Overall, DivineOffice is very useful. First, it’s more intuitive than iBreviary and it doesn’t have the mistakes that the other one has. There isn’t as much scrolling through options here, for example. The audio is a useful tool since I travel a lot and would miss Hours without it. However, as useful as it is, I find the reading to be a little distracting in all honesty. It seems a little…exaggerated to me, almost like it’s trying to be emotional. For someone like me who normally prays the breviary in common this is very distracting.
The hymn choice I feel could also be improved to match the actual breviary. This would make it easier for a mixed group of people praying with the book or DivineOffice. Besides, I’ve never heard any of these hymns so I don’t know them anyway. But, there’s no accounting for taste. Some folks like the reading and others like the hymns. Just my thoughts.
The main improvement I see is for the Daytime Hours. Terce, Sext, and None all use the Complementary Psalmody instead of the Current one for the day. It would be very helpful to those of us who need to pray the Hours (clergy, religious, seminarians) if the Current Psalmody was included for at least one of the daytime hours. This is one thing that iBreviary does better. As it stands now, Daytime Prayer ends up being the exact same set of psalms every day.