High School Driving Test 3D Reviews

High School Driving Test 3D Reviews

Published by on 2023-05-25

About: It’s your Big Day! Are you ready to earn your driving license? Take charge
of your new car and hit the road! Brush up on the rules and road signs, master
the tricky parking spots (parallel parking, park between two vehicles, reverse
parking, garage parking, etc), and practice your driving in realistic extreme
weather conditions! Can you impress the driving instructor and earn the license
to your long-awaited freedom? ***T.

About High School Driving Test 3D

***Take your skills to the next level.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 58,599 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of High School Driving Test 3D

- Realistic feel of driving

- Many different options for driving conditions

- Free drive mode with customizable time of day and location

- Variety of levels and challenges

- Easy to drive cars

- Updates with new features and characters

20 High School Driving Test 3D Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Best driving app ever!!

This is the best driving app ever! I’ve tried so many and NONE are as good as this one!! The new update on it, is AMAZING!! All of the different levels on it is awesome, some other driving car games don’t have lots of different level selects like this one. My favorite one is the free drive! I love how you can just drive wherever you want and you just feel free. Although I also like the other level games. My favorite of those is the garage one! I love parking and maneuvering my car! It’s also cool
Because you have to keep watch of other cars because they all of a sudden just cut right in front of you, so I think that makes it more fun and challenging! HighSchoolDrivingTest3D also makes you feel like you’re actually driving, other apps feels so fake! It feels like you are interacting with the game! Another thing that I like about HighSchoolDrivingTest3D is the different weather phases! It makes it like you interacting with the games and it also makes it challenging!! But, the only thing that I would change about this game is where there are cones, so you can’t go there. I understand that there’s probably a glitch there but I think that that should be changed and fixed. But like I said HighSchoolDrivingTest3D IS THE BEST!! I DEFINITELY recommend HighSchoolDrivingTest3D to everyone!! It’s so easy, so little kids could do it too! I’m ADDICTED TO HighSchoolDrivingTest3D!! I’m always playing it so if I like it, (I’m only 10-13 years old) then I think lots of other people will enjoy it too!!



First things first, I love HighSchoolDrivingTest3D! I love that it can show u how to drive in any condition. I also like the free drive in this game! But, my reasoning for only giving 3 out of 5 stars is just simply, the glitches. As I drive, the game continuously freezes causing me to crash, or the game itself crashes. Sometimes, when the game glitches, the car appears to be falling out of the sky and it's getting smaller as if it was drifting away. As this happens, I also notice that the speed increases majorly, and I mean, it increases in thousands. That's the best I could really explain that glitch. The last glitch that I have found is that the other cars often crash into each other. I the game, there is a big fountain in the middle of the road. Earlier today, I saw a red car drive in circles near the fountain and eventually crash into a building. And a few times, there have been cars that stop at a red light and never move again, even when the light is green. The other cars also crash into each other, but I'm not going to make that a big deal because that is supposed to happen because in reality cars do crash. I see most of the other cars crashing right by the Jazzfunk theater and grand ocean road. Sometimes, I will even see the cars crashing in the new realms cinema garage. If the other cars crashing is not supposed to be a factor in the game, then I guess it's another glitch. I'm hoping for there to be a new update where all of these glitches are fixed.


Love this app!

i encourage anyone hesitating to download this application, to do it NOW. i enjoy Driving Test especially because of the real feel of driving i get whilst using it. i find that other similar looking driving apps don’t give me the same functionality or excitement as this one does. another feature i am especially fond of is the many different options for how you would wish to drive, along with the conditions. for example i enjoy the Free Drive, as you can choose the time of day, or where you choose to adventure. i also enjoy the Friends Driving feature, allowing you to follow along a story among your friends, while driving them places. the one thing however, that i would like to see a change in and would make a world of difference for me would having other cars driving with you in the Free Drive. i find it lonely and creepy at times to be driving alone in this feature. another thing that i would wish to see a difference in is also in the Free Drive where you can go into the parking garage, and other blocked off places, as they are blocked off with cones. other than that i highly encourage everyone to dowload HighSchoolDrivingTest3D!


Great game... Just a few problems.

Okay first of all I just wanted to let you guys at games2win is that you are amazing at making games. Okay so the problem is that, when you are taking license tests and you go downhill sometimes it takes off heath points because (I’m assuming that the car touches the bottoms of the road). Also from the images and videos I see in the raining weather there are no turning signal/blinkers that you can use. Also this is a suggestion for some cars you changed over the time, (example: the beetle car) looks weird in a way and what drives me crazy when I see that car on the road and I want to drive the original car. I understand copyright laws. However if you can or you are willing to make it look as close to real thing as possible can you please do it? Thanks! I hope the person reading this has a wonderful day and keep up the great games!



I love this game I love playing it too. I also love the updates you have done. I encourage all to play this game. One time you could do is ... it would take along time though is to make it if you could open and shut the garage doors. (A few more things) make it day and night in free without starting over. And maybe making it where you could go in the houses. That would attract more people to your game. But to do that a button. Make it more choice not your choice per say. Other than those I love this game. Hope to hear back from you. Thanks!!!!!! And one more thing on the cars ad a spot of cars you have or name them and there it is your car.

Love this game get it.


The best driving game

I have played this game for a long time and I love it! I have recommended it to many people .I love how the cars look and how easy they are to drive unlike most driving games . There are some changes that would make it a better game overall though . Different interiors for different cars so it really is realistic and you can tell what you are in by the interior. The free drive is what I play all the time but I wish there could be more things added in it like another town or just more stores , still keeping what is already there. I have played many driving games but this is definitely my favorite. It may be too much to ask for but I think it would improve the game!


What happened to the other chapters.

Like the rain,snow, drama, not to mention the other new people that they introduced to you in the new chapters what’s up with that. I want that back I mean I’ve mastered all of the driving test,garage,car control, and road signs. I need something more some new chapters. Those were the best. I used to give 5 stars because I loved this game so much I would delete it then download it again that’s how good it was when you added the new chapters but now you are only getting 4 stars because you took off the new chapters. Besides people are just gonna delete it when the road signs chapter stops because that’s all that is left.


great app, just a few problems!

so i absolutely LOVE playing this and always have, i deleted it last year because i just played it too much and just recently got it back and noticed a few changes of the things i loved about the game and now don’t like. first i noticed in the free drive there’s no other traffic and i actually liked the traffic, i suggest you put traffic back. second i noticed that the cars are going “60 mph” but it seems like you’re going soooooo slow and i would like to go a little faster. but otherwise those, i love the map sooo much and the features with the stores and restaurants, tunnel, parking garage, just everything! good job on the game, games 2 win! i love all of your games!


Constructive Criticism about the app "HS Driving". Please Respect what I have to say.

HighSchoolDrivingTest3D "HS Driving" is a game that not only doesn't actually teach people anything, but it also gives the society different views such as one where you look at it from the perspective of right in front of it. This does not teach the users how to drive at all because that angle makes them think that a left turn on the wheel, from the rear perspective, is a right turn on the car. Along with that, when people actually start to drive they won't be able to look from the titled "rear" perspective.
This article was not meant to hurt anyone at all. Simple suggestions are my way of broadening this worlds tech and skills as they can be. Please take these things into consideration. Along with being respectful about my ideas and constructive criticism. Thank you for reading. 2/5.



I'm so impressed the only thing I have to suggest is that the new city is awesome but it would be cool If you could make a new or a world with highways country's and oceans with bridges and stores and places to park your car I love the new update ! It's awesome but I really want another new city added Mabey a bit bigger also it would be nice to be able to switch from day and night in free drive from inside playing instead of having to leave and then go back in the game , same with your car ... also if in free play the stop lights where brought back in :) thanks



I like this game. It was really fun to play in the beginning. I would play it all the time. The stories made it fun. Now I hardly play it or don’t play it at all. The stories are gone from the update and it’s just no more fun. What happened to them? Why did they go away? And it use to rain and snow as well and those are gone too. Now all that’s left is day and night and those aren’t too fun. I will play it again but as long as there is a new update with the stories and including rain and snow. I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks! Those rain and snow chapters were fun to play because you can bring your friends to houses or get gifts for Christmas and none of that is there anymore. Are you guys going to bring those old awesome chapters back????? If you do that would be really fun and awesome


Camera Angle Difficulty and Freezing

I absolutely loved this game for awhile up until I started playing one morning and the camera angles you can use stopped functioning properly. It’s frusterating me. I can no longer see the car from the back and only from the drivers seat or the front of the car (where you can’t see the car at all). Then when I try those angles, eventually the camera angle does not move, and my car is the only thing going. The game is also freezing after 2 minutes of playing each time I enter the game, so then I have to exit and enter every 2 minutes or so. I really loved this game but now it’s difficult and frusterating to even play. Please fix this.


Fun but would love some Minor things done

I love this GAME!!!♥️ it is soo addicting and the best game ever!!!but I would like a few things done to make it more realistic 1. Drive ins or drive through that cost a little money or something 2. Getting gas if you have no more gas hurry up an go gets some!!! And tells you how muck gas you have and finally the best the most cool is and I really really really really hope you guys can make an update so it can do this it is 3. If you don’t follow the rules and run a stop light crash into some one or go to fast POLICE!!!!! And it cost coins to pay the ticket!! Pls pls pls do one of these changes!! It would officially be the best game in the entire world!!!😬😁😊🙏🙏🙏💖💖


Been playing for years

This game has changed a lot over time. It improved and took away some amazing things. Great driving game! My favorite in fact! I just love driving games and this one will stay with me forever. So let’s get into the suggestions I have. One, I know that you have ads to make money but it’s a lot of ads I rennet having no ads at all when I first started. Two, in free drive I would loveeee to have actually cars and traffic not just me on the road alone. I miss having stop lights.. it made it seem so real. Also I wish we could play with friends and stuff!! Please extend the stories with the friends it’s so fun! Great job hope you see this!


Great but a few improvements

This game is a great game to play when bored or looking to full time. It is wonderful in the concept and I really love driving games. There are a few things that would improve the game like a cop that would give you a ticket if you didn’t follow the rules. There is a life bar that gives you 3 mistakes before you have to restart the level, but it would be more enjoyable if there was a police on duty. Also in free drive mode there is no moving cars that could help, like the levels. I think that the game is much more creative than other driving games and I recommend it strongly.


Good game

This game has everything you would want to have an a real life card game it starts off very easy but as it progressed and go on it gets really hard so if you’re looking for a good game who’s helping you drive and also having fun you should totally download this game this game has more and events that you can do it also L update you on everything if you let you in as well as you’ll be addicted to this game just like I am I have been playing this game for more than three days already and I am on it’s 727 so you should totally download this game


I love it but

I love this game but It would be more realistic if we could join friends, have our own house, if we could get out and eat and get in buildings, Choose what our character looks like, have a family or live alone, and have pets and more. It’s really addictive but it would be more addictive if you would add these things. Thank you and I hope you can do some of these. At least try to do where we could get out of our car and join friends and have a house. Thank you.



It’s great and everything but it really weird. Sometimes I wouldn’t even touch something surrounding me and it would say that I need to try better or something like that. Also I think the roads we have to turn on to on the driving test bit is way to narrow and I have to reverse in and out of it almost all the time just to get through. Also the level I’m on now (39) is not working. When I tried parking to finish the level it wouldn’t pass me on to the next level. I even parked there perfectly and in the yellow. So I don’t know how I’m going to pass through the level if it’s not going to let me. Because if I can’t go on I’m stuck.


Great but...

First things first, my game won’t update. My sister has HighSchoolDrivingTest3D also and hers updated a week or so ago and mine hasn’t updated. Secondly the rain, snow, and drama stories were fun and game isn’t as fun. The game would be better if those stories were added back. Also I find that I can’t get into the parking garages like we used to be able to. Also I think you should also add in the street lights. Also the I sometimes lose a life because the cars aren’t stopping at the stop signs and it’s hard because it isn’t really teaching kids that stopping at s stop sign is important because if the don’t the could crash into another car. Thanks!



I love this game I’ve been playing for years and years since I was kid now I’m a teenager. I would like an option to change the weather through day and night on the free drive. That would be an excellent add on and even traffic lights. Certain updates like that would be great. Also add a highway road on the roads that are blocked by the tunnel that would be cool. Overall the game is amazing keep up the great work

Is High School Driving Test 3D Safe?

Yes. High School Driving Test 3D is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 58,599 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for High School Driving Test 3D Is 79.7/100.

Is High School Driving Test 3D Legit?

Yes. High School Driving Test 3D is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 58,599 High School Driving Test 3D User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for High School Driving Test 3D Is 100/100..

Is High School Driving Test 3D not working?

High School Driving Test 3D works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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