loved the look of the platform but don’t like the sneakiness of these developers to do such a thing. I signed up with this online app to play with real ppl.


Developers and workers

Let players enjoy at least one complete game, I do understand the ADS are there to bring you money but all of you are doing it in a very bad greedyness and taken the fun out DominoesClassicDominosGame AND EVERYONE WILL DELETE DominoesClassicDominosGame ASAP , I would spend money and times after I tried it and read all the negative reviews that Really ARE NOT HELPING ,I just can’t deal with this stress .


Don’t like this game anymore!

I’ve been playing this game for probably about a couple of months and was really liking it. The last 3-5 days I’ve played, it lets me play the one set…then it goes to an ad. I don’t even mind the ads, except when it won’t let me get off of them!! The “X” comes up in the top right corner, but yet it will not do anything but leave this stupid ad up! I’ve tried other Domino games, but I really like this one!

Please fix whatever bugs is going on! If it’s not fixed soon, I’ll be forced to delete the game.

I would have given this game all 5 stars, if it was working! Who in their right mind wants to play one (1) hand of dominos?? Not me!!

Thank you,
Norma Collins


Racial slurs

I love this game and have been playing it a while. I sent an email 5 days ago with no reply. It’s about one of the players who started playing about 2 months ago. I don’t know how long he’s been using racist remarks but it’s unfortunate that the person felt the need. You’ve given anyone the opportunity if they need to feel they must use racist remarks by using one of the phrases you have provided, without anyone knowing what they are truly saying or meaning. So for this individual, blatantly not use those given, truly has hate in him/her. As a paid player or anyone else we should not have to deal with such hate.


I like the game

However I do not understand how to move up in the “promotion zone”. Or why I’ve been playing at least 30 games straight now and won about 27 and I still have 0 points, I’m only gaining points in the “daily and monthly points”
Can someone please explain whether if this is something wrong, a glitch, or a reason why I’m not moving forward with continuously wins and clearly In the lead?

Is Dominoes Classic Dominos Game Safe?

No. Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 28,450 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Dominoes Classic Dominos Game Is 18.3/100.

Is Dominoes Classic Dominos Game Legit?

No. Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 28,450 Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Dominoes Classic Dominos Game Is 35.1/100..

Is Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game not working?

Dominoes- Classic Dominos Game works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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