Connect bridges between islands to form one interconnecting path! Hashi are addictive bridge-connecting puzzles which were invented in Japan.
Using pure logic and requiring no math to solve, these fascinating puzzles offer endless fun and intellectual entertainment to puzzle fans of all skills and ages.
Each puzzle is based on a rectangular arrangement of circles, where each circle represents an island and the number in each island tells how many bridges are connected to it.
To help see the puzzle progress, graphic previews in the puzzle list show the progress of all puzzles in a volume as they are being solved.
The object is to connect all islands according to the number of bridges so that there are no more than two bridges in the same direction and all bridges are interconnected enabling passage from any island to another.
On average, more than 20 million Conceptis puzzles are solved each day in newspapers, magazines, books and online as well as on smartphones and tablets across the world.
The game also features highlighting options, helping see in which directions bridges are allowed and whether an island segment is about to become isolated.
For more fun, Conceptis Hashi includes a Weekly Bonus section providing an extra free puzzle each week.
Similar to Sudoku, Kakuro and Slitherlink, the puzzles are solved using logic alone.
- the leading supplier of logic puzzles to printed and electronic gaming media all over the world.
Hashi have also become popular under other names such as Bridges, Chopsticks and Hashiwokakero.
All puzzles in this app are produced by Conceptis Ltd.
A Gallery view option provides these previews in a larger format.
To create a bridge simply swipe your fingertip between two islands.