I wasn’t gonna give this game 5 stars, because of all the nerfing they do, and the updates sometimes mess up my game play. It’s crazy, and you would have to play and see for yourself. But this tennis game, is really over all great and very fun, and competitive. I love it. Plus they give you gems, and you can buy better strings for your racket. So that’s a plus. But it is a money grabber as well. People spend lots of money trying to build up the characters faster, and buying upgrades strings, But.. you don’t know what your gonna get in these high priced bags, you can buy. You rarely get high quality bags when you win a match, Mostly common bags, are given out. But you do get some good bags. Well if you love the game of tennis, and love to play it. This is a great game to play, I play this more than any other game. And I never played a real game of tennis in my life, and I don’t even watch it. But I have watched some matches and I know some tennis players. But I didn’t have to be a tennis fan, to fall in love with this game. Well Good Luck, (Hint) Don’t waste gems on certain items, build em up and save em for when you really want something. I made that mistake, so do some research on the game before you spend money.