Onform: Video Analysis App Reviews

Onform: Video Analysis App Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-25

About: OnForm is a video analysis and coaching platform that helps coaches provide
video feedback and communicate with their athletes. With OnForm’s built-in
individual and group communication capabilities, coaches can easily stay in
touch with their remote and in-person athletes using voice-overs, text messaging
and file sharing.

About Onform

What is Onform?

OnForm is a video analysis and coaching platform that allows coaches to provide video feedback and communicate with their athletes. It offers built-in individual and group communication capabilities, allowing coaches to stay in touch with their remote and in-person athletes using voice-overs, text messaging, and file sharing. OnForm also provides slow-motion, markup, and analysis tools for instant visual feedback to in-person athletes. The app helps coaches generate new revenue by providing remote consultations and training to their athletes.



- Coaching for in-person and remote athletes

- Share feedback with athletes 1:1, a group, or a broadcast list

- Create accountability and ensure athletes put in the work they need to improve

- Drive efficiency by organizing teams and 1:1 interactions

- Compare two videos against each other to analyze form or track improvement over time

- Record high-speed videos at up to 240 FPS on supported devices

- Fine scrubbing, slow-motion playback, and video markup tools

- Record voice-overs to capture feedback

- Organize videos by athlete or team

- Videos are automatically synced across all devices

- 1:1 and group chat to exchange videos, training information, and coordinate logistics

- Create custom sub-groups to easily share with just the people you need

- Broadcast messages privately to all your athletes via custom broadcast lists

- Simple pricing with four package levels: Free, Personal, Coach, and Team/Academy.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 5,686 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Onform

- The app has better features than Hudl, including a messenger and better video tagging and titling.

- The app keeps adding new features, such as private notes for each student and the ability to tap into the iPad's wide angle lens feature.

- The video tools are user-friendly and allow for changing playback speeds, drawing lines and circles, and degree measurements.

- The time counter feature is helpful for understanding backswing to downswing ratio.

- The app is intuitive and a huge time saver compared to using a video editing program.

20 Onform Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Decent but some annoyances

I started using OnForm as a previous Hudl user. Getting onboarded to using OnForm was okay, but the navigation was confusing at first. It is weird that you have to go into Library of videos, from the Home screen, to simply start recording a new video. Seems like an unnecessary step. I like the way On automatically optimizes the camera settings to the specific lighting in which you are filming. But, the biggest negative to On , is the flywheel. It’s a major downgrade from Hudl. In order to replay your videos frame-by-frame, you use the flywheel to scroll. But if your finger lets off the flywheel for just a moment, the flywheel disengages, the drawing button engages, and you have to move scroll with your finger again to-reengage the flywheel. It’s annoying because I am often watching videos closely and exclusively using the flywheel to make the video progress, amd I keep having to “recapture” the flywheel to make it engage again. You have so much space this app your phone to scroll, so by the time I get the flywheel responding to my scrolling, I have to let off to reposition. It’s just not very gold for people who don’t use the “play” function to play the video and instead want to use the fly wheel so they can constantly go forwards and backwards as the need to as they watch the replay.


An expensive and disappointing downgrade

Hudl was a great all sports analysis app that allow organization by tags and people. As a figure skating coach, being able to quickly pull up an element I’m teaching a student was key. OnForm is five steps in wrong direction. For one it seems very golf specific, the layout is extremely clunky with massive amounts of wasted space, and “features” that I (and I’m sure many others) find completely unnecessary. Not everything needs a voice over and not everyone needs to be connected and shared. Some of us just want have a collection of reference videos that we can quickly pull up and access. It’s quite disappointing because Hudl was a great app that did just that. Instead of gutting Hudl, I feel the developers should have actually talked to coaches from across different sports to find out how they use On . Instead it feels like a group of tech guys who like to play golf got together and haphazardly through together an app that would only be specific to their needs. Oh and the pricing is ridiculous.

Customer service was quick to reply and very polite. I felt like they tried to be helpful in offering time to explore On but I was also left with a feeling that my concerns about functionality were going to be addressed at all.



App wont let me downgrade from coach. Only an upgrade is available. Imagine that! Developer response: “You can cancel anytime and doesn’t understand my issue.” Well, that response is like saying we don’t give a rats a.. what you think so just cancel and delete. I’m seriously considering, BUT.. I’ll explain. When I transferred over from hudl On asked me to choose my status as just a player or coach. It didn’t say there are six different options to choose from that will affect your monthly subscription. I’m not an official coach, but I do use On to help out my fellow golfing buddies so I chose coach. Now that I’m in I see that the cost of coach level access is $30 a month compared to $5 for a player. I wanted to downgrade from coach to player (personal, as they call it), but there is no option for this. Besides 5 bucks a months is a bit steep for an app that I will only use at most maybe three times a year.

Ok, now that I was able to cancel I found where I could change my subscription. No biggy. I just never pay for apps or subscriptions.


Love it

I’m a private instructor and this is great. Switching from hudl it was a little tricky at first but once I got the hang up it the features are so much better. It’s like hudl with a messenger attached to it and a better way to tag and title the videos. Plus they keep adding features like private notes for each student. Or On now allows for me to tap into my iPads wide angle lens feature.


Cool, but frustrating

So much cool collaboration and ‘diagnosing’ that can be done, and that part I give 5 stars! However, the directions for use, at least for the student, are sorely lacking (or if they actually exist, they’re well hidden!). I’m not a software neophyte, and can usually intuit how to use something new. When it was apparent that I could get some of it, but critical pieces were missing, I went to the tutorials….not very helpful. A true Users manual or tutorial of the simple stuff - I.e. precisely, step by step, how does one upload a video so the instructor and/or group members can see it - would be helpful. And when one has followed the instructions that do exist, and it still doesn’t work, some troubleshooting resource would be great! This part, for now anyway, I give a 1 star. I’d like to give more, but right now, I’m too frustrated!!


Forces Subscription

Another disgruntled user coming from hudl here. As to On functionality per se there are pros and cons compared to hudl.

However, the most frustrating part is forcing a subscription to allow you import/take more than 10 videos. I get the subscription if I were to upload and share it with others and use other online tools, which requires setting up and maintaining a server this app Onform’s end. But just to pay $5/month to store this app my own device or even apples iCloud is really a hard sell.

I’d be glad to pay a one time fee since developers aren’t doing charity work. And subscriptions are fine as well if I do find the need to use the online/sharing functionalities, etc. However, at the current state, I’ll either have to find another app or just hope future iOS updates continue supporting hudl.


Priced themselves out

App has good features and works well for what it is however, $30/month is not a reasonable price. I’ve used HUDL the past 7 years with a pro account (around $60/year) and had no complaints with the price, I even would have paid $100-$120/year and thought the price was fair.

But at 5x the price it just prices itself out of many consumers’ budgets. I understand it’s a business, and HUDL was offering too much free usability to make a profit, but limiting recording to 10 videos before charging $30/month for the smallest plan is too much of a jump, and one I think MANY possible customers will unfortunately pass this app.

Also, in the developers responses to many other reviews they say they are 1/2 the price of other apps. I would like to know which apps are $60/month, because after researching other apps the most expensive I could find (besides OnForm) were $9-$10/month.

If the price dropped to a more reasonable range ($100-$150/year) I would pay it, but at more than double that it’s just not worth it.


Some HUDL Technique functionality removed, requires an account

The good: Users now authenticate by logging in with Google or their Apple credentials. This is key in schools where students are using school devices. Ideally there would be no log in required and student data would not be stored at all.

The bad: Tapping the displayed time no longer zeros the time. In physics class this makes it much harder to keep track of time duration.

Would it be possible to bring back this ability before school starts again in the beginning of August? My students will thank you!

Also bad: The ability to save and share videos is a bad thing for student privacy. I do not want my student videos stored in the cloud. It is also cheaper for the company to not host them in the cloud. Would it be possible to make an ad-free version of On that stores everything locally and, ideally, doesn’t require students to create an account?


Another HUDL transfer

Been using HUDL for years. The quality of OnForm app is basically the same. So far it works perfectly, good UI, easy to use.

The subscription is out of this world expensive. Never had to worry about only saving 10 videos at a time with HUDL. I understand a subscription for storing lots of videos, but only 10 in the free version, and the subscription version is $30/month??? That’s outrageously expensive, considering HUDL offered way more in their free version alone.

I’m in the last month of this season for coaching, so I’m biting the bullet. But for next year I’ll probably find an alternative app.


Please add auto repeat of swing

Hi, been a long time user, eary this app Technique (before Hudl) had a feature where you could set the speed (this still exists) and allow for the video to loop and co ti you sly play.
This is critical, for those learning to see the right h to int over and over allows for improved learning, seems like a simple enough thing to add too but Hudl didn’t respond to me this app this, it has to be a simple feature to include. With that it’s a 5 star app all the way!


Great app with some quirks

I really enjoy the functionality of On. I use it for baseball swings and it is a very helpful tool. It does crash pretty regularly which can be frustrating.

One suggestion I would have would be to move the scroll bar and the fly wheel farther apart at the bottom of the screen. It is very easy to accidentally hit the scroll bar when you mean to hit the fly wheel which makes the video jump way ahead or behind where you wanted to see.


Great golf app for students!

I have really enjoyed working with my swing instructor through this app Form. It allows for easy communication regarding the coaching I have received. The Video tools are very user friendly (changing playback speeds, drawing lines and circles, degree measurements, etc). They keep improving the features in the tool also. The time counter was a nice addition to help understand my backswing to downswing ratio.


Easy and Fast

This is a great program and very intuitive. It’s a huge time saver compared to using a video editing program. It would be nice to have the ability to overlay graphics and text, as well as erase bad takes, but with practice I think any coach could produce a quality product that can greatly benefit students of all abilities.


Young app with good functionality. Not far from great.

Needs a couple of workflow improvements and a better “hosted” sharing option for my students. Requires students to have OnForm accounts. On I WAS using (Hudl) allowed me to share a link to swing reviews. OnForm will export the file for you, but then you’re limited to sharing options by massive files sizes.



I have been using OnForm since the beginning of the year. It was very good then but now it is OUTSTANDING! Co-Founder Gear Fisher is always available to help and walk through better ways to improve my workflow. All of the new features are strong and will improve my player’s experience immensely! I look forward to seeing what is next!


Great tool for review and communication

I have been using OnForm for a number of weeks and I’ve been very impressed. On provides the tools I need for technical and tactical analysis in football (soccer), and the ability to easily share reviews via text or email outside On is super useful. Video Imports are quick and painless. Overall a great training tool.



I’ve been in the profession for over 3 decades and have used every tool available since 1990. Starting with the handheld video camera that weighed just under 7 tons to the modern day platforms. I will not give anything away with my review, this way you can all be as shocked and surprised like I was.

Ron del Barrio


Destroys battery

App drains your battery faster than any app I’ve used. My phone gets hot using it. It forces you to upload every shot onto the cloud automatically, if you turn it off to try and save battery you get a huge warning every single time you use On . App works fine but so annoying to use I’d rather find something else with less features. I miss Hudl.

Update: On doesn’t clear it’s cache when deleting old videos, so I have to deleted On every so often or it gets several gigs big.


OnForm review

I was a long time user of Hudl, when I was told they would no longer support On I was very disappointed. I tested everything out there and ended up with OnForm. It out shines every other app. It’s more expensive but for me the functionality of the product is worth it.


Another Example of a company acquiring their competitor and making the experience worse

On itself is ok. It more or less is Hudl. The menu system is garbage and there is no clear way to record a video in certain parts of the menu. I’m more frustrated in the fact that only 10 videos can be stored. Taking an app that worked for me and removing it so you can force me to another app and then make me have to pay to make it even functional is incredibly frustrating.


Fixes major issues in Hudl, but introduces a few minor ones

Finally! The fly wheel problems in Hudl have been fixed! In Hudl, scrolling frame by frame this app a video would frequently send you to another app or window since flywheel was so close to the iOS scroll bar. OnForm fixes that with a completely new flywheel design, no more disappearing window. However, the new flywheel doesn’t have the same virtual momentum as Hudl, meaning, the scrolling is not as smooth. Minor detail, but would be great if flywheel speed and duration could be configured. The other issue is the Community is gone. In Hudl, you could share your videos with golfers around the world for feedback.


Innovative and thorough

OnForm has been incredibly helpful in learning to better my golf swing throughout the pandemic.

Being able to communicate with my coaches with the touch of my screen to receive feedback and analysis has been significant in the development of my golf career.


Best virtual coaching app yet

I’ve been coaching for 18years. On has allowed me to stay connected with my students virtually! Onform is the most intuitive analysis tool for golf I’ve used to date. Very happy with everything I’m gaining while using On !


Love this app!

i’ve used it a few times and it is so easy to share videos! No more using 3 different apps to upload, text and repeat. love how simple it is. really love how you can make voice overs this app each video.


Smooth setup and intuitive

Makes working with my clients quite simple. Sharing video is straightforward and the drawing tools are fun to use. Brings a whole new aspect to my coaching.


Finally the perfect video editing tool!

On has helped me analyze my riding and improve so much faster. I love how you can draw this app the video to critique even the smallest things.


World class video tool

Love how easy it is to record, analyze and share videos. I’ve tried most of the video software out there and this is the best one I’ve used.



This is excellent! It’s bringing me another level closer with my students. Thanks to Gear and team for creating such a wonderful teaching/student tool.

Customer service is excellent!


Dumb interface autocrops videos

It forces all video into their aspect ratio, which ruined a lot of the videos I wanted to transfer. Feels like a huge loss going from a free app that functioned perfectly to this junk that charges $5/month.


Wow! This is just the app I’ve been looking for!

Quick, intuitive instruction for yoga instruction.


Terrible app

No instructions and goes straight to collections of $30 a month to set up account that can share more than 10 videos with athletes. Ummmmmmmm. No. This HUDL technique migration is a huge money grab for an app that has way too many glitches. Looking forward to learning another app and dumping this like toxic waste.


Great App.

Very well organized, effective, easy to use

Is Onform Safe?

Yes. Onform: Video Analysis App is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,686 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Onform Is 37.6/100.

Is Onform Legit?

Yes. Onform: Video Analysis App is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,686 Onform: Video Analysis App User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Onform Is 50.4/100..

Is Onform: Video Analysis App not working?

Onform: Video Analysis App works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Free Package:

- Up to 10 total videos or files

- Unlimited messaging

Personal Package:

- Manage up to 500 HD videos & files

- Unlimited messaging

- Price: $4.99/month or $49.99/year

Coach Package:

- Unlimited number of athletes/players/clients/students

- 1 coach account

- Price: $29.99/month

Team/Academy Package:

- Unlimited number of athletes/players/clients/students

- 3 coach accounts

- Price: $69.99/month

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