Monster Survivors Reviews

Monster Survivors Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-29

About: Embark on an Epic Survival Adventure! In a world overrun by monstrous creatures,
only the bravest can survive. "Monster Survivors: Last Stand" is a thrilling
action-packed game that challenges you to outlive the hordes of terrifying

About Monster Survivors

"Monster Survivors: Last Stand" is a thrilling action-packed game that challenges you to outlive the hordes of terrifying monsters.

With its unique blend of strategy and fast-paced combat, this game puts your survival skills to the ultimate test.

Download "Monster Survivors: Last Stand" now and carve your path to glory.

- Epic Boss Fights: Face off against colossal bosses that will test your wit, agility, and strength.

Adapt your strategy to survive in an ever-changing environment filled with surprises.

- Stunning Graphics and Sound: Immerse yourself in beautifully crafted environments and intense battle sounds.

Each character comes with unique abilities and skills.

In a world overrun by monstrous creatures, only the bravest can survive.

- Dynamic Gameplay: Every session presents new challenges and opportunities.

- Character Progression: Choose your survivors wisely.

Victory rewards you with rare loot and advancements for your characters.

Level up your survivors to unlock their full potential.

Survival is just the beginning.

Experience the apocalypse like never before.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 7,736 combined software reviews.

200 Monster Survivors Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Great game with potential.

This game is very fun as you start to get stronger and the items get more entertaining as you level them up and not to mention the parkour it has to offer which it would be better if you were to add more animations. There is a couple game breaking exploits in maps that make you glitch under and can kill enemies without getting damaged but it’s a rare accordance that it happens which I have proof to submit to have fix if I get reached back on this review. And to also bring the issue that this game is fun but the amount of ads can be bothersome with playing it does help with rewards but ads every round can be annoying which if you can do something about it would be the best thing to happen to this game. Never the less this game is so fun and time consuming it won’t disappoint. Just updating the game for a overall better moment, animations and UI would make it more smoother and more enjoyable than it is.


2 things

The game is great and has a unique twist to it with the parkour features. Please make a roll button or “parkour” button that allows the player to do a flip in the direction the player is facing ( side flips, back flips front flips, Horizontal, vertical) that type of idea. Also allow maybe allow the player to merge weapons already in arsenal (com pistol + com pistol equal = rare pistol) type of idea. Last but not least please smooth out the gameplay as I experienced in higher waves a sort of glitch in frames, sometimes even in lower levels. Other than that this is a great game and I can see a lot of potential. I do hope you guys feed this the proper content it needs. Maybe even make a multiplayer co-op feature 👀. That’s all for now.


Love this game

I love this game but a few notes for the devs I love this game it’s fun it makes you think and the weapons are awesome but I have a few issues. #1 is I’m not too sure where all my stats are and how much they go up when I’m upgrading or buying items I have no idea how to see them #2 Can the starting range be extended out a little but I feel like it’s kinda crazy I have to upgrade my range and my character has to wait to attack them until they’re literally in my face #3 the bats need a rework because my character will attack anything except the bats and the only thing I can do is run away and hope that they get hit I love playing this game but the bats make it a lot less fun if they don’t get fixed



I love playing this game! I really do, but y’all need to make the reaction time a little bit faster for the gun. I am not talking about the stats of it, I am talking bout the actual in game I feel like it is slower than what y’all say it is. Like the uzi. What is it .89 secs I feel like it take 1.3-1.5 secs for it to shoot, n than when ever a target gets close my person aims, but doesn’t shoot. N when we have 4 weapons not all the guns shoot. in small waves I get that, but when it is bigger waves, yeah no I don’t like it. I really do like this game! Overall starts east gets harder! N I love that bout the game! The damage/stats of weapons. Are great! I love it! Oh also, I literally forgot. But I recently started lagging during the higher waves of the game. I don’t if that was the new update or whatever. But please help 😭😂💯


Too many ads

I watch more ads than actually playing the game. Even if i choose not to watch an ad for an extra reward; a 30 second ad still pops up. I also don't like the way the player just double jumps and rolls on his own. This game has potential, it just needs more controls and less ads. There shouldn't be an ad every single time i level up. Its not hard to level up which means im watching ads like every 3 mins playing this game. I guess the only way to enjoy it is to pay $6 to remove non optional ads which is bonkers. If im paying $6, it should remove every ad. & not the mention the way the game just randomly freezes and stops responding when i hit a certain level. stop worrying about trying to get paid thru ads so much and actually put more effort into the game.


Bad updates

I downloaded this game months ago and really enjoyed it. Even spent few dollars on it. I did however see that it was a work in progress to actually unlock some characters in the game with playing and progressing through the levels with no actual progression of unlocking characters or achievements. After the last 2 updates the game progression was fixed and I would say improved greatly. But now it crashes after so many levels as if I wasn’t supposed to be able to get this far in the game. I’m currently at level 21 and it will not stop crashing on an iPhone 13 Pro Max or even trying it on a iPhone 15 pro it will not work. Hopefully the devs can make meaningful updates and fixes to the game because it has great potential honestly.


The Game is Incredible

Stunning game with lots of effort put into it, addicting with so much potential I really hope the creators continue developing this game with unique and creative additions along with improving what’s already great about the game. Haven’t played a mobile game this fun in a long time and I hope everyone can get a chance to enjoy as much as I am enjoying playing this game. This is a genuine review.

(One thing is, I have been having trouble contacting the creators/developers. Voodoo had no for of contact on their website and they’ve never replied on their socials which is a little disappointing)


Fun but can’t beat zombie king

I enjoy fighting hordes and choosing my weapons and upgrades. That part of the game is a lot of fun even with the ads. The boss fights seem poorly implemented or are not meant for players who don’t want to spend real money to level faster. I have tried to beat this zombie king 15 times with different loadouts and power ups and cannot beat it. The difficulty has nothing to do with the fact that my consistently outputting damage barely brings him to his second bar of health. I only keep trying because I actually enjoy the rest of the game but I think they could do without the bosses as the hordes are challenging enough.


You can tell they put love into it

For devs - I liked having the numerical value of the health and armor up in the top left you should put them back

They listen to reviews, constantly update the game, and don’t shove ads in your face TOO often anymore. They’re definitely still there but wya more bearable now. Way more complex upgrade system than I was expecting.


Pay for the Ad removal

The game itself is a bit of a buggy mess, but a fun one. I get stuck all the time, in place without the joystick working. But, it doesn’t take away from the game.

The Ads take away from the game. If you don’t pay for ad removal or you can’t; don’t bother playing. My friend and I started timing the ads to game play and it was pretty much equal. If you’re playing 5 minutes in the game, you’ll have about 5 minutes in ads.

Great game. Pay for the ads, ignore the crazy amount of bugs and have fun shooting and jumping around!


The game itself is nice

I like the game! It makes sense and is very easy to understand. So I like that… however the game CHEATS! It has glitches that happen at the most inconvenient moments in the game. I also feel the game MAKES SURE you have to watch ads and spend money to progress but the glitches in the game make THAT even pointless. The game will glitch and make the character freeze briefly for absolutely no reason.. I also don’t like how you can’t pick your own power ups. (another way they cheat) they never give you the option to specifically pick and power up witch weapon you want IT chooses for you


Predatory Game

This game was a good game but recently they updated it for the worse they changed the matches from time based to kill based for what I can only assume is to control your rate of progression and get you to buy the drop doubler from the shop for 9.99 prior to the update I bought the ad pass and I was happy with this game but when they updated it my version got messed up and I couldn’t unlock one of the characters I was trying to get so I deleted the game and downloaded it back just to have this new garbage and the cool art designs got replaced with bland boring ones thought I had a new game to play but there’s plenty similar games here that I’m just going to move on and you should too


Problems amongst the fun

As others have mentioned losing your progress every update and daily is not fun at all, on top of this I feel as though I played a different game yesterday (3/6/24)) then I have today (3/7/24). Yesterday I had 5 level up choices and different ones then we normally do and it was way more fun today I load back in on a completely normal game to when I first downloaded with all my progress reset despite spending money on the game. The game is fun but these are odd and glaring problems that I would encourage to stray cautiously on spending any money.


Please Fix the Boss

Great game. Love it. Super fun, nice progression system, easy to play. But please for the love of god fix the zombie king boss. He’s fairly challenging for the first 70% of his health bar. After that, absolutely absurd. I’ve gotten to him more time than I can count. Once he hits 70%, he starts going insane and the multiple-pillar stomp happens WAY too fast, like in half a second. No time to react. He just spams that move in rapid succession and boom. I’m dead within 3 seconds. Really ruins the game in my opinion. Other than that, good game.


It’s great but…

I honestly really like the game it’s fun and a good way to pass the time and I’ve been playing it since was really early on. My one complaint is as of recent is seeing the new pets and loot boxes being added I fear this game may just become another cash grab with all the micro transactions and ad’s, I’d rather spend those 20 minutes on using good strategy and unique builds than spending and hour on loot boxes just to steam roll the current zone since bosses seem to just be bullet sponges now.


Is a one of a kind mobile game

This game has a lot of potential and actually doesn’t clickbait people with their adds. Sure, some parts don’t exist (but I don’t know that), but the accuracy is good enough. There is lag when I pull up the game, but this mobile game alone is amazing



In my opinion, the recent changes to the health bar in the game have left players longing for the classic version. The new design lacks the simplicity and clarity that made the original health bar iconic. Returning to the old health bar would not only satisfy nostalgic players but also improve the overall gaming experience by providing a clear and intuitive representation of a player's health status. It's time to listen to the community and bring back what made the game's health bar memorable.


Good game but..

It’s a great game, even before and after the update, 1 con is before the update any coins you’ve spent on the upgrades are now lost. But anyhow it’s a good game, one problem I’ve ran into just now is in the settings, underneath “restore purchases” is a reset save button, it only takes ONE tap and all your progress is lost, I accidentally hit it and now my progress is lost. Therefore I am officially done with the game.


Needs improvement

I have played the game up until stage 4 so far, and everything was going fine. It wasn’t too difficult but difficult enough to make it enjoyable, but then the game introduced bats, and for some reason half of the weapons you have not only don’t work on them but sometimes your character won’t even shoot at them so they end up killing you. Definitely needs some reworking.


Ads every two minutes.

Unplayable since there are ads between levels of each stage. Basically, you get an add every 50 kills. Then, there are “optional” ads for gold and gems but those are so low, they are practically useless.

The game, itself, gets boring very quickly when you have to sit 30 seconds every 1.5 minutes of gameplay. To remove the mandatory ads, it’s $3.99. That means you still have to watch ads for the free gold and gems.

HARD PASS. Terrible animations. The zombies run up walls like they run on the floor: with their legs.


Issues with freezing

Just wanted to say that this game is pretty fun and has a lot of replayability. One of the better games out there in my opinion just because of all the things you could do, wish there was an endless mode lol
Anyways, I am having issues with lag and the game freezing on me in canyon II, 2nd to the last level. It freezes just as my character levels up and then it doesn’t resume and I have to force quit MonsterSurvivors and start new. Any help would be much appreciated.


I love the game but just a little feedback…

The only thing that I wish was different are the crates that we find during gameplay. It gets hectic and we travel across the map not knowing what we are going to find in the crates risking our health for maybe 3 coins when we need a bomb or health. Another thing, once the match ends it’s unfortunate that we can’t get ALL of our loot except the ones close in our range. Overall I love the game.


This is the hoard shooter for you!

I saw another review talking about too many ads but I thought it was actually a pretty decent amount, not too pushy and I definitely wasn’t forced after every wave or even after every level 🤷🏼 regardless, the gameplay is where it’s at. I swear it’s like having a little mini action movie in my pocket! UI is super simple and the animation of running and jumping is smooth and REALLY cool. Not to mention awesome items and gun combinations/builds that are seemingly endless with possibility! I’ve deleted the rest of my hoard shooters as this will be the last one I’ll ever want 😍


Game is fine

Game is cool enough. Been playing for about a month. Just one issue. There’s an ad that plays and after it’s done the game freezes and you have to restart the game. Sometimes it lets you resume but then you lose purchases and you have to start the next level without going to the shop. Sometimes you just have to start the game over completely and you lose all your gem purchases. May be an issue for those who are purchasing them. Definitely annoying but should be an easy fix. The always the same ad, the one where the girl gives her boyfriend a bag of money at the end.


It’s good but…

This game is pretty good but there are still so many add and it’s really inconsistent. Like I could go 10 mins without an add or I could go 1 min and an add pops up. Also WHY DO YOU GUYS PUT A TIMER ON THE BOSSES it make is really hard even if you have a sliver of heath left. I was playing a boss round and it had the smallest health bar left and I died because the time ran out. It’s so annoying how I was this close and it all just ends because I want fast enough. This has happened more than once. Please consider removing or extending the timer on bosses please but other than that it’s a great game and keep up the good work?


Great game.

I’ve played since it’s started. I enjoy the fast pace gameplay and how customizable your different characters are. If you want a quick play or a depth game this is good for you. There are some bugs with the new update where I’m stuck on level 22 and I keep freezing the game when I reach level 49 or 50 on the character while playing. That’s just an example. But I love the game and I hope they fix the issue soon.


A amazing game that I highly recommend

This is probably the most fun I’ve had on a mobile zombie game, the concept itself its basic, but the execution is perfect. No glitches so far, zero to no ads, and just overall a very rewarding game. The feeling of upgrading your weapons and getting new items after a wave is something I can’t explain. But their is some things I personally feel can be reworked. For example, the joystick. The joystick feels really wonky and I often find myself going in directions I don’t wanna go because of it. Another thing is the flip after jumping off a structure. It’s more punishing then anything. But besides those, everything else is phenomenal and I can’t wait for the upcoming updates this game will have.


sigh 😔

i dont know what happened but after the latest patch everything has went downhill for me. All the upgrades i had now mean nothing, the monsters are basically invincible, 20 gems for a reroll? it started at 5! now i cant reroll anything and have to deal with not buying items through the waves. The gear system also lowered my stats seemingly since now they play a big part in how i do in the level. the new characters are a fun nice addition but now im so underpowered i cant even use their kit in a level. the character Echos weapon also has a problem with actually doing damage to the enemies. idk if its just me but the game seems ruined now.


Huge potential but could use a few improvements

I have really enjoyed this game so far and loved the direction they're going with the last few updates, but I am annoyed that there is no cloud save and how buggy the game has been recently. Everytime I would click on the “power up” section,the whole app would freeze and even closing out MonsterSurvivors and opening it up again didn’t seem to fix it, so I deleted and reinstalled it.I will admit it worked flawlessly, but I lost all my progress. If there is a way to restore, I haven’t found it. I do enjoy this game enough to start over, but it is annoying having to do so.


Fun game, too many ads in game

The game has been really fun so far, might two biggest complaints are:

1: ADs between each wave get to be very obnoxious, I’d suggest putting an ad every 5 - 10 rounds instead

2: The ability to go back and replay a level. I feel like I beat the first 4 worlds and the 5th just feels impossible till I get more coins and skills and upgrades. I just hope they can add a feature to go back and play previous worlds. (If you can currently already do that I’d like to know how please, as well as, make it more easier for the user to navigate and find it)


Please add a confirmation button

I enjoy this game very much, it’s fun, it’s simple, it can be challenging at times. But my biggest frustration is with the in-game purchases. The developer should add a confirmation button for purchases. For example, I was scrolling thru the gear section when I accidentally pressed the legendary egg buy button simply by scrolling. If you have enough gems the game will take it from you. Hence the need for a confirmation button. They have one if you want to quit or resume the game, why wouldn’t they have one for in-game purchases with in-game currency. I lost all my gems twice which I purchased with real money. Please refund me 900 gems and please add a confirmation button. Thanks!


Some bug fixes and this game is in a really good spot

Honestly the last update has caused a number of bugs including power ups not working right, ads never ending(no X so forced to close app), and zip lines being incredibly glitchy.

Only other issue I have is difficulty scaling is instead of steadily getting harder you will go from one level being that’s it? To the next having you stuck for days on first few waves.

Concept is good and execution outside of the above I’m very happy with. If the above gets corrected then I will happily move to 5 stars.


PERFECT GAME, but one small issue

the game is really amazing and i recommend it to pass time have fun you name it. There is only a small issue and that is the movement; the movement is expected but sometimes it can lock you to go in one direction for a little bit and you have no control for some time and when you jump off a cliff you can get stuck in going in one direction and sometimes it’s just hard to move around. But still a really great game.

Is Monster Survivors Safe?

Yes. Monster Survivors is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 7,736 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Monster Survivors Is 20.0/100.

Is Monster Survivors Legit?

Yes. Monster Survivors is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 7,736 Monster Survivors User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Monster Survivors Is 37.3/100..

Is Monster Survivors not working?

Monster Survivors works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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