MeWe Network

MeWe Network Software

Company Name:

About: MeWe is the anti-Facebook providing Next-Gen Social Networking with No Ads, No Spyware, and No BS.
MeWe members are #Not4Sale.
Headquarters: Los Angeles, California, United States.


MeWe Network Overview

What is MeWe Network? MeWe is a social networking platform that offers exciting and easy-to-use features for authentic connecting with friends, family, and common interest groups. It is a next-gen social network that has no ads, no targeting, and no newsfeed manipulation. MeWe members enjoy total control over what they share along with full ownership of their content and data. The platform has no facial recognition, and no newsfeed or content manipulation common on other social media platforms. MeWe members see every post, chat, comment, etc., made by individuals, pages and groups they are connected with, in true timeline order.


- Dedicated newsfeeds for close friends versus all contacts

- Private and open groups

- Fan and business pages

- Great chat features for both 1:1 and group chats

- Disappearing content

- Fun custom camera with cool tricks and GIF creation

- Live voice and live video for around the world connections

- Next-gen voice messaging

- Personal social cloud

- Custom member profiles for every group

- Premium sticker packs available in the MeWe Store

- MeWe members own their data and enjoy the protection of MeWe’s Privacy Bill Of Rights.

- Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, and MeWe's founder, Mark Weinstein, is a world-renowned privacy advocate.

Official Screenshots


MeWe Network Pricing Plans

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $5.13
Monthly Subscription $7.82

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Product Details and Description of

MeWe is the uplifting next-gen social network with awesome social features and No BS. No Ads, No Targeting, No Newsfeed manipulation. MeWe has exciting, easy-to-use features for authentic connecting with friends, family, and common interest groups, including: dedicated newsfeeds for close friends versus all contacts; private and open groups; fan and business pages; great chat features for both 1:1 and group chats; disappearing content; fun custom camera with cool tricks and GIF creation; live voice and live video for around the world connections; next-gen voice messaging; personal social cloud; custom member profiles for every group; and more. MeWe members enjoy total control over what they share along with full ownership of their content and data. The next-gen social networking platform has no facial recognition, and no newsfeed or content manipulation common on other social media platforms. MeWe members see every post, chat, comment, etc., made by individuals, pages and groups they are connected with, in true timeline order. MeWe members own their data and enjoy the protection of MeWe’s Privacy Bill Of Rights. MeWe is advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, and MeWe's founder, Mark Weinstein, is a world renowned privacy advocate. Premium sticker packs are available in the MeWe Store. Copyright JoyPixels Inc. 2019. Privacy policy: Terms of use:

Top Reviews

By notimpressedwiththisgame

So much better than Facebook

It’s basically just like Facebook, but much cleaner both aesthetically and ethically. No advertisements, no algorithms manipulating what you see, no data mining, and a strong commitment to privacy. You are not the product which I appreciate. It makes its money by offering certain features at low-cost. Well her personal page or while or whatever you call it is free, a business page cost $2.50 Per month. Business page post don’t need to be boosted because they are shown to everyone who signs up to see your business page, unlike Facebook which hides your posts unless you pay extra to boost them. I’ve only been on MeWe for a week and I love it. We just need to put real effort into filling it with content an encouraging her friends to move over and do the same so that it has a chance of survival

By Vagaband

Progressive on content and sensitive topics

This is an awesome social media platform which allows users to find people who may have lives deemed to risqué for the more mainstream apps which may delete accounts or ban users for posting real life information in an honest way; MeWe has so far allowed me to post information pertaining to my usage of narcotics as well as the many intricate and often taboo aspects of my life as a sensual bodyworker/sex worker and the connection which that provides me to many illicit, taboo or illegal arenas of the world of sex, taboo and erotic industry. Thanks for an awesome launching pad for a real account of my life which doesn't require me to avoid 70% of my life because it is too "shocking" for people to know. Nudity is natural, sex is natural, now let's post more hardcore truth please, I want to know only what you choose to keep private :)

By slapman256

Total Control of your own Social Media Security Protocols.

It has been over week now and “I AM ALL IN” with MeWe. It is refreshing to use, knowing that your security and privacy is the top level of the design that you do not have to think about. It is so comprehensive in your group sections and so easy to vet people and groups. It’s just plain delightful to use to communicate with others. My personal information is MINE to control or disseminate as I choose. There is nothing else worth using. I will spend 2 weeks inviting FB people to MEWE but after that, FB gets Washed, Flushed, Rinsed and Shredded. It Is very hard to communicate with a closed mind. FB is like a pickpocket that is able to steal the underwear that you have on without Actually taking off your suit pants while you are walking down the street😱.

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