- Accurate prayer times such as Suhur, Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Iftar, Maghrib, and Isha
- Quran recitation
- Qibla direction with an integrated compass and distance between your location and the Kaaba
- Dynamic wallpapers that change according to the time of the next prayer
- Azan sounds from all around the world
- Today's Extension (Widget) to view daily prayers without opening the app
- Apple Watch version to view prayer times on your wrist
- 3D touch shortcuts to quickly access daily prayers dashboard or locate the Qibla direction
- Iftar and tarawih time (Iqama)
- Hadith and Picture of the Day
- Calendar with religious holidays
- Islamic greeting cards
- Monthly schedule (imsakiye) for prayer time
- Send Halal Muslim Emojis (Hijab, etc.) to friends and family
- Tasbeeh with phonetic support in French and English
- Azkar before, during, and after prayer
- Display of 99 names of Allah
- Mosque and Halal places
- Augmented Reality to visualize the Qibla direction.