Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire Reviews

Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire Reviews

Published by on 2024-01-19

About: Video Game Tycoon is an idle clicker business strategy game where you are the
creator and in charge of running a game studio company that develops PC /
Computer, console, mobile games and more. Your end goal is to expand your
business as much as you can to come out to the top as the leader of the mobile
gaming market inc.

About Video Game Tycoon

What is Video Game Tycoon? Video Game Tycoon is an idle clicker business strategy game where you run a game studio company that develops PC, console, and mobile games. You start as an independent video game developer and progress by hiring more people and making more video games. The end goal is to expand your business and become the leader of the mobile gaming market.



- Run your own video game company by making games, hiring employees, upgrading your studio, and planning cash investments.

- Make different games, customize them, name them, and launch them for PC, console, mobile, and more.

- Check ratings, reviews, and statistics of your games to become the best video game creator and leader of the games industry.

- Hire and manage employees to increase your money per click and automate your workflow.

- Earn passive income even when you're offline by buying PCs, consoles, laptops, mobiles, and internet for testing games.

- Customize your office by unlocking cool items and accessories and rearranging everything from employees to office tables and props.

- Use the prestige option to get multiplier bonuses and work your way back to the top even quicker.

- Super casual clicker/tap/idle game play where you just keep tapping the screen.

- Provide feedback to the developers to help make the game the best idle clicker tycoon and idle/incremental game.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 16,888 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Video Game Tycoon

- Fun and engaging gameplay

- Ability to customize game titles, graphics, and covers

- Small details and text from workers add to the overall experience

- Red Sonic character is a nice addition

- Ability to respond to reviews

21 Video Game Tycoon Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Pretty good start, could be way better

I normally don’t write reviews, but I figured I would write one here, because I feel like this has the potential to be a really good game. I agree with many other people that the ads can be a little annoying, but I normally just turn my wifi off so it doesn’t really bother me. But, what does bother me is the limited effect you actually have on the game no matter what you do. Whether you change the name, genre, version, image, or effects, it doesn’t change the positive or negative reviews, which to me are just an annoying way for you to endlessly click. I think it would be so much cooler if you could actually change things about the game, see gameplay, or even write about what your changing in the version update. And my one other big complaint, is that there’s no point in upgrading your earlier games, because your first game on version 15, makes you about 50, while your 15th game on version 1 makes you about 50 billion. Pls try to make some updates, because as someone who’s not great at coding, this could be a great way to make my game imaginations a reality :)


Could have been good

Game is pretty decently solid for an afk game, it’s relatively fun but I hate how predatory the ads are every time I log into the game. It almost makes me not want to play at all, I start the game, AD, I click on the upgrade screen (which is essential to progress through the game) AD, and then there’s an ad window at the bottom of the screen the entire time you’re playing the game. It’s very annoying. Not to mention the game practically begs you to watch ads to skip unlock levels or gain a few extra in game currency just to be hit with other ads anyway. MAKE ADS OPTIONAL and don’t throw them in our faces like that. It ruins the experience. I understand you need to monetize your game but cmon there’s better ways to do it. I would have considered spending money to support your game if it didn’t irritate me like this. And also? $2 dollars for just 2 million in game currency? All my stuff costs billions. That’s literally useless to me. You should make your currency scale with your level so that the micro transactions actually count and give us something meaningful. That’s all.



Great game, it would be 5 stars if you added a few things. Allow me to explain, please add more customization to your workers. I want to be able to individualize each of my workers with upgrades such as being able to choose desks, being able to upgrade their computers(which will effect both the looks and productivity of the worker) and other things such as being able to change the colors of the wall, or the floor. Another suggestion would be to add visual upgrades to each worker. As in, when you upgrade your worker, it adds an extra visual upgrade to the worker. Such as the hiring manger getting a tablet instead of papers to look at when you max her level. Game is fantastic and I love it, but more customization is a must for a full 5 stars. I will update my review if and when I see changes made. It would mean a lot if this gets noticed, because I put a lot of thought and time into this and would love to see these customization updates.


Like the game

This ain’t a bad little game at all it’s definitely something I been coming back to play. There is only two things I’m having an issue with. 1 is the massive amounts of Lag in the game that makes it almost unplayable and has made me end up in the purchase menus due to it. 2 the pop up ads that come out of nowhere, now I don’t have a problem with the ads where they help me with something in return I can live with those just not the ones that pop up randomly when I’m in the middle of doing something. Also I don’t quite understand the reviews with the thumbs up and down replies and how they effect me in game.

Apologies I’m running it on my iPhone6s. But yes the lag and the random pop up ad is the only issues/inconvenience I’m having the rest of the ads are fine


Has potential

The game is fun and I enjoy it but there are a few things that can be improved. Firstly the reviews. They are very small and inconsistent no matter the game you make. I think they could keep the current scoring system and A: make a average score for each game sorta like a little meta critic or B make it similar to game dev tycoon and put only 4 reviews and those are the only ones but they affect how your game sells. Second making the games feels inconsequential and like it does nothing. The options for how you make the games are also limiting as there is only so many combinations and no unlockables with how you make the games. I feel like a more in depth approach on actually making the games would help. But so far this is a fun game and I think the developers have a good starting point.


Pretty fun...

This game is pretty fun and it seems like a good game, I haven't played much of the game but it seems pretty fun. I like these tycoon type games and I think that they're fun. I bet that when you get further into the game it will be a lot more fun, or maybe not. But I like how you can basically make the game and it's not the game's idea of a game. Like some stuff that you can do with the games are choose the title, what the graphics look like, what type of game it is, and what the cover looks like. You might get more choices when you get more into the game, but as I told you I almost just started. I hope in the future you can do more stuff in updates. The graphics aren't great, but the game sure is. I definitely recommend this to everyone. (If you're into tycoon games)


More Things.

Ok, I want to have better designs of the icons . When you finish a game please put the rating like mature, teen, everyone or 18+. And please give us more upgrades for our workers like, change desk, they change in something when you upgrade them and many more stuff ( change their desk too), and I wish I could have better visual if my games have a hype meter or something and how much I want to sell my games for like $200,$100,$50,$40 you know what I mean. And I wish I could put exclusive stuff on my games to give me more money and upgrades to upgrade peoples problems in the game! I ❤️ your game. Ok?



this game is amazing I love i think it might be one of the best games I have ever played like in my top 3 I might just like it because I want to be a game designer I would probably give it four stars if I didn’t want to be a game designer and this game does not get repetitive it’s really fun I recommend you try it but something I would like to see is for way to put ads because sometimes I intended for the game to not have ads and then a review says there is to many adds I am Not saying like make custom ads and record stuff just a button to basically get rid of that review cause it’s very weird when that happens


The Best game 💵💵💵💵

Does one of the greatest games I could ever think of an eye. So many mobile games like tycoons yourself by going to say out of all the hundred you are with what bass on a hike or do the graphics is a make money am I am I think I would just make it where we can just make it a little bit more easier in a little bit we can get a little bit more cash to you giving you off my purse but yeah you know what I go mean like keep updating it and will try to get a five stars and I’ll keep on playing your games you did good on this one dude just make it a little bit more easier we can get it to move blah good game


Please read developer!

I love this game! I like that you added that Red Sonic.
Kinda like Knuckles. I love all the Sonic games and I like this game too! I can tell you spent a lot of time creating this and I appreciate it. I love the developer of this game.
BUT I have some cons. I feel like all the decorations are placed at the bottom floor. I can move them but why place them all there? I don’t get it. And the way if you tap the floor it gives you money. I don’t dislike or hate it but I just wanted to point it out.
I’m okay with the giving money floor. I love you developer!
Please make more games like this!


Waste of time - and money

All kinds of issues. You're not actually "doing" anything in this game - just watching a number increase so that you can get stuff to make the number increase faster. Type of games you make, name, platform, upgrades, etc. all completely irrelevant. They're just numbers that multiply exponentially to get you to keep watching the number counter up top get higher.

Mandatory pay to get the auto-clicker - or get no money and carpal tunnel. Every single "feature" in this game's description is less than 1-dimensional. You're not managing anyone, building anything, or have any input in the decorations (all awarded automatically after each painfully slow level grind)

Complete P2W cash grab --- one that once you've realized it, you're already sank and there's absolutely nothing left to this game whatsoever.


Great Game

I really enjoy this game. The small details they added with the text from the workers is amazing. This game also doesn't force you to watch ads constantly. They are a few thing I would like, the add at the bottom is kinda annoying but I ignore it most of the time, I wish the furniture won’t overlap each other as well as the workers, and I wish it had a better customize options like undos and a grid pattern, but other than that this game is perfect.


Good but has more potential

This game is fun but it has more potential like can you make it where you can have sliders and there is graphics,map,story and talking or whatever you call it. And have a thing where you need a copy machine that makes copies of the game and you can put ads on tv and stuff and you can work with Sony and stuff so you can get more people to RECOGNIZE your game if you add this to this game your game can be the number 1 game out there especially if you make it free


Looks like a fun tapper but....

I thought this would be a fun, mindless tapper game and I would have been correct except for one horrible feature. Ads, ads and more ads. There’s no escaping the ads. Most games I play offer watching ads in order to earn something in the game, maybe double money for an hour or something. Not this game. It seems like half the time when I click to upgrade something I’m taken instead to an ad. Instead of a fun game, I’m now deleting this game after less then 2 minutes of gameplay and 3 mandatory ad watches.

Update 1/1/19: still too many forced ads. I will willingly watch an ad in order to gain something, but when randomly taken to an ad when clicking on a menu, nope. Bye-bye game.


Like it

I like the game and I have a suggestion: respond to reviews. When you get a review you can respond back to the person who wrote it just like in VideoGameTycoon Store which I’m right now in writing this review oh and I’m not talking about the thumbs up and down thing you know “writing a response to the review” is what I’m talking about. I still like it though ❤️💞💝💓💗💖❣️💕💘💟💯✅👍🏅🏆🥇🎖🆗♥️



So one thing that I thought was really bad was a lot of those comments on the games I make a really rude like I am getting ride of this download this is dumb just like the person who made this download but I made them both about my dog Odin
And I think that it would be more fun if we could run a tycoon together because I have friends how have VideoGameTycoon to and it’s lots of fun but the rude comments a not fun so please take all the rude comments out cause
they could be hurting other people’s hearts to.


Really Good

It’s really smooth and I like the premise. There are no forced ads, you can choose to watch them for rewards. I think the best part are the animations while creating the game, they’re funny because they’re accurate! And you don’t HAVE to tap all the time, you can get upgrades that make money themselves and make games. However, it would be nice if I could customize the people, especially my character, more. Maybe you can, but I haven’t gotten to that part yet?


A few suggestions

I love the concept of this game. But, I have a few suggestions. First, I hate the idea of having to have a certain amount of money to make a game. I mean, isn’t that what we came here for!? The upgrade to unlock game slots is weird, we should be able to make games whenever we want. There should be a option to create a game series if we want to do something like that. Other than those issues, a 4 star game. But until that is fixed, I will be working on my own FREE game dev tycoon for steam because there are no free ones that are good.


Dreaming about auto taps

I love this game but... there a big issue about this game that I worry about ATUO TAP all I want is a employee that can auto tap it’s self I keep on tapping and nothing seems like auto even if there is that television right at the left it only does an auto tap for 30 seconds and I hate it all I wanted was an auto tap employee like when you get make or that other one you need to tap and when I get my second employee I expected to auto tap but slowly but instead YOU HAVE TO TAP I hated when I saw about this so I’ll keep on playing but rating it for an one star rating because there NO AUTO TAP EMPLOYEES!


Ok, a few bugs...

Honestly this is a really good game, but it could use some improvements. For one, you could make things cheaper. I unlocked an employee for 10M dollars, but then the next employee is worth 356M!?!? That is unreal!! Also, why don’t the employees quit once they earn like, 50 million dollars each? That is WAY more than enough money to last a lifetime, and when I think about it, who makes trillions of dollars off video games!!????!???!?

Anyway, despite all that, it’s a pretty good game, nice job!


It’s okay...

This game is kind of boring. I haven’t played much but I have a few ideas to improve the game. One idea is to have customers actually come in the sore and buy the video games. Also this game should be like a store so the games should be out on display. I think that you should have your workers walking around and doing stuff other than just being on a button that you click. So that’s my feedback. So sorry if some of the things I said were in the game. I haven’t played much.


To many Ads

This game is a lot of fun to play when you have nothing to do, but...
I recently got this game a few hours ago and I feel like I had to watch 100 videos. They are very annoying I understand the ads if they give you rewards after watching them for example more coins, double the coins, less waiting time, but instead the ads pop up whenever I finish an action. I do enjoy playing the game I would enjoy it more if there was an reward for the ads or less ads to deal with. Thank you for reading!


Good game 1 error

I like this game it is really fun, the only thing that frustrates me is on my iPad menu will automatically open and when I’m not paying attention it will buy stuff with all of my money. Today I was at 50 million and so close to getting the next character and it bought all of this stuff and made my money go down to one million. Later this morning I got up to 30 million and it happened again. Please fix this issue for me. Otherwise great game.


Very fun but has some bugs...

It’s a great game overall, however it is a bit buggy. For example, I unlocked the Bonsai Tree a little while ago, but the tree itself is nowhere to be found for me to use as a decoration after I claimed it! Please work on the bugs and the game will be perfect! I like to decorate so I hope the tree returns somehow.



This game is a very great game. All I’ve ever wanted to do is make my own games, but it’s to hard. In this game I can see what it’s like to be a game creator, and there are so many things I get to choose. Choosing a name for my company was fun, also creating game titles and choosing all the options. Seeing the ratings. I just love it. This is an AMAZING <3 game.


I feel this game could be better. A lot better.

First off, the game is really slow. You aren’t having fun, once you have completed the first 10 minuets. Then the number of adds. Don’t show me adds, if they don’t help me. You should make it to where you can buy multiple programmers, and artists, and story designers, and testers. These would require space and money, so you would need both of these. This game has potential, but keep working.


LOVE IT!!! ❤️❤️❤️

For one this game is just cool! You get to make multiple games and choose the style of them! The idle prospect of the thing is ok and you get to design the layout of your studio as soon as you get to level 3! Overall good game! P.S haven’t encountered any bugs or glitches yet so sorry if I left them out.


Annoying as hell

Anytime I try to do something in the game, an upgrade, hiring someone etc. it takes me to a stupid ad and it’s as long as 30 seconds or as short as 5 seconds and it happens randomly. I have to wait 5 sec-30 sec before I can do whatever it is I was trying to do in the game. It’s such a waste of my time and I’ve had enough. Constant ads while in game and on VideoGameTycoon , all they care about is making money and not about the quality of the game while your on it. Uninstalled

Marcos buttsworth   3 years ago

I'm having issues with the time one the profile won't let me use my Gmail account to get the money that of $1,000 spit on bear that used to do this people and then especially with a play the game if you like I'll put it I'll go into financial and have this games all closed off and band buy government officials in Australia running out so I can freed the kids

Is Video Game Tycoon Safe?

Yes. Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 16,888 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Video Game Tycoon Is 73.1/100.

Is Video Game Tycoon Legit?

Yes. Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 16,888 Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Video Game Tycoon Is 78.5/100..

Is Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire not working?

Video Game Tycoon: Idle Empire works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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