The ad I saw for this on Twitter gives the impression that the user can choose what they want changed and what they want it changed to. It shows the walls being highlighted (presumably by the user—it looks like a finger is tracing the area) then choosing a new paint color, the floor being highlight and changed to different flooring, etc. But that’s not actually what happens at all in Deko. Instead, after you upload an image of a room, Deko generates a whole new room, without any input from the user except what budget the user has and whether or not they want to DIY build any furniture. I picked $500 (the lowest option) and no DIY furniture. I never got the opportunity to tell Deko if I wanted the walls changed another color, the flooring replaced… Nothing like that. Instead it generated an entirely different room with a whole new fireplace, new flooring, all new furniture…. Nobody is going to be able to do all that for $500! Not only did I have no desire for an entirely new room with every single element from paint color to fireplace to furniture completely replaced, it didn’t even ask me what style I wanted this new room to be in. I’m a home stager and I was hoping I could use Deko to show clients what their room would look like after making some minor cosmetic changes, like wall color. Maybe the pro version is different, but no way I’m paying for it without being able to try those features first (if they even exist).