Published by on 2024-01-30

About: An all-new action RPG for the popular anime series "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick
Up Girls in a Dungeon?"! - Experience the world of Danmachi in 3D with fully
voiced dialogue! Relive the story of Danmachi in 3D together with your favorite
characters brought to life via anime-style 3D graphics! You can also enjoy
game-exclusive movies and scenes drawn at totally different angles from the
anime! - Monsters await you in the Dun.


*Please ensure that you operate this app within the operating environment explained in "App Support." Even when operated within the specified operating environment, this service may not work properly depending on the customer's usage conditions and factors specific to the model used.

- Take on other adventurers in Magic Stone Contests, free-for-all battles where everyone is an enemy! These are battle royales fought between 8 different players.

Please refer to "App Support" for information on the operating environment and other inquiries.

Perform your favorite deadly attacks, including Firebolt and Lil Rafaga, in spectacular fashion.

- Want to play a game based on a popular anime.

- Want to enjoy both a single player and multiplayer experience.

- Want to adventure with cute female characters.

*This application is distributed with official permission from the rights holder.

- Are a fan of anime, light novels, or manga (comics).


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 1,961 combined software reviews.

880 DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE Reviews

4.6 out of 5


I was Excited! But the combat…

I just booted it up and was excited to see that the combat will be real time (not sure what to call it but combat like genshin). I expected the combat to be quick and snappy because bell is regarded as an character. However, bell was slow. His reach is soooo small that I have to hug the enemy to land a hit, which I receive 2x the damage for what I hit. Second, the dodge mechanism SHOULD NOT BE ON COOLDOWN! Why is it on a 5 second cooldown?! I can’t dodge enemy fast enough, you can’t run away from the enemy when you decide to attack, next thing you your HP is halfed. The combat when from a ughhh… to insufferable when the dodge became a cooldown.

Tutorial bell also doesn’t respond to player input right away, it feel like there is a delay that shouldn’t be there for smoothly fast combat. Sadly, I would not be going back to this game cause of the combat


Bugs and glitches

All the PvP modes are glitchy and bugged. Can’t enter into the Magic Stone Scramble mode to finish 1 of my event missions and Arena is just ridiculous with how my AI will just sit there and not use skills or anything and lose to a team way weaker than them. Loading screens take way too long. I’m not sure if this a issue because the servers are merged with foreign servers but whatever needs to be done, should be done or you’ll lose new playerbase or not gain anymore playerbase. This is my favorite anime, please don’t screw this up.

Another issue is, no way to buy more gacha tickets with in-game currency and honestly, you can’t buy anything with the in-game free valis so what’s the point of it other than using 2800 of them for the gacha pull? This game needs a lot of work.


Signs of the game being a money grab on release?

I was so excited to play this game for the longest and when it finally comes out I was introduced with nice and clean graphics for a mobile game and the game play was so intriguing with the different type of class setups and characters with the game showing real content from the anime, I was intrigued until the gacha/ summon part came up, I saw the you had to pay for gems just to be able to use good banners plus There’s a battle pass so it’s asking for you to spend even more money ON A ANIME GAME. This game has potential to be one of the best anime games but if your gonna be a cash grab at the release of the game, it questions the possibility that you are gonna be cash grabs until the end. So please change some things.


Good gameplay, bad gacha

Overall the gameplay is pretty fun and isn’t boring. Main problem is the gacha. The scene cards that minorly boost your character stats are just lame. There is too many of them to be worth the amount you spend on a gacha. The rate is almost 2-1 for usable characters and scene cards. 45 draws in and I have 12 different characters, 4 of which you get through story levels. Secondly the gacha just costs too much. 300 per draw is a stretch considering you get 30 per story and like 10 a mission a 10 draw costs 2800 which is roughly 93 story levels. If anything just remove the scene cards they are over abundant and not useful.


The game is great but

The game is great and fluent in where you can hope on and quick play. The only issue I had was the story that is used over and over again. It’s like Memoria Freese but you can move the characters where you want to go. I wish or would of liked it if it was like SAOIF where the story is new or somewhat new. Plus you are the main character or the actual main characters help you out from time to time or give you quests. Overall though still a great game and will continue to play.


I’ve waited so long for this

As a huge fan of danmachi I have waited for a good danmachi game for quite some time. Not only are the graphics amazing but the plays is already fun and addicting. So happy that this came to the US as well and I’m so excited to see where they take this game. For just launching it is playing so smooth!


Please fix bugs

The game is fun; however, there are some minor inconveniences with the game. Bugs are rampant in this game such as magic scramble forcing you to close DanMachiBATTLECHRONICLE and reopen again. Sometimes the auto battle in story mode does not work as the character sometimes stays still. Also, stamina is locked out. I can’t seem to refresh stamina. Do not know if there is a limit to stamina refreshes, but if not please fix this.
This game has a lot of potential, but the bugs are making it difficult to recommend this game to someone.


Avid fan of the series is very disappointed

I pre-ordered this game to give it a try and I am confident in saying this is a waste of time. The combat feels very janky and on multiple occasions bosses won’t attack or even move, the animation also has low frames and the connection on top of of all of this cuts out after most missions are completed so I had to restart the chapters all together. The monetization to boot is one of the worst I’ve seen from a gacha game period, going so far as to restrict banners all together on a game that just launched. Hestia is bestia but that won’t save this game.



I saw the anime and now the game. Bro you should download if you’re a fan of the show wait till you play the game I love it


Good game need immediate fixes

Don’t like the paid gems separately from the other gems I’m a p2p player but it makes no sense of them banner is different they need awards that are paid gems and the arena keeps crashing no matter the connection it’s a good game if they fix those things will change rating


Game crashes

Other than the game crashes every couple
Of missions I’m enjoying it. Kinda wish the dungeons for more open and longer


It’s good but . . .

So there a lot of anime games on DanMachiBATTLECHRONICLE Store like (bleach brave souls) it’s a different story same gameplay that’s all, characters uses attacks on someone get to us bigger attack then dungeon over next one


It’s okay.. quite a bit of bugs

- When doing auto combat switching between units is very buggy

- game needs some kind of lock on/hard lock on enemies. Without lock on the fighting feels janky especially when using skills

- idk if it’s just me but arena is unplayable atm. When loading arena it freezes the game

- on Act 2 you really start to suffer even with a UR unit. People are going to have a hard time with silverback without a speed unit or fast attacking unit


Eerily similar ui/ux design and system to Eminence game

As the title says, the game is almost a carbon copy of Eminence of Shadow’s UI/UX design and interface, as well as game design like paid gems only banners, and even how the gems look like. This is just another cash grab cow that’s using a popular anime as a skin for another scummy p2w run by greedy devs. Stay away, there are better games to play.


decent battle system

tapping out to another characters/teammate are kind of slow. If its as smooth as the feature similar in genshin impact, it would've been great.


Janky & Stanky - FG3000

Honestly this game is stiffer than morning wood . Load screens are long , gameplay is rough and not fluid . They force you to play an arena game mode and I have yet to play more than once in the 2 days I’ve played ! This games needs major help to be better .



Very smooth graphics


Great anime, but the game is pretty bad.

Definitely a greed-focused launch.

The game crashes, movie sequences get choppy, the combat system is clunky at best (ex: no targeting system, your characters will hit the air more than anything), duplicate characters are required to upgrade, and banners that require paid currency right off the bat.

Maybe it’ll get better, but right now the gameplay itself is just so bad that I can’t recommend it.

Watch the anime, it’s solid. This game definitely is not, but maybe it will be someday if they improve some things.



Finally a 3D DanMachi game. Very difficult but very good as well. Thanks for this masterpiece


Fun but

I love this game but whenever I play arena, it freezes completely. It’s annoying


We Love You DanMachi!!

Congratulations on the global launch!! This game has much potential and should bring us many new adventures!! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the future!! This is outstanding and to witness such an amazing mobile game finally is a true masterpiece for the fans! We are honored to be apart of the franchise, together we will bring DanMachi to the Top Tier charts as it should be You guys deserve all great things coming your way!! Keep up the Great Work ❤️❤️❤️


Very clear cash grab on Hype IP

Gameplay and graphics are nice but standard for modern gachas, but everything else is set up to frustrate you. Gacha has three mechanics rolled into one (Character, Assist, Scenes) so rates are atrocious. 1st infinite reroll basically determines account. Rate up banners either paid gems or paid tickets. Earned rewards for various modes are too small for shops or pulls. 1st event (just launched) doesn't have any missions and shop rewards are 1 scene card, 10 non rate up tickets and exp.

Last but not least: why is a skip one run only? Let us use all 3 hard runs in 1 button push.


I love the concept but it won’t let me play it

I’ve tried many time to play the game but it won’t load I’m going to keep trying but if there is something wrong with the game I’m gonna be super sad


Buggy, lack of content.

Like black clover mobile but not as good. But black clover is being improved and I don’t see this game doing what black clover is doing to improve. Pvp 8v8 is broken and only played one match and the rest bug out and don’t enter after players found. Adding on, 8v8 is impossible to win or play. People want shot you. Game needs some major improvements and I regret spending money now if it’s that bad. Games also translate is bad. Keep seeing not translated words.


brilliant update

They did an outstanding job with this new version of the game. Nothing doesn't work, which is an unheard of phenomenon for any new game.
Incidentally, this puts that crap new Harry Potter mess to shame...



Co op option should definitely come out soon. I’ve been wanting a reason to play an online game with my wife


Awesome game

I love it it’s everything I wanted except for the open world concept


Why is this game not on ps5

It could take the graphics from the sword art online games and the fighting from it and be a amazing game and add your own skills and customization that would be amazing game for 2024


A cash grab with an ip attached to it

I was excited to play a gacha game from a franchise I enjoy, but it just ended up being a disappointment (if you are a free to play.) Earning gems feels incredibly sluggish, most draws I earned were just events, with as little as 10 to 20 gems slowly by other means. Sure, some other parts of the game give you around 150 to 500 gems, but it seems as such a JOKE when a single 10 pull costs 2800! Not only that, but you also have to deal with “story cards” which might as well just be a slap to your face in these pulls, as they only give slight bonuses to adventurers, meaning if you get unlucky enough with your limited draws, you end up just wasting your time never being able to pull UR adventurers while every single other player in pvp or magic stone gathering to always have an upper hand because you got stuck with story card instead of playable characters.
Don’t get me started on the prices either! A single 10 draw for Haruhime costs 30 dollars as a “special offer”! Sounds more like a donation at this point!
Beside this, I did have fun with the game but the feeling of being so limited with gems all the time trying to earn my favorite character just to be slapped with a UR Story card 3 pulls on a row with a dupe UR bell made me quit. I’ll wait for a decent event to retry the game again.

Want a generous gacha game based on an ip that isn’t a cash grab try out Kemono friends kingdom, earnable tickets galore!


Needs improvement

Not going to lie i waited a fat minute for this game played it enough to say its definitely being to much of a money grab by not even giving enough for the price they want
2.Why is the gacha 2800 bump it to 1,800 atleast like be forreal it makes no sense
3.Dodge should not be on cooldown like why is eays mode hard like hard and etc 🤔
4.You cant expect your players to want to stay if everything is so money hungry but can barely progress as a f2p
5.i would spend money on this if the price was better🤦🏽‍♂️


Auto needs work

The game’s auto battle needs a lot of work.
Characters are unable to use assist skills or items and is not able to switch characters with auto. There’s also a lag time when you manually click the assistant or item skill. It also lags when switching characters. The auto attack will momentarily pause. The game is pretty difficult for beginners even with many UR characters.


Bugged game or bad phone

I downloaded the game and played for a good while the games wonderful but after I had logged of I can’t seem to even get past the loading screen without being kicked out and then my phone proceeds to go black and back to the home page, if you know how I can fix my issue please let me know


Barely any chances to get free characters.

Paid Paid Paid!!! That’s the only thing you need to know. If you ever tried to play the overlord game by Crunchyroll, the feel is very similar regarding the amount of real world money you would have to spend to get the variety of characters you will NEED is astronomical. Stamina and arena ticket f2p is abysmal and takes forever to come back.


Don’t play this game

Playing this game was a bad idea. The first event made me realize that this is a pay to win game. All the effort you put into the very hard mission is worthless, and by simply paying to get a new character you can complete the mission on the first try, whereas without paying you'd have to try all night to even succeed.


Could have potential… Keyword - Could

The mechanics of the game are engaging enough to pass the time. If your a fan of the anime, does a decent job putting you in the story. That’s where the good ends. Others mention the cash grab and it is definitely that. The draw rates are embarrassing. In any reasonable instance of luck, you should not draw 4 or more of the same character. To make it worse, it is set up where you not only draw characters but some stat buffing thing that I don’t remember what they are called. Basically, you end up with a bunch of junk for pulls. The pacing of the gameplay is a huge drawback. You will hit a brick wall very quickly where you will be out powered by the imbalance in the game. Basically, you power rating means nothing. Just because you have a fairly strong team of UR characters in both adventure and assist roles (even 1 with a heal spell) doesn’t mean your 10,000 more power with a team of recommended elemental characters that you will win. You also will find yourself constantly spinning the screen to find enemies because there is no auto lock on feature which would be real helpful in levels where you have a giant white ape racing around the screen pummeling you while you just trying to get out of range of his barrage of hits. It’s fun for a brief play, but seriously, don’t invest much into it because it probably won’t last long as we have seen with games that expect you to buy gems instead of eat or pay you rent.


Stamina recharge is terrible

The game is pretty solid for the most part, but what is with the ridiculous recharge time for stamina (10 minutes per 1 point)? That and the arena entries take hours to refill. The most I’d seen for stamina before this was around 6 minutes per point, which is still pretty high.


Game is fun, BUT…

The game closes out. Like I saved up my gems and summoned and it closed out on me and I got nothing no draws and all my gems were spent. Please fix this. This game is been closing out on me on game play. I have the game on the lowest setting on animation and everything so I can play it smoothly. The game is fun but can you please fix this


Does not feel tested

Dmg is minuscule even with twice the suggested power. If your team isn’t all type advantage then your likely to lose by time out.
Movement speed feels reversed enemies barely are still long enough to hit once while enemy attack patterns are inescapable with no option to block.
AI is broken on both sides both auto and enemies will just stop or walk in random directions.
Rewards are sad an event gives you about 5 single pulls total while to fully unlock a character you need 6 copies and pity requires 200 pulls which does not carry over.


Cash grab with popular IP

They pretty much had a decent example with DanMemo and said, nope forget that we’ll generate new problems and consider none of their achievements. Completing all missions with in a chapter of a story nets you maybe a single summon… 6-8 missions w/2-3 stories in a chapter netting about 30 in game currency (for a multi) per mission/ story completions. So roughly 300 by the end of a chapter and you need 2.8k to do a “discounted” multi (single summons are 300).

This game couldn’t scream “cash grab!” Any louder… or so I though with the release of the second half of the summer event then put out a separated adventurer (playable unit) banner and assist (support for playable unit) banner… each with a pity of 200 summons/ 20 multis. Yyyyeah I read the message loud and clear after that. Glad I didn’t spend with this monetary practices.

Oh and if you fail to use your medals from pity (you get 1 per summons on a banner, event banners recycle into a different currency), then it gets converted 1 for 1 into an other exchange item that you need 150 to trade for a single summon ticket for the regular banner (which, to my understand, seems to contain no special event limited units).

Tried to give it a chance but it just keeps giving me reason to not give it any more of my time. If free to play (ftp) then consider this before you start.


Good Game. Don’t listen to the Bad ones

The ones that give this game a bad review are Idiots like Sub who seem to have never even played a gacha game.
Firstly, the game is still new so- every week since launch they have been giving out a ridiculous amount of free gems to ensure players F2P alike; can enjoy the game.

The game is in no way perfect. But this game thrives on giving the F2P players a chance. There is no rush- there is no I MUST HURRY AND GET THESE GEMS. Chill-play the game at your own pace.

Do not embarrass yourself like the others who made a bad review- who obviously have never played a gacha game. Pathetic opinions worth ignoring.
I’m a gamer. And I love gacha games- I love making fun of them too.
But not this one. They’re doing very well-and keeping their word.


I’m having a blast

Same meta as danmemo which I loved. The only complaint is the monetization is more aggressive, but at the same time, to me this game play is way more fun. Balances out to be a really enjoyable game.


Game crashes and can’t summon

I like this game but whenever I summon the game crashes and I don’t receive anything my last 5 summons I haven’t received anything or character because my game crashes. I just exchanged vials for gacha tickets and tried to summon but game crashed. And just tried to get the new character but game crashed how do I get something back for this?


Game crashes

The game crashes way to much. Can’t get beyond bronze tier one because as soon as it starts the map it crashes. It even does it at the end of a Raid battle. It’s also done it to me during a catche grab and if it does it at the wrong moment during it you lose the gems and don’t get any of the catche. If it wasn’t for all the crashes it would be an awesome game


Just, NOPE!

Red flags of a game upon release is when they limit you and/or poor monetizing of their event units. This is the kind of game that will force you to fork over cash just to stay competitive.

I went through this with SAO: Memory Defrag; the only difference is that they didn’t limit you from advancing the story, the gacha rates were better because they separated equipment (in this case, scenes) from their unit banners, and their monetized events were somewhat affordable.

Auto play isn’t intelligent at all, often having to disable it just to make sure I can swap units when needed. It spams the assist button when available even if you don’t need healing. Their damage formula is not explained very well, but simplistic. Why make INT and STR literally the same thing for everything? The only difference between the classes is the move sets and stats. Characters are just so bland and basic with no thought put into them. This is simply a cash grab.

Sorry everyone, but if I could redesign this game from the mechanics, gacha, and PvP/ranking system. I could probably make this game fun and enjoyable. Graphics are decent, sound team could do a better job tho. Too much repetitive music during scenes. Try remixing some of it on your next game. Hopefully it’ll do better moving forward, but for now I’ll play something else. Good luck!


Honest review

Though battling graphics are good story too but the gatcha price is to much compared to the other Danmachi app game and the gatcha rate isn’t good as I am a free user I spent hours collecting gems for the gatcha for the beach Liliruca and haruhime and I kept trying and failing I even tried once giving the 2800 I collected only for the game to close out for no reason and when I logged back in my 2800 was gone and I got no characters what’s up with that I even tried to contact the game people to see if I can get my 2800 back but wasn’t given the answer I hoped for,


As a Person and Fan

This is one of the best RPG games I played in a while and I’m not just saying this as a fan, I’m saying this as a person and Gamer. I want to say thank you very much for such an amazing game, and series. I hope that this game will continue the legacy of Danmachi and continue the story like Memoria Freese. Not only that but I don’t seem to have any problems with the game itself. I also hope it will make an amazing impact on other people like it did me. Thank ya’ll very much for making such an amazing game and for everyone’s hard work to make it 😄


Very poor special event story arcs

I agree with most of the reviews that this game has very poor gacha rates and I don’t even bother with time limited units. I have not had trouble with bugs or lags. However the most disappointing thing is this game is simply not as fun or compelling as the old Danmachi Memoria Freese. For one, the special event story arcs are just simply dumb and uninteresting. I was expecting stories similar to Memoria Freese as I am told they are no longer doing new stories in that game. New units are not that interesting either. They look nice, but special abilities is just a different mix of the already existing abilities. The game graphics may be three dimensional , but the depth of the game is barely 2 dimensional. Anyway, glad I didn’t spend money. Just sad that this game had caused the end of new content on the Memoria Freese game. So sad.


Keeps crashing

The second chapter of the new story keeps crashing and won’t let me get through it fully to continue the other chapters



I am a huge fan of the series. So when I heard DanMachi had a mobile game I was excited. Game is fun and could be even more enjoyable if it was not for all the crashes I experience with this game. I swear it’s like every 10 minutes the game crashes. Low graphic settings or high settings it doesn’t matter, still crashes. As much as I’d like to play the game I spend too much time battling the crashes. If your all wondering what phone specs I’m running then I have tried it on both my older model iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPhone 15 model. I hope the dev team can fix this issue because I’d like to get back into the game. Until then I probably won’t bother.


Honest Opinion of this game

Honestly if I had to choose between this danmachi game and the previous one?! I’d choose the previous one! Because it was easier to get the rare characters that you wanted and it was easier to raise those characters! Not to mention getting through the story the first go round was simple. As for this danmachi game it’s the exact opposite?! Plus you have to spend a lot of money just to get ONE rare character! Don’t get me wrong, I like the 3d graphics of this recent game. But for those who can’t afford to spend money. Well this game is not for them.


Yes. DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,961 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE Is 58.0/100.


Yes. DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,961 DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE Is 59/100..

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DanMachi BATTLE CHRONICLE works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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