Overall an ok app for the board. But there are a few bugs that are keeping it from being really good. Not only bugs, but some changes I know would also help. I'll start with the bugs that I've experienced:
Random points added to cricket scores when they weren't earned, example.. 4-20's were hit in first round and it gave 60 pts.
Wrong info on the WINNER screen, example.. showing 4 bulls hit when only 3 were hit.
The ratings for online players does not show. My rating doesn't seem to update often, and seems quite off.
This may not be VDartsGame , but I have only seen real bad camera quality from other players so far.
Some ideas for better play:
In non-online mode... An option to keep playing same game, rather than going back to home screen.
A longer round limit, say 21 rounds or so.
A time limit for player to throw first dart in each round (more for online play) (40 seconds).
Definitely would like larger player and game info on game play screens. (Less background, bigger everything else).
Shorter player change sound, it can get annoying.
Can't wait for the next update! Hope the fun games will be available.