Okay, IntroMusicVideoMovieMaker itself isn’t too bad. It’s fairly useful and has a lot of different templates to choose from, and a lot of editing features. It’s fairly versatile, allowing you to use your music or their (although minuscule) diverse library. And you’re allowed to import your own photos and videos. But, what drags IntroMusicVideoMovieMaker down DRAMATICALLY is it’s subscription fee of $36/year. That’s WAY too much money for a mediocre app like this, and it really forced the free trial on you so hard you wanna throw your phone AFTER you get the trial. I swear, I’d rather pay for Kinemaster than this, and it’s literally not that cheap. $10/month seems SOOOOOO much better with Kinemaster rather than $5/month or $36/year. And don’t let the “Free” app thing fool you, this PUSHES the trial onto you as they hope you’ll stick around and pay them for it. There’s apps worth much more than this that are way cheaper. Don’t download IntroMusicVideoMovieMaker, they’ll rob you blind if you let them.