While FreeYourMusicMovePlaylists does transfer songs pretty fast, it does it in the most lazy way. It creates a separate playlist for the songs you transferred, so if you’re part or the majority who’s “library” is technically “liked songs”, prepare to spend time going through and re-liking all your songs. While this could be helpful if you’re trying to get rid of some songs, there’s a further point I’d like to address. For the most part it adds songs that were in your library, however I have also noticed that some of my songs were replaced by remixes of the same song. If you’re someone like me who listens to a substantial amount of EDM, you’ll understand how frustrating it is finding that perfect remix for you, which is just partially why this was such a frustrating process. In addition, about 1/4 of my library wasn’t even added!!!
In conclusion, if you’re looking to quickly move the majority of your library fast, and have a spare $10, I’d recommend this program. However, buyer beware, you’re going to have a subnational amount of slack to pick up.