I have been a strong proponent of Blue for several years now and have found it to be one of the most simplistic yet accurate and useful tools of all my apps.
You wanna know the temp right now you got it, you wanna know in 3 hours what to expect you got that too, you want to track the start and stop times of some oncoming weather thing and Blue was spot on accurate down to within about 10 minutes no joke!
I loved it but the last two weather events about to roll in my area, and I pull out my most trusted weather app to find out then”real” story, it tells me no bad weather just a couple hours of light flurries, so the weatherman and everyone are wrong again...within minutes it started to dump snow and Blue had it clear or light flurries. I ignored it as a glitch but today similar thing, schools are closing as a proactive measure and when looking at Blue , for a few hours they show a light chance of light flurries then clear!
Inaccurate weather reports are about as good as a sandbox in the desert!
Seems there is no support or updates so to me it’s a delete, with a warning to others, I wouldn’t trust this application if I were you!
Am deleting now!