Scale Reviews

Scale Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-11

About: Scale is a free and an addictive arcade game with an unique gameplay containing
slicer and balls. Truly a brain teaser and Its super fun! How to play? Its
easy, all you have to do is to cut and shrink the board by placing the slicers.

About Scale

Scale is a free and an addictive arcade game with an unique gameplay containing slicer and balls.

Increase your score, get diamonds, check the leaderboard and compete your friends.

If you touch the balls before your cut is complete, you lose a life.

Its easy, all you have to do is to cut and shrink the board by placing the slicers.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 50,620 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Scale

- Challenging and fun gameplay

- Endless mode available

- Ads are not too frequent or intrusive

- Different game modes available

- No penalty for losing

20 Scale Reviews

4.7 out of 5


5 stars all the way!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ok I love this game!♥️ just making that clear! I mean it’s challenging, it’s fun, there’s not that many ads. And actually it’s really enjoyable! 😊👍 it also gets you concentrated and exited to play the game. And if you don’t want to play any of the levels just play endless mode. And they even made like goals for you to achieve! This game is awesome and usually I don’t say that cause some games are just like”.... what’s going on again...?” Or “.....zzzZzzz...! What was I doing? Waaa? Zzzzzz....” seriously like some games are just so boring or they have no meaning no goals no nothing! It’s like the game is filled with mostly ads! Like “ uh another ad!!!... 10 min later... omg another ad?!? I only got to do like one level!!!!” You know?!? So I’m glad that this game is actually enjoyable and fun! And you can enjoy it!♥️ no regrets!
Five stars for sure!👍😁⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👍😁



This is a fun and challenging game! I’ve only been playing a few days so I’m still waiting to see if it will continue to be fun or get too hard and become frustrating.
Some of the other reviews I read before I downloaded it complained about too many ads or ads that were very long. That has not been my experience. After about Level 12 or 13, it started asking me to watch an ad to get the third star. I guess I can live with only two stars! LOL. and it finally learned that I wasn’t clicking on that so now it’s back to giving me the third star if I’ve played well enough.
Give it a go..heck you can always delete it if you decide you don’t like it.


Add, ads, ads every 5 seconds

You literally can’t even go to the menu or look at anything longer than a few seconds before ads pop up. I went to the remove ads tab to see what options there were. I can tell you there are 4, but I can’t tell you what they are because ads kept popping up before I could read the options. That’s what the entire game is like. You can’t even look at the lost of available levels or game options for a few seconds without ads popping up.. so you have to watch ads to even select a game and you better select it under 5 seconds or another ad will pop up. Lost that game in 10 seconds? Sorry, that’s 45 seconds of ads. I find myself closing this game out at least every minute. 5 seconds of closing Scale is way better than a minute of commercial. Not sure it’s worth the headache. #anxiety just go start a game. Let alone if you lose.


Too many ads, but a good challenge and fun

The ads are too frequent — almost after every level failed or won — but the games themselves are very engaging. They keep my attention, have me waiting to step up to each challenge, and provide variation. The different balls one can choose to use are not as much different in the ways they respond to the game as they are different in their appearance. High scores are kept, although only the most recent score with whichever ball was used, not the high scores with each of the different balls, which would be appealing (but probably too messy to keep track of). Many thanks to the creators of the variations, as they give the game much more depth of interest. Please reduce the frequency of ads (to, maybe, 50% of how often they occur now).


Best game ever

I love this game I never give games 5 stars but this game is so good I just had to it has adds but ( there is a no adds but they aren’t that bad to have to buy that) they fixed the bug so if you are debating whether or not to get this game I would I mean come on it is so addicting and it is FREE how can you pass that deal up but the adds are not like other games I have got they have adds that interrupt me while I am playing the game but definitely 5 star worthy 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍



I saw an ad for this game stating that only 1% can pass level 10. I took that as a challenge accepted and I downloaded the game. I played a couple times, getting the hang of the game. I never got higher then level 3. Once I got the hang of it, is when I started having problems. Around level 5 it started getting extremely laggy. A couple of times it closed out of Scale . I got to level 6 and for no reason, every time I tried to touch the screen to play, it shot me to Scale Store. After being directed to Scale Store 10 times, without even clicking on an ad or anything, I was finally able to continue. The game was increasingly laggy and when I got to level 8 the game completely shut down. I see why only 1% can pass level 10 and it is not because of difficulty.


can't get over this game

I have never given a 5 star review before, because there is always room for improvement.
there are a few things to be fixed on this one, but it is honestly so freakin' good that I just HAVE TO give it 5.

so, this is a super fun and addicting game. I love the different modes, they are all so fun an engaging.
there is no penalty for losing, you just restart the level. the ads really aren't that bad compared to other games. (there is also a "remove ads for money" option, although I haven't purchased it yet) there is a 5 sec pop up in between every few games. they REALLY arent that bad.
the backgrounds cycle every level and every time you open Scale , and they are BEAUTIFUL and relaxing.

the only thing I would say to the developers, is that having a diagonal (right angle) piece would be cool. it could be a special move, or a regular piece. or maybe having 2 pieces at the bottom of the screen to choose from to use... I duno just some thoughts.


It’s Grrrreat

Hi I’m Samuel! I’ve been writing reviews for a few games from 1-5 stars based on the platform, idea, and overall gaming experience. I think this game is great because once you get to stage 6 you have to really look at the time increments you are placing your slicers. I also love how they have different mods. in the game. It also helps, especially since I am a child in 4th grade, so It helps me get smarter and really forces and manipulates the brain to do what it needs to. This game is amazing and I will recommend it to my friends Very soon. Good luck for the developers -Sincerely, Samuel Duarte


Almost There...

I enjoy playing this game in the office when there is nothing really for me to do. It’s a fun game to play because I like to challenge my brother at home to see who can make it further in the game. With that being said, there are 2 issues (at least for me) that cannot go unnoticed. The first issue is that the game randomly closes as I’m playing. The second is that random adds pop up on-screen, in the middle of the game, and then it diverts me to Scale Store to download those games. Other than that, the game is pretty fun.


Ads, ads, ads

This game has banner ads all the time, optional ads to keep playing if the ball hits your line, and then you get ads anyways if you don’t select the optional ads.

So what’s the point in playing this game if I’m just gonna be inundated with ads all the time? The optional ads and banner ads are somewhat acceptable. But forcing you to watch an ad anyways after you declined the optional ad is beyond annoying. I’m trying to give this game a chance but the useless barrage of ads is incredibly annoying.


The new ads are absolutely unreasonable, and a piece of advice.

Until this last update advertisements respected the phone's state of being on silent mode. I just got an advertisement on maximum volume in a sensitive situation while in vibrate mode. This is absolutely absurd. Please restrict this behavior before it affects more people!

Immediately after that, and having to force-quit Scale , get the phone's media volume down to mute, and beating the level, I was presented with the reward of a 30-second ad. Here's a piece of advice: people are more likely to pay for the game, to remove the ads, if they truly enjoy the experience of playing it. That is several times more likely if you reward beating a level with the non-showing of an ad, which would happen if you failed.


One thing

I enjoy this game very much. I liked it so much I decided it was a good investment to purchase the no ads. The only complaint I have is the continuous pop up after about every 20 games that asks you to allow this game to send you notifications. Now, I don’t personally want to see notifications of this game while I am not playing, so I keep saying no. Please stop asking me if I want to allow notifications. I know it is a little thing, but the fact that game producers decided to keep asking their users until they agree is not very professional.



I love this game but the one that has the doubling balls gets annoying. 😒 because everytime I pass a Level it keeps adding 2 balls. But other than that it’s really fun but just need a change on the double one
So I guess. If they fix the double part and make it a lil easier than I’ll make my rating a 5! 😁 it’s my opinion oh and when I’m playing levels it won’t let me earn those diamonds so just fix those two. So I hope everyone from around the world can play this 😜😃


Another game that is all ads!

If you play game; you get an ad. If you win the game you get an ad. If you lose the game; you get an ad. If you win a prize; you get an ad. If you make it to certain level; you get an ad. If you change your ball; you get an ad. If Scale is open for certain amount of time; you get an ad. I’ve never seen a game that gives you so many ads. You spend more time going through 30 second ads then you do playing the game. How can one game expect people to play with so many ads? The creativity of this game is wasted because of all the ads. For every time I wrote the word ad, you watch and ad in your first 15 minutes of playing. The ads also lead to games they have too many ads.


New mode doesn’t have all described levels

The new mode that came with the latest update described itself as having 50 levels, but the only way to “progress” after level 10 is to push the button that says “Next Level” with the gift package that leads to an ad, which I went along with. After the ad, that button had disappeared and I was left only with the option to retry the level.

Given that it’s been a bunch of updates with no new additions to the shop for ball or slicer skins, I can’t help but feel like Scale keeps making promises and not fulfilling them.


I love this game

I love this game for three major reasons. 1: it’s completely free, and you don’t have to pay for anything to have fun, 2: It doesn’t have too many ads, and the ads are great when you get them, and the ads are short 3: there are several colors! I love rainbows... if you haven’t gotten this game, consider the reasons why this game is amazing, and maybe you should get it! No hate for this game! I can’t think of anything about this game that I don’t like.


If your looking for pain, get this app.

Great reviews, great app, great quality, yet there is one problem for me. Sorry for those who actually like this game and sorry about the roasting I am about to do. This game is the worst game I’ve ever seen. Maybe not the worst of the worst but probably at least the worst of the games I’ve seen. it’s very boring and all you do is just drag a line across a shape and trap a ball inside. I need more excitement. Sorry for those who had to hear that. And people who are thinking about getting Scale, I suggest you don’t, but if you want to waste your time, be my guest.🙃And by the way, if you actually do end up liking the game, don’t blame me because this is my review and not just me complaining. Just saying.



I really really love this game. I really do as you can see below. It’s peaceful fun. But how can it be peaceful when after you cut the ball EVERY time (if your on level 1 or 26) you get a 30 sec ad. Then, a demo of the game you just watched the ad for that takes 15 secs to skip. Sooo many ads. Definitely warning y’all.

Original review -

Must get! Highly, highly addictive. I love it! ❤️ it is a great app and a great puzzler. I feel like the only downside is the 1-2 ads after every round once I lose. I understand you gotta make money, but why not have an option to double your points by watching an ad or double your diamonds? Very easy to get diamonds and overall a fun casual game. Definitely addicting though so watch out ✌🏻


Is a good game but...

Is a good game, but it's stupid because I am addicted to it :p... so I had to get rid of ads, because ads are stupid, but otherwise this game is stupid and I hate when I like something I keep getting bombarded by ads, like it did here, but I got rid of them so it's good enough to get rid of them because they are annoying...

This was a review
This review was also stupid

Also! I love you developer for making this, I guess it hits something in my brain to be addicted, and now I feel playing this makes me more of a filthy casual and I'm a "real" gamer who plays "real" games that aren't on phone all the time! But I find myself playing this when listening to something or just sitting in boredom and don't want to do anything else...

I feel I was gonna say something else but I forgot so...

Thanks again dev
I hate you
But I love you
Dis game is good and too casual for me but dangit I'm gonna play it


This Is A AWESOME Game!!!!

I know you complain about the ads but would you rather be paying for this game? This is a good game and it is FREE so I don’t complain like some people, I am not trying to be mean but you people complain about a “little video”. So, this is a great game and you can’t say anything against it unless you don’t like the actual game then you can pay for the ads to go away. Anyways, developers thank you for creating this wonderful game 😊


can't get over this game

I have never given a 5 star review before, because there is always room for improvement.
there are a few things to be fixed on this one, but it is honestly so freakin' good that I just HAVE TO give it 5.

so, this is a super fun and addicting game. I love the different modes, they are all so fun an engaging.
there is no penalty for losing, you just restart the level. the ads really aren't that bad compared to other games. (there is also a "remove ads for money" option, although I haven't purchased it yet) there is a 5 sec pop up in between every few games. they REALLY arent that bad.
the backgrounds cycle every level and every time you open Scale , and they are BEAUTIFUL and relaxing.

the only thing I would say to the developers, is that having a diagonal (right angle) piece would be cool. it could be a special move, or a regular piece. or maybe having 2 pieces at the bottom of the screen to choose from to use... I duno just some thoughts.

Is Scale Safe?

Yes. Scale is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 50,620 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Scale Is 40.1/100.

Is Scale Legit?

Yes. Scale is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 50,620 Scale User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Scale Is 55.1/100..

Is Scale not working?

Scale works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Scale? Post a Review

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