This game has great graphics. Unfortunately, that’s about it. There is no realism to the game play. Putting is easy, as are chip-ins (anyone that actually golfs knows a lot of practice and skill is required to improve odds, and it’s still not easy!). The matchup system is terrible; it huuuugly favors pay-to-win. First, the matchup system doesn’t compare you on skill, gear or experience, but rather just on trophies (which are easily manipulated). This means you’ll often get paired up with someone with clubs and gear that significantly outclass anything you have, making it impossible, even with perfect shots, to even tie your opponent. As if that wasn’t enough, they’ll sometime also pair you up against recorded games rather than a live opponent. No, they don’t put you against a recorded game where the opponent didn’t do well; usually one that eagles! Support, sadly, is equally bad. However, it seems to be the usual farmed our support that doesn’t actually read about the issue experienced, so it’s to be expected. Value for money is minimal. You’ll burn through a minor investment in an hour of playing, and then get matched up against a series of people that outgear you, or bot games, to conveniently strip away anything you’d gained unless you invest more. On the plus side, as long as you’re paying in, things seem to go well, and the matchups aren’t as bad. It’s a bad pay-to-win scheme covered by nice graphics.