Border Patrol Police Simulator Reviews

Border Patrol Police Simulator Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-18

About: Start working as a Border Police Officer and stop the smuggling of illegal goods
in border patrol police simulator. Experience the life of a real border officer,
search for contraband like drugs, money and illegal goods.

About Border Patrol Police Simulator

Start working as a Border Police Officer and stop the smuggling of illegal goods in border patrol police simulator.

In border force simulator enforce the security of the country's national border and stop the smuggling of contraband.

Working at the country border is really challenging as you have to constantly look for anything suspicious and stop the smuggling of contraband like drugs, liquor, narcotics.

Search vehicles entering the country and check documents to grant them entry in border patrol police game.

Experience the life of a real border officer, search for contraband like drugs, money and illegal goods.

The border guard of a country is a national security agency that performs border security.

Enjoy the amazing gameplay and give us your feedback to help improve the game in future releases.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Positive experience

Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 4,224 combined software reviews.

700 Border Patrol Police Simulator Reviews

3.9 out of 5


Good but a few problems

There is potential in this game, once I saw it in an ad I instantly downloaded it. The gameplay is excellent it has smooth movement and the graphics are ideal since it is a mobile game. The only problem is the ads within the game; I see them at the start of the game and it makes sense but while I was playing I was hearing ads which was causing me not to play. When I would hear an ad my character would stop moving then when I would move no ads so basically an off thing. Overall great game.


This Game Is Awesome, is it just not Finished Yet?

I like the main concept of the game. Your a border officer holding down the country lines. You get to check cars and make sure everyone passing through means well. But after a little while it gets old, it’s so repetitive and we earn money but there are no upgrades to buy or different materials nor are there any different locations besides the main map that is playable. I really hope to see some updates in the future!!!


Good game but…..

It doesn’t look like anything it shows on the preview. You can’t put the handcuffs on people like it shows. But I do like the game and I think it needs better graphics and more missions. You do the same thing every day. Please add more missions and more action. Thanks


Good but something

It’s a fun game ngl but something you are forgetting are more cars. I only get three cars. It’s is a sports car truck and a minivan. So pls add more cars and have less adds. And also when you do the mission it makes have only like 2 minutes. So pls do it like as long as you want but that’s it. It’s a good game and pls add those details 😃🤗


Awesome but problem

So when people are playing this for the first time in some levels they say that they cannot find items that are not allowed I saw a review and it said “i looked everywhere in the car and cannot find it 😩”



The last car on level 4 stays still and you can’t continue



This game is good and all but,there is plenty of glitches,like I closed my self in the door and it flew me under the map,also I grabbed a idea and I got flung super high.I also think you need to add more levels,I don’t think 10 is enough I got done with levels in hour!I don’t really recommend this game because of glitches,bad graphics,and how confusing this game can get.

Thank you for reading this article!


Good concept bad execution

Like bro you clearly made this game just to make money on ads like half my screen is filled with ads and during gameplay guess what…. There’s an ad at the bottom of my screen and everytime I finish a car I have to watch a ad and during the fourth day I was attacked and it said to grab a weapon but I don’t know where the weapons are bc the tutorial doesn’t say like this is very poorly executed



I paid $3 to not play?? I literally haven’t been able to play more than 1 minute without the game completely freezing.. I have no clue if the game is decent because it has frozen each time I’ve started BorderPatrolPoliceSimulator . I finally made it through the tutorial but haven’t been able to inspect not one car! Fix this or issue a refund… I doubt that’ll happen 😒 would give 0 stars if I could.


Way too many ads

I was let to believe based on pictures this was the official mobile port of contraband police. There’s way too many ads in this game.

They implemented in game TVs that do nothing but play ads. It kept saying like every second to jump into a Mario play set.

I’ll just try the free version on PC instead. I was going to try this on mobile then if I liked it got the full version on PC but this experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

On top of the TVs spamming ad audio every second you also get in between segment ads. And the TV ad audio was still playing during these ads. It’s like an ad riddled fever dream.

Get this game on PC but don’t bother with the mobile experience.


Good game

I like the game but I found a bug where I only can move right and it won’t let me move any other direction I tried restarting the game it didn’t work, the only way I can do it is moving the camera and it started when I started chapter two


Lot of ads

When I just download this game and play,before you play the game, pop out 3-4 ads you can’t skip,and when you wan to pause the game and ads came out again ,and I immediately delete this game and write the review,I never give any app review like this speechless,I got very annoying because this game,do not download this game, it’s cancer


Ads in your face

Right off the start ads start before tutorial, and an ad banner right in your face covering the controls. Every movement an ad comes up, and even after waiting for it to be over another starts. Deleting just for that.


Let down :/

Love the idea of this game and could see myself enjoying this but… I’m stuck on the tutorial inspecting the windows. I know I’m doing it right and have even tried all of the combinations and it says I’m wrong every time. Please fix this bug.



I didn’t even get is select my game mode before my screen was covered in adds. I couldn’t even play because I couldn’t see the game. I deleted it it about 30sec because I wasn’t putting up with it. I get the goal is to make money with the adds but I would like to be able to play the game.


Way too many ads

Look at the identifiers page. They take your device Id, and ads cover buttons. Got stuck on the first level because of a glitch. Lego Super Mario bros ads blare on any tv. If any of this changes, I will rate higher. I don’t care about ads, just ones that cover buttons.


Why so many ads

When ever I’m trying to load in my whole screen gets covers with adds and I can’t close them out. Please fix that


Pretty bad

First the cars get stuck inside of each other and the shifts are really short it’s just waste of time the game is well made it’s just really messed up and to get the cars unstuck you have to close the game and restart your shift


Way to many ads

You can’t even play the game 30 secs before an ad pops up , you can’t even pause the game without ads popping up ! And not to mention some of the ads show nudity! You need to remove the nasty ads that are on there . Reduce the ads or this game is going nowhere



So i’ve been playing for a few days the levels are very glitchy and not working right. On level four you can’t continue they need to add lots more levels for it to be a more high-tech game. It’s OK but it’s not really fun I don’t recommend getting this game to anybody but if you want to you can try it.


It’s fun but not fun enough

This game is really fun but then it becomes kind of boring. We’re just getting the same thing everyday. You got to add more stuff like the illegal stuff else where than the trunk. Sure we get money but for what?? Also the gun is kind of hard to use in the sandbox mode. Also it isn’t much of a problem as the others but also try and fix the graphics. Their a little um… cheesy. Overall a fun game till you get bored of the same stuff. I can see potential in this.


I was busy for a hour playing

OK I want to start off saying how good of a game this was I didn’t get a single ad and probably went through 18 cars and I saw someone who said every time they went on. There was always an ad for me there wasn’t and someone said he paid like three dollars for no ads and I didn’t even get an ad. It’s a great game I love the dog the scanning I just love everything so you’re looking at the reviews right now. I guarantee you you should download it.


this game is trash absolutely do not get

Game crashes constantly due to them trying to load 5 ads playing while your gameplay is going at the same time most games out ads in transitions between loading screens not this one they have ads all over the screen during actual game play and when you can actually play the game without it crashing it’s terrible the engines are literal pictures of engines are we not smart enough to make a small engine out of blocks like what is going on with this developer the developers at the beginning of the load in game should be ashamed to be attached to this game


Love it but one draw backs

If your looking for the patrol game that people play on pc’s buy you have a phone/iPad this is the game but there is some by some I mean a lot of ads, it’s my first time playing this game, if I would be able to give it 5.5 stars I would it’s just the ads, but it is fun


More Mexicans

I was teaching my sons why we hate the Mexicans, so I used this game to help out and demonstrate for them. As we were playing we kept getting disturbed but ads, why do we have so many ads in this game and not many Mexican? We need this to be educational and realistic so my sons can follow my footsteps.


Awesome game

This game is awesome but it would be nice if you could fix some glitches like when I go to the metal detector sometimes the people fall through the floor but over all good game


Hear me out

This game was not what I expected there are barely any levels and then the graphics are bad now I understand this is a mobile game but when I say there bad there bad and another reason is just the sheer amount of ads for this game you can’t even go 10 seconds without a add playing it could be a good game but for right now I’m rating it this


Many ads and bad quality

The game seemed fun at first, but as soon as i downloaded it and booted it up i get an ad, and then in the loading screens i get two other ads!!!! The GUI is also just sucky.
And then when i actually get to play the actual game it just keeps freezing!!! So annoying, bad game 2 stars


Issues I’ve got

I’m giving it 1 star right now it looks interesting and fun to play just so many ads and one ad in the background just playing nonstop with loud music can’t hear and a small ad in the middle top of the screen so that’s a bit annoying in the view. Couldn’t do the training because of the ad that’s posted on the wall of the first room your in in so at first I didn’t even know what to do. Load the game up ad, go into game ad, start campaign and what do you know another ad. Not gonna pay to turn off ads unless I actually like the game and I’m not gonna pay for a game unless I see what I’m getting my money worth out of it.


This Game Is Awesome, is it just not Finished Yet?

I like the main concept of the game. Your a border officer holding down the country lines. You get to check cars and make sure everyone passing through means well. But after a little while it gets old, it’s so repetitive and we earn money but there are no upgrades to buy or different materials nor are there any different locations besides the main map that is playable. I really hope to see some updates in the future!!!


The Ads kill this game

Literally could not play the game because of ads. Looks fun but couldn’t even say due to ads! Started the tutorial but couldn’t finish because the ads kept locking the game up and overloading the sounds of the game. Maybe I’ll try it again later after the bugs and ads are checked or fixed. The other reviews saying they can play it must be the ones that bought it or fake. I tried everything to play this game but wasted my time and data downloaded it just for ads. Please fix and I will definitely try it again.


You can’t play the game

The game has to many ads, and there’s an ad covering up the settings button, so you can’t access it at all! And second of all, the game doesn’t work at all, after you enter a level and exit the first door, an ad appears and there isn’t a “x” button, so you are stuck on the ad. I waited for 10 mins, and there still wasn’t an x button.


Everything in this game is wrong.

Starting from it takes a long time to load, it has a lot of ads, the gameplay itself is bad and boring, I got distracted and a car pushed me out of the work area and I couldn't get back in so I tried to restart by going to the main menu and I I had to watch 3 ads and the music becomes monotonous and boring, the game is immutable and unenjoyable.


So many reasons

Clearly a copy of contraband police. I got an ad before the game loaded the main menu on start up, got an ad after going to the mode selection screen, got two ads in the loading screen, one was a banner ad which stays on screen the entire time and the other was an ad box on the left side of the screen. Almost every building has an ad playing on it. Because the stuttering and the look and walk buttons not recognizing input, the weapons are incredibly hard to use. Unless you’re able to ignore these, the game is basically unplayable.


Music and ad problem

I left a 3 star review because as soon as i opened BorderPatrolPoliceSimulator i got 2 adds and then there was music playing and i went to setting but there was no on/off button for the music and when i tried to play the game i got another 2 ads and the only thing im saying is to add a on/off button for the music and to fix the ads i get every minute.


Oh my god the ads

First Things first, as the title states, the ads. Oh my god the ads. Before I even went and started a game save, as soon as I opened BorderPatrolPoliceSimulator I mean, three ads. Back to back. Jesus Christ. The gameplay itself was ok, could be improved in terms of mobility as the joystick is a little weird in movements specifically going backwards. The ads just ruin the entire thing for me, the sheer amount was crazy.


I couldn’t enjoy it.

This game seems like it could be a fun game but you can’t enjoy it because of all the ads. Normally ads don’t bother me but there would literally be 4 of the same adds playing at one time if you stand in the right spot in the game. I probably saw 4 adds alone just trying to get into the game. It is ridiculous. I will be deleting the game because there is just no way to enjoy it when you have 4 adds blaring at you at once.


Don’t even bother

Easily the biggest and worst cash grab I’ve ever seen. Not only is ever single pixel of the screen filled with ads, but the game world itself has several ads playing on screens constantly. On top of this, they blatantly stole footage from the PC game Contraband Police and passed it off as their own game in one of their ads. I’d avoid downloading this so this developer will quit making money off these awful games.


Isn’t worth the download

3 ads before I even got to try it, then ads are on screen, graphics are poor, movement is poor, aiming is poor, riding the horse is practically looking down, very repetitive. Gets old quickly and to top it off more ads a lot‼️ of them. Have me a great idea as an owner of a tech business to change this industry in mobile game creation. I can’t stand this bombardment of money grab tactics anymore from mobile game creators.


Amazing game

This game is absolutely amazing the graphics are incredible the fact that there is no ads is even better I love this game and play it all the time I like feeding the horses and killing the black people the most my only complaint is that there isn’t skibidi toilet



I open BorderPatrolPoliceSimulator and just loading in I had two ads already and when you click start to go to another loading screen you get pop-up ads that you can’t close and you just have to wait also there are pop-up ads all over your screen on the menu screen and I got another video before I could even start playing a minute of the game so I had pop-ups the whole time and three video ads before I even got into the game



I have never seen so many ads within the first 5 seconds of opening an app. Right as soon as you open BorderPatrolPoliceSimulator there’s like 15 ads. Also the game is SUPER laggy and you can barely control what your character is doing. Ads literally ruin games, especially mobile ones. The fact that there is that many ads makes it basically impossible to play the game, I do not recommend this game.


Terrible game!!

When I would load the game I wouldn’t even be able to start it without 5 ads and since there is 5 ads going at once the game crashes and when you get to play the game it gets boring after doing the same thing over and over even though you earn money they should add that there should be somthing to do in the game with the money overall a terrible game do not play!!


My honest opinion on this game

It’s not very good as soon as loaded in I got several ads and before I can even inspect a car I got hit with 3 ads not to mention also the controls are pretty janky example:I would move my stick diagonally left to move forward while also moving left instead it would make me go forward overall the best way to make this game good is to not add more content but to make the content some what enjoyable


All Arthers!!

I played it for a good hour or so. I hadn’t played rdr2 in a bit, it took forever for me to notice it was all Arthur Morgan Good game, little funny, has a few bugs, but over all rlly good


Ad Problem

I’d like to start off with the fact that this mobile game has quite the potential, however my issue and why I gave a 1 star is because you cannot get passed the top middle AD that continues to play nonstop. I’m not sure how other folks are getting passed the tutorial of the game but I cannot check papers because of this ad that stays in the top middle of the screen. I don’t mind ad’s at all, I understand revenue advertising but to keep an ad continually playing that prohibits a play through seems like you’re trying to push for the “no ad” option. If given at least an hour to 2 hours I would probably pay for it. However I won’t pay for an option that tries to force itself onto you in order to get started on the game. If given a suggestion from the developers I’ll indefinitely increase my star rating. Until then, it’ll be worth the time once this issue is contained and fixed.



There is an insane amount of ads, I just opened the game, and got an ad, I try to go into the actual gameplay, I got 2 more ads, I load in the game and found the music super annoying and went into the settings and pause menu and wasn't able to turn off the annoying music, but I was able to watch YET ANOTHER AD, and when I walked to the cabin, there was another ad playing in front of the cabin as if it was a tv. This became overwhelming and I didn't play it too much, I think that this game would be enjoyable if it had less ads and a feature to shut the music off.


Just boring and to much fighting

Ok I like this game but it’s fun at the beginning and then as you play along it gets so boring cuz you just get the same exact things over and over again. And I don’t have a add problem but there is TOOOOOOO much fighting every day you do two cars and then you fight and it gets so annoying I don’t recommend getting this game.


Absolutely terrible game

If there was a 0 star option I would give this game just that.

Let’s start off with the ads! Before I even got to the main screen to press play there was an ad break that took me away from the game. When I got done with that ad there was an ad that never left the top of the screen! Before I even got into the first mission this had happened 3 more times. When you are on the map there are signs specifically for playing ads THAT HAVE SOUND!!!! There are 2-5 ads around the map with the ad still at the top of the screen! Every time you pause the game it brings you into another ad as well! I hate seeing comments about ads but this game is one of the worst games I’ve played because of the amount of ads!!

Using the gun is terrible as it takes almost a whole magazine to actually kill an enemy that has a full auto gun! The only places that have contraband is the trunk. The user interface is god awful. I could keep going on and on.

Terrible game do not recommend. I only played it for maybe 15 minutes and already deleted it. Never playing again!!

Is Border Patrol Police Simulator Safe?

Yes. Border Patrol Police Simulator is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,224 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Border Patrol Police Simulator Is 56.5/100.

Is Border Patrol Police Simulator Legit?

Yes. Border Patrol Police Simulator is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,224 Border Patrol Police Simulator User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Border Patrol Police Simulator Is 100/100..

Is Border Patrol Police Simulator not working?

Border Patrol Police Simulator works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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