- Huge database of movies, TV shows, and actors.
- View full information about films and TV shows (cast, ratings, runtime, recommendation, genres, and more).
- Watch trailers and view photos of movies and TV shows.
- Discover popular and top-rated movies and TV shows.
- Look for upcoming movies and now playing in theaters (cinema).
- Advanced search for movies by genre, year of release, movie ratings, duration, actors.
- Get notifications when new episodes from your favorite TV shows come out.
- Save movies and TV shows to your watch list or mark them as watched.
- Manage seen episodes of TV shows.
- Sorting movies and TV shows in your lists.
- Add notes to movies and TV shows.
- Change the language information about movies in the application settings.
- Statistics on your account (time spent on watching movies/serials, the number of series viewed/not viewed, favorite genres, etc.)
- Synchronization with iCloud (automatically after each change).
- No accounts required.
- Easy to use.
Please note that the app does not allow users to watch movies or series. It only helps users to find and save movies and TV shows to their watchlist. If users find a bug or have suggestions for updates, they can write to the developer's email address provided in the app.