The app’s gestational calculator helps women determine their options, and clear, illustrated information describes what women can expect from safe abortions with pills, MVA, and D&E, and how to address possible complications should they arise.
An extensive “FAQs” section provides answers to more than 30 questions about abortion procedures and concerns, presenting clear, medically correct, nonjudgmental responses to support women making their own decisions and controlling their own bodies and futures.
By meeting women’s needs for reliable, understandable and actionable information, this app can help prevent the harm caused by unsafe abortion and fight against attempts to restrict women’s access to reproductive health.
“Emergency Contraception” includes information and instructions regarding emergency contraception, using dedicated EC pills as well as common birth control pills, for women who had unprotected sex less than 5 days before and wish to prevent a possible pregnancy.
“Safe methods of abortion” and “Comparison of methods” explain the methods of safe abortion – using pills, MVA and EVA suction abortions, and D&E surgical abortions – and the pros and cons of each method.
To be used alone or shared by women, healthcare workers and women’s health advocates, Safe Abortion is designed to ensure user privacy.
Presenting health information in an easy to understand, nonjudgmental, and well-illustrated style, Hesperian has provided trustworthy, medically correct and up to date information for almost 50 years.
It also describes the correct doses of antibiotic, anti-nausea, and painkiller medicines which may be needed for the different abortion methods.
“Abortion with pills” and “How to use misoprostol by itself” describe the correct doses for and ways to use misoprostol (with or without mifepristone) for medical abortions at different weeks of pregnancy.
“Danger signs” describes what to do if there is fever, excessive pain or bleeding, or other worrisome signs, providing clear indications when clinical or emergency help is needed.
The app calculates which safe abortion method is most recommended, which other methods will work, and which will not.
This app provides comprehensive, user-friendly information on safe abortion.
An extensive FAQ section addresses a broad spectrum of concerns regarding abortion.
Just plug in the date of her last period to determine how many weeks pregnant a woman is.