Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ Reviews

Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-24

About: The Great War rages! Will you forge your empire with fire and blood? Grow your
dragon, raise your army and battle to conquer the Seven Kingdoms with your
allies in this strategy game! Experience the official Game of Thrones strategy
building game on mobile with Game of Thrones: Conquest. Westeros is at war.

About Game of Thrones

CONQUER SEATS OF POWER: Experience PvP battle strategy game action and take over iconic Game of Thrones landmarks, like Winterfell and King’s Landing, in the never-ending cycle of war to dominate the Seven Kingdoms.

Game of Thrones: Conquest offers a unique battle, strategy, building game and dragon game experience, all in one.

VENTURE INTO BATTLEGROUNDS: Open the Iron Gates and bring your empire’s troops and dragon into the unforgiving lands North of The Wall to fight a whole new war! Test your allegiance’s strategies, strength and coordination by battling unyielding monsters for exciting loot on time-limited instances of The Great Ranging and Titans of the North.

STAND WITH YOUR ALLIES: Although you can play solo, no battle strategy game experience is complete without a powerful allegiance to call upon.

Experience the official Game of Thrones strategy building game on mobile with Game of Thrones: Conquest.

BUILD A KINGDOM: This strategy building game starts with you leading a house in Westeros.

Raise and train your dragon, command troops, and battle to secure Seats of Power for your empire.

COLLECT HEROES: Over 90 heroes from Game of Thrones to collect, such as Daenerys: Mother of Dragons and Tyrion: Hand of the King.

Start your own empire, lead armies and use your dragon to rain destruction on your enemies.

A powerful dragon is the cornerstone of your armies and protector of your empire.

Level them up and place them in your Small Council to boost battle and building stats.

GROW YOUR DRAGON: Build a dragon pit and receive a rare dragon egg to hatch.

Become an unstoppable force and forge the next empire in the Great War.

Name, customize and train your own dragon to use as the ultimate war weapon.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 79,893 combined software reviews.

280 Game of Thrones Reviews

4.3 out of 5


You Decide

The game is very addicting and fun when you first start. There are several events that come and go and give good rewards. The graphics are are decent for a mobile game and there’s a lot of content to play through. As you progress in levels it gets very difficult to do anything without making purchases, which I do understand that the game needs to make money, but that puts the players who cannot spend $20-$50+ often at the very bottom. Also, there are many high level players that will CONSISTENTLY bully others with no hesitation. The bullying may vary from kingdom to kingdom, but don’t be surprised if you see yourself or a player being bullied. As several other players have said, it is a very unwelcoming community, but there are some decent players that will make the game a little bit more tolerable. Another issue with this game is the attention you need to give it throughout your day. Higher level players will most likely reset what other players have worked very hard for or purchased, in this case it would be resources (food, wood, etc.), and without being attentive, the player cannot know when someone is about to attack their keep, which in the end means that the average person who works and has a busy schedule will not succeed in this game by any means. Based on what I have experience myself and seen, it’s a playable game to an extent but not worth investing your time unless you want to invest your money on it.

Download and play for yourself.


Great game but NOT secure

The game is fun and addicting. Really feels like game of thrones in a game. I’ve been playing for over a year and made friends in my alliance and the kingdom. The only downside is be careful with your account. It can get stolen and WB can’t even determine the right owner to return it to. I play in now a merged kingdom 548. An account named Adela was stolen by another player. he wrote to WB to get access back to his account and he got it back for a couple days which is great. Then suddenly for some reason WB returned his account to the THIEF! Also to give you an idea of how expensive the stolen account is I wanna add that the stolen account is a K35, great stats, with a fully grown dragon. And if you have No idea about this game—we’re not talking just 5K-25K, these are cheaper accounts. It can be very expensive to play this game to only lose your account like that. If you’re playing for a very long time and have receipts in their system other than your own copies in your game account and card on your payments on pack buying you would expect them to know you’re the real account owner to return the account to. But instead WB returned this owner’s account to the thief! It’s very disappointing when you’re playing and see the stolen account around the kingdom.. the thief is enjoying an expensive stolen account. While the real owner who played in that account for over a year and spent a ton of money on it is empty handed now.


This has about killed it for me

The glitches in this game have gotten out of control. Over the past few weeks there have been numerous glitches that effect the play and flow of the game. After a day or two we get a notice saying “ sorry, my bad “ here’s a couple of gold coins (300 or so)The only issue I’ve ever had happened a week ago. I was about to stop playing for the day. I purchased three, 24 hour shields to protect my keep/castle. When I checked back my keep had been ransacked. I emailed the developers about this problem they immediately sent out 50k in gold to rectify the problem. The problem is that I’ve been building this stuff up for months and that amount would replace a forth of what I had lost. I asked only for them to replace what I had lost. Nothing more, nothing less. I was met with a “ we’ve had players take advantage of us in the past, so this is the way we do things now “ I can’t help but feel ripped off. I lost things to no fault of my own and because of what someone else supposedly did I have to just take it and be happy. Tell people up front how great, fun, and challenging this game can be. Then tell them what can and will happen when things go side ways on the developers part. If I had known how this would have been, I would have never started playing this game. I recommend you think long and hard before you start.


Game Money Racket

Have attempted play the game across the span of 3 years now. Numerous known glitches (same ones for 3 years) that are proven unfixable(they have the tech, $$$, and resources to fix if they really wanted too). Customer Service doesn’t take any responsibility when it comes to fair compensation to losses incurred on your account due to their known game’s glitches. Plain and simple this game was designed with a known shelf life and the goal during that shelf life is to rake the customer for every $$$$ until the shelf life runs out. The glitches can be fixed they are there purposefully because with loss comes opportunity to spend. Also a certain % of users won’t complain(free rake of the pot for them). Customer service takes time in responding because % of users will give up and go back to playing. Once customer service does compensate this is always fractional and never adequate. Once again this is by design they’ll give you enough back once you’ve hounded them so that you can spend to get you the rest of the way back. Calculated designed money pit easily seen when crossed referenced among numerous other games. The customer comes last here unless a really high end clientele. This is a cash cow being milked until there’s none left. *Warning stay away* If you have downloaded, but haven’t started playing delete GameofThrones off the phone and shower immediately to cleanse this filth off of you. Shame on greedy companies especially during a global pandemic.


The ultimate in a money grubbing, broken game.

Your choice is simple: Spend little or nothing and be food for others who do pay, spend a small fortune and manage to exist and be food for the big spenders, or be a big spender and find out that the only way to stay there is to keep on spending big. They even have an event called the iron bank, where the ONLY way to make any progress in the event is to directly spend money.

I get the pay to win model. Most games have some balance to it. This one has none. Heck, you can spend $33,000 on your account and STILL not get the T30 keep. I know this directly. My choice.. no blame, but have an idea of what you need to spend if you’re going to be a “big dog”. My review isn’t about things costing money. It’s the amount of money, and that EVERYTHING costs money to move on. It also uses the lure and hook model. Everything starts off great.. fast building, fast troops, quick research.. but quickly runs into a wall of must spend.

The game is also full of bugs and glitches that seem to only be getting worse with time, not better. The problem with this is compounded with the costing model since one crash at a bad time can cost you real $$. Horrendously expensive garbage.


Sliding scale

GameofThrones moves the goal post. It’s rewards are insufficient for moderate playing. Inconsistent researching, building, and troop building play. There is no way you can be worldly successful in GameofThrones unless you are dropping major money. I’ve had four keeps. I’ve kept the largest and smallest and did a comparison. I slowed up my game play. Im unable to upgrade my dragon until I reach keep 20 which forces a fast build. Fast build does not mean you will succeed. You have to continuously kill creatures in order to level up on how high you make your armor. Expeditions are worth less than what you put into it. There is never enough lore and never enough red flakes for research, especially for larger keeps. You can never keep enough food on hand and you can’t stockpile. You are charged wild cost to box the food you collect. The longer I stay in this game, the more I want to quit. Im going to level up on the smaller keep soon. If you start playing, I would not pay. You are better off going to GameStop and buying a game that has you purchase skins. You have some type of end achievement with purchasing true games. There is no the end to this game-nothing to really complete. Just spend more money. Also I shouldn’t need to be online to raise a shield, that is dumb. I should also be able to load shields consecutively . Not have to pay for a 3 day shield.


Got conquest

The game is a lot of fun. But it can get annoying when houses that are millions of points ahead of you attack you. It’s also annoying that there are certain beginner levels of research, that have 12-15 levels & individually take 20+ hours to research so it’s hard to get new skills. The only way for me to protect more of my food now is to research storehouse, but you have to get to a level 21 maester tower? How tf does that make sense for a BEGINNER level of storehouse protection. It also doesn’t make sense that my wheat levels are constantly disappearing. They say you need to upgrade & research the storehouse, but you don’t have to do that with wood?? I always have ridiculously high levels of wood. You need to make the game more accessible for people who don’t want to blow 10-50 dollars on the game. It’s a free game, which is outrageous. The glitches are annoying and even with new updates they don’t get better. The game seems to only focus on people that spend a ton of money and build up super fast just to attack smaller houses. I would also like to see more variety in the characters. The majority of them are white or men and you should be allowed to customize their looks. When I craft new equipment it’d be cool if that equipment was on the character I have chosen. I love the game and want to continue to play it with my friends but things need to get easier and better for everyone.


Cold Community

Not a very welcoming community. I find myself being ignored in chat when I ask questions, and I was kicked out of an allegiance the game keeps bugging me to join in on with no reason or warning given. The game itself is alright but soon I won’t have the gold to keep protecting my city and since apparently we’re not allowed to integrate ourselves with older players I’ll probably give up soon. I don’t blame the devs for this, obviously, but it would be nice if the players themselves would be more open to providing information to newer players, especially where alliances are involved. Why make it open to join if you’re going to remove players for no reason? After joining, what should I be doing to help out? How are we supposed to protect ourselves and join in on the struggle for power if already established players don’t allow it? Even further, they have zero need for players looking to learn beyond attacking and taking resources from vulnerable people scrambling for allies for their own means because they’re already well ahead. Either way, there’s a lot of improvements that could be made in the attitude of the player base and the immense rift in power between new players and older players. I probably won’t pick the game up again after I run out of gold to buy shields, but it’s fun until you do.



PLEASE IF YOU VALUE MONEY AND TIME STAY AWAY... sadly I started playing this game a few months ago and it was challenging and even fun at first because there was so much to learn but others have been playing this game for years so they are light years ahead of you... if you decide to “pay to play” with buying packs to “get ahead of the competition” think again because there are players spending thousands and even some spending more than $10,000 on this stupid game so you might as well throw your money in the trash because this game has so many bugs and glitches and lags so much that you will never get ahead of your competition... personally i spent $1,100 on this game (I bought 11 of the $99 packs) and I wasn’t even in the top 40 of my the kingdom when it came to strength and guess what happened?! The game failed to send me notifications that I was getting attacked and I lost 98% of my troops and I emailed the developers and all they said was “here is like 70,000 gold” equivalent to like $20) when I spent over $1,000!!! And lost it all because the game glitched and didn’t send me notifications properly like it had always done before.... please stay away unless you are a millionaire and can afford to spend a couple thousand dollars on a game... better yet go donate your money stop child sex trafficking or helping the homeless - I will regret for a long time putting a single dime into this terrible game


Would give 5 stars but...

The game is great the first few days until you get stuck doing the same thing for hours and days at a time, it makes you just want to delete the game, because it’s either you stand still or you spend money, so I kind of feel forced to spend money, which takes away the fun of the game. I need 25,000 dragon lore to continue upgrading my dragon but even though I max out all of my daily quest you only get about 62 dragon lore a chest and you don’t get it in every chest, I feel like the rate of obtaining dragon lore while completing quest should definitely be higher. The game is fun but the high request of money just to progress through the game, makes my need to want to play feel pointless. Like, we can’t even build gear higher than level 1, unless we spend money, if we’re working hard and playing the game we should be rewarded. Then people who spend loads of money on the game team up and take over anything and the people who don’t like to spend money like that or can’t afford to have nothing to look forward to achieving, as if there’s no chance to even be able to complete and they definitely talk like that and are very cocky about it, I just feel like the game is free for a reason and the need to spend money seems forced instead of an option.


Horrible don’t waste you time

The saddest thing is playing a game you love with developers that only care about your money. First— I have bought stuff from the store only to never have it given to me. So I think well maybe the order didn’t go through not true. They charged my credit card three of four times for the same transaction. I have fought with Apple and the WB neither one cares about the customers. I have had to ask my credit card companies fight on my behalf because neither side will help. Apple has some policy on we can’t refund if you never got the item or being charged several times for items. Telling the WB needs to solve the problem. Good luck with that, they never answer and when they do they tell you to get the refund from Apple. Second— the game is always glitchy, the developers are always trying to “fix” the problems but they never get fixed. Third— I love playing the game it hurts me when I cannot. The GOT community is awesome so when asked by Apple why don’t you just stop playing it’s because we all love the game. We just wish that Apple and the WB would really help us the customers from constantly get s*****d over. So I write this with sorrow in my heart but don’t invest in playing with the game. Not until the WB and Apple take serious the amount of robbing that is going on because of the glitches in the game. Save yourself the trouble. Walk away!


P2W non P2W gap

This game is a good one along the lines of castles and such and that is worth the 1 star. But a few rather large recommendations to make this game more accessible to everyone. 1. And this is a big one get rid of bricks, soldier pine, keystones, scholarly fragments, flakes, and shards. Those things hinder players so much. Everything is so expensive to build it’s outrageous. It limits non P2W players of getting any progress, yes there are events but you’d have to constant farm for 10 bricks. And at castle 14 it takes about 60+ bricks each item. Same with the other things listed no other P2W game requires anything like those, it just hinders people greatly 2. Also a rather big one, I like the bannermen theme and everything but I believe being the t1 of an allegiance should be in direct contact with who joins.
I believe the t1 should have the right to kick out anyone they want from the allegiance.
Also make an option to set the allegiance to private. So people can only join unless invited. 3. Have a “hero” concept like on game of war mobile strike etc 4.fix Daenerys’ left eye in the loading screen and where ever she pops up, and Margery Tyrell, she is the only one who looks nothing like her human counterpart. 5. Make a Private messaging system along with an allegiance mail. 6. Be able to send resources to allies 7. Allegiance gifting, say you buy a pack. Everyone in the allegiance gets a reward like GoT/Mobile strike.


Great concept

This game would be great..if it didn’t have so many purchases required to even stand a chance. The big houses are openly admitting to cheating. Using hackers to steal resources, etc. not to mention harassment in chat, etc. there is NO fallback or security to report players for anything. Cheating, threats, etc. nothing to do but email and hope the developers see. I’ve been playing, things have glitches, peace shield has been hacked, all known issues. Especially with people buying robots to run houses for them in multiple servers, etc. something has got to be safe done about this, or you’re going to lose a vast majority of players very quickly. People who are actually playing the game correctly stand no chance against robots programmed to cheat. This is ridiculous. Everything from people threatening NWO, harassing messages, spam and viruses in chat rooms. It’s complete chaos. I regret every penny ever put into this game, and I’m a little nobody. The Big players are also regretting this game due to the ridiculous amount of cheating getting through the servers however they’re doing it. This is the last time I’m accessing this until the entire game is redone. Absolutely ridiculous. People wanting to fly to meet me, hacking accounts that are bound to Facebook, etc and being able to find MY personal information?! Seriously...there is a huge security issue with this game vs IT hackers.


Not looking good

I’ve been playing this game over two months and in that time the glitches have gotten progressively worse! It’s super frustrating & disappointing. Some of the features are fun but the best part of this game is the social aspect of meeting, communicating with people from various countries and becoming friends with some. However this is a spenders game. The resources needed to upgrade are crazy ridiculous, millions upon millions. The game would be much better if 1.the glitches weren’t a daily occurrence, multiple times daily 2. You could at all times send resources to your alliance (not just with buying packs that pass gifts at random) 3. T1 of the group should be able to cut anyone at all times 4.Keeps or players should only be able to attack other players within their troops level. 5. Cut the resources needed to upgrade in half!!!! Everything costs way too much. 25 mill food and 25 mill wood plus brick ( that I had to buy), keystone, etc to upgrade a keep 19 is excessive people. Worst of all is the glitches! I’ve had people in my alliance myself included that don’t mind paying to advance (within reason) but not with the glitches and sample response message you get whenever you submit a ticket. My number one spender has left the game. WB really should do better to make the game more glitch free & enjoyable for all whether people are spending money or not.



This game starts out fun. But it gets addictive and expensive if you ever want to level up. And another major issue is that you can be attacked by players who are far more advanced than you. When it should be keeps at the same keep levels that should attack each other. You can’t attack certain enemies because you’re either to weak or too strong, but you can be at 5,000,009 power, and someone over 100mil can attack you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Unless you plan to spend 1000 in gold everyday for a peace shield. This game is meant for those willing to spend major money. It cost so much to upgrade, grow your dragon, train your troops, and research! It’s literally a money pit! I’ve been playing almost a year (keep level 19, dragon level almost 30, and he’s not even really able to do anything until level 40, which will be mad expensive to get to, or it’ll take years lol). I’m almost ready to delete GameofThrones ! And there was a issue that happened Saturday, that has me heated! I was teleported out of my spot, and attacked! The place I was at was pretty good at keeping the peace, even if you weren’t bubbled! I was moved, and almost wiped out. You have to play this game all throughout the day, if you plan to survive. It’s time consuming and costly! You’ve been warned lol!



Game of Thrones Conquest is definitely a fun and addictive game. In all kingdoms there are the friendlies and the assertive and the bullies. High ranking to low there are variables in play, how much is expected in/from your allegience, and whether you are targeted or not. I’ve been lucky , in the three realms I play each has some excellent friends and Allie’s, one more bullies than the other two but lots of folks to help you succeed. I suggest an Allegiance that nurtures their players, and to form a routine with a budget. Many are free to play but not having a shield is another skill set, it can be done but requires paying attention and making yourself the least vulnerable that you can. Can farm soldiers to other players but hard to use those soldiers when they are more than a few leagues away with a teammate. I’ve been here more than three years, since the Red Temple it’s been more enjoyable because you don’t loose ALL your power and troops with one hit. I personally don’t attack other keeps unless they go after my seat of power or a teammate. But that IS part of the game. 👸🏼Good Luck


Love yet hate

I’ve enjoyed this game quite a bit. But I have a couple ideas to make it better. First, there needs to be a better way to send a percentage of your troops on a march. Also, it would be nice to have a cue for the marches: so when your troops are on a march and return they immediately go to the next march on the cue. One cue for each march slot. AND allow the marches to battle several targets on one march. For example, if there are two targets next to each other, why would they have to come back to the castle instead of just battling two targets on the same march.
Finally, I don’t think you should be able to attack a house if that player is offline. It depletes their troops and supplies and they have no option to defend themselves. Many times I have opened the game to find my stashes gone and my troops wounded or killed. I am not available to play this game 24/7 and I would like it if I didn’t loose everything I’ve built while I’m at work or unavailable.
That’s all I’ve got for now.


Pay to win sense the merge

I loved this game when I first downloaded it. Spawned on a newer server and my friends and I would get together on the weekends and drink coffee and collaborate for the events. We got our kingdoms to level 18... and then the merge happened. They merged our server with that of a server that has been around longer. Needless to say they made a huge mistake. All the keeps from the previous server are lv 30+. As a single mom and someone who works it’s near impossible to keep a peace shield up constantly. You leave it down for one hour and a lv 30+ comes and completely kills all your troops and takes down your walls. Not for resources. Just to take down your entire wall and kill all your troops. I’ve exhausted all my resources and to have week long peace shields costs actual money. You now have to pay to win or be constantly on your phone in order to keep your troops alive and continue to level. It’s not something you can enjoy when you have a little free time. It has to dominate your life. I would continue to play the game if they could implement a rule that only allows you to attack people within 5 or 10 levels of your keep. That would give the little guys a chance. Uninstalled because I no longer can enjoy the game and it’s caused me so much heart break every time I have to revive my troops and rebuild my keep.


Must be a masochist to play this game

Don’t waste your time or money (yes i know the game is free but trust me ... you will spend money and regret it if you download it).... there are other better games to download of this style that are not plagued by glitches (where this one creates more than it fixes with every update); that the developers admit mistakes and ensure that any wrongdoing is rectified (where these developers blame the user for everything and fail to be empathetic let alone offering recompense); that do not offer a stale platform where big spenders rule and bully because there is no realignment and merge has happened once per kingdom in a year and a half.
Most recently I was logged in to my account and was unable to do anything as my keep was rallied and zeroed as I was forced to sit and watch after trying everything to get my shield to raise or teleport. The glitches have become oppressive and WB does not care as long as there are players spending money. This is the third major glitch effect during my time playing including one that bought a 100$ pack instead of the 5$ pack that I clicked on.
I was forced to give it one star because I can’t give it zero. That one star is the friends I made playing the game who are fantastic however every single one of them threatens to quit daily because the game is so oppressive it takes the fun away.


Spend money lost it all

This game is okay at first in till you gain a little power and then you have guys with thrice what you have come in and destroy it all. You will literally have no defense unless you constantly keep a peace shield up which will eventually cost you as well. You can be asleep and the some over hyped guy can come and ruin it all which will take you back to square one. GOT Conquest moderators do nothing about that probably like it because they think you’ll spend more money to build your keep and solider back up. There should be a minimum power level that you can attack pertaining to your own level because getting attack by someone that can hit you only once and kill everyone in your keep doesn’t make me want to keep playing. Honesty I would like my money back I spent here at least in other games when I spend I get to keep my results. My suggestion to other players is don’t spend money to get more rss it’s a waste. But the games it self is very glitchy lots of closing on its own and restarts also sometimes just collecting your rss can cause a glitch. Maybe don’t play at all most of the game is control by powerful groups already so there is not much left for the new players and new allegiances.
My take on GameofThrones don’t download it’s not worth it.

Is Game of Thrones Safe?

Yes. Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 79,893 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Game of Thrones Is 81.3/100.

Is Game of Thrones Legit?

Yes. Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 79,893 Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Game of Thrones Is 100/100..

Is Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ not working?

Game of Thrones: Conquest ™ works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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