This is an extremely well made, high quality tool, especially for the price. It’s not only superb for finding and painlessly removing ear wax from yourself and your children, but it gives a clear view of the eardrum to assess whether a child has a middle ear infection. No school nurse should be without this.
In addition, it gives a high magnification view of any surface it’s held close to. In particular, it’s brilliant for examining teeth. It reveals cracks and tiny cavities even your dentist will miss.
I ordered the A2 model out of curiosity. I was shocked at the quality and utility of what I received.
Yes, it’s made in China. Yes, you have to puzzle over the instructions. No, a product of this quality and sophistication could not be manufactured in this country, and if it were, it would cost at least 100 times as much. I know this for a fact. I own a medical instrument company.
Order it and figure it out. It’s not beyond the wit of man, and it is well worth the trouble.