Listen, I LOVE OfflineFilesWebBrowser. I recommend it to everyone. I got it half a year ago and I’ve been loving it ever since. The big update making custom assortment available was great and, for the most part, it all went smoothly. However, there are still a few issues with OfflineFilesWebBrowser .
For one, I am unable to share videos for some reason, which is an issue. OfflineFilesWebBrowser also decides to freeze up at random sometimes, but it isn’t too much of an annoyance since it only happens when I have OfflineFilesWebBrowser open.
The thing is, those are my only issues with OfflineFilesWebBrowser . The near-constant ads got removed with the update so that’s no longer an issue. I love OfflineFilesWebBrowser and I love being able to listen to my music offline and without being restrained to keeping OfflineFilesWebBrowser open. Hopefully the issues I’ve had will get fixed soon like my previous ones did. It would definitely bring my review up to a five star.