Hadith حديث‎ - Sahih Bukhari Reviews

Hadith حديث Sahih Bukhari Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-17

🏷️ About: أقوال النبي محمد (ص)، هذا التطبيق يحتوي على كتب الحديث الستة الرئيسية: صحيح البخاري، صحيح المسلم، جامع الترمذي، سنن ابي داود، سنن النسائي، سنن ابن ماجة في اللغة العربية. Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), this app contains six major hadith books: sahih bukhari, sahih muslim, jameh tarmidhi,.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🫥 Neutral

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 3,475 combined software reviews.

Read 28 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5

Just to make aware that I purchased this full version and now it started prompting to buy again, just very unfair for HadithحديثSahihBukhari developers to cheat especially for Islamic apps

Tedious & Difficult to Navigate

HadithحديثSahihBukhari does not have a find feature. Therefore, if I need to look up a certain topic, I have to go through the whole book of Hadith.

Good app just needs tweaking

HadithحديثSahihBukhari is good and has great potential, it just need some (ui) improvements. I would suggest cataloging with numbers added or some other way to be able to search specific Hadith, rather than general subjects. However this a great app for those wanting to just get started learning, or enjoy reading an entire section. If there was a better way to search or navigate specific Hadith HadithحديثSahihBukhari would definitely get 5⭐️. Jazakallah khair for all your efforts and sharing this.


I downloaded HadithحديثSahihBukhari. Great print but all in Arabic and English. No Urdu translation. If you speak Arabic or English, HadithحديثSahihBukhari is useless. One can read but won’t understand

السلام عليكم

HadithحديثSahihBukhari is good , it’s half screen it needs update thanks . I gave the stars because of update thanks Jazakumu Allah


ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
JazakAllah for a excellent app, however it will benefit me more if you have more English books

I loved but..

It’s great app I read at least one Hadith each morning, however I hated to see new advertisement each time I open HadithحديثSahihBukhari that’s why I give 4 stars.


This is a wonderful app with the Sahih Bukhari translated into many different languages. Masha Allah. May Allah bless the brothers and/or sisters who put their time in to compiling it in digital form. Assalamu alaikum.

Excellent Hadith collection

This is an excellent Hadith collection that anyone can enjoy using.


All the hadises are great, they should be great they came from the prophet SWS inspired by God. Why did I say inspired by God, b’cause all knowledge from the Almighty Allah SWT.


I purchased Hadith app and all the books in HadithحديثSahihBukhari but after updating to iOS 11 restore purchases functionality is not working. Please help. Thank you

Must read

Love it

Why not rest ?

When will u translate rest of the books in English or urdu?
I am interested to purchase but the one which r translated I have them in book form.


Provide Islam free like we received free from last 1450 years.

Hadith book package

It’s very useful and needs to read and learning


Can add audios and reader the hadith apps same way as Qur’an reads and translated.

Awesome Instrument

Excellent companion that can be used anywhere anytime

ما شاء الله MaashaALLAAH

ما شاء الله MaashaALLAAH
A very good app. They just need to add more reciters as they’re more sheikhs out there these days.

But definitely will recommend it Alhamdulillaah الحمد لله

Great app

Mashallah great work , I use it since I got my iPad had no issues since, jazakaAllah khairon

Very helpful

This is key app to get daily reminder of our deen.


After you updat in Dec 7, 2017 HadithحديثSahihBukhari dosn't open, Freez?!

Gotta have it

Great App

QuranMajeed app


Papa Rock

Very helpful


Beautiful set of Hadeeth Alnabey Salla Allah alayhe wa salum, very useful Jazakum Allah khair .


educational ... know more Hadiths..👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Excellent app

It is excellent app , especially because it is the sole messenger of Allah, but I hope to develop the research to include the search of the word and the addition of other modern books such as Sonan al-Darami and the Imam Malik, ando
there should be a choice of language,
Because some did not know aurdu or english



Is Hadith حديث Sahih Bukhari Safe? 🙏

Yes. Hadith حديث‎ - Sahih Bukhari is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,475 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Hadith حديث Sahih Bukhari Is 71.6/100.

Safety Analysis

86.9% of users say app is Safe 👍

9.7% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

3.4% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Hadith حديث Sahih Bukhari Legit? 💯

Yes. Hadith حديث‎ - Sahih Bukhari is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,475 Hadith حديث‎ - Sahih Bukhari User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Hadith حديث Sahih Bukhari Is 100/100..

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Hadith حديث Sahih Bukhari collected the following data from you:

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Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Full Upgrade $14.99
Hadith Yearly Subscription $9.99
Hadith Weekly Subscription $1.99

How was your experience with Hadith حديث‎ - Sahih Bukhari? Post a Review


أقوال النبي محمد (ص)، هذا التطبيق يحتوي على كتب الحديث الستة الرئيسية: صحيح البخاري، صحيح المسلم، جامع الترمذي، سنن ابي داود، سنن النسائي، سنن ابن ماجة في اللغة العربية.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), this app contains six major hadith books: sahih bukhari, sahih muslim, jameh tarmidhi, sunan ibe dawood, sunan nisai, sunan ibn maja in Arabic language.

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