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ThriftBooks Customer Service 💢

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16 Most reported problems 😔💔

4.0 out of 5

customer support is useless

Charles Mason, Jr.

I recently ordered a book "New York 1927" which is about the international chess tournament held then. I have still not received my book. Can you check the order? Was it mailed? is it on back order? Please let me know. Thank you, Chuck Mason

Donna Lumpkin

I have tried numerous times to have the correct purchase to be sent to me. Thriftbooks keep sending me the wrong item. All I want is to get my refund. Will someone please call me 440-214-5833. If not I will and can have some lawyer friends (Legal Shield) to handle this matter for me. Thank you


I'm trying to pay for books I have ordered and it's hard to do. I don't want to cancel order..pls help me

Peter Simmons

I am a LONGTIME customer. Recently, whenever I want to do a search under ANY category (like "Mysteries)_, all I get is a list of CHILDRENS BOOKS!!! I am NOT a CHILD. I am in my 70s and would like this FIXED! -Peter Simmons Hendersonville, TN

Patrice Folsom

Received 3 books out of the 5 I ordered (2 separate shipments). Have not seen an email pertaining to the remaining 2 books. The order # is 43517475. Please reply!

Jim Stovall

I can't login to my account. My email is no longer usuable do to ecessive Spam. I was receiving 1000s of spam each week. Sometimes it was 1000 in a day. My new email is diegodoggerel@redacted.

Robert D. Houlihan

I did not recieve the book I ordered It wasent giant print and did not have a concordance. Please send the book I ordered. and it wasent in very good conditisiom. order number : 42406917 thank you

Jean Baggett

I never receive by book Before the war!! They said they will send to me by Jan 4th I am still waiting!!! Thank you Jean

Lena Luck

On Friday, December 16. 2022, I requested 2 Like-New Paperback copies of "Eat Right 4 For Your Type. Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia". ORDER NUMBER 40808445. The price quote was $4.99 each. I received on Saturday, December 24, Paperback Copy at a cost of $9.69. PLEASE SEND THE SECOND MISSING COPY...WITHOUT SHIPPING COST. I have been a VERY satisfied customer, until this mix-up.

Anita M Jackson

Wow! Once again, this organization delivers the best customer service in the booking industry. First, the selection goes back to the early 1900s. Their customer service they go out the way to track down your books. They tell you up front if the media is available before you order it. You can return the books you need too. Every order that I purchased came within the allowed period. It makes me feel like I am the only customer. So, I will give the whole organization a 175 stars rating. Thank you for being my #1 customer service organization. Mrs. Anita Jackson

William King

7/15/21 I placed an order (order # 28038762). The 3 books arrived within a week but 1 (Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer) has nearly invisible indecipherable print on the final 30 pages. Please replace the book with readable print to: William N. King, 155 Grande Ct., Fayetteville, Ga. 30214. Please let me know if and where I may need to send the defective book. Thank You


I placed an order 11/15/2020 #21813595. I ordered 2 books, Bones of the hills and Boy's life. Because I was credited for a free book, it didn't get mailed. They only mail one book, it reads" this order has 1 shipment. That #138393676. That book was Bones of the hill. When will " Boy's Life" be mailed to Donald Stanley #72627298, USP Atwater, P.O .Box019001, Atwater, Ca.. 95301 Please advise. Donna Stanley

Disgusted & horrified


by D_C1024

I used to love this website & app. I’ve purchased countless books for myself and my 3 year old daughter. However, after the most recent purchase, I’ve decided I would never order again. They clearly don’t check quality or even look at the book for that matter. I ordered a holiday book for my little one, and it was supposedly in “good” condition. When my order arrived, that particular book was not in good condition at all, but I didn’t mind; I know I’m ordering used. The issue that changed my mind completely was when I flipped through the book and found a dirty, used bandaid inside the back cover! Had I not checked beforehand my 3 year old could have gotten ahold of a strangers old bandaid, complete with dried blood and all. I reached out to the company, horrified, and I got some generic response about how they were sorry I wasn’t satisfied and I would get my money back. They didn’t even address the issue of the disgusting used bandaid and have since sent emails asking me to rate them. Thanks for the reminder ThriftBooks! Here’s the rating, and I hope no one else gets something as disgusting with your zero quality, non-checked books that are being sent out! RETHINK BEFORE YOU PLACE AN ORDER!

Thriftbooks=Great! App=Disappointment


by Apollo Jones

*NOTE* My review is not of THRIFTBOOKS, but of the THRIFTBOOKS APP. The app is trash, but thriftbooks as a whole is great, and worth checking out online if you’re new to them.

I love Thriftbooks, and while they’re not always the best price for certain books, I’ve never had a problem with the quality of books I’ve received, and the prices are often far better than anywhere else online. They’re decent books for good prices. You can choose the quality of book for a variant of prices, add books to a wishlist and opt for notifications when the books you’d like are available.

However, their app is trash.

While the app was severely buggy before, now it won’t even load. It times out and crashes before I even get the option to log in. I don’t want to have to go onto the internet, load up their website, and re-log in every time I want to glance at my wishlist and tell my friends. It’s not worth the time, and the mobile website is frustrating to navigate. I talk about books A LOT, and the app used to be so convenient. Now, it’s entirely unusable. I’ve tried redownloading the app multiple times on multiple different occasions, and the same thing always happens. It is entirely compatible with my phone, and nothing has fixed it. All I can hope is that this bug will be repaired soon!

In summary: the app isn’t worth it. Check out and order your books on the website, when you happen to be seated at a computer.

Not In Very Good Condition


by Huskyguitar

I ordered Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone in Very Good condition and it just got here today. I was really excited because I wanted to read it again and when I got it I was super disappointed when I saw it being taped together. I know it wasn’t a lot of money, but I spent the almost 5 dollars to buy a book in very good condition. Whereas the book I got was in practically the same condition of my old copy except for the fact it was taped. The spine was falling apart and not in good shape at all. Normally I wouldn’t care, but the whole reason I bought it in ‘Very Good’ condition was so it was nicer than my old copy which was falling apart just as the copy i bought was. If I wanted it to be functional I wouldn’t have spent the money to buy another book and i would’ve just taped mine together.

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  1. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of ThriftBooks: New & Used Books to your problem using the strength of crowds. We have over 1,000,000 users and companies will listen to us.
  2. We have developed a system that will try to get in touch with a company once an issue is reported and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
  4. If you are a ThriftBooks: New & Used Books customer and are running into a problem, Justuseapp might not be the fastest and most effective way for you to solve the problem but at least you can warn others off using ThriftBooks: New & Used Books.
