Simple Darts Scoreboard Reviews
Published by Josh Lehman on 2020-09-07🏷️ About: A free and simple scorekeeper for Cricket and x01 matches. Keep score with Simple Darts so you can focus on the game.
🏷️ About: A free and simple scorekeeper for Cricket and x01 matches. Keep score with Simple Darts so you can focus on the game.
- Simple and easy to use
- Allows players to enter their own scores
- Has an undo button for incorrect entries
- Shows how easy scoring works for beginners
- Great for scoring x01 and cricket games
- Affordable at $0.99
- Can make darts games more enjoyable
my wife and i will play from time to time and it’s great for that, but i like to play the computer by myself for practice and even on 50% difficulty the bots are completely unfair. they’ll always go based off your previous throw and always go for more points than you. and their bullseye percentage is through the roof. if they have bulls closed and you don’t then they’ll get at least 1-2 bulls every round just to get ahead of you in points. very rarely do they ever have a round with no marks. i haven’t tested lower than 50% difficulty, but something is wrong with SimpleDartsScoreboard.
SimpleDartsScoreboard is fantastic and super easy to use once you get the hang of it! I love the how you can play with multiple people yet also play the computer when your just by yourself! My only complaint is, I really wish you could play the computer in the 01 games like you can in the cricket games! Makes no sense to me on why you can’t but hopefully the next update will have that!???
SimpleDartsScoreboard is great for score-keeping. Entering scores is quick and easy.
I love the CPU option with Cricket. However, it seems that the likelihood that the CPU hits the bullseye is equal to or even higher than that for 20-15 for any given difficulty level.
If other players are like me, I struggle to hit bulls much more than 20-15. So, I think the games against CPU would be more interesting from start to finish if the likelihood of bulls was a calibrated a bit lower than for 20-15. As it is now, I’m usually winning by a substantial margin, but once the bulls becomes the only remaining target not closed, it eventually becomes close and often I lose. Right now I’m playing difficulties between 50-60.
It’s makes keeping score easy. No more looking for a pen and paper ( or calculator ).
I really like that you can play against the computer on cricket. To bad that feature is not included in 301.
Could use some adjustments to the CPU mode it just goes down in order from 20 to bullseyes when you play but other than that it is a great scoreboard app and very simple to use and I love that it has 301! Highly recommend but we didn’t even play this mode so idk I guess it’s cool whatever. If you like playing darts then shake a can of beans, I’m afraid of opossums but yeah highly recommend
This is a great app for scoring. Was worth the $.99 for scoring x01 too.
Highly recommend if you are looking for something simple to use.
Nice job!
Just what you need to play cricket with or without points. As simple as possible.
Keeps score for cricket and x01 games. I just wish there was more game options
We didn’t have chalk or any writing utensils so SimpleDartsScoreboard saved the day when we needed to keep score at my friends Friendsgiving party (:
The Cricket Vs CPU feature creates an imaginary friend so you always have somebody to play against. You can adjust CPU level. CPU is a beast though! Any chance for X01 VS CPU level is in development? I’d def pay for it.
Easy to use for a beginner or a long time player! Highly recommend!
Simple and works as intended! Wish this was kindle fire friendly so I could use my old tablet as a score board!
Are used to not have SimpleDartsScoreboard but now that I do I am happier it makes my darling a pleasurable experience darling is my favorite thing in SimpleDartsScoreboard is the best thing for my Darden career Darding 100%
I was struggling in how the scoring worked from the rules. SimpleDartsScoreboard shows how easy it is. Can’t believe I could not figure until I got SimpleDartsScoreboard. Great for a wonderful evening for one or two couples.
This is a really good app one of the best cricket app I have ever found. Download it and don’t even think about it it’s really good very nice not to have to add while you’re playing this game.
Was exactly what I was looking for. Easy to use, which means I can focus on the game and not the operation of SimpleDartsScoreboard . For instance, I enjoy the fact that I can simply undo an incorrect entry, again, making the use of SimpleDartsScoreboard easy and enjoyable. Highly recommended SimpleDartsScoreboard!
Was hoping you could add player names possibly. Single player for x01 game modes. And having an average is cool but instead of it just being for that round. Is it possible to make an average from all the rounds you play? Changing with each game ?
Does everything you need it to do - would like the option to change score parameters, and label players. Also, teams? Need instructions, but app is pretty straight forward if you play around with it a bit. Made our games very enjoyable!
I love SimpleDartsScoreboard. If you need something that is to the point, easy to use, and doesn’t push a bunch of nonsense your way, and this is the perfect app.
Sure, it could be refined, but for the price it’s perfect.
My Friends can enter their own scores and feel confident that the right numbers get entered (wink wink).
The undo button is nice, especially after a few beverages.
My friends and I love SimpleDartsScoreboard . Wish there was MPR shown during cricket matches but only has it vs computer. Also wildcard cricket would be a great addition. Aside from that it’s the best dart app I’ve come across.
Love SimpleDartsScoreboard !! I just wish you could add more then 4 people when your playing 301.
The difference between easy and medium for the cpu in cricket is ridiculous. Also would love to be able to play the cpu in x01
How do or can you name players?
Like the name says. Simple. Easy to use. I like it. Usually I play 301 or cricket, so it’s perfect for me.
You will lose
Very easy to use. I will recommend to friends❗️
This the best cricket scorekeeper I have seen. I like the colors and the layout!
Very easy to use and completely uncomplicated.
Well-designed and very user-friendly.
This is the best scoreboard for cricket
I would recommend SimpleDartsScoreboard for when your to drunk to keep score. Thanks for the update developer! Keep up the work
It's such a great time
Yes. Simple Darts Scoreboard is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 6,369 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Simple Darts Scoreboard Is 65.7/100.
Yes. Simple Darts Scoreboard is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 6,369 Simple Darts Scoreboard User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Simple Darts Scoreboard Is 79.1/100..
**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..
Pricing Plans | Amount (USD) |
x01 Games | $0.99 |
• Cricket game mode includes a Dart Bot so you can play against the CPU, a cutthroat option (recommended for more than 2 players), and an option to turn off points.
• x01 game mode lets you select between 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801 and 901 starting points and includes options for double in / double out.
Keep score with Simple Darts so you can focus on the game.
A free and simple scorekeeper for Cricket and x01 matches.
To change the name of a player simply tap on the name in the score section.