Alliance: Air War Reviews

Alliance: Air War Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-09


Alliance: Air War is a highly rated air combat game that has been featured in the App Store numerous times by Apple. With over 11 million global downloads to date, the game offers players the chance to dogfight online or against hordes of enemy fighters and ships using a variety of weapons. The game features a range of planes from the fighter props of World War II to the 5th generation fighter jets of tomorrow. Players can earn Alliance Credits to upgrade their planes' flying dynamics, engines, armor, weaponry, and payload capacities. The game offers six different game modes to test players' air combat pilot skills, including Dogfighting, Fleet Attack, Fleet Defense, Attack the Ace, Assassination, and Free Flight.


Overall Customer Experience šŸ˜Ž

šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘ŒšŸ”„ Positive experience

šŸ‘暟¤¬šŸ˜  Negative experience

šŸ™„šŸ’…šŸ«„ Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 21,309 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): šŸ’Ž

- The game has stunning graphics and smooth controls, making it feel like a classic PC or console game.

- The AI is challenging and keeps players coming back for more.

- The game offers a one-time, up-front cost to unlock premium content instead of daily microtransactions.

- The game has a wide variety of planes and the combat is easy to learn.

- The game has a lot of potential for development and the player hopes to see progress soon.

Read 20 Customer Service Reviews šŸ‘暟¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜ šŸ’¢šŸ˜¤

4.7 out of 5

Beautiful, butā€¦..


The game looks great and plays buttery smooth but Iā€™ve got to wonder what possessed the devs when they were making the game. Did someone say ā€œhey, letā€™s have the players own fleet steal their kills!ā€ and everyone else saidā€great ideaā€ Are these people so worried about wringing the last dollar out of players that they would stoop so low? Apparently, yes. I canā€™t count the number of times I had and enemy down to almost no health and was right behind them blasting away, only to see a puff of AAA and the message ā€œyour fleet shot down an enemyā€. Itā€™s the most accurate triple A fire in the history of war games. Who needs aircraft to defend a fleet that can shoot down enemies at will with artillery? What a joke. If the devs werenā€™t so greedy this game would be outstanding, one of the best made for a phone in the history of mobile gaming. Unfortunately, these people come from the EA school of game design, profits before everything. It can still be somewhat enjoyable, hence the three stars instead of one but youā€™ll need to lower your expectations regarding gameplay if not visuals.

Great game, but ultimately a huge cash grab.


This game is unlike manny others, its graphics are on par with PC games, itā€™s combat is easy to learn, and it has a wide variety of planes, but then a problem occurs, the game is virtually unplayable unless you buy the beta passes. Donā€™t get me wrong I love this game and I definitely do not regret buying the beta pass, but it was so infuriating having to wait a whole hour to play a game of single player, multiplayer is a huge hit or miss especially if you have a bad internet connection, not to mention most of the players in multiplayer player are bots (which is probably the result of little to no advertising
Why not cut the time to wait for new fuel tanks so people could learn the ropes of the game, then more people would actually want to buy planes, skins, and whatever other transactions you make. I know it must be hard to keep up the game when you have no ads to bring in funds, but people will stop playing eventually. And another topic is how come skins cost money? Why not just let us buy them with the coins we earn, thatā€™s my two cents.

Suggestions that will help players without money


First and foremost, this is probably the best game in terms of iOS & aerial games go. But, there is some things that make the game ā€œharderā€ for players who canā€™t afford to pay the full price. For example, perhaps either lessening the wait time for fuel tanks quite a bit or adding more fuel tanks in return for waiting so long. It sort of brings the drive to keep playing down when you want to get back in the action but have to wait 60 minutes for a single fuel tank.

Also, a few suggestions for in game. Maybe allowing the right half of the screen to allow the player to ā€œlookā€ around in general and/or in the cockpit especially instead of being focused in a tunnel vision. Some flexibility in looking would feel more immersive and real & allow for some better play style when looking for the enemy. In addition, maybe making the AI fighters either more efficient and reliable fighters or adding a new set of AI teammates at the end of each wave would be nice & a bit easier. Other than that, this is probably the best aerial game on iOS Iā€™ve encountered so far, so keep up the good work :)

Great game just one issue.


Iā€™ve had this game for a bit now and Iā€™ve really enjoyed how it feels. Itā€™s really fun but the only issue I have with it is the credit earning system. Credits are of course the in game currency, you can use this to upgrade your jets or to buy a new one. The issue is getting the currency, it takes too long to get enough for a new jet. The only 2 ways you can get credits at this time is either doing single player missions or to play multiplayer. Some of the jets are too expensive and difficult to get because of the credit system. You donā€™t get very much for single player missions unless you get to higher waves, and for multiplayer you get so little it would take you so much time and dedication to get enough for a jet. Iā€™m not really sure if itā€™s the amount you get from doing these activities or if the problem is the amount it costs to purchase a jet. Other than this issue I think this is a fantastic game.

Really Nice Flying Combat Game


I just purchased a week ago and still getting used to the game. So far not hard to play and understand all functions. Great graphics especially in Ultra, flying physics are ok but still reviewing, game play ok too. Alliance appears to be in Beta, the developers request donations which will increase app capabities and allows for further app upgrades. There is a lot of room for additons, the developers listed areas that they plan on adding to the game. The areas they listed look real good and will make the game excellent. In app purchases not too bad but could get costly if purchaseing new aircraft. Hopefully it wont cost much in future upgrades.
It would be nice if the fighter jet could roll all the way over but not an issue. The views are good. Adding a touch control to tilt steering would helpful. On my Ipad pro the jets lag slighty when tilting the ipad, but again not major but I will continue to play and see if I missed anything. Overall great game with enourmous potential and I will continue to play. DEVELOPERS please add the addtions you plan soon. Thanks

Excellent Gameplay and Content Depth


This is the best game Iā€™ve downloaded in years! Tired of the same old, re-used game ideas, I wanted a true flight simulator / fighter that focused more on the gameplay/flight dynamics than building restaurants / cafeterias in your fake airport to maximize fake revenue / increase fake troop strength.

The game runs flawlessly on an iPhone 11 Pro, and reminds me more of a classically built, old school PC or console game than a mobile app in a very good way (I know I sound like a grandpa, but Iā€™m 30). The AI is challenging and keeps you coming back for revenge. After a few hours of play over a couple of days, I elected to purchase one of their tiered packages to unlock almost all paid content in the game (which can also be unlocked through playing the game without money). I would much prefer to pay for all of the premium content in a game in a one-time, up-front cost instead of in daily microtransactions over the life of the game. More importantly, I legitimately wanted to support the development effort for this game, and appreciate the developerā€™s thought-out/honest approach to in-game purchases.

Thanks for the game and keep up the good work! šŸ‘



This game is honestly terrific. The planes are historically accurate, the terrain is beautiful, and, of course, the actual gameplay itself is enjoyable. Nothing quite like shooting an enemy airplane out of the sky and watching them fall to earth in a blazing fireball! While the Bering Strait and Cold War levels are fun, I find the WWII levels to be frustrating. Itā€™s much trickier to blow up your enemies when you donā€™t have auto-tracking missiles. Of course this just adds to the realism, but itā€™s still a bit of a pain. Luckily, the in-game currency is transferable between level sections; i.e. you can earn currency in a Bering Strait level, but then spend it on a WWII plane, if you were so inclined. Iā€™ve heard other players complain about the fuel tanks, which I have to admit, is a bit annoying. You get three fuel tanks, and each one takes an hour to regenerate. However, Iā€™m not too hung up about it; normally, I just play something else. All in all, this game is great, and itā€™s good to see itā€™s still being updated! šŸ‘šŸ»

Good Game! Add More Please!


Overall this game is really ā€œfillingā€, and fulfills all most of my expectations. The graphics are like what it says in the description: photorealistic. There are no ads in game to disturb your gameplay (in my experience), and it is a really smooth game.
Although right now the game is good enough, I would really want more content and missions, though I know they would be coming in future updates. It would really improve the game if you could add historical campaigns (for the time periods that actually happened, like WW2), bombs that you can drop from planes, ground forces like tanks and infantry that you can support or fight, carriers and landing strips that you can return to in order to repair, and/or switch planes, and finally, an improved multiplayer feature, as the current one is pretty laggy. I know Iā€™m asking for a lot, but in my opinion they will really improve the game, and the developers can install them in individual updates instead of a massive one. In all, this game is really awesome and itā€™s a great addition to your games collection.

Absolutely LOVE this game.


Alright soo I started playing this in 2019 and itā€™s been nonstop fun. Iā€™ve gotta say, the ocean map is beautiful, just amazing, I could fly inverted at 100ā€™ for hours, and I have. I love how this game has tilt controls and it actually feels, GOOD and not sloppy, even on max sensitivity!
While I think it takes a while to upgrade aircraft and buy new aircraft at first, you get to a point where making 60,000 credits is a matter of an hour or two.
The aircraft feel good to fly and I love how the wings on the F-14A+ ACTUALLY fold in, and smoothly!!
Overall this game is amazing apart from multiplayer servers because even if I am in North America - East servers I get people from other continents (namely Asia) who get in the games and bring my ping from a tolerable 80, to what I got one time which was 1,516. Other than that BEAUTIFUL game.
Also I had sent out an email in 2019 with some suggestions and actually got a reply! I am very pleased with this game and itā€™s developers and look forward to future updates!

All-Time Favorite Flight/Fighter game


Iā€™ve had this game for years now since it came out, it was the first game that I installed for actually playing games on my Apple TV and the download subsequently was also downloaded to the rest of my IOS devices (iPad iPhone iPod). I really mean it when I say that this game is seriously addictive and awesome! Easy, easy controls and great graphics and gameplay, seamless online multiplayer action is available in a snap or play the computer, either way is a blast! The mission choices you have to choose from are extremely robust. I very much like the fact that this game has a really low footprint in storage but isnā€™t glitchy or laggy whatsoever, even on older devices, whatever these developers have done here itā€™s definitely worth it, theyā€™ve found the secret formula for gameplay~in and around whereabouts thou leprechaun hoards his pot of gold and puts a steel toe boot across his face to allow the prize access for you the player

Love it


Hope u read and respond. I LOVE THIS GAME. The graphics are perfect. My favorite is the takedown. Although I would like to see you lose a wing or some thing if Iā€™m not asking to much. And also when are the new missions going to come out? Other than that it is a great time killer. One more thing though the prices are a little to high but donā€™t bother because the creator was a GENIUS!

This is an update and yes I hope u read and respond again! Iā€™ve been playing this game a lot bc u know CORONA, AND THIS GAME IS PERFECT FOR IT. I like to play it when I go on long trips in a plane or car. What Iā€™m saying is it a PERFECT time killer. NICE job producers I absolutely love your game. And I got my first new plane in the game and Iā€™ve been playing for a while like I donā€™t know 1 and a half years? And of course I didnā€™t play it every day so half of it is my fault but like I said in my first review I think the prices can be a little lower. But wonderful game and keep working hard on it AND STAY SAFE!

Great game with tons of potential


This game is amazing with its smoothness and accuracy. The graphics are some of the best I have ever seen. The new update with the multiplayer matches added a lot to the game. Though I do wish there was a story mode in the game, playing the many different game modes in single player is very enjoyable. I do have some suggestions for the game however. As I have said previously I do think there should be a story mode along with more maps to play on. Also a way to track the misiles with the camera would be a great addition. Another thing might be to add fuel levels and critical hits. I also think there should be a way to land on an airstrip or carrier to heal yourself and/or to refuel. Even with the things I think you could add I give this a 5 stars for its overall completeness for a gaming experience and think it has huge potential if you continue making the updates with the same level of proficiency.

Itā€™s Ace Combat on the go!


I only own an Xbox so for the longest time Iā€™ve been looking for a good flight combat game - and sadly the XB1 doesnā€™t have one. But I never expected to find my air combat fix in Alliance Store!

This game at present features several dozen unlockable aircraft and 3 eras split into a dozen mission types to play. The graphics are gorgeous, especially the ground and atmospheric effects. The flight physics lean more towards ā€œarcade flight gameā€ than ā€œtrue simulatorā€, but thereā€™s still enough realism here to make the flying feel authentic. Smooth, precise input is key. Speaking of inputs, you have a variety of gyro and touch screen controls to choose from as well as 3rd person and ā€œvirtual cockpitā€ views (no simulated 3D cockpits yet. Thatā€™s my #1 on the wish list.)

Combat is fun and challenging with weapon mechanics and aircraft performance varying greatly from era to era, as they should. Aircraft take about a dozen gun hits or 2-3 missiles to take down, with aces taking more. If you run out of ammo youā€™ll need to wait a few moments to reload. Not so arcadey to be ridiculous, but not so realistic itā€™s dense and boring. This game has the perfect balance.

Although this app is a fantastic app and definitely worth your time and money, it has a lot more content coming. Download it, drop a few bucks on a plane you like (or play enough to unlock it with in game credits - another great thing about this free app) and have a blast.

Please devs read thisšŸ”½ā¬‡ļøā€¼ļø


Sorry bout the emojis I needed your attention. Ok so: a while ago I tried to get in contact with you about the controls. So I have to hope that you see this review. Twelve out of twelve game, but the Bluetooth controls are kinda awkward and yawing left makes it look backwards. So, hereā€™s my idea: left stick for throttle and yaw, right stick for pitch and roll (in simulator mode), for normal mode left stick for throttle and right stick for pitch and yaw the right bumper for guns, left bumper for rockets, Y for changing view, and B to look backwards. I hope to god you get this review and I would be absolutely enthralled if you could implement this. The current controls are workable however for anyone who flies remote control or a flight simulator, this suggested form of controls works much better and is easier to use. Thank you guys so so much for working on this game I love it and you guys deserve more thanks than you get. (Sorry I keep sending these but I have no other way of contacting you)

Your fan

Awesome, Could be better!


I love this game! It is really fun and the sound and graphics of the jets look amazing! I instantly got blown away and wanted to get all the jets and upgrades and unlimited fuel. After I played it for a while, I noticed that maybe it could be better with more jets, better graphics for the land (Mountains and Canyons, not the water...) maps, and maybe a more different cockpit view for each plane. Overall it is a really nice game. One more thing though, I normally use this game on my iPad Pro but then realized I couldnā€™t use the 3D Touch option. I got it on my iPhone and yes it worked, but then I noticed a new problem! I logged into my my normal account and none of the things I bought with money would save. Not a big deal or anything just think you could touch up on all that stuff. Even though, all the customers looking at Alliance should definitely get it!



I love your game but I feel it is missing a bunch of other iconic jets. I do understand your game is still being worked on and I canā€™t wait so see what other planes will be added!
I hope to see this game advance, it has a lot of potential! If possible Iā€™d love to see helicopters at some point.
My overall rating on this game is 5 stars, itā€™s a really beautiful game and I love the jets in the game. I havenā€™t lagged much while playing this game either with only one or two of the occasionally lag spikes. Iā€™d like to see a radar guided gun for some of the jets as it would make some jets easier to aim with, like the lower tier jets. Giving lower tear jets easier to aim weapons would make it a little easier to progress.
this app credits, in my opinion the this app credits are way to hard to get a lot of. Please make these credits a bit more numerous as upgrades get pretty expensive and it takes a long time to get these credits. I do love the Ace battle mode as it does pump out a lot of credits if you can avoid a lot of missiles.
This is all I have to note on this game, I love the game, and keep up the hard work! Donā€™t rush this game as I may lose quality if it is rushed! Thanks.

Great game recommend it for everyone


Love this game I will recommend it to anyone that loves to play jet games. It is very fun with it selection of missions you can do. Like defend your fleet or attack enemy aircraft. There is even a dog fight game mode and thereā€™s like so much more probably around 5+ game modes. They have such a realistic jets with the athletic cockpits and I love how the smoke follows the rockets when you fire them just like the real thing! I also love how there are so many jets in every era that you can unlock. I also love that this game has different time lines. There are 3 to pick from 1940s (WW2), 1980s or 90s and present time! I love this game it is THE best fighter jet game I have ever seen for mobile users. 5 stars easy!
I have some ideas to add though, you should add some smoke to the jets back when it pulls up like what happens in real life. Thanks for making the game it is such a fun game to play!

Great Game


This game has very good simulation for the type of game that it is, the amount of 4.99 is well worth it after a day at work or whatever, sure I can play my PlayStation or computer game but this is very fun and up beat, I wish like other games you can tell or see where there playing from out of the country or in any of the 50 states, now if you could that this game and introduce it to a war game where you could play first person as a team on the ground or air itā€™s up to you to choose, a tank commander or just a soldier and of course you are alerted to jump in your jet and take off to help those on the ground or any enemy planes in the sky, it comes with unlimited gas and weapons right now but to fly back and rearm or fill up at a flying tanker. There are so many things that you could use this game for but for now if you want that realistic air fight this game provides that.

A great flight game!


The game is incredibly intuitive! Adapting to the controls is smooth and easy. The HUD isnā€™t cluttered, so your view(s) of the airspace in front of you is not obstructed. The mechanics of flight are interfaced well: you slide your finger to yaw, pitch the phone up or down, and rotate when you need to roll. The large format icons for the gun and rocket are easy to distinguish. Overall: the controls are bang-on for what you expect for playing on a phone, pad, or Apple TV. I will say, playing on the phone is much more of a pleasurable experience than on the Apple TV. The graphics are stunning, and the sounds really help immerse you into flight and combat. If you can, play with headphones. This is the only game I have on my phone as I am not a gamer-on-the-go; however, after playing on the Apple TV, I felt like I should have this with me when I am out and have an extra 5 - 10 minutes to myself. GREAT GAME.

Amazing game


To start off the graphics for a mobile game are absolutely stunning. The lighting works very well and the environments are beautiful with the various times of day, controls feels smooth and kills feel very satisfying, the game has not been updated in some time I do wish to hear something from the developers sometime soon as I have been playing for a few weeks and Iā€™m totally hooked, some wishes I do have for the game are: an enhanced title screen and menu navigation, bringing it up to modern standards would be very nice, proper carrier landings and take-offs, as a huge navy aviation enjoyer it makes me happy seeing the 2 hornets in this game, and finally a dynamic cockpit camera, the camera moving around the cockpit or even the option to move it ourselves would be awesome, I feel in a dogfight in first person mode my vision is very limited to what I can see in front of me and maybe that is for balance purposes but if your head did move around the cockpit that would be very nice.

All in all thank you for such an wonderful game
I hope to see some development progress soon. :)

Is Alliance Safe?

Yes. Alliance: Air War is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 21,309 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Alliance Is 70.4/100.

Is Alliance Legit?

Yes. Alliance: Air War is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 21,309 Alliance: Air War User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Alliance Is 76.4/100..

Is Alliance: Air War not working?

Alliance: Air War works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Monthly subscription for access to content. The cost of the subscription will be equal to the then-current cost in the app. Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that service.

How was your experience with Alliance: Air War? Post a Review


- Dogfight online or against hordes of enemy fighters and ships using machineguns, rockets, Vulcan cannons, and guided missiles.

- Explore decades of air combat development from the fighter props of World War II to the 5th generation fighter jets of tomorrow.

- Earn Alliance Credits to upgrade your planes' flying dynamics, engines, armor, weaponry, and payload capacities.

- 6 different game modes to test your air combat pilot skills- Dogfighting, Fleet Attack, Fleet Defense, Attack the Ace, Assassination, and Free Flight.

- Leaderboards to rank yourself against the world's top aces.

- Free to play, free to soar.

- Monthly subscriptions are offered for access to content.

- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.

- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period; the cost of the renewal will be equal to the then-current cost in the app.

- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.

- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that service.

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