Forks Plant-Based Recipes Reviews

Forks Plant-Based Recipes Reviews

Published by on 2021-04-05

🏷️ About: #1 Food & Drink App and Featured as 'Best New App' by Apple - this is the essential recipe app from the makers of the critically-acclaimed film Forks Over Knives. Discover over 600 hearty and decadent meals from over 50 leading chefs, with new recipes added weekly! Every recipe fits the whole-food, plant-based lifestyle that a growing number of health professionals recognize can help stave off and even reverse chronic ailment.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 1,780 combined software reviews.

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4.6 out of 5

Not as Tasteful As I thought It would Be


I am a believer in the information I learned from the documentary and thought ForksPlantBasedRecipes would provide tasty recipes using wholesome foods. I was attracted to the apps recipes with plant based ingredients and shopping list being in one central location. With my busy schedule, this feature makes it really convenient. I rely very heavily on recipes to minimize the thinking I have to put into providing a variety of meals for my family (i.e., I would cook the same thing all the time). I also enjoyed reading the success stories of how people turned their health around by following the FOK eating regimen.

I’ve dried about 5 or so recipes and have yet to taste one that I plan to cook again. I’m wondering if these recipes were tested before they were published.

Not worth paying for


ForksPlantBasedRecipes is fine. It’s nice to have all of the whole Food recipes in one place. Often when searching online a lot of the recipes that come up are not actually whole food so this is nice for that reason, however I have seen quite a few of these recipes for free online so paying for ForksPlantBasedRecipes feels like a foolish purchase.
What I really need from ForksPlantBasedRecipes is for it to tell me how long sauces and dressings and such can keep in the fridge. There are quite a few things, examples being cheese sauce or pasta sauce, that I would love to make a large jar of but I do not have freezer space so I’d like to know how long they would keep in the fridge.
You also cannot view the ingredients and recipes at the same time so you have to keep switching back and fourth to see what quantities you need to be adding.
This also isn’t a meal planning app as it claims to be, it is just a WFPB recipe database.
To recap: the recipes look good but can be found elsewhere online, you cannot plan meals by day or week, I don’t know how long the food I make will keep, poor navigation/organization.
If it was free ForksPlantBasedRecipes would be great but all in all:

Not worth the money.

Love the iOS app, iPad version could use some work


All the recipes we have tried have been great, but why in the world wouldn’t you make an app for the iPad able to rotate to landscape? This is a device often used by many people in the kitchen to view their recipes while they cook, and is quite often mounted to the Apple Keyboard, which can only be used in landscape mode. So to use ForksPlantBasedRecipes, I have to take my keyboard off of the iPad and let it just rest against something on the counter? It is 2022, and a paid for app should not have such a ridiculous limitation. Other than that, love every other aspect of ForksPlantBasedRecipes . The grocery list is great, being able to adjust the number of servings so the grocery list is accurate, etc. have been fantastic.

Too careless with the recipes


The selection of dishes is interesting but the recipes were not carefully checked. Here’s a specific example that’s typical: the Indian Spiced Cauliflower and Potato Casserole does not indicate whether the cooking is done covered or uncovered. What’s worse is that if you are working from the printed copy it is missing key parts of the recipe as viewed in ForksPlantBasedRecipes . Try it - look at the ingredients list in ForksPlantBasedRecipes and compare that with the printout.

Cook’s Illustrated used to have a section in its magazine where they reviewed cookbooks and vetted the recipes to make sure they worked, had all the necessary instructions and were precise but not too complex for a newcomer to cooking techniques. They’d probably give ForksPlantBasedRecipes a fail.

On the other hand, the recipes in the Forks Over Knives magazine are better done as are the ones in Darshana Thacker’s book. Buy those and ignore ForksPlantBasedRecipes.

It ok


Not really worth the purchase. Broken into categories (soups/stews, deserts, salads etc). Not very many recipes in each categorie around 50 in each. Pretty boring and not very enticing.

Under categories should be sub categories then “recipes” , not just one recipe. For example, under breakfast there should be a categorie for omelette, not just one omelette recipe, there should be a bunch to choose from. Also there are probably a ton of burrito recipes out there, but there is only one.

There are around 65 “contributors” who donated a recipe or two, I would think there would be more. Around 50-60 odd recipes in each category. Breakfasts, salads and sides, soups stews, deserts, baked stuffed, pastas and a couple others.

Also time consuming to sift through each dish to determine spice and ingredients, I get bored sifting through and end up closing app.

I purchased to get ideas and get inspired that was pushed on a Facebook page. Seems like ForksPlantBasedRecipes still in early stages and needs improving. My still go to is Food and Wine.

Honestly, better off just searching for stuff and not spending money. At this stage it should be still free.

Update deleted recipe notes and getting very stale


Amending my previous review. It’s been four years and they’re still haven’t been a lot of updates. Many features still missing. And recently some kind of an update that deleted my recipe notes. I really like ForksPlantBasedRecipes, but I really wish that you would put more effort into it. I paid for ForksPlantBasedRecipes and I buy a lot of your magazines and products. So I think that that is a fair ask. The new look is great. A fresh coat of paint. And the recipes are the great WFPB recipes that we have come to expect from FOK. But ForksPlantBasedRecipes needs a lot more work too bring it up to the standards of iOS/iPadOS in 2020. For starters, there should be a dedicated iPadOS app that could take advantage of the much larger screens of the iPad and thus show more data from the recipes all at once. One could envision seeing ingredients and recipe steps on the same screen rather than having to expand smaller sections or go back and forth between tabs on the smaller iPhone screens. Also, the shopping list could be improved. And how about a recipe doubling/ tripling calculator feature that would automatically multiply the ingredient amounts when the number of servings was increased. And some of the recipes could use editing to better organize the steps and list of ingredients in the proper order. Overall still a great app, but there are many features in modern iOS/iPadOS devices /API that could be utilized to improve ForksPlantBasedRecipes . Thanks.

Good place if your starting out


let me start off by saying ForksPlantBasedRecipes has great content. it went beyond my expectations as far as the amount of recipes available and I love the organization.

However there are a few additions i think would make amazing improvements to ForksPlantBasedRecipes . One thing i would love to have is nutritional content available for each recipe. as a vegan it’s crucial to keep track of vitamins, nutrients, protein, etc. so this alone would bump my rating up to a 5 star. another thing i would like to see is being able to change the serving size, since i am just one person and some recipes create 8 or 9 servings and sometimes the modifications don’t work out easily and i hate to waste food when things don’t work out right. the last thing, that i doubt will be changed but i find annoying, is the fact that you cannot organize any of the recipes you save. the developers have a separate app that is extremely expensive for the actual planning aspect and after looking around in that app they don’t even have the same recipes available from this one.

overall, one time 5$ payment isn’t terrible and better than paying a monthly subscription, it’s like buying a cookbook. but i would love to see a few updates in the future with my points taken into consideration and maybe even raising the price if you find it necessary for the efforts. Thanks !

This app has helped me balance my blood sugars


With my mental health, and physical health issues, using ForksPlantBasedRecipes has been so worth it. I struggle with food a lot, some of it OCD related, and ForksPlantBasedRecipes has helped me stay organized in the grocery store, and has helped me plan out my meals. It IS a learning curve, and does take more time, but the payoff is so so worth it. My blood sugar levels don’t swing up and down, which is helping my anxiety, and I’m not so overwhelmed with what I’m eating/how often I’m eating. Best part is, I’m not over-spending on groceries trying to guess what will work for the week, I can walk in and know that I need exactly 1 or 3 cucumbers. Our food bill has gone down drastically. Win!
I’m still exploring many of the recipes, so I can’t speak a ton into that, but I will say the breakfast and desserts are fantastic, and the chili lasted us days and days. Oh and the potato cheese sauce is the best vegan cheese Ive ever had.

3 stars for easiness of recipes & 5 for ease of use


I can’t really comment on the tastiness of the recipes as I have only made chocolate frosting (super delicious btw). I tried plant based for 4 years & had amazing results so I’m happy for ForksPlantBasedRecipes even though I’m no longer plant based because I still prefer it most of the time.

BUT I feel as if most of these recipes are too fancy. I like quick & simple things (which I find for free online). These recipes seem like they’re for professional chefs. It’s intimidating. If you REALLY love cooking then this might be for you. But I am a lazy chef.

I love that I can “favorite” recipes & that I can add ingredients to a shopping list within ForksPlantBasedRecipes (select individual items or select the option to add all ingredients for a given recipe).

My favorite feature is the step by step instructions given when you flip your phone on its side while in the “method” section of a recipe. It’s super convenient for people, like myself, who get confused easily from cooking instructions.

I just wish it gave more information on storage.

Pluses and minuses


The recipes on ForksPlantBasedRecipes are hit and miss. Our favorite plant based recipes are not here, but it’s good for mixing things up. As far as ForksPlantBasedRecipes design, it could use some work. The great thing is the ingredients listed in the Methods section when you tap on a step. Brilliant! However, when my phone goes to sleep while in ForksPlantBasedRecipes , ForksPlantBasedRecipes restarts on the recipe’s main page when my phone comes back to life instead of opening on the screen where it closed. Secondly, some of the text is too small for my screen and doesn’t expand with a finger expansion. So sometimes I just have to guess at the amount called for. Thirdly, the tiles for recipes could be made smaller while searching so that 2-4 recipes show up on the screen while searching. Having to scroll through every single recipe every single time is exhausting, thus I just go to another app that’s faster to look through. Fourthly, there should be a Review section for each recipe to see how others improve a recipe or if one is a total flop to avoid making it. Overall, it’s a decent app and I would recommend it to others.

Love the app. Recipes are a maybe


I have zero issues with ForksPlantBasedRecipes . It functions beautifully and has the useful features I want without silly bells and whistles.
My issue is the recipes. I am most likely to turn to an app when I’m out of ideas or I’ve done everything in my toolbox lately. However every time I look on here for a recipe it contains some thing I don’t keep on hand. I therefore end up substituting, for example, rice for the barley it calls for. I have much better luck on Pinterest.
Are the recipes good? Well, since I almost always substitute something in the recipe, it is hardly a fair question for me to answer.

Wonderful Starting Point


I love ForksPlantBasedRecipes and the recipes, I use it all the time. The recipes are unique and help me so much with meal planning during the week. My biggest issue is that several of the recipes are very bland. This is easy to overcome if you know how to cook already, I just add spices to get the flavors I want. If you're a novice though, try using ForksPlantBasedRecipes to find recipe ideas, then google to compare to other similar recipes and see what the differences are. Experiment, make notes about what you like, what you'll do differently next time. ForksPlantBasedRecipes isn't perfect, but it's an amazing jump off point and a great tool for anyone looking for more plant based meal ideas.

Almost Perfect!


I just downloaded ForksPlantBasedRecipes . I was really excited because most of your folks online recipes are great. So I thought this would make my life easier with recipes all together. I however probably will never use ForksPlantBasedRecipes. I probably will only use it for inspiration on making my own.

What I Feel It’s Lacking

• ForksPlantBasedRecipes doesn’t have the feature to make smaller portions. In my house I am the only one that eats plant based. I don’t have time to figure out single portion sizes.
• All the recipes seem to be so elaborate. These recipes take several ingredients and are intimidating. I would like to see more simple recipes. That I can toss together fast and it taste great.

What I like

• The shopping list feature is awesome. It sorts everything too which is helpful while shopping.
• ForksPlantBasedRecipes is easy to use, and beautifully put together.
• When creating a recipe you don’t need to keep going back to the ingredients list. You can press the button on each section to see the ingredients list for that step.

One of the best designed apps I’ve ever used


ForksPlantBasedRecipes is a delight to use - kudos to the developer! The format is super easy to use and intuitive, the pictures are gorgeous, the shopping list is genius in the way it organizes items by category and I like the easy way you can add all ingredients or just the ones you don’t have with a simple tap of the finger. Another nice touch is being able to quickly see the ingredients in the section you’re working on so you don’t have to keep flipping back and forth. Just a wonderful design all around.

Oh - and the recipes are delicious too 😋

The only issue I’m having is with syncing my phone and iPad. I like to have everything on my phone for when I’m shopping but prefer to use my IPad when cooking because it’s larger. But I can’t get my favorites and my shopping list to sync on both devices even though I have iCloud enabled on both. Not sure how to go about fixing that; it’s a little annoying but I’m gonna give you 5 ⭐️ anyways.

Fantastic app Forks Over Knives


I really appreciate ForksPlantBasedRecipes! It is broken down into food categories (appetizers, soups, grains, stuffed, pasta, salad, desserts, burgers). When you go into your category, you scroll down the items with pictures, click on your choice. It’ll give you a summary of the dish, ingredients (can make a grocery list), and method. In the grocery list section you can choose grocery sections or recipes to indicate what you need to buy for what dish. It makes getting groceries needed, and preparation of the dish so much easier. It has dishes not in the magazine or in meal planner app. If you live the FOK, you WFPB, NO OIL lifestyle this is ForksPlantBasedRecipes for you! I give it 5 stars & recommend it to everyone. Even if you’re an omnivore you can use these recipes & just add your meats.

Best $5 I’ve ever spent!


First off, I’m not vegan or vegetarian but I am pre diabetic. I wanted to find interesting and tasty plant based sides to accompany my proteins. The recipes are delicious and easy to prepare. Some of the ingredients are off the beaten path but will add much zest to your palette. Another reviewer said it’s taught them how to cook. I feel my palette has evolved. There are some flavor combinations I would never have thought of putting together. ForksPlantBasedRecipes does cost but there are no other hidden in app purchases or memberships they push on you. The interface is clean and easy to use. Never crashed on me, seems like the developers are very involved. Recipes are added regularly bc there’s a great team of contributing professional chefs, even some from the medical community. Get ForksPlantBasedRecipes to add to your kitchen arsenal, you won’t regret it!

Great Recipes, If You Have the Time and Money!


I've been a huge fan of the FOK team and their recipes have definately improved my health. Some of the sauces are staples in my fridge and they have improved my culinary abilities beyond anything I could have imagined.

What bothers me about this WOE is that it leaves the poor people out in the cold. The people who also desperately need to learn how to eat better because the processed junk they can afford is killing them. They likely see ingredients they never heard of, that require expensive devices to prepare, so they run back to what they know, and that is sad.

I would like to see a FOK express app with meal plans that anyone who normally lives on ramen and frozen pizzas can throw together and improve their health. Most people have the dry goods already collecting dust in their pantry. Canned beans mixed with the right spices can be amazing, and cost nothing. Leave out the fancy shmancy and present food hacks that will improve lives!

What a great gift for me


My older son gifted ForksPlantBasedRecipes and a copy of the magazine for Christmas, 2019. I’m 71, and have a few health challenges related to extensive food allergies. I’ve had to eliminate a lot of foods the past 40 years so I appreciate all the new recipe ideas even though I have to make substitutions. When my subscription ends, I will definitely pay to keep this convenient app. After 4 years, ForksPlantBasedRecipes hasn’t gotten old by any means. There is a large group of staples here I make regularly and am always trying at least one new one each week. I especially appreciate the method section because I can prop up my iPad and see the directions and the amounts for each step. It’s very convenient.

Because there are so many recipes, I would like to have a way to delete those I cannot use due to all my allergies. It’s getting difficult to scroll through the hundred here in a timely way,

Easy to use & follow!


I’ve never been interested in learning much about cooking — so I eat mainly easy to prep raw foods and salads. I recently decided to learn some plant-based oil-free recipes and ForksPlantBasedRecipes is my new best friend! I’m making delicious oil-free/gluten-free breads and soups so far. Can’t wait to try out more. The images are beautiful and help so much to illustrate, and the directions are awesome because they have 3 tabs for overview, ingredients, step-by-step method. You can favorite to bookmark recipes and you can click “add to shopping list” which I use all the time when trying out a new recipe. Thank you for such a helpful and great app!

Absolutely worth the money!


My husband and I are exploring a whole food plant based lifestyle and ForksPlantBasedRecipes makes it so easy to try new stuff! Neither one of us knows how to cook like this so these recipes are great to learn with. We have tried a few and they have all turned out delicious. I like the layout and the fact that recipes within recipes (like the sloppy joe recipe that calls for Basic BBQ Sauce) have links to them as well. The shopping list feature is nice too, I like that I can print it out or use it on my phone or ipad. I find myself browsing the recipes and reading the methods just to see how they do make stuff plant based (like gravy and sauces). ForksPlantBasedRecipes is well thought out, very easy to use and well worth $4.99!

Exactly what I am looking for!!


I have been trying whole food plant based diet for 2 years and explored variety for food preparation and recipe. After some time you hit plateau in your creation for recipe. You tend to lean towards your favorite recipe more often than ever. Especially your family member gets bored of your favorite recipe(Especially if you have teen at home) There is time when you need a friend who suggest you a good recipe which follows WFPB regime that you are following and want to try. The best compliment you wish for is amazing food and your family member loves it as well. You get to see happy faces at dinner table. Above all you know that the food you fed to you family is most nutritious and healthy.

This is ForksPlantBasedRecipes you need to have. The friend that comes in rescue.

Thank you to all the contributors. Keep working and keep sharing it with us. We love you all.

Last but not the least: Thank you to Dr. Campbell, Dr. Bernard, Dr. Fuhrman etc for their amazing work on nutrition and healthy eating habits.

Chef approved


After a serious cardiac event I was told my eating habits had to change. As a chef I feel that while I was food-knowledgeable, I could be doing better with some choices. I have always been curious about that often-knocked crazy person lifestyle: vegan cuisine. FoH has really shown me that vegan cuisine can be beautiful, creative, and most importantly delicious. It has really re-energized me creatively from a cooking standpoint. I am proof that it works: A1c down to near normal levels and 30 lbs lighter. It has been easier than I would ever have previously thought. Thank you for such an informative app.
Chef Tim

Fork over Knives


I am very happy with ForksPlantBasedRecipes. It is well thought out and as I make the dinner under method, I can just tap the section and it will tell me what my ingredients I need and the amount. The recipes are delicious and for a Type 2 Diabetic they have helped to maintain my blood sugars. Most of the meals are easy to make and makes it pleasurable to fix. My Beautiful Wife eats vegan as well and it’s joy to try different recipes as they are at my fingertips. If you need ingredients and you are at the store ForksPlantBasedRecipes allows you to put on your grocery list right through ForksPlantBasedRecipes .
Truly the BEST money spent to improve my life and my health.

Love this app!


ForksPlantBasedRecipes is easy to use and makes my life simple when trying to cook delicious, healthy meals. Don’t just look at the recipes, use the shopping list. So helpful at the store. You can also put your favorites in a folder. I have found it useful to put the ones I am having over the next few days in the favorites folder for easy access. I tried the other app but like this one better. I also have 3 Fok recipe books and never look at them anymore even though they have different recipes because ForksPlantBasedRecipes is so convenient.

Is Forks Plant Based Recipes Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. Forks Plant-Based Recipes is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,780 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Forks Plant Based Recipes Is 43.4/100.

Is Forks Plant Based Recipes Legit? 💯

Yes. Forks Plant-Based Recipes is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,780 Forks Plant-Based Recipes User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Forks Plant Based Recipes Is 100/100..

Is Forks Plant-Based Recipes not working? 🚨

Forks Plant-Based Recipes works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Forks Plant-Based Recipes? Post a Review


Every recipe fits the whole-food, plant-based lifestyle that a growing number of health professionals recognize can help stave off and even reverse chronic ailments like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

#1 Food & Drink App and Featured as 'Best New App' by Apple - this is the essential recipe app from the makers of the critically-acclaimed film Forks Over Knives.

If you have any suggestions about how a recipe or the app could be improved even further, please email us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you.

We hope you love using the Forks Over Knives App.

  Customer Service/Support
Forks Over Knives, LLC