Facemoji: 3D Emoji Avatar App Reviews

Facemoji Reviews

Published by on 2020-10-29

🏷️ About: .


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

🤬 Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 61,710 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Fun

- You can go to Fiji land

- Better than Animoji

Read 33 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
You guys ruined it...

Okay, so when I first got Facemoji it was awesome and there were no points, logins, or sharing. How it should have been. (Sharing would be okay, but hear me out here). I deleted it for a while after I got bored of it. I had it for about 6 months at that point and I was trying to get some new apps so I could have some more storage space. I just downloaded it again and was so disappointed at what I saw. First it makes you sign in which an account, which is just ridiculous for what Facemoji is. Then it makes you add an age, but if you’re “too young”, it doesn’t let you play. Then once you’re on, it makes you pay for half the stuff with “points”, and of course you have to limit what you buy because of the stupid points! Then once you’re done making your avatar with POINTS it makes you share it and all that social media garbage. Facemoji should not be a social media. It’s an app where you create avatars. Nothing else. It was great until you ruined it with all your points and social media junk. Fix it please. Make it good again. PLEASE!!!

I loved it!!!— until.... (PLEASE READ)

Ok, this app IS AN AMAZING APP! And because of the fact that I do not have an iPhone X and cannot have Animoji, this was an amazing alternative! But, I do not like the new update. Maybe it’s just me who feels this way, but I do not want to give my birthday and phone number to any apps. That’s just my opinion on how I like to keep my information. Also, for the people out there who don’t have phone numbers, they can no longer access their Facemojis that they made prior to this update. Plus, all I want is to have fun making and playing with my Facemojis without having to make an account or profile. So, with this said, my suggestion is that there is an option to not have to give out your phone number and birthday. I believe that Facemoji has amazing potential and that this update can be tweaked for the people like me who don’t feel comfortable giving apps information as such. Thank you for taking the time to read this!!! ☺️♥️✌️

So much wrong

Just for some info, I am on my dads phone because I do not own an iPhone, and as many of you probably know, Facemoji is only available via apple. I have quite a few complaints. First, it kept glitching out. This is a good up to date phone and I have great connection. It wasn’t working to the point where I had to delete it and re-download load it. After that struggle, the choices took forever to load, and Facemoji kept closing. I was already frustrated with it by now. Now, I am a very pale person. And I mean almost paper white. There is not a skin option that matches mine, which is fairly annoying. Through videos and adds I have seen, I was lead to believe that you could take a video with this face. I am wrong, it does not work, and you can only put it on photos. You also can’t see the face on the photo until it is taken. I am overall disappointed with Facemoji and do not highly recommend it, however, I see a lot of potential in it so hopefully they update it to the point where it works.

Great, but have Suggestions

I got Facemoji a few months ago. I think it is an amazing app and I think that Facemoji is very underrated. However, I have many suggestions. The first one, I ask you to add is comments. I think it would be nice for stories to have comments because I think at some point it would be necessary. For example, I have seen people talk to each other using stories, which I find kinda dumb. (No offense) And the next suggestion I would like to make is so that you can unfriend people. I got so frustrated when I found out you couldn’t unfriend people, so please make that a feature to the game. Ad for the third one, I would like it if you could take a photo facing you without having a this app because some people do face reveals, but have to use a mirror. I think that makes it a lot harder that way and a lot more unnecessary. Lastly, pretty please make it so that you can delete posts. I would get so mad that I wouldn’t be able to delete a story because it was just so embarrassing, I messed up etc. Please add these suggestions to the game. And I would love it if you reply. Thank you. 😊❤️

Edit: And I just found out that the invite friends and get 1000 points is fake. I just invited my friend and she got Facemoji , but I didn’t get 1000 points. 🤦‍♀️😑

Added feature....

I think that this app should have some more added features. What I am thinking is for example, polls, or music and music videos you can post like tic toc, i say polls because polls help you make making life desisions easier! Like what dress to wear to this super important event and also just because their fun! Other than those added features that I think should be added there is one problem with picking the hair. One of the hairs I really need to make a fm for one of my friends. She has super similar hair to that and when I press on it it makes a different hair appear on the Pearson! I’ve tried working with it while I make the fm but even when I buy everything and press done it stays like that! I keep up with all of the updates and it just doesn’t work! Bit other than that and The added features Facemoji is totally awesomely splendid!

It’s OK, but it needs work...

.: I gust got the game today and I was super excited for getting it and I knew it was a fine game for my brother has the game and he said it was a great game and it had good quality so i got it myself thinking it would be as good as he said, so when I got the game I noticed it had great quality as he said and it had so many hair styles, accessories, type of eyes, types of lips,lipstick,types of heads, types of eyebrows, facial hair, animal ears, and you could even take pictures and videos! So when I made my first face emoji I had my eyes open normally and the face emojis eyes looked almost closed showing only the white part of the eye, so I opened my eyes where I couldn’t open them any more and the face emojis eyes looked the way they were supposed to, then I noticed when you make your character you could change your facial expression so I changed it to the one that had the face emojis mouth open a little bit and when I got out of it to make another character I looked at my emoji and it didn’t have that expression, so I was wondering if the creators could please change that, it would be very helpful, thanks! :.

It’s great but...

It’s a great app it’s an app that people all ages can enjoy but some people do some really inappropriate things I’m hoping that it can get better at that I think it should do some editing with Facemoji a problem with Facemoji is that it’s really expensive in Facemoji you have to post photos and get likes to get the game money everything in the avatar store is 1,000 points or over if you don’t post pictures then people don’t give you likes and likes are what gives you points and posting photos and you really have to be careful on what you post like for most of my posts I did a Coker on the background it’s a fun game but it can be very dangerous for kids and adults I would like it if the creators made some changes to this game

An amazing app, but there is one problem

Facemoji is amazing but i have a problem. So it all started when i first downloaded Facemoji. It worked amazing, but then I had to free up space so I deleted Facemoji . A few months later i re-downloaded Facemoji . everything worked perfectly fine until, I tried to post something on the story. it wouldn't let me so, then I deleted it again because it wasn't working. I was super upset! I really wanted to play the game again because I hadn't played in a long time. So then a couple weeks ago I read downloaded it. It did the exact same thing. It doesn't let me post or anything I still have it but I'm thinking about deleting it because of this problem. I hope you can take this feedback and make a change to fix this. I really want to not delete this game because it's an amazing game. I really like it but that problem is really frustrating me. I cannot choose a hashtag and I cannot post to fijiland. I'm really thinking about deleting it. Please fix this inconvenience before I decide to delete it. Thank you and have a lovely day.

AMAZING but....

Ok after they fix this problem I will make it up to five stars but there’s this weird glitch and it’s so scary that I might even get nightmares from it’s really scary I do not want to play or whatever this game until it gets updated and the problems solved but there’s this weird glitch where my tongue sticks out and it goes through and I make this weird face in my eyes go up really scary and I hope you fix it soon because if you don’t I will go make the star rait zero or one because this is very scary until it gets fixed I’m making this a 4 stars but It is in amazing game and I really loved it before this glitch happened I hope you fix it soon and I hope I can play it so yeah please fix this glitch I’m gonna have nightmares if you do not fix this and this is a very scary glitch and I do not want this anymore so please fix it and thank you

Amazing app

This is a very cool thing.i been looking for this for such a long time! And when I found it I lost my my mind you can do such cool things. It is really cool and you can earn points and super fun. You can post it we’re ever you want! Plus u can take pictures and you can make your own emoji!and if u don’t have enough coins then u can click done and pick from the little button that has faces! It is a super cool app I think you would love! It fun and when your bored at home cause coivd 19 wish I hope u all stay safe. But u can use Facemoji because if u don’t like showing your face of if your bored well here is Facemoji for you I hope u guys like it


Finally, through my years of finding apps this one is the one. And from a nine year olds perspective you should really listen to me! You do not have to have a free trial for Facemoji, (non like other apps.😊) Facemoji will keep you busy for hours! I’ve only had it for a day so I can’t wait for what it will bring in the future! And I still can’t believe that people are giving like 2, and 1 star reviews on Facemoji! It’s crazy, but also sad 😢. And look at hose photos closely. Facemoji is just like the photos! Other apps get people to buy the free trial and take pictures of them having fun, but really they have to pay like 19$ a month. When some people can’t afford to do that. Like me🤗! All in all, Facemoji is the best!😄😊☺️😁😃😀😀😃😄😁😆🙂😊☺️🙃

The microphone isn’t picking up sound

This was a fun app on my XR iPhone but on my 12mini I can’t get it to record sound. I’m sure it’s still super fun -probably my favorite app game to play and share videos from onto other social networking sites but with my new phone I can’t seem to get it to work 100% like it was on my old iPhone. I’ve tried everything suggested by Apple- all very basic obvious trouble shooting ideas. None work. So what’s up on your end? Do you have the answer to this question? I’m going to delete the program and download it again and see if it helps. Can the developers answer this question for me? Please. It’s the funnest ever app when it’s all working. That’s just my opinion.

Great But I would like if they added something

So don’t get me wrong I love this app but , one thing I would like for the creators to change is when you take a picture with more than one person it wouldn’t show their face I think that would be cool if both people could have a this app on their face. Another thing I wish the creators would change if you could comment on posts because a player might ask for advise and we can’t give it to them because all you can do is reacte to post not comment . To sum up my thoughts , I think that this app is a great app but if the creators are reading this could you please look into doing these things I would greatly appreciate it bye!

Iove this app but a few questions...

Dear this app, I love Facemoji. Since it is a social media app why can’t we post photos and videos? Even the category says : photos and videos. I make videos of me dancing with those Facemojies and I try to post it to Fijiland but I can’t. And can you pleeeeease take away the points???? And can we also comment on stories thanks!!!

Edit: hi it’s me again a year later... so I went on Fiji land and it was not working there was no link to and island and I couldn’t post anything. I think that is happening to everyone cuz I downloaded Facemoji on my Gramma’s iPhone and the same thing was there. So if u see more comments like this could u pls fix that silly bug or glitch or what ever the heck that is. Thx! 😊


I love this game so much I can’tHave other things on my iPad that I have and this is the closest one and let me tell you it works perfectly you do you have to buy stuff with your gym so but you get like 10,000 free gems and you have to send send something to someone to get more gems and I just love this game is really good I’m not sure if I get points for reading a good movie but I’m writing this to notGet coins I’m writing this because my friend sent me this and I love this game already and I seriously just downloaded it if you don’t want to put in your email just put in if you have a school email just do that it’s fine and it does not charge you anything except for the coins but you can just get coins by sending someone a smiley face I mean it’s really easy to get coins thank you for listening bye!

Love it! Few suggestions

I love Facemoji. It’s fun to talk to new people. I just have a few suggestions:

For the people that add you and you add back, (the big bubbles at the bottom of the friends page) you should add a badge (like the ones you get on apps with the number) of how many posts they’ve made since you got off Facemoji

I think that you should make something to where you can personally have chats with people. Like, you’re able to send stories to people personally so that you don’t have a conversation on one of the pages in front of everyone with interrupting posts in between. If you do this, do make the option of blocking and reporting someone just in case something goes wrong.

I think it would be cool if there could be a bio with the user. Then people can see the age, grade, name, whatever they put on, etc., without having to make a story and slowly wait for a response from the person you asked.

I think that there should be a page for the most liked and most viewed stories.

5. It would be cool to see which of your friends are online. Maybe like a section on the friends page for who is online?

With these, I think that Facemoji would be even greater. Honestly it’s pretty fun. There’s people of all ages and all races on it. It’s really cool

I love

I love this game because it’s really just make your own face make only one take pictures and videos and send them to the Internet and send them to your friends and yeah that’s really all you have to do so that’s why I like it... I dislike it is because like you can’t like make your own things and like make your own accessories and make bodies for them that’s why I don’t like Facemoji. You need to work on some things you may need to make accessories that float in the air besides those bunny hands with that hat you need to make like hoodies that only go over their head and you need to be able to do you need to like make a different eye colors without like having to try to make them the perfect color they’re already there and you also need to work on like like you should like also include like pets that are allowed to like fly around her head.

Amazing but a tiny problem

I love Facemoji. It has so much potential! Facemoji is better than Animoji because I own an iOS 12 so that means that the update went on iOS 13 so I can’t get that until my iPhone 10 ( iOS 12) is not usable anymore. So I love Facemoji because it’s better than Animoji because Animoji has less to choose from than Animoji. In Animoji you can’t get piercings on your face, only use it for messages, can’t have masks, and can’t get as much types of lips or hair. Now let’s get to the problem. When I made a emoji on this app I found out you can change the expression while you create the emoji. So when I did that I put on the winky face. Then the next day when I put on the emoji I opened both of my eyes but still was closing one eye. The eye looked glitchy. I closed Facemoji and went back on again but it was still there. I changed to another emoji and went back again but it didn’t work. Can you please fix this silly bug or glitch. That will be great. 👋 bye.

Could we add something?

Hey!! So, first of all I LOVE Facemoji!! Its a great way to meet people and talk about how you feel! But I have a few suggestions. Could we please make Facemoji a bit like TikTok? Like, we can add actual comments that we can type, and have people like Addison Rae and Charli Damelio. It wouldn’t actually be them, but people could move to the top and not just for a day. Also, people are asking for more tattoos that signify their sexuality. I think that’s cool, and that we should maybe give it a try. And could we maybe have like private chats? Instead of chatting where everyone can see it? That sometimes makes me feel a bit self conscious, u know? And would it be possible to make it so that we can explain why we report things? Like, if someone is too young or whatevr. And last thing: could we make videos? A LOT of people are asking for that on this app. Thank you so much for your time, and please respond if u get this.

Love, but a couple problems

I love Facemoji. It is so fun is cool. You can go to Fiji land, look up friends and more! But, i will say that when ppl try to communicate on there, they have to communicate by stories and it’s hard to. Maybe add a direct message feature and/or comment feature. That would be SO helpful! Please, please make these features that would make Facemoji 10x better! I also wish the frontback photo thing would work more often. Yes! Its’s super cool and i’m glad they added a “turn ur camera around” feature but it needs some work on it bc when i try to use it sometimes it doesn’t let me post it. Thanks, and please write back. Edit: Also i am now having more problems with Facemoji . It seriously needs an update. Fiji Land and the ability to look at my notifications are gone and so i deleted Facemoji so i could sign back in and it’s not working and i’m really upset because i like using Facemoji. please update it soon.


So i downloaded Facemoji bc my friend had it and wanted me to download it. I made the this app and so far everything was working fine. I went to go actually make an account and it wouldn’t send the verification number to my phone. I tried again then next day and it worked. I had to put in my age (i was born in 2004) and after i put in my birthday it said i wasn’t eligible. Facemoji is for 12+ so tell me how someone born in 2004 (which would make me 15) isn’t eligible for Facemoji . I went back and tested everything again and it seems the only way to access Facemoji is by saying u were born in 2001 (which would make anyone 17, 18, or 19). I didn’t feel like going back and remaking my this app the way i had it originally and i also didn’t feel like lying about my age when my correct age should be able to access Facemoji so i just ended up deleting Facemoji in general.

Fun, But There Are Issues

I started Facemoji with high hopes. It did impress a bit...until I got to the picture/video feature.

Facemoji makes it easy to create characters. There’s even a decent variety of every! The only issue I found with this was there isn’t many hair colors and unfortunately some features are a permanent color. Personally, I think letting the creator be able to completely be able to edit everything should help. Including manually editing the facial features.
Facemoji advertises both video and picture options. There is only photo. I was able to put my characters on pictures and I think I got it to take a live picture once. I was looking forward to taking videos. Only later to find out through experience/reviews, the video didn’t work. It was really disappointing to be honest.
The face tracking is kind of annoying. It choses to work when it wants to. My eyes are portrayed to be not open all the way, unless I open them as wide as I can. Plus it doesn’t show much emotion.
Now don’t get me wrong, Facemoji has potential. It works better than most apps like this. It hasn’t crashed on me once! Just somethings need fixing.

A few glitches

I have the iPhone 6 and I decided to download Facemoji since it seemed pretty fun and I love creating avatars. When I got into Facemoji it took forever to get into. The options weren’t loading, and the photo button didn’t work. I also think you should add more hair styles, a bigger variety of skin tones, and a bigger portion of colors for everything. I also think for the animal ears, (cat ears, mouse ears, and bear ears.), you should be able to customize the colors of them. There’s only ginger and black I believe in the cat ears. What if I wanted purple or rose pink? It’s not an option. What if I wanted the animal ears to match my navy blue hair? It wouldn’t have worked. There should be different types of make up besides blush, eye liner, lipstick, and eyeshadow. Sorry if this is to much to be asking for.


I think this game is great, and personally better than Animoji. It has more features and skins. There are definitely more hair styles, and you can share the photos you make of your this app with friends on Facemoji and on text messages, just like Animoji. But there is one tiny problem. When your eyes are slightly closed, it makes the this app’s whole eyes closed. I can’t help the way my eyes aren’t all the way open, it’s just the way they are. It gets really annoying at some points. There are times where I will pick the type of eye that’s the biggest, and it will still show the this app’s eyes closed when that’s just the way my eyes are. I suggest you fix that bug please. Otherwise it’s a really fun app besides that glitch. Thanks! 👋

Love love love (+suggestion)

I absolutely love Facemoji especially since I don’t have an iPhone X or above. There are more options and customization than Apple’s Animoji according to my friend who owns an iPhone X. However, sometimes it can be glitchy and I think that the developers should work to make it run smoother. I would also LOVE if you could use the faces in FaceTime and if you could access them through messages like how Animoji works. If these things were corrected I would DEFINITELY recommend this to everyone I know. If you are reading this review to decide whether or not to get Facemoji, I’d say yes, you should because it’s free and a lot of fun to play with, but if the developers are reading this I’d love if you’d take these suggestions. Thanks! 💕

Fun, but glitchy...

If you want Animoji, then this is a good copycat. What was wasn’t shown in the trailer was that you can change the background from a picture of yourself to a plain white scene. It looks just like Animoji.

But... the lack of emotion on your avatars is kind of upsetting. You can’t wink, stick your tongue out, close your eyes all the way, make a kissy face, squint, easily burrow your eyebrows, or make quick movements.

I also wish there were more detail customization options. I’d do anything for a simple headband, earrings that aren’t silver, or neutral lipstick. And maybe some freckles that cover the entire face...

In the basic customization sections (hair, face, eyes, nose, lips) You’ve got tons! There’s plenty of diversity and options. You can have any hair color imaginable in up to two tones at a time, and plenty of custom features. Lots of hairstyles too!

TLDR: I like Facemoji but it lacks customization in the details department, and is kinda glitchy when it comes to facial movements. It’s a good Animoji copycat, and it when it comes to the basic features, there’s plenty of diversity and options. I hope for an update soon!

Great app out there are some problems ....

So I love Facemoji a lot it has a way bigger selection then Animoji .i just wish you would add more hairstyles like long straight hair or less messy hairstyles that would be great 👍 the other thing is every time I create an emoji or update one it takes a Piture so I have like 500 pictures on my phone only because it takes pictures when I use Facemoji . So please fix this problem I have to go through my phone and delete pictures everyday so I would love to have this fixed it would make Facemoji 100 times better . Other then that Facemoji is great and is use it all the time !

super fun❤️👍🏼

hey!!! Facemoji is super fun!! i really like it! i’ve made SO MANY new faces, and i’ve only had Facemoji for maybe 2 months or a little less. i love creating faces. it’s my favorite thing to do on this app. i really like how you can change colors on some stuff. the only other stuff i think you should be able to choose color is the earrings, and the nose rings. and i think that you should be able to make an animated character stand up, and you can choose clothes for them. also, make sure if you do this, to let people choose colors! other than that, i love Facemoji. no ads, either!!! so fun! thanks for listening!!😎🤩

I LOVE this app!!

Facemoji is great!!! There’s so man hair styles, hair colors, makeup options, earrings, headbands, and more!!! It’s soooo fun and the new update makes it even more fun. I just took a road trip and was in the car for 8 hours and all I did the whole car ride was make new facemojis.😂😂the only thing I wish they would add is just a couple more skin tones. They have a ton, but none of them really fit mine. I’m like in between two of them. But other than that I really recommend Facemoji! And the most surprising thing, and the thing that I love THE MOST, is that they don’t make you pay for anything!! Love Facemoji💘💘

This app is So good

You guys don’t know how happy I am because Facemoji I don’t have the iPhone X or above but then I searched up anomoji one day and I knew I wasn’t able to download the real one so I downloaded a fake one before I downloaded yours I had this other one it was bad glitchy and didn’t let you take pictures or record worst of all it didn’t let you make your person, So I deleted it but then I came across your app and was so happy I love Facemoji so much it’s so fun on normal Animoji you don’t get to do the things you can do with Facemoji 5 Stars from me Keep it up !😎🔥


The text storm ability on the key board for facemoji is not sending automatically when I hold it down


502 bad getaway I always get that no matter what I do


Since one week I cannot log into Facemoji 3D avatar: it gives me a “502 bad gateway” message everytime. I also deleted/reinstalled the app and same behavior again

Is Facemoji Safe? 🙏

Yes. Facemoji: 3D Emoji Avatar App is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 61,710 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Facemoji Is 73.0/100.

Is Facemoji Legit? 💯

Yes. Facemoji: 3D Emoji Avatar App is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 61,710 Facemoji: 3D Emoji Avatar App User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Facemoji Is 100/100..

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