RAW - Date 100% real people Reviews

RAW - Date 100% real people Reviews

Published by on 2024-08-29

About: No fakes, no catfishing, and no scams here – just authentic raw people looking
to fall in love at first sight. FALL IN LOVE WITH THE REAL.

About RAW

To access the feed all you gotta do is take a quick back&front shot with your phone and BAM! You'll be swiping on unfiltered, true images of your potential lovers that are taken in real-time within the app.

Every day, we ask to take a photo using RAW's back&front camera, showing a real-time snapshot of not just your potential crush but a sneak peek of their life too.

Daily photos made through back&front camera get you a real crush, not fake profiles.

No fakes, no catfishing, and no scams here – just authentic raw people looking to fall in love at first sight.

RAW is a unique community that goes against the trend of those over-edited photos you see on other dating apps.

This way, pics are always fresh and you have a better chance to match with your dream crush.

We have only 100% real people, just like you.

Say goodbye to catfishing and photoshopped pics.

RAW is not just another fake dating app.

There’s no сheatcodes for little swindlers.

We've got a new, viral way to show off yourself.

No old photos and definitely no photoshopping, just the real deal.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 1,758 combined software reviews.

800 RAW Reviews

4.3 out of 5


Absolutely great

I just have one gripe about not being able to pay for premium instead of inviting people to RAW as i understand y’all want a growing user base and the free premium for 3 invites is a great way to do that.

More dating apps could take a few pointers from y’all.

I feel as though it should be a option to pay instead of inviting cuz when you can only invite your family it make it a little awkward to do that


Nice looking app! It’d be nice if I could use it.

Can’t get the phone number part of signing up, because the user interface of my iPhone 8 doesn’t have the ability to make the keyboard go away without tapping something else I can interact with. Even being able to tap the screen to make the keyboard go away would be great. Just make the entire screen a button that doesn’t do anything, that way I can get past the screen. Or perhaps there is another workaround, but I don’t know for certain.


Only One Gripe

RAW is overall a new experience. I’ve been having some interesting conversations. My only complaint is that I can’t filter the locations, and everyone lives so far. So if that becomes a feature in the future it will be well worth checking out.


Waste of time

So the whole point of RAW is the same as most other dating apps. Make a bio, post some info, and take pictures. RAW encourages you to take apps daily which is great! DOWNSIDE is every one I have taken except for 1 has been declined or disapproved from being posted. No politics, religion, nudity, paraphernalia, drugs, or anything considered controversial, etc. Literally just pictures of my face. App: POST PICTURES SO PEOPLE GET TO KNOW YOU! App: your picture wasn’t approved and has been denied. Waste of time. No reason or anything saying why, just disapproved and told to take another, just for it to get disapproved and the cycle repeats.


Amazing dating app for female users!

This dating app has been a game-changer for women like me, cause it really focuses on safety. No fake accounts, no deceptive games – just real people looking for meaningful connections. They encourage you take new photos daily straight in RAW , so everyone can clearly see each other. Highly recommended for a safer online dating experience!


I like it but needs improvements

New user here, why do I’ve to invite friends to see who liked my shots? I rather pay for a premium subscription, 15 or 20$ a month. I don’t want to invite friends man. I don’t trust anyone anymore. They need to work on that. I could be missing out on an opportunity to date an amazing woman all because RAW requires to share dating profile to see who liked you. Are you kidding me?


Finding love is easy

I was tired looking for something serious in others apps and men just faking their appearance and ghosting everybody. I recommend it if you don’t want to waste time and if you’re really looking to find a serious relationship. I found my love thanks to an app!


Another way to get premium??

So far RAW is alright, I have yet to actually match with anyone. But I know that to see the people who have liked you, you have to have this app premium, and is there a way to just buy premium? Or are you required to invite 10 people? Cuz it would be a lot easier if I could just buy premium cuz I don’t really have anyone to invite.


Has Alot of potential

Overall I would say 4/5 like I did gave it. The only issue is matches all seem to be States away. Kindof missing the key feature all the other has have which is finding people near you.


Not terrible

Torn on how to review. Nice it forces a photo and uses both to help stop fake accounts, there isn’t a way to buy any premium only way is to share... It also didn’t record birthdate properly apparently the first of the month doesn’t exist?? It also doesn’t abide by filters in place or keeps resetting them. Not bad but needs work


A dating app that's actually different

Really like RAW - core idea is great and actually different to the other boring dating apps. I really like that there's no filters or heavy edited old photos, seems more real and easier this way


The Concept is great, execution not so much

I was excited to try RAW, but was shortly disappointed after spending some time using it. It didn’t take any of my preferences into consideration nor did it show anyone within a reasonable distance from me. I was getting matched with people from states away and I was shown people outside of my age range.


Cannot change my location after downloading on vacation.

I recently downloaded this app back when I went in vacation to Florida but stopped using it when I got back into work. I opened it today to see I’m not able to change my location to Maryland. Now that I’m home I’m hoping to use it in my area but plan on deleting it if that’s not an option.


Simple and real

I've been using this app dating app for a week now, and I appreciate its simplicity. It doesn't overwhelm with flashy features, it just focuses on essentials. I love doing photos on both cameras, it works so great and feels really fresh (ok, not REALLY fresh, ykwim, but fresh in dating)


Good but

Saw RAW on an ad and decided to give it a try. So far I like it nothing too bad, one thing is the requirement to register 3 friends in order to get premium. To be honest Id rather pay a subscription.


Love the RAW

I let the team know an issue I was having with RAW and they were so sweet and generous and offered me a week of free premium. I love the idea of knowing what someone really looks like right from the start



This is lame. You have to share RAW with three people in order to enable premium. Why can’t I just get premium without doing that? I went ahead and shared RAW with three people and did not get the premium. Now I’m embarrassed because I didn’t even want to put my business out there to anyone just yet but I did for the sake of getting premi. LAME!


Different than others

Simple and different form other dating apps. I mean that in a good way. Had so many likes. That never happened to me before


My new favorite app

Some friends recommended RAW, and I really like it. It's my top dating app, closely followed by Hinge. The matches feel more natural and authentic due to the profile setup, and there are no creepy or spammy profiles.


Wish They Would Make Preferences Work 🤷‍♂️

After Getting Started On RAW I Quickly Realized They Haven’t Made it So That Prefrences Work It Just Shows U People From Across The World Hopefully They Eventually Fix That Issue Other Than That RAW Shows Promises



I recently downloaded RAW because I’m in need of a special someone in my life. RAW icon is cool itself. The whole profile start-up process is so inviting and friendly. The matching game is fun in itseld, cause all photos are recent. I’m so excited to continue to use RAW and I’m so glad I came across RAW.



I love RAW. I think that it is super easy to connect with people with these fresh photos you take. I like the questions you are able to answer and showcase on your profile. I honestly would recommend RAW to anyone who is seeking a love interest.


Great free premium

I will definitely recommend this dating app cuz it is very convenient to use, no ads or anything. It has good vibes somehow. Plus, premium is basically free and even without the subscription you can match with plenty of people. There is nothing complicated.


A pretty refreshing change, BUT

RAW is a really big deviation from the standard dating app model, while also retaining familiar features. I haven’t got any matches yet but I get enough likes to know I’m not being hidden. I really like how you don’t need to pay for boosts and stuff, it’s all referral based. That is a good trend more apps should incorporate.

The only complaint I have so far is that I set my age range to be at minimum 20, and they still show me 18 and 19 year olds. I’ve tried restarting and resetting RAW and the feature, but it still shows them to me. I’d just like the age filter to work a little better.

Otherwise this is a refreshing way to have a dating app that doesn’t feel exactly like every other one on the market.



I was going through RAW and honestly it seem like it has some great potential unlike other apps it seem like it’s based on your real self and it’s kinda refreshing. The only downside is that RAW requires you to send your profile to three people from your contacts to obtain premium and it’s kind of odd because I would gladly pay for the premium so unfortunately it seems like I might not get the premium but we’ll see what happens.


Broken (maybe glitches)

I created my account and added all my photos, a bio, my takes and everything. I finally went to go swipe on people finally and it refused to load. I then restarted RAW only for it to try and make me create another account. Yet I can’t due to having already used my phone number, it just says my phone number is invalid and try again. I was looking forward to using RAW as it’s new and looks pretty good up until the issues I ran into. I assume these are just glitches, same as how my photos I was uploading were slow and occasionally greyed out, yet after re-uploading they worked fine. I don’t know how common the glitches are but I’m disappointed in the situation as I can’t use RAW already.


Great app for those looking for something more real

I completely loved RAW. I haven’t ever used dating apps and about a year ago I decided to give them a try. I did some research and decided to try this app first as I was looking for something non-ordinary. As a woman, it is nice to be able to see your matches like in real life, it adds a layer of trust I didn't find in other apps. I had 3 dates with really nice guys before finding my current boyfriend, so we are both very happy we found each other with RAW.


My 3star review

So I give this a 3 star because while it’s a really cool app and I love the fact it’s free and stuff and to get the premium you have to send link to people to join up I mean I’m 22 and I have friends but the one thing that really doesn’t do it for me is the location settings I can’t set my actual location it’s a city over and the people likening me arnt in the age range I’ve set nor the people I’m looking at there way out of the age range I’ve set and I also Get people liking me from states away which is kinda unfortunate but I mean other then that the apps really cool and I like


Solid app but needs bug fixes asap

Solid app but when going back and forth on and off RAW it kicks me out and even sometimes won’t let me log back in imma give it a couple days but I will have to remove it if it continues to do it. I like RAW and it has serious potential of replacing other known apps but if this is a issue for me I know others will experience it too. Along with the messaging being very spotty I have lost connection with people due to the logging out and messages I sent not being delivered it needs fixing asap.


pretty good app!

Hey developers -

Really enjoying RAW so far, I like the concept a lot. I'm having a few glitches in RAW though :(. When I've matched with someone, it doesn't show me any of their profile pictures that they've uploaded. It also doesn't seem to filter by age - I keep seeing people wayy beyond my age range. Also, I keep matching with people who live in California when I live in Florida. Would really appreciate any advice so that I could fix these things ☺️☺️


interesting concept!

i enjoy the fact ghat its incre similar to bereal, but i really wish i was able to adjust location preferences because i get matches with people who live 200 miles away from me. Another thing is that id like to see what their profile actually looks like and what their interests are, not after ive matched with them.
Like I said, its an interesting concept, but these things id really like to see be adjusted.


Good app, but needs some improvements

Overall, it’s a great app compared to its competitors the only problem is the invite wall to unlock premium. If you could actually pay for it, it would simplify the process of having to find three people to sign up for RAW . Also there is a couple minor glitches and bugs as far as RAW comes, but overall I recommend it.


App has potential.

RAW could be a whole lot better. First the whole forcing the this app photo thing is a little much. You can’t use RAW ’s basic features until you post a this app photo when it decides. Second it’s super glitched out. It’s made me take a this app photo 4 times in a row now without allowing me to use any other features in RAW . Won’t allow me to vote won’t allow me to see other users nothing. It’s stuck in a perpetual loop of asking for a this app photo. Please fix this.


Decent but buggy

I was going to review RAW at four stars maybe five however, today changed that. It is a good app once you are on it long enough, and the selfie a day tag is not too complicated.

One downside is that when filtering ages all ages show up so it can be frustrating but it’s still a work in progress and has great potential. I have talked to a few cool people on there. People are so nice.

Today I tried to log in after work and was at the original install screen. Typed in my number again figuring it got updated or something, and it said invalid number please try again. Uninstall and reinstall. Have message notifications on RAW let’s me into RAW . An hour later I’m back at the number screen trying to put in my phone number again.

Again I do like RAW hopefully support can help me out.


Beyond irritating

Not sure if it’s a bug but you can only get one swipe in before it asks you to post a photo. This photo cannot be one from your library and it HAS to take a photo of you AND your surroundings at the same time…kinda like face time. It’s not really free either. You have to share with 3 friends and I think they have to sign up. It's worst than tinder. At least tinder shows bios before you swipe left or right. This one is solely the person and whatever was in front of them.

It's dumb.


Neat concept, bad implementation

First off, filters are completely nonfunctional. I’m 15 minutes into using RAW and most of the people I’m swiping on seem to be outside of the age range I set. And there’s no way to know if the people are even remotely near me but judging by some of the photos I can tell they’re in other states. Secondly, while it’s a cool idea to have to take a new BeReal style photo daily, this means that most the photos are low quality and trash. Bad angles, not showing a full face… it’s like swiping through a hundred snapchats with people you haven’t talked to in a year but still send bad photos back and forth with to keep the streak alive. I’d recommend the developers work HARD to fix the filters. And then something should be implemented to tap in and see the two photos the person uploaded during account creation or just some kind of better photo than what they took that day. Or use AI to recommend better lighting and face view or something.

Additionally, something got me logged out of RAW and now I can’t get back in cuz there isn’t a login prompt on RAW . There’s only a register option and I can’t re-register with my same info. So they REALLY need to add a normal login functionality to the first page.


Great app but frustrating.

RAW is great by design, I love the concept and the realness of it. Also a huge plus that it’s not money hungry like the other apps. HOWEVER the filters are a absolute mess, you set that you want a certain age and it completely ignores it. Secondly the 3 matches that I have gotten since I started 30 minutes have been across the state, 500 miles away and on the complete other side of the US from me. New York to California. It’s impossible to make connections with people you know you will never see. I understand RAW is in its infancy and likely does not have enough users in your direct area but I’d rather be able to set the distance and have it tell me I'm all out of matches near me then match with someone across the nation. Also side note, it’s very hard to find 3 people every month to sign up for a dating app. There should be other ways to get it, download apps or watch ads or something. I understand that the company has to do something but people don’t know that many single people me included.


Ok so far

I’m extremely new to RAW , and everything so far is going alright. I just wish there was more to just posting a pic for the day and then being judged on that alone. Maybe you can give the option to add a caption to the picture, and also the location (as an option). Just making a decision on looks alone is pretty tough. Again, I do like the concept of having to post a daily picture because I know it’s not a fake profile. Looking forward to see how it progresses.


Great idea - needs some bug fixes

I think RAW is super cool and it’s a great concept. Like many others have mentioned though, it needs some work.

1. Location refinement: it would be great to be able to specify how many miles away you’re willing to match with people from. It’s frustrating to get a match with someone who seems cool just to find out they’re halfway across the country.

2. Seeing profile info before matching: I know the point is to like be “this app” but it would be cool if you could see just a like a bio or something before swiping. Swiping just based on looks feels a bit shallow.

3. Bug fixes: This is probably the most important complaint I have. there have been several times where RAW has glitched out and not allowed me to perform basic functions. For example, it will get stuck on the loading screen, and I have to delete and reinstall RAW or even worse it will show me who has liked me (it randomly gave me premium for free??) but then won’t allow me to swipe yes or no on those people. It just crashes so I can’t actually match with anyone.


Getting started

Everything was going smoothly until I got to the section of uploading the photos I would be able to select them and when it would send me back to that section the photos seemed to be there but they showed up white. So I gave it some time to load them cause in order for you to continue creating an account you have to have at least two photos but that didn’t work so I removed the photos closed RAW put them up again and same thing didn’t work. So then I uninstalled and installed RAW again but that didn’t help either.


I changed my mind

I didn't like RAW at first, but then I started to enjoy it more. If you're curious, I can share the reasons why I changed my mind about it. First, there are many new people to meet, unlike other apps where you see the same matches over and over again. Also, most people I talked to live nearby, which is great. RAW has a good variety of people in different age groups, making it easier to meet people without feeling out of place (I'm 33 years old, by the way). I even went on real dates with some really attractive women that I met on RAW . Lastly, RAW 's double camera features are simple, easy to use, and works well


It’s good I guess, but…

Can you guys make it so that people that you don’t like at least three times don’t appear on the list of people you can “swipe” through? I say at least three times to account for accidents.
Because I really don’t wanna keep liking the same girls that keep not wanting to like me back. I don’t wanna bother them like that. And I know this happens cuz there’s this girl that keeps liking me and I’m not interested at all. I keep pressing Block but she keeps being able to like me. I don’t blame her, you can’t keep track of who you’ve liked and who you haven’t. Can you do something about this?


Great concept but needs improvement

I’ve been on RAW for a few hours and right off I’m seeing a few problems. The age settings do not always work and it shows people outside of the preferences you’ve set. Also the fact that we can’t see who has liked us until getting people to register for RAW is a horrible concept. Most people around my age are in relationships or don’t care to be in relationships, if you’re going to have a premium it might be better to just make it a subscription. You could also just set a limit of likes one person can see a day instead of blocking it completely if you don’t have premium. Additionally there needs to be a location setting so you can find people that are actually near you.


A good app, but could be made better.

I really like RAW, but I think it could be made better with some additional features. The couple matches I have were hundreds of miles away. I would like to be able to filter results by distance to my current location. Also, the requirement to register 3 friends for premium access is difficult for me (and probably for others). At my age, 42, everyone is my social circle is already in a relationship so I don’t have anyone to register. I would gladly pay a monthly fee to maintain premium access. Because I can’t see who has liked me without it. Thanks for making a good app, but I think it could be much better.


Better than other dating apps

I prefer RAW more competitive grinder due to the fact that grinder mostly hook up and creepy people lol but the one thing I like about is that you actually get to postings and on top of that you get to see their age and what they look like right off the bat and decide whether you like them or not I think that would be better if I had like a monthly subscription or maybe weekly like Tier one or like here two and tier 3 depending on what subscription you want or what you’re looking for and it gives you certain benefits or perks. I guess you could say I think that would make it better but so far I give it for a star I like it a lot


I like the design but..

The design of RAW is great I really like it, it’s kind of new and trendy. I like the fact that there isn’t any limited numbers of likes or votes and you can keep going (from what I can tell so far). But I have to say I’ve been liking for a little over an hour now in between doing other things and haven’t received any likes back, not sure if it’s just me, or if I’m just getting everyone who's not online or something weird like that. I think it’d be cool to see the other persons profile and what not before matching as well, maybe I’m just not using RAW right. Anyways love RAW keep up the good work.


App needs a lot of work

This could be a really good app, but you can’t see location or distance. You have no idea who you are matching with and what their interests are, and you can’t see who liked you without premium (which you can’t get without signing friends up)

They need to have either a small monthly fee to have premium or just make it a completely free thing to see your matches.

They also need to have better settings to make your location distance a thing, you will finally get a match and they are 5 states over and will never happen. They really need to start looking into their reviews on here and see that every single person using RAW is saying the exact same thing.



I usually don't write reviews on RAW Store, but I have to make an exception for this one. I've tried a bunch of dating apps, and in my opinion, this is the best! I love that you can't see everyone's profiles without swiping right – it feels like real-life dating. Once you both like each other, you can chat. Another big plus for me is that I haven't come across any fake profiles or bots, which can be super annoying. If you're looking to meet interesting people and make connections, definitely give RAW a download. You'd be missing out if you don't!


I like it but…

I do love the concept of RAW a lot! My qualms are 1. You can’t see peoples details before you “like” them, just the photo of the day so it’s still pretty based on looks 2. The filters… don’t seem to work? I’m a lesbian so I chose to select for only women but I still get shown men a lot and men are still able to “like” me. 3. While I like that you can get premium for free by just doing tasks, I dislike that you can’t just buy it. I think there should be both options for the people who can’t/don’t want to invite multiple people every month.


Decent idea

I like the idea of daily pics. That’s a neat idea and all, but it’s absolutely ridiculous that I have to register three people to get premium. I have sent messages to you guys about this and received no response. I have no friends really and so there’s no way I can get anyone to register. I get it that registering people gets more people on RAW , but that’s a stupid idea to retain people. No one will stay on RAW if the only way to premium is registering other people. Get this fixed asap. I’ve had several people like me and yet I can’t see them because of your stupid registering requirement. Just make a way I can pay for the premium. Also respond to people when they contact you, otherwise RAW will go no where at all.


Awesome concept

Really a cool concept but the execution is a bit iffy.
1. Definitely needs a bigger user base. I’m getting shown users in different states which I assume is due to lack of users.
2. Being able to set a mile radius would be awesome because yea it’s nice to meet people in other places but when it comes to dating I will not drive 250 miles to meet someone.
3. There should be some prompts as to what a good photo is, I’ve seen some dark and blurry pictures.
Really cool app and concept and would love to see it grow and improve. Low 4/5 for now.


Interesting concept but needs more TLC

I downloaded RAW because it was different from other apps with the way it keeps pictures up to date and you can really SEE someone for who they are in their daily life. Issues that I have run into that I know a lot of people have as well is the age range settings not working correctly. I am being shown 20-23 year olds and 40+ year olds when my range is set to 27-35. It feels strange that I have to self filter by swiping left on the many people that show up out of my age range. Another issue is that I want to have my push notifications on in case I receive a message or crush but I get notifications EVERY time someone crushes on me. Which would be cool if I could see who it is, but I’d have to register 3 friends and all my friends are partnered or married. Would prefer some other way to get premium whether it’s a subscription or something else. I really want to LOVE RAW because it’s so unique, but it needs so more TLC.


Not bad at all

I really like the swiping capabilities where I’m able to swipe a lot. My only issues is that I can’t see there locations I can definitely tell some of these people are very far away as well as the age difference I set it to a maximum of 25 and it keeps giving me people that are ALOT older then that. I love that you have to take a picture daily it makes it so I know who’s active and who just on there to be there but I do wish I could see the other photos from some people because sometimes they take great picture and it means you can see them at there daily and also when they take the time to pretty up. All around a good app just needs a few tweaks:)


I have a RAW idea

So I absolutely love the idea of seeing people in their natural habitat. The Real Adventurous Wildlife part of their life! It’s absolutely amazing 🤩 however, the fact that no matter where I go on RAW it doesn’t allow me to upgrade to premium. And because of this I can’t see who likes me. I have been in RAW for days now and still no match. Which means no messages. It also doesn’t show me the locations. To me all I’m doing is swiping but what’s the end game if I can’t actually meet anyone? I’m seconds away from deleting this. I just want to be able to give it a chance because it’s this app. But it’s truly making it difficult for me to see or communicate with anyone on RAW .


Amazing Idea! Much Potential

I’m thoroughly impressed with RAW and its innovative approach to online dating. It stands out as a potential game-changer in the market, setting itself apart from mainstream options like Tinder and Bumble. RAW isn’t just about superficial swipes and lining investor pockets; it’s about forging real, meaningful connections, which is incredibly unpopular in today’s app market. To the developers: Great work, thank you! Marketing: it would be amazing if this could be advertised further, I really want to see this user base grow!


Huge potential

I really like the bit of RAW that I’ve seen so far. It’s got a great concept and an easy flow. Plus its main function seems to be a great bot deterrent since you have to take a picture daily. However, I’m in WA State, I swiped one person in Seattle (about an hour away) and then it said something close to “you’ve swiped all the locals in the area. Let’s try a few faces from other places” and showed me someone from Florida. I’m assuming RAW is too new to have many people on it, so I will be keeping it and checking in every couple of weeks or so. But if you want a cool dating app with few to no bots? Check RAW out for sure


Good potential

Pretty much the same deal as a lot of other reviews. I like the concept, but RAW doesn’t have enough of a user-base to function correctly. I only made it about 10 swipes in before I started being shown profiles on the opposite side of the country. Apps like this need to hit a certain threshold of users, otherwise they just can’t function.

Perhaps you could add a function where the user could select a radius around them that they can match people in, while still not being allowed to manually set their location in order to keep with RAW ’s original purpose? As things are, the user experience would be better off if RAW just stopped showing you people that are a certain distance away, rather than show you people that you’d just waste your time trying to interact with, since seeing them in person isn’t an option.


Good concept, needs work especially with distance

The concept of making people take a daily photo to avoid catfishing is a good idea and I like that about RAW . What I don’t like is there’s no distance filter.

I’m near a metro area (600k+ people) and I saw one person in that city or surrounding area. I immediately started getting people from the other side of the country in my queue and it constantly jumped around the entire country with no pattern at all. I swiped through about 50 profiles and it never even got close to my area again.

I could understand if there just weren’t a lot of users within a certain radius of me but I feel like I’ll never know because I couldn’t set that parameter.


Not a bad apphave some patience)

My experience so far has been good! Haven’t found any matches yet which has been a little discouraging but I know stuff like this takes time. I’ve had one match but I had to sign up for the premium first; which makes me accountable because for me to have this map for almost 2 to 3 months and only get a minimum of two matches, I’m a little bit scared to pay an extra $20 only to see how those two matches weren’t good matches. but the dating pool so far looks good. I just haven’t made a budge on buying a premium yet.


Why am I seeing people who aren’t local?

As a dating app, you would think there would be the ability to search within a certain distance of your location. I have looked and don’t see an option for that. RAW concept is fantastic, but it seems 99% of the profiles I come across are not even in the same state, much less the same city (one was even in Australia and I’m in the US) I’ll try for a little longer, but I have very low hopes with RAW since I can’t restrict the location to local

Edit: I can’t see the developer’s response, now, that stated something about how it works, but I remember it saying something about showing locals first and then broadening out further away. That’s not the behavior of RAW at all. I get profiles from CA which is much further away than AZ or NM, but then I’ll get a profile from AZ or NM. Then I’ll see a profile from NY and then it shows me a profile from WI. I’m in TX. There is no rhyme or reason to the geographic location of the profiles I am shown and occasionally I’ll see profiles from my state and on rare occasion, my city. RAW is garbage.


Cool idea, but flawed

It’s a cool idea, definitely has that novelty factor and potential to grow. However, there are some flaws that have made me delete my account.

Notably, the users I see are from all over the country, which isn’t ideal. I’m not looking to match with someone from across the country. I don’t want a penpal, I’m here to meet someone for real. There should really be a distance limit, and there isn’t one, as far as I can tell.

Also, I see a message pop up sometimes saying “This user is a top user, buy premium to match with her” This is not a good tactic to get people to buy premium.

From how I assume it works - locking the ability to like a particular user behind a paywall isn’t great design, and I don’t think many people are going to pay for an expensive app subscription just to talk to someone who already has a bunch of other people lining up to talk to them as well.

Maybe I’ll sign up again in the future if it grows and changes these issues, but right now, these two problems keep me from even trying it further. Best of luck.

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