UPDATE: One comment for the developers--it's almost impossible to get 3 stars on the expert level. Try it for yourselves! Either Angela has to move faster, or the time/number of customers has to be adjusted. Even with chaining, 3 stars on expert just isn't achievable.
I have all of the Emily games available for iPhone, as well as all of them on the PC. I love these developers because they consistently deliver high-quality games with interesting storylines and lots of replay-ability.
This one has Angela--Emily's extremely annoying, self-centered sister--experiencing life in a way she never envisioned.
I wasn't sure a game about Angela would work, because she IS such an annoying little twit. Based on the first four levels, it has the potential to be stellar. (At the very least, those of us who don't like Angela can laugh at her misfortunes!)
And for all the people who think it should be "free"--grow up, children. Nothing is free in life--when you move out of your parents' basements, you'll realize that. People should be paid for their work--I think these game developers deserve it more than many do, simply because their products are so good.
Eagerly awaiting the full game!