- Current wind speed and direction in miles/hour, kilometers/hour, knots, Beaufort Wind Force, or meters per second
- Compass Magnetic Declination from True North or Magnetic North
- Temperature measurement in Fahrenheit or Celsius
- Arrow direction of the Wind Indicator from Blowing To or Coming From
- Current temperature, estimated highs and lows for the day, and 24-hour and 7-day forecasts
- Sunrise/sunset times and "First Light" and "Last Light" times for the day
- Customizable background settings, including a map showing your current location, an overlay showing what your rear camera sees, and a color gradient that auto adjusts based on temperature
- Uses Forecast.io Weather data for accurate weather conditions
- Shows which way is North
- Ability to submit feature requests or bug reports from within the app
- Subscription-based service with terms of service available
- Support available through email.