Art Assemble : Home Makeover Reviews

Art Assemble : Home Makeover Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-25

About: Are you ready to unleash your creativity and dive into a world of stunning home
decor and interior design? Look no further than Art Assemble, the immersive
decorating game that allows you to transform your dream home into a breathtaking
art house. With its unique blend of puzzle solving and decor placement, Art
Assemble is the ultimate destination for design enthusiasts of all levels.

About Art Assemble Home Makeover

Art Assemble offers a vast range of designs, each with its own unique interior furniture and theme such as the elegant Glee Boutique, the Learning Loft, or the perfect Barber Shop, every design project presents a new adventure for you to embark on.

Are you ready to unleash your creativity and dive into a world of stunning home decor and interior design? Look no further than Art Assemble, the immersive decorating game that allows you to transform your dream home into a breathtaking art house.

With its unique blend of puzzle solving and decor placement, Art Assemble is the ultimate destination for design enthusiasts of all levels.

Art Assemble offers endless possibilities for you to explore and assemble your own unique design masterpieces.

In Art Assemble, your design journey doesn't end with individual projects.

In Art Assemble, you'll be challenged to complete a variety of projects by placing items in a playful 3D puzzle environment.

Once you've completed a design, you have the opportunity to create your own town using the completed projects as building blocks.

With Art Assemble, you can bring your vision to life and showcase your creativity to the world.

Get ready to embark on a design journey like no other.

Imagine having your dream home and many other unique designs all in one captivating town.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 4,942 combined software reviews.

1520 Art Assemble Home Makeover Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Loving the game so much

I have fun playing this game because it’s super fun and I don’t think there’s so much to do I love this game so much I don’t know why I just love it so that’s why I give it a five star rating and I love this game and I games and I like this game most but the only part is the tutorial I don’t like tutorials I thought they were only like gonna give me words, but I will be fine I love it



ArtAssemble is sketchy because when i got into ArtAssemble it asked me right away “Allow tracking?” and it doesn’t have anything saying “don’t allow” so they want us to allow which is very SCARY I am not playing this game because how weird it is so if you are 4+ then be careful even those teenagers don’t think that nobody will grab you but if you don’t agree with me it’s fine but i want ArtAssemble to fix this sketchy thing out because 4 year olds are going to hit allow unless they are very smart 4 year olds! So please notify me when you fixed ArtAssemble so then i will come back and play it because it looks like a fun game! But It’s scary so i’m going to give you a 2 star rating just for the designs Thank you for your time


I like it

So I got this game and I thought it was a good one I got on and it pop up a add and then a put it on airplane mode and then it aside need internet 🛜 so then I put it back on the internet and then it worked so then finally I got in to the game and then I put it on airplane mode and I stared playing it and then a add pops up 🙄I literally did not like it and then a lot of times it needed internet so I think you can see for your self and say that it has adds and needs internet thank you so much for looking at my review so I put it at a 2
star 🌟 thanks and don’t play it ‼️‼️


People who made game pls read

I have not played yet and I already have 2 complaints
Number 1. As soon as i joined it said please allow TRACKING!!!!!!!!!!!! I SONT LIKE THAT.

2. It wouldn’t even let me click next like omg come on. Pls fix that. :( 😡


Fun, too many ads

First, the tracking thing everyone is complaining about is ad tracking, most games have that now. You hit accept on the first screen then you can deny it on the left. It’s kind of funny how much people are complaining about ad tracking.

Second, the game is quite fun, but the ads are kind of ruining it. I might try playing with Wi-Fi off, or while idly doing other things.


Ads every 5 seconds

I do like the game but i cant play or even tap without an ad popping up. Now it’s not as obsessive as others but it’s still somewhat obsessive. Like I place down 4 items and an ad pops up, I don’t think much of it. I place down 4 more things another ad pops up, I get annoyed. I place down 3 more things, and other ad pops up and there’s two more items to finish the game. I finish the game and guess what I get, AN AD. It’s not fun playing with obsessive ads so 3 stars


Way too many ads

I like these games because they’re relaxing, but there are way too many ads (and some of them are a little weird- like a woman sitting on a toilet haha). The ads make it unplayable for me. Aside from that, the graphics are cute, but I don’t like how you can’t place objects where you want them. If they had an ad free version I’d consider continuing to try it out, but I can’t even explore ArtAssemble because there are just so many ads.


Good but update

It’s one of the best games I have ever played but I have a glitch that when it says unity it kicks me out and if it does load it keeps me on the screen where when you complete a level and it lets buy stuff it won’t let me leave


Ads…that’s mostly it.

After reading the only other comment on the game. I tried to give it the benefit of doubt. But, they were right the game is like pretty much filled with just ads. I would be a lot more fun if their wasn’t so many ads , a few is fine (you need the money) but this is to much. Other that that, I really did enjoy it before I couldn’t stand to continue it.


It ok but no many ads

Its a cool game i love it it fun but i get annoyed easily and ArtAssemble does it for me. Don't get me wrong I. Love ArtAssemble it’s amazing i been trying to find an app like it but ArtAssemble has done it for me i love but every 3 thing you place it give you an ad and to se your creation you have watch and AD so if you know how to stuff all the ads pls let me know .


love the game, still some bugs

i love this game so much. there are so many ads though. worst part is that if it makes me watch an ad for a level, the ad won’t even load. It just stays at a black screen and won’t move on



There’s a lot of ads tho and the ads don’t work when I have internet!!!!!


I love this game too much ads

This game lets you take your creativity for decorating into a new perspective although there are ads every few rooms which is actually pretty good but overall, I think it’s a very good game


It’s not A big deal ppl , jeez

When the game asks about tracking it’s not tracking your actual device, it is tracking the kind of games you download so it will give you ads that you might be interested in.

Thank you for you time.


To many adds,

The game is really good . It’s all the adds that take away from the game. I understand you must have some but geeeee you can’t get through with out seeing 10 adds! More game less adds.


Out of control ads

This game has potential, but it’s rendered unplayable by the sheer amount of ads. There’s one when you open ArtAssemble , one between every eight or so items placed, and when the room is complete, up to five more ads just to finish decorating and turn on lights. Terrible, deleting.


To many problems

There are to many adds it’s a fun game but way to many adds and I would’ve did 5 stars but I can’t till you fix the problems


Good but not amazing 😒

So I really like this but sometimes it turns at a certain angle and I can’t really see where to put the thing also I don’t get to do the work it makes me put it somewhere 😓😓😓 like this game just suggestions



Ok so I have this a two star because some people might like it. But when I bought this game I thought I could do what I want design stuff and put the stuff were I wanted! You can’t do that. Also ads. So many ads. And it wants to track you. That is so sketchy.


Infested with ads

Game had a lot of potential that I could see myself playing often but the fact that it's another game that forces you to be connected to the internet to spam you with ads with every click you do I won't be playing anymore


It’s the most amazing

I think playing this game for a long time it’s amazing. It’s the most amazing my brother even watches it all the time Watch me play it. i’m a little kid so I might be wrong…… I mean nine years old


LOOOVE but needs more levels

i love this game. i’ve been playing it for a while and finished all the levels sadly :( the only complaint i really have is that they dont have enough levels and you cant redo levels, but otherwise this game is amazing. sooo super relaxing too. about the ads, i just use a basic free ad blocker and i dont get any ads so they dont bother me. i thought that was common knowledge but i guess not. i def recommend this game if u like to decorate and play relaxing games!!!


Only 2 cities are available?

I really like the game and I’ll change my rating when they make all the cities available and add more things to do. I’ve completed everything already so there’s nothing more to do. Please add to the game and update it pretty please.


Mixed Feelings

I enjoy the game and would 100% if you can afford paying to remove ads, do so.I had two pop up before I could even get in the game. Most of the time I would uninstall over that but I really wanted to play the game. I also paid to unlock all levels and decorations. I 100% would not buy those things from what I experienced it did nothing as far as the game play. Unlocking all levels will just allow you to jump from theme to theme not really worth it. Also paying to unlock decorations seems like a scam in all honesty. You will still have to watch a bunch of ads for the decorations. So you are paying them to watch ads. So I am basically paying twice. That is really not okay.



ArtAssemble is sketchy because when i got into ArtAssemble it asked me right away “Allow tracking?” and it doesn’t have anything saying “don’t allow” so they want us to allow which is very SCARY I am not playing this game because how weird it is so if you are 4+ then be careful even those teenagers don’t think that nobody will grab you but if you don’t agree with me it’s fine but i want ArtAssemble to fix this sketchy thing out because 4 year olds are going to hit allow unless they are very smart 4 year olds! So please notify me when you fixed ArtAssemble so then i will come back and play it because it looks like a fun game! But It’s scary so i’m going to give you a 2 star rating just for the designs Thank you for your time


It’s so good

It’s so good because You have the freedom to choose what you want it to look like once you’re finished with the building and there’s so many cool things you can do on this like you can make other peoples buildings and stuff like that so go ahead and download this game


Love this game!

This is a great game, but it was kinda creepy when it said allow tracking. Like, I don't want someone getting into my personal stuff and hacking me or something. So I suggest that if you want this game, Maybe get a VPN, This is a warning for stay safe out there kiddos!


So good

I love it so much. Every time I go to play it's just so relaxing, and the music so good. I would pick this if I where you. It is top 3 for me. And I'm picky when it comes to games so I'm glad that I found this game. It's just so fun and I can stop playing with this game. Every time I open my phone I play this game. And that's why this game is so fun!


Not what I expected

EDIT: my bad this is addressed in ArtAssemble store description. I think it would be good if the “make your own town after the journey is complete” was better addressed in ArtAssemble itself. Like a “my town” tab that has a lock over it and when you click it it explains how to unlock the feature.

I thought that I would be able to place items freely, but there are set locations for each item every level. There’s little to no creativity involved, although the visuals are nice. I became bored after just a couple levels. I would redownload if a “my house” or custom room option was added. I would be more motivated to play the levels if I was earning items as a reward that I could place in room(s) that I had creative freedom over. I wanna mix and match and create that perfect hypothetical bedroom/kitchen/personal library/living room/etc, y’know? I’m glad many people seem to enjoy this game as-is, but what makes interior design games fun for me is unfortunately just not a feature in ArtAssemble.


Awesome game but ……..

It is an awesome game and in the comments people say it is sketchy WRONG it asks u for tracking on other games not u and after u hit allow u still have an option I think it is a good game because it is entertaining and u get to change stuff if u want but when u go to place stuff u have to scroll through the decorative menu in order to find it it gets kinda boring but I would recommend it for people older than 4 because of the skill level I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍

All u haters on the game don’t have to play it is ur loss not ours

Player of an awesome game


Stop. Saying. This. App. Is. SKETCHY.

Ok so i have been playing this game for a while now and just never wrote a review! So i thought “Hey! Let’s read some!” When i tell you that almost EVERY SINGLE ONE I SAW WAS CALLING THIS IS APP IS SKETCHY!!!! i’m not lying. they all say “oh ArtAssemble is sketchy because it asks you for tracking.” OH. MY. GOD. when it says that it means that it tracks what apps you use. it’s so you don’t get bored of the game. it shows you ads of games that are like the other games on your phone. THATS WHAT IT MEANS BY TRACKING OK PEOPLE!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡

Have fun Newcomers!😁😊


It’s good but can be improved in many way

It’s really good and really fun but there’s only two things Is that there are too many ads and two it doesn’t let you do your design it does it’s own design.


Good overall

This game is good overall and I love to play it however I have come across an issue of not being able to unlock some things to proceed further into the game. There is an option to watch an ad to unlock but everytime I click it it says “ no ads available” and I don’t know if this is a bug but it is really getting on my nerves and I just want to unlock the items.


Used to be a lot more fun

I honestly love this game. Asssmbling the different rooms relaxes me so much and is very entertaining. I stopped playing for a while because life got busy and when I started playing again, I noticed there was a SIGNIFICANT increase in the amount of ADs that are played while even attempting to navigate ArtAssemble . That’s extremely annoying and I wish they’d decrease the number of ads they put in.

Also, please release an update with the rest of the towns/rooms, I’m up to Sweetside Town and I can’t progress any further. It has said “Coming Soon…” foreverrr!


Katana’s review

It is one of the funnest games it is very relaxing and there’s like keyboard music in the background and it just so calming and also you could combined the things that you make together and at beginning it’s like a combine not combined it shows you where to put stuff. I’m at the beginning right now but it’s great.


so funn but..

okay so i’ve seen a lot of people writing reviews about the ads and the “allow ArtAssemble to track” thing. so 1. in my personal experience i get an add after every building i assemble but i heard that if you turn on airplane mode you get less ads. 2. whenever an app asks you if it can track it means that they are trying to track the apps that you have on your device you they can recommend ads that are similar to the games you have downloaded.

anyways other than that i really like this game and i am almost finished with all the levels👍👍


Good game

Its a really nice game and i like it alot but there is alot of ads like ill be in the middle of placing something ill get an ad, im about to move onto the next stage i get an ad, i am about to do a new room i get an ad. I dont think i have hone not even 5 minutes without multiple ads. But other than all of the ads this game is amazing


My thoughts

I truly really like this game. It’s not hard. It’s good for you brain,To try to figure out where to put things at. I love the result of it. Actually looks real like if you were building your own house store or anything. I give it a thumb up and 5 stars. There is nothing I don’t like it at all so far. Just continue bringing up more things to build. Never give up.


fun but, coming soon???

So I never leave reviews it’s just not my thing, but I do really love this game. Like the ads don’t even bother me much because the game is so fun however I was reading other comments trying to find an answer to a question I had so I wouldn’t have to worry, but I didn’t find one. The first two towns are unlocked and ofc you can do the places for them but when I go to click on the third one and all the ones after that it says coming soon and I just want to know if it’s actually COMING SOON! 😭(I do have the other towns unlocked btw) so I can decide if I’m going to keep it or not. I’ve also tried to look up this game on the web so I can see if there’s something I missed, but nothing. It’s like it’s all in my head, I want to continue the game I’ve done all the the places for the other towns but no where to put them, is my game broken? or is ArtAssemble still under maintenance? also a lot of these date back to like a year ago so I’m really sad lol. which for that reason and that reason only I gave it 4 stars, it would be five.


AMAZING barely any ads!

This game is so fun it’s a little less work than other games like this, although I do have some ideas that could change the game, if we could build our own houses with things we maybe unlocked instead of just building all the ones where it’s like, this goes here and that goes there. If that idea wouldn’t work then maybe we could have a little more free will as in maybe some things are optional you don’t have to put them in or you could add extra things. Or maybe some more options when changing the items. This game also doesn’t have as many ads as other games I’ve played.

Is Art Assemble Home Makeover Safe?

Yes. Art Assemble : Home Makeover is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,942 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Art Assemble Home Makeover Is 62.9/100.

Is Art Assemble Home Makeover Legit?

Yes. Art Assemble : Home Makeover is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,942 Art Assemble : Home Makeover User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Art Assemble Home Makeover Is 100/100..

Is Art Assemble : Home Makeover not working?

Art Assemble : Home Makeover works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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