1st, nice looking app -clean, moderately intuitive, easy to narrow in on my specific allergens.
2nd, I like the idea of having actual local pollen counters for real-time data. I’m in MA, nothing near me, per your list of sensored areas. $8200 is kinda steep for me to think about getting one of those devices own my own, to have a sensor in my region.
3rd, If the cost of putting a device in the area for no cost to end users, and people won’t shell out that kind of money, maybe a subscription model with enough users to pay for a sensor nearby could be an answer. I’d be willing to subscribe to something if it were truly local to me.
4th, if not enough subscribers, I’d thing local communities (cities/towns/etc) might be approachable, getting one as a service to its citizens.
5th, your site mentions leasing a station, but there’s apparently no information to support that statement.
Thanks for listening