This game is really fun, but it is too hard when playing with many players.
When players answer questions, the guy who did it first gets much more than the slowest one. In a game with 3 players, the fastest gets 300 and the slowest 100. This is a fair scale of knowledge to speed. But with 6 players, the fastest gets 600 and the slowest 100. This scales speed far above knowledge. And it gets worse the more players.
In the finale, points are converted into steps, but there aren't nearly enough steps to make this work. It ends up being that the guy in first place only has a head start of about 3 or 4 steps.
With 3 players, the fastest player goes up 3 steps. But with 6, the fastest player goes up 6 steps, allowing them to scale the entire pyramid in only a few questions. And the slowest players don't accelerate nearly as fast. With enough players, I believe it is possible that the fastest player can scale the ENTIRE PYRAMID with only one question.
This makes it so that the fastest player wins. If you aren't fast, or if you allow down, you are left in the dust. But the game is about KNOWLEDGE, not speed.