🏷️ About:
The Divine Office App is an opportunity for you to participate in the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, an ancient and meditative collection of psalms, hymns and scripture that represent the public prayer of the Christian community.
If you are unable to pray in community, but love the contentment of praying with others, a praised feature of the Divine Office App lets you view locations where other Christians around the w.
This isn’t a perfect app. There are editing glitches in the audio (“Ou- ——er, who art in heaven”) that distract. The musical elements won’t suit every taste. As some 1 star reviews will tell you, some of the speakers are quite intense in their delivery, and if you have been raised with the expectation that the voice of scripture is emotionless, then that might challenge you at first.
But will you benefit from opening DivineOffice in the very early morning and seeing that 53 people from all over the world are praying with you? I think so. Without the challenge of place finding in multiple books, might you sometimes enter more deeply into prayer, especially when you are traveling, at work, or sitting down between chores? There’s a good possibility.
Put this one in your spiritual tool belt. Maybe you will never need it. But if you do, this approach to prayer is far better than no prayer at all.
Very good, could be better
by Shatzelator
Overall, DivineOffice is very useful. First, it’s more intuitive than iBreviary and it doesn’t have the mistakes that the other one has. There isn’t as much scrolling through options here, for example. The audio is a useful tool since I travel a lot and would miss Hours without it. However, as useful as it is, I find the reading to be a little distracting in all honesty. It seems a little…exaggerated to me, almost like it’s trying to be emotional. For someone like me who normally prays the breviary in common this is very distracting. The hymn choice I feel could also be improved to match the actual breviary. This would make it easier for a mixed group of people praying with the book or DivineOffice. Besides, I’ve never heard any of these hymns so I don’t know them anyway. But, there’s no accounting for taste. Some folks like the reading and others like the hymns. Just my thoughts.
The main improvement I see is for the Daytime Hours. Terce, Sext, and None all use the Complementary Psalmody instead of the Current one for the day. It would be very helpful to those of us who need to pray the Hours (clergy, religious, seminarians) if the Current Psalmody was included for at least one of the daytime hours. This is one thing that iBreviary does better. As it stands now, Daytime Prayer ends up being the exact same set of psalms every day.
Great tool
by Stickynoteappreviewer
I'm very grateful for DivineOffice. It is my first intro into the liturgy of the hours which can be daunting for someone on their own. I'm glad something so simple is available to a beginner. The physical book is quite the investment so I looked to something online. I like that this is an app rather than a website. I found it easier to use than ibreviary and appreciate its features. The audio recordings are especially helpful so I know what exactly to pray. I also feel more involved in a community when I can pray along with multiple people. A similar touch I like is the location map. I appreciate the download option, adjustable reminders, as well. The only suggestions I have are to make the audio player more user friendly- it's quite small and cannot be adjusted by moving a finger along it. Additionally, I like that the subs can be sped up but I wish it were adjusted by a wheel or menu that included options to speed it up by small intervals so that anything between 1-2 (such as lower than 1.3) could be chosen. I highly recommend DivineOffice for praying the liturgy of the hours!
A good back up
by Trisssspa
I use DivineOffice particularly for Morning prayer when I’m a bit more pressed for time (go to Mass every morning). I don’t have to figure out ribbon placement which seems to take me longer in the morning, particularly for feast days. Also it comes in handy for evening prayer while visiting or traveling when I do not carry the Hours prayer book with me.
As a Discalced Secular Carmelite I do have to make a few adjustments with the order of antiphons and Prayers after the Psalms…no big deal.
A final note I love that DivineOffice shows how many people around the world are praying at the same time as me. It brings me a comfort and joy to offer my prayers with theirs and I find that I want to pray for them too!
Perfect for when I don’t have my book available. Excellent for sneaking in an hour and resetting your day when in between things - like on the way to the grocery store or sitting in line somewhere. I’ve been able to pray more mid day prayers than I ever have before. One teeny tiny update idea: a calendar log of what prayers we said that day. I always mark them at home to have a look back at what hours I’m keeping each day. It helps me to quickly glance back to see when I’ve fallen off and why. No biggie but would be a nice bonus since that has a calendar already.
I’ve been praying with this app daily for a year
by Connor O'Flannery
I’m a Protestant who loves liturgical devotion, and I’ve been so deeply blessed by DivineOffice in the last year. It’s so helpful to have all the readings and liturgy in one place, especially through quarantine and isolation. It had revived my prayer life.
The daily audio is such a gift. I can’t imagine how much time it takes to complete—thank you team! I read silently myself probably 70% of the time, and 30% of the time it’s helpful to play the audio as I read to help me focus. The music isn’t always my taste, but it’s always beautiful and always reverent and tasteful, and that’s incredibly valuable to me.
The feature to see a globe with little dots of light that represent others praying on app at a given moment isn’t necessary to the experience of DivineOffice , but it’s just a moment of generous delight and helps me feel connected to other believers as I pray alone. It’s representative of the incredibly generous spirit with which DivineOffice is crafted.
Thank you team!
Love This App
by Paige Markham
I pray the Office every day and I’ve been using DivineOffice for several years. It makes me feel like I’m praying in community, both from praying along with the audio as well as the cool feature of seeing who in the world is in prayer at the same time. I also like the music and the use of the various Invitatory psalms. I’ve also started praying Night Prayer at bedtime & I find it calms me so I go to sleep faster & have more restful sleep. And the calendar is really useful, too. I love it, can you tell? The only things I’d like to see is the music available for purchase and the musical credit information (singers, composer, etc) for the Te Deum.
I am a Secular Franciscan
by Kqyork
I was given DivineOffice by a friend for my profession years ago. I prefer to read it as opposed to listening to the audio however. The readers are sometimes melodramatic and that affects my own ability to be praying the words to our God. I prefer a monotone reader so that I can put my own emphasis and listen to the Holy Spirit pointing to what I need to hear. I do love the introductions on certain feast days and it is certainly easier than marking with ribbons and carrying my breviary when traveling especially. I couldn’t do without it. I only pray 4 of the hours but sometimes add an extra when I am waiting for an appointment.
A marvelous app. Please make a version for the 1960 rubrics.
by JohnOfGod O.P.N
This is a well made app. It’s easy to use. The LOTH should be easy to use since modern technology obviates the need for ribbons because the relevant text can just be shown sequentially. I sincerely wish you would make DivineOffice for the pre-V2 Breviary. The V2 changes to the LOTH are dramatic. The current version is greatly truncated and has almost nothing about the saint’s feast day. The pre-V2 Breviary is richer, more comprehensive, and frankly way more Catholic. A high quality audio version of the pre-V2 Breviary in the user friendly format you made here would be amazing to say the least. And there’s no copyright issues because they’re in the public domain.
I love being part of the great commission to pray without ceasing. DivineOffice is a wonderful way to fulfill this commission. If you are new or seasoned at praying The Hours, you will be delighted to follow along as the readings, group responses and music is spoken to/played for you. Features of DivineOffice include spoken and musical opportunities to pray The Hours with others the world over. (Nice feature to see a general location map of others who are praying at the same time you are praying!) In this hurried world, stop take a few moments to worship our Heavenly Father. DivineOffice will help you seek and find that which we all need and desire, the presence of God in our lives. God Bless the developers of DivineOffice.
Great for spiritual enrichment
by DWH315
Being quiet honest- for most of my life, I have tried and failed to maintain a consistent personal devotional and prayer life. Coming from an evangelical background, I didn't know about Liturgy of the Hours, or Divine Office. I tried using devotional booklets, or reading and praying through the Psalms with some success but invariably I fell out of the habit. Now, because of DivineOffice and how it functions, not only have I been much more consistent, I also truly look forward to praying the prayers, the readings, the hymns, and the creeds. My faith is stronger and through these prayers, hymns, and readings, I am growing in my Christian faith and walk. Thanks be to God!
Must have App for those who pray the Divine Office!
by Auntjodiloo
I rarely read ANYTHING on my phone or a computer for many reasons, mostly because I love the feel of books. So I have the four book collection for the Divine Office, because the Office of the Readings is my favorite! But sometimes there is an updated feast day that my books don’t have. More often, I am caught without my books and am so happy to have DivineOffice handy for my prayer. One of the best parts of DivineOffice is that the wording is identical to the books. I haven’t found that anywhere else. It is user friendly, especially for people trying to learn the numerous prayers of the day. Love it and if I only could keep one App, this would be the one. ♥️
Prayer is the breath of the spiritual life.
by Jim S. From Florida
Simply put, DivineOffice can help you build a disciplined, regular, daily prayer life. Those who excel in anything are disciplined and regular in their pursuit of their goal. It may be losing weight, it may be learning to play an instrument, it could be any number of things. So too with prayer. If you seek a true. personal relationship with Jesus, you can’t beat the official, daily prayer of the true church, the Catholic (Universal) Church that Jesus Himself established. The Psalms are the very prayers Jesus said, the Scripture readings are the inspired works of the early builders of the Mystical Body of the Church. Live now for eternity! All die, and all choose how they will spend eternity. It’s up to you; Jesus opened the door with the key of His Cross. Now, you need to walk through that door with the Divine Office. Do it!!
Super helpful
by Tori6543588
I have only been introduced to the divine office prayers two times before I downloaded DivineOffice. It is laid out in a way that is very easy to understand, and there is an audio option that will say all of the prayers. There is an option to set reminders throughout the day. I got this because, i didn’t really know how to say the divine office, and I didn’t know what prayer books I needed to purchase to begin. During the shutting down of churches for covid :( this has been a wonderful resource. One cool feature is that you can tap on the “in prayer” link and see little specks of light around the globe lighting up in the area that someone else is praying. It’s so cool to see everyone praying with you and is a powerful reminder that we are all connected and unified in Christ’s mystical body.
When I found the Divine Office app I was looking for a way to connect more deeply with a community based spiritual practice that could be accessible even when unable to gather in person. This has been a balm to my soul. Hearing the voices full of faith and love for God daily has strengthened my own faith.
My only feedback would be that after the first year or so of following along it seemed that tracks were remixed. It seemed voices were overlayed in ways that seemed subtly off. The effect was no longer the depth that one experiences with a group harmonizing together live. After that i stopped listening for a long while as it was so jarring to my perceptions.
This year I have returned to DivineOffice as I still hunger for this type of connection in liturgy. It is still a beautiful experience for me.
A Wonderful Faith Connection
by Richard BV
The Liturgy of the Hours, a/k/a the Divine Office, is one of the most wonderful connection points for my Catholic faith. DivineOffice has proven to me to be a spiritual bridge in time when hurricanes and now COVID have devastated my faith community. I regret not posting this review before because for several years it has been a major part of my daily life. It provides a “user friendly” way to embrace the faith throughout the day. Through the LOTH I feel connected to the Church faithful throughout the world. While I don’t always see a light for my Caribbean island when I check In Prayer, I know God knows I am with his faithful. And when I do see a light it is all the more special! DivineOffice is living proof that technological progress can nurture faith and spirituality on our life journey. I support by monthly contribution and urge everyone to do the same to whatever extent you can. God bless us all!
A perfect resource and answer to the desire for growing my relationship with Christ through prayer.
by Bookworm823
I have desired to grow in my ability to pray and to deepen my faith through prayer but was struggling with how to do this in a way that would integrate prayer into my daily life. DivineOffice was God’s answer to my prayers for help and guidance. With DivineOffice on my phone I am able to awake and begin my day with peaceful stretching and prayer. As I begin my work I am able to prepare for the day’s challenges with the mid morning prayer. As I pause (or not) for lunch I am able to listen to the midday prayer and turn my mind and heart to God. Mid afternoon, evening and night I am able to listen and pray seamlessly. Since beginning with DivineOffice and efforts to incorporate this practice into my schedule my days have taken on a rhythm and peace that they lacked. Even when I miss times of prayer I can return to DivineOffice and listen. I recommend DivineOffice to all who seek to improve their daily life.
thank God this app exists
by Whoreadsnamesanyways
i heard about the liturgy of the hours some time ago but assumed it was only for the religious. fast forward a week, and i find a Christian Prayer book among my mother’s Catholic books - i had no idea what it was until i opened it up, and then i got confused because my mom, well, she just isn’t a nun (no offense mom, you know i love you). i did my first bit of research on the liturgy and got really excited because as it turns out, a little ol’ layperson like me can participate in such a beautiful, sacred, and important prayer. well, i must have spent a solid 20 minutes with that book trying to learn its secrets but to no avail. i was ready to give up when i turned to DivineOffice store and lo and behold, this wonderful app came into my life. thank you guys SO MUCH for making this, it simplified the book about 300% and made the liturgy accessible to me (plus, the songs are gorgeous, and i extol the awesomeness of the global map like so many other reviewers). what a beautiful offering of praise i’m now able to make to my Lord throughout the day!
Thank you —5+ stars
by Mommisson
I have really been enjoying using DivineOffice lately, though I’ve had it for a while. It’s nice to hook it up to my Bluetooth and pray the prayers while driving. I echo the voice of others who say that the speech is too slow. When I set it to 1.3 or 1.6 it sounds more natural. I think this is important because folks will have more success praying regularly if the pace is more natural. When it comes to the reading of Scripture, the leaders increase the speed, such that 1.3 is almost too fast. I appreciate the different English accents–gives a nice ecumenical sense. Also, the singing is usually quite impressive (especially the Te Deum). Since the Church asks for more Latin in the liturgy, it would be good to bring in some ancient Latin hymns as well, e.g., occasionally the Te Deum in Latin, Salve Regina, etc. (For those learning how to pray in community or to proclaim the Scriptures, do not follow the example of the couple of leaders on DivineOffice who read in such a theatrical way. See how distracting it can be?) Great job overall and thank you all for your fine service to the faithful.
DivineOffice offers incredibly well-produced recordings to help you pray the Offices that have been prayed by monks, priests and women-religious for centuries. It makes it easy to connect with God in the privacy of your home, which is especially useful during a pandemic! Much more meditative than a parish mass. I have tried to do the Liturgy of the Hours with books in the past, and it’s confusing and hard to do on your own. DivineOffice makes it a breeze. The people who produced every liturgy (matins, compline, etc.) for every day in a couple-year cycle have given the world an amazing gift. There is no secret cost, but a simple occasional request for a donation to keep the electronic resource going. I LOVE this! Best spiritual support ever.
Love this app
by Oligopistoi
DivineOffice is really great. I think they should just get it in the hands of as many as possible. Use the current readings! There can be much dramatization with the readings but in the end it works out. There is one guy whom I can’t stand as he reads the readings but he too will grow on you. You’ll know exactly who it is as soon as you hear. He speeds up ... then slow ... fast ... slow. Hahaha great app! Make it available.
Thank God for the Divine Office App
by Deo Gratia
To the developers and maintainers of DivineOffice: Thank you and may God bless you all, always. To pray the daily prayers of the Catholic (Universal) church as a body makes me feel humbly united to the Church as the living body of Christ! To actually see at any time how many people are on prayer with me is a great hope in a world that desperately needs prayer as the only ultimate means of obtaining grace. Easy to use, good for the soul. Thank you.
What a surprise
by Chesscoach@204
I installed DivineOffice to help me with committing to daily prayer during Lent. When I noticed it had a audio option I couldn’t see myself ever using it. Was I ever wrong. I use the audio option all the time! It helps give it a more communal feel. This has been a game changer. I believe everyone should use it - especially in these days where prayer is greatly needed.
A true Godsend
by Basoldier
DivineOffice is a true Godsend. What a gift to have the Liturgy of the Hours available night and day. And for any that are offended by the beautiful productions of the services simply don’t hit the play button and you have a breviary that is always current and ready for daily use. Especially for those whom cannot be a part of a community that prays the Hours in common this is a grace filled gift.
In the past I used the podcast version but at times there was a delay in updates. Someone on podbean then mentioned about DivineOffice. I used to use Universalis but DivineOffice is better as now I can play and pray along. Most of all, I have been looking for sung hymns. This one fits the bill. Beautiful hymns. As a bonus, the reading and psalms are read in a conversational style. Really really good. Thank you!
Excellent App
by Dznymum
I recommend DivineOffice for anyone who wants a simple easy to follow version of the Devine Office. I have been praying the Office for years and DivineOffice is the best I have seen. As someone said, great for when you are away. Just open DivineOffice and start the prayers! Also follows the Proper of the Saints for that day’s intention and is also easy to follow. Can’t say enough about how important it is to start and end the day in prayer!
Pray unceasing!
by Knight Of Immaculata
DivineOffice is a wonderful gift and I am very thankful to be able to use it daily. I travel for my job and can’t always lug around my LOTH book and this makes it easy for me to continue living out my faith and prayer life no matter where I am. St Paul tells us to pray unceasing and Psalmist says 7 times a day I praise you o Lord! 7 represents perfection and eternity and so with DivineOffice it makes it very easy to carry that out through each day. I also use it in accompaniment with my LOTH book at home as I enjoy the chants and the voices are superb!
Pax Christi, Joe
Hands Down the Very Best!
by Skahnn
iBreviary is also a top notch app for the Divine Office, but DivineOffice, this app by Surge Works, gets the nod. Its UI is a bit more user friendly than its rival, but that could be my American bias coming out. But most of all, this app gently took a rank novice like me by the hand and showed me the way. And its antiphons, prayers, and other variables faithfully follow the Christian Prayer one-volume breviary. Thank you, Surge Works! You answered the prayers of this humble, stumbling follower of our Lord Jesus.
Liturgy of the hours - with audio
by PFitzOFS
DivineOffice has been invaluable to me during a recovery from eye surgery. I was not able to see clearly when I downloaded DivineOffice , with it I have been able to hear the liturgy of the hours as well as, not so clearly, follow in the Christian Prayer liturgy of the hours. The application is also very helpful when starting to pray the hours which can be difficult to learn. I highly recommend DivineOffice.
I felt that I needed to grow in my prayer life. I prayed, as I had years ago, for inspiration from the Holy Spirit. I received that inspiration in less than a week. I read a short piece in America Media, that mentioned the this app. I had thought that was something that only priests did. Google lead me to this app, In every way it is an answer to my prayers. The inspiration that DivineOffice provides is extraordinary, and it increases daily. It took me 81 years to find it. All good things happen in God’s time.
Pray the Liturgy of the Hours with Ease
by Deacon Bill, Ofs
The Prayer of the Church has been difficult fo many but DivineOffice allow us to immediately be able to pray with many others throughout the world without having to worry about finding the right texts for these daily prayers. It is a Blessing of those who have dedicated so much of their time to create and maintain this site so that it is accurately written for each day of the year to be prayed with others and even recorded for those who desire an audio of the prayer of the Church. God Bless
Great App
by Plattsburgh Ken
I have used a couple of other LOH apps for several years but I recently downloaded the Divine Office app to try it. I really like the audio part of DivineOffice. The singing of the hymns is beautiful and the readings of the antiphons and strophes of the psalms has a slow, clear and contemplative style that is prayerful for me. It really seems that I am praying with others when I use DivineOffice . I also like the map showing other sites across the world praying at the same time. One negative is that infrequently the prayers do not match the US LOH readings and psalms listed in my ordo. Not sure why.
What a blessing!
by Phill Probst
And what a well done app! It has allowed me to basically retire my breviary. It lives on my bookshelf now as a backup ... no more ribbon juggling, page flipping, etc., just launch DivineOffice and flow through the hours smoothly, without those previous distractions. Oh, I could pick a nit or two, notably the occasional mismatch between the text and the audio, but on the whole much easier to use than the tradition printed volume. And the inclusion of the audio is wonderful for simulating the experience of praying the hours in community. Well done. Highly recommended.
Divine office App is a gift every day!
by Circle Bee
I can honestly say, this is the first time I’ve ever given thanks to God for an App! It prompts me when it is time to pray, I am thrilled to wake up to hear the songs and prayers first thing in the morning, & throughout the day. Some days I drift off to sleep listening to the songs and prayers. It sings the most beautiful songs and hymns daily! Just when I need a prayer boost, the words are there to inspire and remind me of what is most important in life. The giant Earth rotating around on its axis letting me know where the other faithful are praying in real time is the best... is is my favorite App. :-).
For the times I'm on the road or when I don't feel like praying the Divine Office alone' DivineOffice is great. I recommend it to everyone, especially those are just beginning to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, as it laid out in a straight forward way and doesn't require flipping through many pages on complicated days. Where does the the parish secretary go when she dies? The Divine Office!
Is Divine Office Safe? 🙏
Yes. Divine Office is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 6,029 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Divine Office Is 65.2/100.
Is Divine Office Legit? 💯
Yes. Divine Office is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 6,029 Divine Office User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Divine Office Is 82.3/100..
Divine Office works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.
Pricing Plans 💸
**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..
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How was your experience with Divine Office? Post a Review
The Divine Office App is an opportunity for you to participate in the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, an ancient and meditative collection of psalms, hymns and scripture that represent the public prayer of the Christian community.
If you are unable to pray in community, but love the contentment of praying with others, a praised feature of the Divine Office App lets you view locations where other Christians around the world are simultaneously praying with you.
It contains the official text and audio of daily prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours of the Roman Catholic Church (Breviary) and has been approved for use in the United States by USCCB.
As the mystical body of Christ prays in unison, it fulfills what Paul advises as Christian conduct, that believers at once pray for the good of themselves, their neighbors, and the world.
This version is the official prayer book of the Catholic Church, however, it is suitable for all Christian faith traditions.