iPhone 8s, 256GB.
UPDATED REVIEW, 8 May 2019: TotalKetoDiet is largely useless at this point and a waste of space on the phone. I did a phone reboot earlier this evening, and had to do a password reset because it wouldn’t let me sign in using my saved password. After pw reset, all of my macros were gone, all of my added foods were gone, all of my recents were gone. In other words a blank canvas, like it had never been used. Again.
I’ll delete and start over with another app before I re-do this one for a third time.
I’ve been using TotalKetoDiet to track my keto diet for a few weeks now, and the update completely wiped me out of the system. I have to start all over again. Everything I entered - my tracker, my foods, my history - is ALL gone. I felt something was amiss when it didn’t immediately take me to my tracker when opening it, and didn’t have my (saved) email and password available to log in.
This is some seriously sloppy coding to make this occur. Do yourself a favor, DO NOT update your app when it shows up in the list for updating.
I’d have given this a Five-Star review until this happened. TotalKetoDiet is worthless if every time it updates it forces you to start completely from scratch.